Reading Swap Anyone?

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Reading Swap Anyone?

Post by Paulette » Thu Mar 09, 2006 8:59 pm


I'm new here & was wondering if anyone would be interested in reading for me & I would read for them?

I have a few decks: Chinese Tarot (although beautiful, personally I find this deck difficult to read with), Rider-Waite, Tarot of the Old Path by Gainsford & Rodway and Jungian Tarot.



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reading swap

Post by Bhadra » Tue Mar 14, 2006 6:18 am

Sure thing, I'd love it!
I like Rider Waite too.

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Post by Paulette » Sat Mar 25, 2006 10:19 pm

Hi Bhadra,

I apologize for not seeing your reply. I am having trouble every week-end when I try & read threads or post messages. Same thing happened the last 2 week-ends. Anyway, I am more than happy to do a reading for you. Do you have a specific question? Or do you prefer I simply throw the cards to gleen major trends, issues & joys surrounding you at this time?

I can do a reading for you later this evening or tomorrow. If I don't hear from you I may still do a reading anyway (because I have free time this week-end) & then you may ask specific questions of Tarot & I can do another reading style for specific questions.

If I cannot access this thread to post your reading I will create a new thread entitled, "Bhadra's Reading".



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Post by Abhishek » Sat Mar 25, 2006 10:22 pm

hey Paulette,

what kind of problems are you having reading / posting? please let me know so i can try to get it fixed.


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Post by Paulette » Sat Mar 25, 2006 10:30 pm

Hi Abishek,

Thanks! I don't know I simply cannot access threads. It will read "line error something" or "time exceeded" something like that. It seems to happen on Saturdays & Sundays. But now that I think about it - I am replying on this thread no problem! ;~) Maybe I am simply going crazy?????? But I swear it happened to me on the past 2 week-ends too! Honest it did! ;~)

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Reading Swap

Post by Bhadra » Sat Mar 25, 2006 10:46 pm

Paulette wrote:Hi Bhadra,

I am more than happy to do a reading for you. Do you have a specific question? Or do you prefer I simply throw the cards to gleen major trends, issues & joys surrounding you at this time?

I can do a reading for you later this evening or tomorrow. If I don't hear from you I may still do a reading anyway (because I have free time this week-end) & then you may ask specific questions of Tarot & I can do another reading style for specific questions.

If I cannot access this thread to post your reading I will create a new thread entitled, "Bhadra's Reading".


Hi Paulette! And just in time too. I would like to focus in on career and relationships, please.

I think if I have to ask a question it might be around what kind of job I should be attracting and when could I expect to get a new job..I know that's two questions. I am really looking for some very detailed specific information, but in these two general areas if that makes any sense.

The other I'm wondering if I am done with love or whether you see me in a relationship again. I'd like to ask specifically when and who, but know better, so maybe just general might suprise us and glean some good answers. I keep getting cards that say a new love is on its way, but I haven't any more specific info than that and I'm getting real curious about that because there is no one I know of at this time...

This afternoon or tonight is fine with me. I'll be around and get alerts in my email when someone posts to this thread.

Thanks a bundle in advance for the reading..

Hugs, Bhadra

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Post by Paulette » Sun Mar 26, 2006 4:12 am

Hi Bhadra,

I used the Rider-Waite deck since you said it is a favorite of yours. I am posting a few links in case others who may read this but aren't familiar with the design of that deck can get a glimpse. ... d=DITCRIDO


Position #1 - The Hermit IX: The Foundation of Where You Are Now

Here we have the solitary sage walking with a staff & holding a lighted lantern almost at face level but his cast is a downward reflective gaze. He's wearing a hooded cloak of gray. Gray is the color of confinement, divine intelligence & esoteric knowledge.

This card seems to suggest that whatever losses you may believed you have suffered where manifested in order for you to walk the Hermit's path. Maybe you have taken up esoteric or metaphysical studies as a result? I don't believe this card refers to another - you are The Hermit.

It can be painful because the Hermit's journey is a solitary one. The numerological number ruling this card is 9. 9 is a number of completion & endings. Perhaps there was some sadness in past events where you had to say good-bye to someone or something? Or maybe you have lingering feelings of sadness for not being able to let go completely? Or for having to let go of something or someone precious to you? All endings indicate a freshness in new opportunities, events, experiences & people who you will encounter. But the Hermit suggests that you maybe sequestered yourself for self-reflection or intense studies of some mystical nature?

The vibrations of this card point to selflessness, universal love (impersonal), noblest form of idealism & altruism and personal empowerment & self-love which are the by products of taking the challenge of the Hermit's journey. He travels without baggage but his way is illuminated by the lantern he carries. Is that The Star from card XVII emanating from his lantern?

Although there is much positive & divine grace in the lessons the Hermit brings to us but it is all about spirit - he is not about earthly mundane matters. Since we are social beings (most of us anyway); spirit wearing a garment of flesh. We are in need of physical touch, friendship, intimacy, laughter, physical movement etc.....The desire here is for connecting to others. Or possibly the wish for a loved or a past situation from the past returning in the present. Anothe consideration is that once we have mastery over our emotions & our mental thoughts (something which the Hermit teaches us very well) we can then move forward & manifest all our heart's desires. So have faith & hope that any difficulties or frustrations are now leaving in order to open a path to whatever new desires, dreams & goals you wish to attract & experience.

Position #2 - 10 of Pentacles: The Energies in Your Current Environment/ What Motivated Your Query

This card is one of my very favorites. A lush garden of red & green fertile & ripe. A beautiful woman in a long flowing robe surrounded by her loved ones. Hey is that the Hermit joining the garden party? Overhead shiny pentacles glitter. It's such a gorgeous scene of great over-flowing abundance of not only material wealth but also of beauty, happiness, joy, family, friendship & physical romantic love. This is the root of your query to Tarot.

In this position it seems to suggest that you can manifest these desires in your present but only if you surrender something. The other cards in the reading like The Hermit, The Hanged Man & Death are all cards of surrender, recapitulation & a recurring message of a need to release something. Maybe a long held mis-belief about yourself or life, or it could be that someone needs to be let go.

While this fabulous energy is available to you as a very real possibility in The NOW it feels that at this time you feel stymied, frustrated &/or unable to connect with others, or to attract your perfect lifemate of your heart's desire. Or to secure the perfect employment position that you deeply want. The power in this card is in the number 10. 1= self mastery, the metaphysican-magician working in the real world, being connected to both Earth & Spirit, balance etc....Combined with zero the all powerful number of God.

It is time to leave the Hermit behind and reap the abundance which is yours for the asking. But again if your cup is full (even if it's full of heart-break, anxiety, thoughts of the past, worries about finances etc...) there is no place for these new energies to enter & manifest. Free yourself & let go in order to allow the lovely vibrations of the 10 of Pentacles come into your life.

Position #3 - XII - The Hanged Man: Your Hopes & Fears (Your mental state & internal dialogue. A message from your higher guide.)

This is again a card having to do with enlightenment & taking a difficult path. He is in somewhat of a difficult position yet he is wearing the golden halo of Christ Consciousness & he's smiling a genuinely happy smile. He is at peace with himself but he's surrendered himself. Plus, if I look at the other cards in this reading the Hanged man is also part of a recurring thread in the overall message of Tarot's advice to you at this time. Surrender & you will feel a strength you never thought possible. Everything is going to be great once you let go.

Position #4 - VIII Strength: Recent Past (Could also pin-point blockages which still need to be acknowledged.)

I see by that lion's tale under your name that you are a Leo. I love Leonine energy! Well you got your Tarot card. This is a card of great fortitude, power, resolution, perseverence, faith & determination. So if you have recently been through a "challenging" time & you have responded nobley the karmic implications are that you will receive your heart's desires. This is possibly the most karmic card in the Major Arcana. The woman is literally surrounded by the infinity symbol. Not only the leminscate floating overhead but her arms are a loop, as is her belt & the garland on her head.

Then there is the card's numerological vibration of 8 to consider. 8 is the number of karma; what goes around comes around. Although the card shows an outward physical struggle this card is actually about an internal one. If you have surmounted the challenges the lessons of this card offers then personal accomplishments, pride & attracting your hopes & desires is inevitable. If however you feel you've not yet won the battle then continue from a place of spiritual fortitude & you will overcome obstacles to succeed in career & romance.

Position #5 - Queen of Wands: Positive &/or Challenging Energies in Your Present Environment

This Queen is appropriately ruled by Leo. Now this card doesn't neccessarily have to be you simply because of your Sun sign being Leo. So I won't get into a personal characterization of her attributes. I'd rather look at this as an energy coming into your life. Which in this position I really feel is the proper way to interpret this card. So I get the impression that there is a very passionate love relationship coming into your life. If you haven't met this person yet you will very soon. I think this person will be very dynamic & out-going but very spiritual too. You are very magnetic person. If you have been feeling low you will soon have an abundance of energy. Have faith you contain all the beauty, intelligence, love, fine virtues etc....(be mindful of what you say internally to yourself & what you *feed* your mind) to be more than capable of attracting your perfect partner at this time.

Position #6 - The Fool: Near Future (Karmic implications. How to overcome any lingering obstacles, challenges, blockages or unpleasant past events.)

Childlike innocence is a good way to release past hurts & emotional or even physical wounds. It is also a wonderful way to foster positive energies which create empowerment, optimism & self-love. The Fool is offering you the power of the child as a gift. The Fool is the Spirit of God made manifest in man. You are divinely protected. Children are joyful & happy yet the world typically considers adults superior. It is time to be playful, trusting, open-hearted & cultivate joi de vivre into your lifestyle.

If none of this is pertinent to your situation then I believe this is signalling a relationship of love & intimacy which you can have the love you desire. A very passionate, playful,  loving relationship with a wonderful person who desires the same as you. Have the faith, love & hope of a child and I know you will meet this individual very soon if not already!

Position #7 - 4 of Wands: Energies of the Near Future (Primarily How You Can Choose to Best Respond, the Evolutionary nature of events, or How You May Influence Future Events.)

I've always loved this card with the four wands supporting a beautiful garland & the magificent castle in the background  where people are celebrating. I think this card falls in line very much with the message The Fool is imparting to you. Take time to be joyful. Surround yourself with love, laughter & approach life with playfulness. I also believe this indicates that the person whom you attract as a romantic partner is going to be someone with whom you can very easily create a long-lasting loving partnership. The power of this card is that while it's about celebrations & happiness it's also about the power of the number 4 which is building a foundation, creating & manifesting on the earth plane. In fact, I get a distinct feeling that this is a marriage card in this reading. I really felt it very strongly. A marriage is possible but again you have the choice as to whether you will want to or not.

Position #8 - XVII The Star:  Others Influencing You/Your Environment of The Future & How Others Respond To You

I feel a lot of goodness (in the purest sense) coming from the energy of this card. You are going to be even more magnetic than usual. The Star is such a lovely energy. It's not intense & overwhelming like The Sun.  The light of the Star is soft, magickal, loving, friendly - so very good. This is a card of faith & hope. So others coming into your life at this time are going to be very supportive of you, your ideas & suggestions. This is a card of personal freedom, illumination, good-will, benevolence etc...I really feel this energy is pertaining to your romantic life & your current financial concerns as well.

This card really says so compassionately, like a true friend, consoling you at lunch over a nice bottle of wine, "Don't worry everything is going to be alright. Don't you see that sparkling luminous star shining overhead?" This is a very precious time in your life. Take notice of all the wonderful beautiful lovely things that you have created, attracted & manifested. Do not focus on what you believe you don't have. In reality there is no past, present & future. All the love & wealth you desire is yours right now if you desire it deeply enough. Believe like a child that you do have all of your heart's desires & watch them magickally manifest. But one most have the childlike faith of The Fool & the inspiration & hope which the Star so lovingly provides.

In fact, the woman in the Rider-Waite deck is literally supported by the water. Everything begins in the sub-conscious mind. The water symbolizes the unconscious mind or Divine Mind. Her right foot is not sunk into the depth of the water but is firmly atop. She could walk across the water if she wanted to. But instead she focuses on that which inspires her. Dipping her pitcher into the water's depths, extracting that which she desires & then pouring it onto land where she is forming many new lush fertile streams & lovely flowers are beginning to sprout up. Keep this in mind.

Crowley said, "Every man & every woman is a star." And so too are you.

Position #9 - 7 of Swords: You in Your Future Environment (How your future enviroment influences you & your thought processes.)

I'm stumped as to what to say about this card in this position. It's the card of con-artists, thievery, duplicitousness, subterfuge, or a half won victory. It could be that you will meet some unethical persons who will try & take advantage of you? I really don't know? I don't get that feeling from the rest of the reading but the sad fact si there are envious, deceptive people who would rather steal than put out the effort & create themselves.

I don't know what kind of profession you work in but whatever it is make sure that any new position or work assignments (if you are a consultant of work in free-lance) are secured by a contract. And make certain that the contract doesn't have any funny business cleverly hidden within. The other thing is that if you feel somone is not being honest with you it may be best to onfront them about it rather than maybe thinking, "Oh two can play at that game." And then giving them a taste of their own medicine.

A more positive interpretation of this card's message could be that you should be more introspective but be simultaneously be aware of the here & now so as to be grateful for what you do have. And in order to be aware of unexpected possibilties? Perhaps this is in some way connected to being too meditative & solitary as The Hermit? 7 is the number of spirituality & solitude but swords are physical activity or deep emotion. I wonder if this could indicate another person acting as a catalyst which will enable you to release deeply held emotions? I'm sorry I'm not clear on this card & what it means for you. Perhaps if I meditate on this a bit more I will gain deeper insight.

Position #10 - XIII Death: Final Outcome (Providing suggestions & recommendations Tarot has made here are followed. You have free will to do as you wish. The future is not written in stone but influx. You control the outcome - not the cards.)

Again the need is for release of the past & to die to your current life. There is no "death" in this card really - nor in life for that matter in my opinion. But what this card is about is massive transformation. I really love this card & really believe it is most fortuitous in your reading. Look at the bright Sun rise in the background! I just love that! Yet many people never notice it. The number 13 is a higher octave of 4. Death is really creation; there is no difference. When we write a book we destroy the virgin paper. When we cook a meal we are causing alchemical reactions & enzymes, proteins etc... are being broken down, transforming & then reemerge as something new. When we get married we die to our old life & begin a new. When a woman has a child she changes & transforms - she also dies to her former self.

The transformation which Death brings us allows & permits the fruition of an idea or desire. This card is very strongly denoting that new opportunities, new people, a new way of living, better health, a new mind-set, a deeper sense of faith, love & hope are all on their way into your life.

I hope that this reading assists you in your present concerns. I will ask Tarot for more clarification about the 7 of Swords & also where & when about work & love interest. Please feel free to ask me any specifics or to clarify something that I have said. There is a way to use the court cards (except the Knights) to gleen specific information that sometimes is not apparent in the primary reading. So let me know if you have any other questions.

I will post that Tarot Q & A either later this evening or tomorrow sometime.

Love & Joy,


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Reading Swap

Post by Bhadra » Sun Mar 26, 2006 5:46 am

Wow, Paulette!!

That is undoubtedly the best Tarot reading I have gotten in a long time, you were very thorough and I really appreciate it all the more because these are the same cards that have been coming up for me...literally for years..and some in the same positions in my own readings for myself. It really helps to get the analysis of these cards from someone else who can be more objective. By the way, if the High Priestess comes up, that's my Significator. She always seems to be paired up with the Magician and the Hierophant in my readings for some reason.

I very much would appreciate your meditating on that 7 of Swords. That's important information. If it had been in the past position I would say it represented the job I just left and one person in particular.  But it isn't so I will be aware when I start looking for work again in the next week or so.

What this reading just told me is that it's ok for me to release any lingering fears around relationships and hope again that I might have a normal loving relationship...and even marriage if I choose.  I'd love it if we could look at the where's and especially the when's with regard to career and relationship.  If you get any specifics about what specifically I need to release that would be great too.

I have just come through a very bad patch (about 7 or 8 years worth-Saturn return) and the Hermit is very appropriate because I've been "hermitting" to heal myself and get through some tough financial times.  I've been walking a solitary path (very uncharacteristic for me) for a long time now and yes, have been doing a lot of metaphysical, esoteric, and mystical studies.

I have used that time very creatively (doing graphics and mastering Paint Shop Pro) and in the past few months have been coming out of my solitude and entering back into the world.  I've gotten progressively more "myself" and more positive and playful.  Hadn't quite gotten to the "Fool" part yet, so I know its time for that archetype to come out to play. The Fool really typifies the way my personality was before the "bad patch".

I was a pollyanna, a hopeful romantic, always optimistic and willing to take a chance, I just sortof floated through life like a feather on the wind. Then, I settled down and built some real stabilityand maturity into my life. I got stuck in that for a while too, becoming agoraphobic, but that is passing as I get out more and reconnect with life and people.

I am stumped about the Death card for it has been coming up consistently for me too.  I'm not sure about what is dying and transforming, but I know that's happening. And I don't know what I am going to be called upon to sacrifice represented by the Hanged Man, but I do remember that his self sacrifice ended up in his discovering the Runes, so I know it's gotta be good.

I'll certainly be on the lookout for that new partner of mine though!!  About time!!  

I'm looking forward to all that joy, playfulness and all that goes with The Star, the Queen of Penacles and that Four of Wands.

Thanks so much for this wonderful reading. I'll look for your Q & A and await any further information you might be able to get from meditation.

Let me know when you are ready for your reading and what you want to ask. I will try my best to do as thorough a job as you did.


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Post by Abhishek » Sun Mar 26, 2006 9:28 am

Paulette wrote:Hi Abishek,

Thanks! I don't know I simply cannot access threads. It will read "line error something" or "time exceeded" something like that. It seems to happen on Saturdays & Sundays. But now that I think about it - I am replying on this thread no problem! ;~) Maybe I am simply going crazy?????? But I swear it happened to me on the past 2 week-ends too! Honest it did! ;~)
nope i don think you are crazy at all  :smt003

we have been doin upgardeing / tweaking the board for about 4 weeks now. so it could just be that whenever we have something going wrong you are online here.

however, next time no matter what error message you get ... copy the exact error message - exactly as it appears and post it in the tech forum so that we can look into it.

Thanks again,

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Post by Paulette » Sun Mar 26, 2006 2:23 pm

Hi Bhadra,

Things are definitely opening up for you in a marvelous way. So try to be positive.

I know what you mean about Saturn. It's too early for me to start thinking about that energy. I'd need a few spicey Bloody Marys with lots of crispy celery to be able to even think about Saturn - especially a Saturn return! So I totally empathize with you. He's a real sadist in my humble opinion. I'll take his philandering magnanimous son Jupiter any day. A really fantastic book (and I tend to dislike most astrology books) is a book solely on Saturn by Erin Sullivan. I was so captivated by her take on Saturn the myth & Saturn in transit that I read the entire book in Borders one day. Here's a link about Sullivan's book: ... e&n=283155

I thought you might like to read what tarotist/occultist/mystic Paul Foster Case has to say about The Hanged Man & Death. I really love the way he explains the cards & the Qabbilistic symbolism & meanings.

This site has a lot of Tarot resources:

On the site's homepage you will see a section for Paul Foster Case's writings on the far right. Click on "Introduction to Tarot". I think it will shed a lot of light on the esoteric meaning of these 2 cards. For trumps IX & XIII it begins on page 35. I also like his thoughts on The Hermit. I totally forgot that The Hermit is very strongly tied to The Fool! Read his thoughts on this archetypal connection beginning on page 31. There is something very special about 0 & 9.

The entire intro is excellent. I read several of Cases books a few years ago & suddenly thought to re-read his insights again.

Anyway, I thought the writings on some of those recurring cards of yours would be insightful.

I'm still trying to wrap my head around that 7 of Swords. Oddly enough, I read the interpretation for this card in the little booklet (amazingly I still have it!) which comes with the RW deck. And it's a very positive interp! According to Waite it symbolizes success, victory & valor. I was meditating on the actual card & I was thinking that perhaps the true meaning lay in the fact that the man is carrying away 5 swords in his hands but has relinquished 2 & left them stuck in the ground. And that this is the power of 5 (Hierophant) + 2 (High Priestess). Just a thought. 7 of Swords is called the "prince of Valor" or something like that & is attributed to Moon in Aquarius. The truth of the matter is this card could simply mean indecision. But it's a card I've always had some difficulty with because I find the thought of dishonesty, deceit, double-dealings etc... so distasteful & that has always been a powerful interp of this card. Again, the imagery of the RW deck only exacerbates the issue because the man looks so devilish snearing back at his victims. But I will meditate on the meaning more. And also, I get easily confused about the assigned categories to card placements. There are variations on the Celtic Cross. This is a new *formula* I only learned about 3 months ago. But often the 7th position is assigned to "fears". But in this lay-out it's changed.

I will do a clarification reading later after I wake up. ;~)

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Post by Paulette » Sun Mar 26, 2006 2:25 pm

Thanks very much Abhishek.

I will definitely make a note of the messages I received if the issue returns.

Enjoy your day.

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Reading Swap

Post by Bhadra » Sun Mar 26, 2006 9:59 pm

Paulette!!! I know what the 7 of Swords is about!!! I did a little research on my own and now it all makes sense.

1. I am very much a "lone wolf"
2. I have been shirking my responsibilities with regard to housework and procrastinating on that and that needs to change, pronto.
3. Most significantly, and I won't go into details here, someone I know has been trying to get me to collaborate with them in their attempts to appropriate someone elses intellectual propertyand commit plagiarism. I let them know I wanted no part in that. The woman is a Scorpio.  

One of the questions I silently asked when I asked for this reading, and had forgotten about, was, what to do about this woman because I already don't trust her...  I may be reading in, but I think this card might be giving me the answer to that question because this card has to do with wanting something for nothing. Sneaking off with something. This woman snuck off with material that she did not create, but did translate, and wanted to use it to further her own ego-goals.  She plays fast and loose with the rules all the time. So I think I know what to do about her. But I want to be sure before I do anything.

4. I have a friend who is an ex fiance twice over, and the feelings (for both of us) never went away, but he is in a 10 year long relationship and I have been very careful in what I say and do with him to avoid in any way violating that relationship. He tells me it is an "open relationship" I don't believe that.

He just let me know he will be stopping over briefly to visit on his way out to California, it is clear from what he has said that he has romantic intentions in mind and I'm sure the agenda is physical.   In my opinion, his agenda is to "hijack a little booty" and go upon his merry way with his current partner none the wiser. Obviously I'm not that dumb and I think neither is she. The 7 of swords might be referring to him and his agenda for his visit.

So this card could be referring to any of the above situations or all of them.

Will look forward to your Q&A


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Post by Paulette » Mon Mar 27, 2006 2:17 am

Hi Bhadra,

That is really interesting about those current life experiences which sound like they correspond perfectly with the 7 of Swords. I didn't think it was something which had happened in the past. However, even past experiences (if visceral enough) could still pop up as a "future" event. Because the power of the mind knows not time. And when we focus on something, even a past experience, by replaying it in our mind's eye we make it NOW. This is why letting go & forgiveness can be so important for us to move forward.

LOL about that past partner! trying to abscond with some free booty! I forget exactly how you phrased it but I was laughing hysterically. I think I know that guy! Although I know I said you shouldn't try & play this person's game. What the hell! I've completely changed my mind on this now! LOL! I think you should give him a taste of his own medicine. Have him wine & dine you & then say "nighty-night" & close the door in his face! Make sure to have the lock CLICK loudly. ;~) If he's not a dangerous manipulator I say have fun flirting with him & allowing him to believe he's going to get something which he won't! ;~) In my humble opinion, that's karma in action! :~)

The woman however sounds like a much different situation. I don't blame you for not wanting to get involved with someone who is stealing another's writing & attempting to pass if off as her own. Her I wouldn't mess with. LOL especially since she's a Scorpio. (Scorp Rising here & an attractor of Scorpios in general - I know the infamous negative side of Scorpio first hand. Hopefully I've never been too naughty or vengeful.) ;~) It's so perplexing & even dangerous when we meet these duplicitious personalities because it's like, "Why did I attract this depraved soul into my life?" That's what I typically ask myself. And I've come to believe that perhaps we meet this lost souls because it's to test our morals, ethics & self-respect. I'm not sure. I only know it's very sad & troubling for me whenever I have had to deal with this energy.

Even with that 7 of Swords in a challenging position in your reading, the overall impression the cards, I believe, are imparting to you, is that the Sun is rising gloriously once again. What you are now (or will be)experiencing is a golden time of rebirth. Or that you need to initiate a rebirth in order to attain your current dreams & desires. But I feel that with so many cards threaded together imparting to you that surrender, capitulation, release......die so that you may be born again.....Is going to happen regardless if you try & fight against it. So you may as well have fun & follow the advice of the Fool, 4 of Wands & Queen of Wands. Which you have sadi yourself & I believe you will be more than happy to take off the garb of the Hermit & put on some dancing shoes! ;~) Mazel Tov! Chin Chin! Salud!

The thing about the Hanged Man is that it could simply mean that you need to surrender to your higher guide or to God. This card is under the influence of Pisces/Neptune. It's a HIGHLY spiritual card. It IS Christ Consciousness. It is also about doing what you want or being who you wish to be without any fear of reprisals or concerns with what others may or may not think about you. It's a very liberating card. Another important lesson to be found in the Hanged Man is that when we are troubled if we simply change our view point - the situation also changes.

When I was growing up I loved the tv show, "The Addams Family". Do you know the show? Whenever I get the Hanged Man in a reading I always think of Gomez in his swank 1940's double breasted pinstripe suit with pocket watch & him smoking his cigar standing on his head! Gomez often stood on his head when he was mulling something over. Then when I started doing Yoga I learned that the head-stand in Yoga is considered the KING of all asanas (yogic positions) because it nourishes the brain. So now, when I get the Hanged Man in my own reading, I physically stand on my head against a wall. And it has really made me understand something in a much more spiritual, profound way. It might be pyscho-somatic but it works. Whenever I receive a Major Arcana I really try to DO what the figure in that card is doing or something physical which emulates the symbolism of that card. For although the tarot cards are about internal processes (well almost all) I find that doing even the slightest physical thing often initiates an internal change which is without a doubt related to the insights the reading was trying to impart to me. It helps me to animate the symbols & not just to reflect on them. Although if I received an abundance of specific cards like The Moon, The High Priestess, 2 of Swords etc... then one way I would interpret this is that I should probably meditate & create more silence, peace & harmony in my life.

For instance, in your reading, the Fool was in a future position & so too was the Queen of Wands. So I would try to incorporate those 2 energies. Or do something which you believe the Fool would do like go hiking or take an improptu adventure without any prior planning. Just a suggestion of how I try to really bring to life Tarot.

With Saturn having been wreaking havoc in your life it could be that you went into massive control-defense mode. Which I think is an understandable reaction to the severity with which Saturn energy often expresses itself. The one good thing about Saturn is that he's a mercilous teacher who makes us pay attention to something which needs to be focused on - whether we like it or not. And if we try & take a short-cut, Saturn has a way of returning when we least expect it. God I wish I could appease Saturn but I've tried. Nothing seduces him. That's why I so much more enjoy the magnanimous, joyful, sagacious, fun-loving Jupiterarian energy. I really don't see the need for Saturn's masochistic tactics. I wish Saturn would transform himself & be the Saturn of The Golden Age. He used to be a much kinder gentler energy in the ancient world. I wonder what the heck happened?

Anyway, I asked Tarot some specific questions. So here it goes.........

I inquired, "When will Bhadra meet her man?"

Queen of Wands - July 23rd - August 22nd

"What is the personality & character of this man?"

King of Wands: A dynamic man very impulsive, daring & ambitious. But honest, forthright, direct. He is self-confident & charismatic. But idealistic, innovative, original & inventive. He could very well be artistic. He is quite creative in his approach to work, life & living. But he is more the active priniciple in creating rather than a dreamer type. He is probably theatrical - a bit of a ham who knows it & enjoys being the center of attention. He is extremely self-expressive. This is NOT a man who is afraid of communication. Nor is he a man who fears acting on his desires. He creates excitement wherever he is. He is admired, respected & people enjoy being around him. He is out-going & personable. He is not a snob & respects people from all cultures & socio-economic backgronds. He is a deeply compassionate soul even if on the surface he may not appear to be. He is noble & a true friend. The type of man who will defend another without a care of the "politics" of the situation. He is ethical & respectful of others & in all his dealing with others. This is the sort of man whose own enthusiasm & optimism instills confidence in others. He is also a natural leader & has the courage of his convictions.

Possible challenging aspects of his personality could be hot temperment, impatience, self-centeredness, confrontational, careless at times  concerning the feelings of others. He could also be so focused on "what is right" that he fails to see an alternative perspective of another. So he could at times believe that he is always right.

I asked, "What career will bring the most success & personal fulfillment for Bhadra?"

Page of Cups

I asked for clarification on this card & received: Queen of Pentacles

Hmmm........Cups are the symbol of the water element. Cups represent feelings & emotions. Pages are youthful energy. The Page of Cups is the empath, the dreamer, the poet, artist or writer. Highly intuitive & psychic & highly impressionable.

The Queen of Pentacles is a mature woman. The suit of Pentacles is Earth. This energy is one who manifests & is prosperous. She is altruistic & concerned with the "health" of the Earth, protection of animals, children, social issues. She desires to make the world a better place & is perfectly capable of doing just that. With the combination of the Page of Cups (water) with Queen of Pentacles (Earth) we have 2 extremely complimentary elements working in harmony. Water nutures Earth & Earth offers a foundation for water to form into.  This is a beautiful combination which denotes a career which is in some way offering substenance to society. This could be a career in the arts, public service, healing arts, psychology or teaching in some way.

The Queen of Pentacles could indicate a career in the non-profit sector or a humanitarian agency, public policy, literature or writing of some sort, a healer, "New Age" teacher, horticulturist, environmentalist, minister or something to do with religion, psychologist or life coach. With the combination of these two cards I  got a very strong impression that you will be working from home. Or that a lot of what you will be doing will not be in a traditional office setting. The other strong impression I received was that this will be a position which offers a lot of support, sustenance & compassion to either others or for yourself. It is very rewarding. I am not certain if the Page represents that you will be doing something you've never done before (Pages=youth/student)? Or if it simply means it's a new job? Or if it is a combination of the idealistic-dreamer-artisitc qualities (Page of Cups) harmonized & blended with that of the more solid, building, supportive energies which the Queen of Pentacles brings to the table.

I also asked, "When will Bhadra secure this employment position?"

Queen of Swords - August 23rd-September 22nd

I'm still not certain about the accuracy of "timing" with Tarot. I have read differing season, astrological & even elemental correspondences depending on what school of Tarot one depends on. Plus I wonder if, for instance in this reading, if perhaps it means within 30 days? The court cards are believed to represent 30 days. As do the cards of the major Arcana. But the Prince of Cups refers to a broader time span as well - Summer. The suits can also be determining factors. Fire being the fastest, followed by Cups, next Swords & last Pentacles.

I tried asking about time frame using the major Arcana only & I pulled the High Priestess. Your significator. ;~) Maybe this indicates 2 months?

Anyway, I feel if you desire a position sooner it is defnitely possible. Same thing goes with meeting that wonderful guy! I didn't want you to feel discouraged or hemmed in by a time frame based on what I have written here. Time is a man-made construct & is actually an illusion but we believe in time because we have a limited human 3-D perspective.Please let me know if you have any other questions.


Last edited by Paulette on Mon Mar 27, 2006 6:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Bhadra » Mon Mar 27, 2006 4:10 am

Paulette wrote:Hi Bhadra,

That is really interesting about those current life experiences which sound like they correspond perfectly with the 7 of Swords. I didn't think it was something which had happened in the past. However, even past experiences (if visceral enough) could still pop up as a "future" event. Because the power of the mind knows not time. And when we focus on something, even a past experience, by replaying it in our mind's eye we make it NOW. This is why letting go & forgiveness can be so important for us to move forward.
WOW Paulette...again! Are you good or what? Btw, I've been reading the links you sent. very enlightening!

I'm not sure what to say about what you wrote here, but I sure don't want a repeat of what happened before to be sure!  So I get it that I need to let go of the past. The forgiveness part is already taken care of but there may be more work to be done there that I am unaware of.

[quote="LOL about that past partner! trying to abscond with some free booty! I forget exactly how you phrased it but I was laughing hysterically. I think I know that guy! Although I know I said you shouldn't try & play this person's game. What the hell! I've completely changed my mind on this now! LOL! I think you should give him a taste of his own medicine. Have him wine & dine you & then say "nighty-night" & close the door in his face! Make sure to have the lock CLICK loudly. ;~) If he's not a dangerous manipulator I say have fun flirting with him & allowing him to believe he's going to get something which he won't! ;~) In my humble opinion, that's karma in action! :~)"[/quote]

I think we all know this guy! In this case the wining and dining includes a much needed massage! LOL  I don't plan on playing his game, and I know he knows all about Karma in action, so I'm wondering why he is thinking with his little head instead of his big one...oh gee, wait, I forgot for a minute, there is only so much blood in his system to go around. However, it is not cool to lead a horse to water and then forbid it to drink, that's a dangerous game I'm not about to play. Besides, I'm more of a lady than that (she says coyly batting her eyelids)

[quote="The woman however sounds like a much different situation. I don't blame you for not wanting to get involved with someone who is stealing another's writing & attempting to pass if off as her own. Her I wouldn't mess with. LOL especially since she's a Scorpio. (Scorp Rising here & an attractor of Scorpios in general - I know the infamous negative side of Scorpio first hand. Hopefully I've never been too naughty or vengeful.) ;~) It's so perplexing & even dangerous when we meet these duplicitious personalities because it's like, "Why did I attract this depraved soul into my life?" That's what I typically ask myself. And I've come to believe that perhaps we meet this lost souls because it's to test our morals, ethics & self-respect. I'm not sure. I only know it's very sad & troubling for me whenever I have had to deal with this energy." [/quote]

I've been strongly considering "accidentally" booting her from my group and not corresponding with her anymore. I've also been playing with the idea of letting the person she stole from all about it...I just don't want to deal with the Scorpionic sting. I think your analysis is correct about why we meet these lost souls. It was all part of the test I have just been through and I met two of these Scorpios in a row.

The first one got me fired from my job but I came out of it with my integrity intact and 3 glowing references from top management and she ended up exposed for the kind of person she showed herself to be.

I'm not going to allow this second one to get my group closed because of her misdeeds and so I must handle this very delicately indeed.  I've been trying to teach her what is correct and appropriate in this situation. But I really don't think that's my job. The more I think about it the more I just want to distance myself from her.

[quote="Even with that 7 of Swords in a challenging position in your reading, the overall impression the cards, I believe, are imparting to you, is that the Sun is rising gloriously once again. What you are now (or will be)experiencing is a golden time of rebirth. Or that you need to initiate a rebirth in order to attain your current dreams & desires. But I feel that with so many cards threaded together imparting to you that surrender, recapitulation, release......die so that you may be born again.....Is going to happen regardless if you try & fight against it. So you may as well have fun & follow the advice of the Fool, 4 of Wands & Queen of Wands. Which you have sadi yourself & I believe you will be more than happy to take off the garb of the Hermit & put on some dancing shoes! ;~) Mazel Tov! Chin Chin! Salud!"[/quote]

Yipppeeeeee!!! I definitely get it that I will have to do some initiating of the other words, get off my lazy six and do some work around here and spruce up the place and myself.  As for the rest I'm just going to take it as it comes whatever it brings.

[quote="The thing about the Hanged Man is that it could simply mean that you need to surrender to your higher guide or to God. This card is under the influence of Pisces/Neptune. It's a HIGHLY spiritual card. It IS Christ Consciousness. It is also about doing what you want or being who you wish to be without any fear of reprisals or concerns with what others may or may not think about you. It's a very liberating card. Another important lesson to be found in the Hanged Man is that when we are troubled if we simply change our view point - the situation also changes."[/quote]

What comes to mind here is a line from one of the interpretations of a certain rune that says "Surrender to the Will of Heaven". I think that is what you are saying.

[quote="When I was growing up I loved the tv show, "The Addams Family". Do you know the show? Whenever I get the Hanged Man in a reading I always think of Gomez in his swank 1940's double breasted pinstripe suit with pocket watch & him smoking his cigar standing on his head! Gomez often stood on his head when he was mulling something over."[/quote]

Oh yeah! I love that show and would never have thought of that.

[quote="Then when I started doing Yoga I learned that the head-stand in Yoga is considered the KING of all asanas (yogic positions) because it nourishes the brain. So now, when I get the Hanged Man in my own reading, I physically stand on my head against a wall. And it has really made me understand something in a much more spiritual, profound way. It might be pyscho-somatic but it works. Whenever I receive a Major Arcana I really try to DO what the figure in that card is doing or something physical which emulates the symbolism of that card. For although the tarot cards are about internal processes (well almost all) I find that doing even the slightest physical thing often initiates an internal change which is without a doubt related to the insights the reading was trying to impart to me. It helps me to animate the symbols & not just to reflect on them. Although if I received an abundance of specific cards like The Moon, The High Priestess, 2 of Swords etc... then one way I would interpret this is that I should probably meditate & create more silence, peace & harmony in my life."[/quote]

Great advice! Can I wait till I get over this migraine before I stand on my head?

For instance, in your reading, the Fool was in a future position & so too was the Queen of Wands. So I would try to incorporate those 2 energies. Or do something which you believe the Fool would do like go hiking or take an improptu adventure without any prior planning. Just a suggestion of how I try to really bring to life Tarot.

[quote="With Saturn having been wreaking havoc in your life it could be that you went into massive control-defense mode. Which I think is an understandable reaction to the severity with which Saturn energy often expresses itself."[/quote]

Absolutely right, I did do that for quite a while.

[quote="The one good thing about Saturn is that he's a mercilous teacher who makes us pay attention to something which needs to be focused on - whether we like it or not."[/quote]

I found that out the hard way.

[quote="And if we try & take a short-cut, Saturn has a way of returning when we least expect it. God I wish I could appease Saturn but I've tried. Nothing seduces him. That's why I so much more enjoy the magnanimous, joyful, sagacious, fun-loving Jupiterarian energy. I really don't see the need for Saturn's masochistic tactics. I wish Saturn would transform himself & be the Saturn of The Golden Age. He used to be a much kinder gentler energy in the ancient world. I wonder what the heck happened?"[/quote]

I dunno, I just hope he is through messing with me. I almost didn't survive his return to my chart and life.

[quote="Anyway, I asked Tarot some specific questions. So here it goes.........

I inquired, "When will Bhadra meet her man?"

Queen of Wands - July 23rd - August 22nd"[/quote]

uhhhh, are you aware that this is right during my astrological sun sign Leo and my moon, Virgo?  

[quote="What is the personality & character of this man?"

"King of Wands: A dynamic man very impulsive, daring & ambitious. But honest, forthright, direct. He is self-confident & charismatic. But idealistic, innovative, original & inventive. He could very well be artistic. He is quite creative in his approach to work, life & living. But he is more the active priniciple in creating rather than a dreamer type. He is probably theatrical - a bit of a ham who knows it & enjoys being the center of attention. He is extremely self-expressive. This is NOT a man who is afraid of communication. Nor is he a man who fears acting on his desires. He creates excitement wherever he is. He is admired, respected & people enjoy being around him. He is out-going & personable. He is not a snob & respects people from all cultures & socio-economic backgronds. He is a deeply compassionate soul even if on the surface he may not appear to be. He is noble & a true friend. The type of man who will defend another without a care of the "politics" of the situation. He is ethical & respectful of others & in all his dealing with others. This is the sort of man whose own enthusiasm & optimism instills confidence in others. He is also a natural leader & has the courage of his convictions."[/quote]

Ya know, this describes a Leo/Virgo male to the tee and this has been coming up consistently in my readings for a very very long time too. Hmmmmmm.

[quote="Possible challenging aspects of his personality could be hot temperment, impatience, self-centeredness, confrontational, careless at times  concerning the feelings of others. He could also be so focused on "what is right" that he fails to see an alternative perspective of another. So he could at times believe that he is always right."[/quote]

Ohhhh God, a perfect mirror! how sweet! This ought to be interesting and fiery!!

[quote="I asked, "What career will bring the most success & personal fulfillment for Bhadra?"

Page of Cups

I asked for clarification on this card & received: Queen of Pentacles

Hmmm........Cups are the symbol of the water element. Cups represent feelings & emotions. Pages are youthful energy. The Page of Cups is the empath, the dreamer, the poet, artist or writer. Highly intuitive & psychic & highly impressionable.

The Queen of Pentacles is a mature woman. The suit of Pentacles is Earth. This energy is one who manifests & is prosperous. She is altruistic & concerned with the "health" of the Earth, protection of animals, children, social issues. She desires to make the world a better place & is perfectly capable of doing just that. With the combination of the Page of Cups (water) with Queen of Pentacles (Earth) we have 2 extremely complimentary elements working in harmony. Water nutures Earth & Earth offers a foundation for water to form into.  This is a beautiful combination which denotes a career which is in some way offering substenance to society. This could be a career in the arts, public service, healing arts, psychology or teaching in some way.

The Queen of Pentacles could indicate a career in the non-profit sector or a humanitarian agency, public policy, literature or writing of some sort, a healer, "New Age" teacher, horticulturist, environmentalist, minister or something to do with religion, psychologist or life coach. With the combination of these two cards I  got a very strong impression that you will be working from home. Or that a lot of what you will be doing will not be in a traditional office setting. The other strong impression I received was that this will be a position which offers a lot of support, sustenance & compassion to either others or for yourself. It is very rewarding. I am not certain if the Page represents that you will be doing something you've never done before (Pages=youth/student)? Or if it simply means it's a new job? Or if it is a combination of the idealistic-dreamer-artisitc qualities (Page of Cups) harmonized & blended with that of the more solid, building, supportive energies which the Queen of Pentacles brings to the table."[/quote]

Wellllll, I am already a minister and this describes me very well as I am also a reader and Reiki MT.

[quote="I also asked, "When will Bhadra secure this employment position?"

Queen of Swords - August 23rd-September 22nd"[/quote]

I can't go that long without a paycheck. So I have to find other things to bring that in in the meantime but shoot for that around that time. I think it has to mean within 30 days. It better or I'm in trouble.

[quote="Maybe this indicates 2 months?"[/quote]

I hear you there. 2 months is still too long. The bills don't stop ya know. As for the fellow, I'll keep my eyes, ears and options open.

Thanks ever so much, you really worked hard on this reading and I truly appreciate it very much. Just let me know when you want your end of the trade...mind you, I am no where near the taroist you are, but I am no slouch either.  However, I tend to "wing it" more than just read cards so my readings will be more intuitional.



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Post by Paulette » Mon Mar 27, 2006 7:57 am

Hi Bhadra,

Thanks for the nice compliment but I am certain you are an incredible Tarotist.

Yikes! Am I going to burn in hell or what? LOL! I didn't know you were a minister & I am saying all that stuff about that Don Juan guy. :~) You are completely right to not play at his game. May I ask what church or philosophy you are ordained?

I am glad you like the Paul Foster Case Tarot writings. He's one of my favorites. I've been reading Tarot & Qabalistic writings off & on all night.

I am sorry to hear that you have a migrain. That must be awful. As a Reiki master is there anything that can be done to alleviate the pain? I hadn't known you were skilled in Reiki too?! I am very interested in Reiki myself.

So that's weird again that this Leo/Virgo man has been popping up in your readings too. I love when synchronicity comes between readings. It makes me feel validated as a reader because although I have studied Tarot for many years I never felt really comfortable reading for strangers until a couple of years ago.

Whenever you have the time to do a reading for me I would be more than grateful. Do you need me to ask a specific question? I prefer to not ask any question & simply see what Tarot has to say. But if you like to have a question as a focal point that's fine with me too. Please let me know.

Sweet Dreams,


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