Tarot Readings

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Tarot Readings

Post by Zaquyah » Sun Apr 19, 2009 9:56 pm

Hello, all. I have been reading Tarot cards for 37 years, after studying for over 7 years before beginning to do readings for others. I practiced a lot on myself, friends, & family, which really pleased my friends & family!
I have used over a dozen different types of decks, including Runic Cards, Sacred Path Cards, Angel Cards, etc. I have also used all the traditional layout methods. About 20 years ago, I dreamed a totally different way of laying out the cards, in an inverted V, 7 cards in a row. I began using it the next day.
Sometimes [if the person is clear in his/her mind about the question(s)], one row is sufficient to give all the answers needed. If not, I lay out a 2nd row of 7 below it, then repeat as many times as necessary. Sometimes, if someone is really unfocused or uncertain about what he/she wants to know, I've had to lay out as many as 35 cards.
Somehow, they all seem to flow together & give me a clear picture.
Has anyone else experiences something similar?
I'm a mystic, half Native-American & 10th generation healer, nutritionist, Usui & Karuna Reiki Master.

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Post by cedars » Mon Apr 20, 2009 4:25 pm


Very interesting Zaquyah. I cant say I have experienced that and I do use several spreads; I tend to ask my querent what he/she would like to be looked at and I choose the spread accordingly.
I must admit I dont have a very good rapport with the Celtic Cross but I am warming up to it.......

I wish you could show us the shape/pattern of your 7-card V spread and what each position means.

You have raised one important point though and that is the clarity of the querent's question. sometimes I dont know what to ask.... I simply ask 'show me what I need to know' even though I know in general what my question is. However, I rarely do readings for myself.

Appreciate your further inputs in your V spread.

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Post by Kya » Sun May 17, 2009 6:17 pm

I read professionally and as the person is speaking with me and telling me what they want or a little background I continue to draw and lay out cards. The cards always follow the story they are telling. When they are finished and we have determined the exact nature of the question, I can still continue to draw the cards and give their reading, I do not follow any traditional layouts or spreads. Most people do not want to know about their past or what it's crossed by. They want the future, plain and simple and to the point. A truly gifted psychic and tarot reader can do this. If it feels natural and it works, then use it.
The best tarot readers create and use their own spreads.

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Post by cedars » Sun May 17, 2009 6:53 pm

I agree with you that the past is somehow irrelevant when one is looking for a reading- especially a predicitve one. But I also agree that a certain positional reading may also give the reader and the querent a sense of direction.
I have often drawn cards with no chronological order or logic..... I just look at the cards as to what is happening or may happen. AT the same time, I do not like One single card as an Outcome card; in fact, one outcome is not what I believe in. The human behaviour is so complex that we do influence the outcome(s) as we go along.

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