Reading Request-Cedars

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Reading Request-Cedars

Post by AngelicCap » Mon Jan 05, 2009 1:26 am

Happy New Year Cedars. May this year be good for you. If I can, I wuld like to requeest a generral reading from lyou please.  thanks

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Post by cedars » Wed Jan 07, 2009 6:27 pm

Happy new Year to you too AngelicCap.
I am working on your general reading and will, hopefully, post it here soon.

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Post by cedars » Wed Jan 07, 2009 7:17 pm

Dear AngelicCap

As I read your post, I got such a light feeling about you and the life surrounding you that I am wondering if you were really surrounded by such light energies or if you were hiding something from the world. I did not sense anything untoward; in fact I felt you going about life without too much hassle with and from other people, as though you are happy to leave those who have no time for you to their own devices and you minding your own business. On the career front I sensed you simply doing all you can and getting on with it. On the social front (and if you like romance as well) I sense you smiling at the world around you and opening yourself to new acquaintances and friendships.
I just feel lightness about you which I hope I am right.. Are you hiding something or is this a phase in your life where you are simply enjoying BEING?
Nothing is wrong with that.

Let us see what the cards have to say. I am going to look at the energies surrounding you and the way forward.

Deck: Rider Waite.

Eight of Pentacles.

I see you keeping your head down and getting down with the job at hand whether this is professionally or just being absorbed within yourself, learning something new, working hard, and almost secluded from the outside world, minding your own business. This state of ‘learning’ and being busy with the job at hand (whatever that may be) always gives dividends and I just feel you may be heading that way.

Energies currently surrounding you:
Four of Wands. King of Cups. King of Wands.

It is as if your hard work is paying off and you are beginning to see their positive results celebrating with family and friends. There is a party atmosphere around you whether you are attending or organising one.
Two men in your life (or their qualities influencing you) in the form of the King of Cups –  Cancer, water sign – whose love is around you, whose advice and counsel is welcomed by you, even though he might find his situation difficult, as he tries to be a father, showing impartial feelings. He is a king after all and he did not get to be one without difficulties. The very fact that his throne sits on water shows the difficulty of his position at times when he is trying to be what every one needs him to be. If this is not a person in your life, take heed of his situation and don’t be too hard on yourself by trying to please everyone.
On the other hand, we have the King of Wands, quite a different picture to the above, – Aries, fire sign – he is more of an action man; a man who goes on about his business in a charming style – using his wit and silver tongue – he will give you good advice on matters of career and promote your creative ideas with passion. He is a charmer; he has got the gift of communication and may be the push you need in a work/career situation.
I feel the combination of these two men in your life – one affectionate, loving father figure and the other practical, astute businessman, may be two energies in your current situation that you many need to find clarity and guidance.

Energies for the way forward:
Eight of Swords. The Hermit. Three of Wands.

I will come back to my notion that I made above: If there are issues around you or within that you are doing a great job putting them aside, I would like to say that some of these are only in your mind. I would go as far as saying that instead of burying them inside you and hence feeling trapped by those thoughts, please look at them in the light of day and you will see the way ahead. You need to liberate yourself from those debilitating thoughts and the only way to do it is look them in eyes and see for what they are. You will soon realise they are not as bad as you thought and only then you will be able to move forward.
Once that done, the Hermit is asking you to take time for yourself and find that inner light and clarity of mind. Perhaps this quiet period is best utilised by going within yourself and finding some home truths. I feel there are many thoughts going on through your mind and there is that darkness of vision as to where to go and what to do. The Hermit’s advice is to take it step by step like that lantern when you hold it level within your vision, it may dazzle your eyes and blur your vision. Just bring the lantern down, towards the ground and here you will see what you are stepping on thus gradually making your way forward in small steps.
Then all will be clear for you as you look ahead into the horizon as in the Three of Wands, assuming a foresight and vision for the future.

AngelicCap, I trust this made some sense to you and I do hope it gave you some insight about the current (and future) energies around you.

I would love to hear back from you.

Blessings to you.


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Post by AngelicCap » Thu Jan 08, 2009 12:34 pm

Thank you for sharing your amazing gift with me and others you have read. All of what you've written makes sense and I am thankful. In terms of lightness, I am very laidback, so perhaps...

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Post by cedars » Thu Jan 08, 2009 12:53 pm

Thank you for your feedback and for getting back to me so fast.
I am glad the reading has made sense to you and I do wish the calmness that there is about you brings clarity of mind and vision.

Bless you and have a great year!

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