Can someone help me to interpret the reading?

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Can someone help me to interpret the reading?

Post by Stranger » Fri Mar 27, 2009 4:44 am

I did a 3 cards reading for myself. The question I asked is: "What is coming up for me within the next 6 months?" The cards are as follow:
Past = The Star
Present = Strength
Future = Two of cups

Can someone kindly help me to interpret this reading?

Thank you.

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I'll try....

Post by trish76 » Sun Mar 29, 2009 2:40 am

I'm going to try and see if I can help......(without cheating and looking at the meanings lol)

The Star in the past position, I think may indicate that perhaps you went through some sort of healing phase. Perhaps you just went through something that caused you to have to re-evaluate some things and through it all you maintained a sense of hope that things would work out in the end. It is a good card regarding overall picture and outlook, but it doesn't promise that there will be no self-work involved, I think of it as a card of empowerment and a message that the positiveness and hope you seek is within your grasp if you are willing to follow your own inner star and light.

The Strength in the present position seems to reinforce that you will need to hold tight to that hope given you by the Star. Do not fall back into old patterns and thoughts that no longer serve you. If you want to keep moving forward, you will have to be strong enough to not be pulled back and away from all the work you have done, both internally and externally. I think the message here is still about growth and empowerment.

The 2 of cups as a future card indicates that IF you are able to integrate the messages from the Star and Strength that you will find that peace and harmony that you are seeking. It's generally a good card for relationships (whether business or personal). I sometimes pull it in regards to myself so it could also mean improving that as well...for how can you be good to others if you are not good to yourself first :)

I'm not sure if a three card spread is really in-depth enough to cover a 6 month span BUT you did pull the two majors so those must be important lessons that you need to be aware of at this time. I'm sure someone far more experienced than me will be able to give you something more in depth. Good luck on your journey! :)

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Post by cedars » Sun Mar 29, 2009 9:36 am

Hello Stranger

In order to expand Trish's reading into a possible six month period, may I suggest that you do not look at the three cards as Past, Present and Future?

Look at them as the energies that will be upon you for the next six months.

By the way, if I may come in here Trish and this is in no way to disprove your great interpretation, I would say following the Hope given to you by the Star and the inner strenght of the Strength card, I feel you need both of these in order to establish or re-establish a tie that had been broken in a partnership, friendship or even a relationship perhaps. The reason I am using the prefix RE- establish is based on the Star and the Strength cards.
It looks like perhpas you may have lost hope and the strength to maintain a certain situation on an even keel and these two major cards are advising you that both of these qualities are imminently yours and will be upon you by way of a gift from the Universe. Sometimes, because of our own maturity we find ourselves with an inner strength that we didnt even know where it came from. Well, I feel these two major cards are those blessings coming your way for you to achieve the promise of the Two of Cups.

Best wishes to you Stranger and embrace those two qualities.


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