also need future spread by cedars if possible (3-6 mths)

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also need future spread by cedars if possible (3-6 mths)

Post by holyspirit » Mon Dec 29, 2008 3:49 pm

i need a future spread for the next 6 months if possible with guidance etc. what is your take on matters for me.


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Post by cedars » Tue Dec 30, 2008 9:51 pm

Hello Holyspirit

I have picked seven cards from the Rider Waite for a 3-6 month reading as you requested. The timing of these is never 100% accurate and I wish yuo to take it so, but it portrays what the spread calls it, Near Future and Farther Future.

King of Wands. Five of Swords.
At present there are two aspects to you and your lief: one of the king who is a charismatic person, successful at what he does, has a succession of ideas and projects, and tries to implement them, but I don’t see a smile on his face. Whatever he feels he has achieved in his life, possibly in his social circles or dealings with people, he doesn’t seem to be happy at all times. It is as though his triumphs and successes are either short-lived or he does not find any satisfaction in them.

The Near Future: (next three months)
The Fool. Queen of Cups: both reversed.
I feel the plans for a new start, or ideas that you have which call for a diversification of your actions, may be faced with delay. I feel if there comes an attitude of rhetoric that you wish to change the world, or get away and find new horizons for yourself, it would be best not to be so smug about those ideas, as you might be faced with obstacles in your way. I also feel that realism rather than being carried away with emotions and leaving everything to chance would be best avoided. Our Queen, in spite of her best intentions, has a habit of giving in to fantasies and irrational thinking. It may serve your best interest to stick to common sense than fly away with emotions.

Farther Future: (next six months)
Three of Wands. Nine of Swords.
As long as you carry the above steps with caution and reason, I see you in a state of waiting to reap the fruits of your investments and efforts, as this man who has three wands next to him and looks out into the horizon waiting for his ships to arrive. Sometimes things are delayed and this may give cause to sleepless nights or seeing into things what only your dark thoughts see – not really what might be happening in reality. You might be grieving or worrying about the delay in your expectations, but that may be only your own imagination running wild.

Seven of Pentacles.
I feel after the challenging three months where your new ideas may start slow – all depending on your attitude and the way you handle them – there will be a period of patiently waiting for their fruition. I don’t see this to be a bad thing, because the man in the Seven of Pentacles HAS actually worked hard and is looking at his ‘investment’ to bring in the results that he hoped for. His posture may look sad or despairing,  but patience always pays dividends whether it is of new partnerships or acquiring what you worked for.

I hope this made some sense to you or gave you insights for the future that you are looking at.

Blessings and a happy New Year to you.


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