A general Tarot Reading

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A general Tarot Reading

Post by dhav » Mon Jan 04, 2010 3:52 pm


I would like a general tarot reading for the year 2010 please.

Thank you,


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Post by pirbid » Mon Jan 04, 2010 5:00 pm

:) Hi, Sweet,

I can prepare for you a general spread called the Mandala. I don't know if it will serve you for a whole year. It's more like a picture of how and where you are right now and what you can do to reach further development.
Unluckily, it is a 13 card spread, so I won't be able to post the images, I think.

Anyway, be right back with the reading  :smt002

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Post by pirbid » Mon Jan 04, 2010 7:15 pm

:) Hi, Dhav,

Here I am using my Robin Wood deck, since it is light and cheery, just the way you usually come across to me. And this is the Mandala spread I told you about. Imagine the 12 cards like the hour positions in a clock, with the thirteenth card in the middle of the circle.

Let's have a general look first. Out of thirteen cards, you got 6 reversals. That tells us that there are several areas in your life which could do with a little unblocking effort on your part.
4 of the cards are Majors: 3 are reversed, so those will probably be the lessons that await you in the next few months before you can step any further. Now, the one not reversed is a very important card in your life right now, because once the 13 cards are laid in a row for a final reading, this card is the middle one, or the turning point. Since it is The Lovers, that will be the main theme in your life this coming year.
The 4 suits are very well balanced: 2 of the 3 Wand cards are reversed, so you could do with a little more energy, physical activity, or impulse to act. You may try dancing or any other social activity that gets you to move, relate to others and have fun, which are the things you seem to enjoy best. Then one of your 2 Cup cards is upside down, the Ace. So even though you are great at relating emotionally, you find it harder to begin a relationship anew. Both the practical, material plane and the understanding and clear vision seem to be fine.

1. ATTITUDE: self-image, your role and how you value it. How you act on others. 10 of Swords: this card depicts the role of victim or martyr in a histrionic, exaggerated way. Whenever you get it, your Inner Guide is gently kidding you so that you don't take things so seriously or dramatically. Like when things are going so bad that you think nothing else can happen and, when it does, it just  makes you laugh.
Since this is the way you come across, tell me, Dhav, do you enjoy putting the needs of others before your own? Letting them know you can bear your burden without help? Maybe you like to tell your misfortunes to others in a comical way, so they all laugh but don't see the need to help you?
Try to watch out for this tendency and see if you can recognize the times when you may be exaggerating your problems in the telling. If you do, imagine you are dramatizing in a play, then see if you find it funny rather than tragic.

2. EXPECTATIONS: values and abilities that you can acquire or lose, give or receive. Material opportunities and your risk of winning or losing. 8 Wands reversed: not many changes in this department for the near future. Everything is quite in a standstill. Try to think if you are blocking your own chances in any way.

3. COMMUNICATION: how important it is for you, how you exchange with others, short trips or important news. 9 of Pentacles: you are very self reliant and always trust your own ability to handle a situation, probably because you have great self control and restraint so that you always get good results when interacting with others. The fact that you have strained to achieve this control means that relating to others is very important for you.

4. HOME: deep roots, karmic family ties still acting on you, inner child. Also your physical home, country and how you relate to them. Ace of Swords: you have the inner resources to overcome all obstacles and see the truth about your environment. You may have to face some challenge related to this sense of home, like maybe having to take roots somewhere else, or having to adapt to your surroundings. You feel the need to be honest, seek truth and justice and follow your ideals.

5. ENERGY: how to better realize your creative abilities. 3 of Cups: you need to be in contact with your friends, your group or community, in order to interact and feel supported. Examine your attachments to the several groups in your life from an emotional point of view: do you reach out to others? You need people around in order to feel connected, loved and secure. Maybe counseling or helping others gives you great joy. If that is the case, try to make a life out of it, since it is certainly worth it for you. Otherwise, think of keeping emotional bonds and making new ones, maybe through volunteering in your spare time.

6. HEALTH: what you can do to help yourself and others keep healthy and happy. 4 of Wands: you thrive on happy surprises and spontaneous thrills, just like a little child, or any chance to celebrate the joy of living. Happiness and exhilaration shared with your people will always keep you in good health.

7. RELATIONSHIPS: hopes and projections over your love partner. The Lovers: you certainly hope that any relationship you get into is based on deep love, the strongest force of all. You would be quite unhappy if that love didn't feel totally returned. Since you got a Major card here, I guess you either expect to find your true love this coming year, or you wish to deepen an already existing love bond. Apparently love will be a Major theme throughout the following months.

8. LIBERATION: what ego blocks you must still recognize and overcome in order to make progress in life. High Priestess reversed: you are still too passive, doubtful and may feel unstable on your own feet. You sometimes fear opening up completely to others in case you feel rejected, so sometimes keep your thoughts to yourself in order not to aggravate others or generate hostility towards yourself. You need a turn towards passion and deep emotional, sexual and competitive compromise.

9. CHANGES: the way to key spiritual conversions, maybe through a long voyage. The Star reversed: once again, when it comes to changes, you tend to block them or be too passive due to weakness or fear of the unknown. You may feel confused when faced with a sudden change, and not make a decision based on what is best for you, so you stay inactive. You need to remember how confident you feel when dealing with people, and try to think of change as a chance to meet some more, so that you can happily plunge into it.

10. SUCCESS: what you can achieve, how, or through what impulse you will have more chances to succeed. Also, how your self image is projected on the outside. Ace of Cups reversed: this card tells us once again that love is the force that moves you, or at least it will once you manage to unblock it completely. You still tend to stifle some of your emotions and that could lead you to a bad election in love matters.

11. HELP: this card not only points to important people in your life, like friends and protectors, but also to people who may have let you down and so taught you something. Page of Wands reversed: here a youngster is depicted who is not too trustworthy, since he/she can be vengeful and deceiving. Or maybe just someone too immature, unstable and weak to rely on. Maybe it is someone who carries bad news.

12. INNER CORE: inner potential, that which you perhaps already perceive but still haven't fully trusted. Justice reversed: it seems you still don't fully understand the full sense of your life (like so many of us...). You still lack a little initiative and practicality, which makes it very hard to develop and follow your plans to their end. You may also feel a bit let down by the system, or be undergoing one of those 'life is unfair' phases.

13. RESULT: or the summing up of all the other cards. 6 of Pentacles: this card means you are in a position to give or receive, but there is no certainty that the result will be fair, as you fear. This card asks you to seriously question what 'having' means and implies: not always those who look richest are the ones who have more of everything. We are not talking only material resources, but also knowledge, power and love. Do you feel you have enough of all of them? Would you give some up in order to get others? Who would you go to if you needed something? Are you ready to give and share as needed?

Now, to round up the reading, I lay the cards in a row, instead of a circle, and interpret them 2 by 2 in order to get a different point of view from that of the spread positions.

The 10 of Swords (dramatizing tendency) and 6 of Pentacles (sharing), tells us that you tend to dramatize your feeling a loser in some exchanges. Later we will see that you sometimes have this inner feeling of 'unfairness'. Remember that children are the ones who keep shouting 'That's unfair!', until time and life shows them that no one ever said life HAD to be fair. In fact, it isn't, and the sooner we accept that truth, the better we can go on to those things we can make a difference on.

The 8 of Wands reversed (stagnation) and the Justice reversed (sense of injustice, lack of initiative and planning, tells us that you still need a little more self honesty to look for your own truth and meaning to your life, and energy to start fighting for the things I which you believe. You still act too insecure and distrust the help from others.

The 9 of Pentacles (discipline) and the page of Wands reversed (immaturity) means there are some aspects of life in which you have achieved great control, like relating to others, while there are still some areas where you have some growing up to do, like getting to feel secure on your own two feet instead of believing you are too weak to cope with certain things.

The Ace of Swords (new ideas, understanding) plus the Ace of Cups reversed (suppressed emotions) mean that you tend to approach new relationships from a mental point of view instead of trusting your gut feelings. That is, you are probably trying to judge what the other person wants to hear, how far they are enjoying your company, how loud you must laugh at their jokes in order to be  accepted. We know you learned all these tricks some time ago (9 of Pentacles), but this emotional restrain, while great in certain situations, like a job interview, is a bit too limited when beginning a new friendship or when you start feeling a certain attraction. So try to loosen up a bit: relaxing and being yourself does not mean you will lose sight of any warning signals. You are sharp enough to catch every little nuance and still enjoy the company.

The 3 of Cups (friendship) and the Star reversed (insecurity) is a little more of the same already mentioned in the previous two cards: even though you thrive in a friendly social situation, and probably even actively seek them, you still don't trust you will be immediately accepted as you are, so you tend to hide behind a cordial screen while you judge how far you can trust your peers. You need just a little more self-confidence to fully enjoy your social activities.

The 4 of Wands (celebration) and the High Priestess reversed (fear of opening up to others) tells us about the great times you can have in the company of others if you could only take a little more initiative and show yourself as you truly are, instead of what you think others expect from you. If you are Sweet and Lovable, as you say, why not show yourself as you truly are from the first, instead of saving your natural self for only the closest ones?

Finally, as I said before, the central card in the spread is The Lovers: as you have seen, you seem to have quite a few issues regarding self confidence that don't allow your full natural expression. And we all know love usually works best in a trusting, sincere atmosphere. Since love and relationships of all kinds (familiar, couple, friends, even strangers) seem such a focal point in your life and you have worked so hard to master your elegant, never offending style, you just have to work a little into relaxing, letting go of a little control, expressing yourself spontaneously and not judging how your words or actions are received. I guess this is your main 'homework' for the coming season. Are you ready to tackle it?

I hope so. Let me know how it goes.

Big hugs and best hopes for the coming year  :)

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Post by dhav » Wed Jan 06, 2010 3:43 pm

Hi Pirbid,

The reading you have given is WOW.
Many things you said is true. I need to be relax and approach life trustfully. I tend to think about others first and act according to their wish. It's like I have taken too much burden and not live my life.

I just need to ease myself and be more free.Otherwise where is my true me among the people I live with?And yes I always expect LOVE to come sooner or later but it still not here!!!lol.

Thank you Pirbid,

Light of Love,
Light & Cheery Dhav ;)

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Post by pirbid » Wed Jan 06, 2010 3:51 pm

:) Thank you for the feedback. Let's hope this year brings you the love you are waiting for... or better  :smt002

Love and hugs  :smt020

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