Please can I have a reading (even a short one)

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Please can I have a reading (even a short one)

Post by jaybee » Sun Mar 19, 2006 9:53 pm

I am in NZ and I would love a reading, (even a quick one) I am so confused as to what to do. I have a chance to join a home based business and sell jewellery. But you need money to join and I don't have that.  Will I get the financial freedom I so desire soon.? Would I be successful if I do this?
I am so fed up and tired of getting nowhere with my life. I've had on going health issues so haven't worked for over 2 years.

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Need some input thanks

Post by jaybee » Mon Mar 20, 2006 8:49 pm

Just to add a bit, I will be 50 in July, and wish I knew what was likely to happen in my life over the next month or two, I would so appreciate some help please.

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Post by Paulette » Sat Mar 25, 2006 9:53 am

Hey Jaybee,

I am using the Tarot of The Old Path. Here are a few links which show the artwork use in this amazing tarot deck. I think seeing the illustrations assists in giving you, the Qurent, a "feel" for the reading: ... -old-path/ ... d=DITCOLDC

I am doing a 2 part reading for you. In the first part, I removed the Pages, Queens & Kings so as to ask the specific questions which you put forth in your post. The 2nd part of the reading will be a 6 card reading. A kind of "modified" Celtic Cross. I'll post this question & answer reading first.

Your question about the home based jewelry business I rephrased & asked, "What can Jaybee expect if she (I hope you are a female if not I apologize!) ;) goes through with this business venture?"

The answer: The King of Swords

My interpretation of this court card coming up as the answer to this query is that all is not as it appears. Whomever the person or persons are who are asking you to sign onto to this business opportunity are not being completely truthful about the money you will make.

I got a very strong feeling they are being duplicitous & very forceful about the possible lucrativeness of this venture. Especially about the subsequent return on your invested money. In truth, NO ONE need invest a lot of money in order to make money. Besides, when someone REALLY believes in YOU - they will accomodate you in any way possible. Which means if this person or persons truly were acting in your best interest - they'd simply forgoe your having to give them money in order to make yourself & THEM money. My question is this: If you are going to make them a lot of money then why do they insist you give them money to begin with?

The King of Swords is a very pursuasive demanding man, woman or group. But the energy is that of a ruthless dictator - a despot. Someone who is narcissistic. A full blown megalomaniac. But they are very cunning in having crafted a mask so as to appear to be intelligent, wise & perhaps even compassionate (the astrological sign which corresponds to this card is Libra - a very beautiful energy to be sure - but ruled by Venus - and in this case at her most vain & selfish).

This in only MY opinion of the meaning of this card for this question. For that matter all that follows is simply my interpretation of the cards based on my knowledge of Tarot & my own gut instincts & intuition. I can only say that my initial gut reaction when I saw the King of Swords as the answer card was a big NO. In fact, it was NO & GET AWAY from this person or group. Not that you should confront them. I don't recommend that at all. For I get the feeling that this person or group is very rigid, ruthless & if need be, hell bent on revenge if they feel wronged.

Here in the States there are agencies which are like "watch dog" groups over businesses. So one can investigate the legitimacy of any businesses' claims. one can find out if there are any law suits or major complaints agains them. What they decalred in tax revenue the previous year. I can even write or call my Attorney General or the AG governing the stae in which the business operates to find out about them. These are a few examples of how I can uncover very vital bits of information which will assist me in knowing if they are a good organization or not. If they are ethical or if they've broken any laws. And if they are making the money they claim to be. Perhaps in New Zealand there is something similar? Also you can perhaps simply google their business name & see what comes up? Although, in the virtual world - almost any claim can be made. I personally investigate things old school which means speaking on the phone or going to the offices of those who know the answers I need to ascertain if a business is on the level.

So I could be completely wrong & I truly hope that I am. I simply believe you may need to know more about this business than you do at this time. If you find out I am completely off the mark - hooray! Then go for it! Perhaps you can ask them if they can do something to assist you in the beginning stages of getting started so that you don't have to put any money up front. Or maybe you can work as a team with another employee & share in the commission? I don't know if they'd be willing to accomodate you until you can build yourself a little nest egg. But it might be worth a try IF & only IF you can get some hard documented-hard-solid-proof that they are on the up & up about their company ethics, business practice/goals & yearly gross income. And since this is all about sales/commission (I assume) - can you request some of the employees if they'd share their tax information with you? Personally, I would not be ashamed to show anyone my tax form. What do I have to hide? Especially if the company I work for is so wonderful & they are making me a lot of money & I them. Know what I mean? I think if people are being secretive about their income then something is fishy.

I then asked, "Where should Jaybee be focusing her talents in order to facilitate money growth & ever-flowing finances into her life?"

Answer: Page of Swords

Now this can mean several things as far as vocation: medical researcher or transcriber, investigative journalist, writer, consultant, real estate, leasing agent, home goods - things like appliances, furniture, crystal, china - anything to beautify the home or to make living more about pleasure, gardening, landscaping, cooking & the culinary arts, accountant, stock broker, investment banker, insurance sales, things having to do with antiques or heirlooms, clothing/furniture design, confectioner, florist, architecture, massage therapist, Reiki, sculpting, wood working, jewelry design & education.

Now there are a lot of choices in this list. By all means none must be even considered. But what I suggest you might find helpful is to "incubate" a dream. Do you know how to do this? It is quite easy & don't be surprised if you receive an answer the very first time you use this amazing tool to tap into your higher-guide. Simply write a question in a journal. Ask what career would be best for you financially, emotionally, spiritually & physically. Then meditate on the question for about 15 or 20 minutes before you drift off to sleep. Make sure to be peaceful, gentle & loving with yourself, and have a calm mind & ope-heart when meditating & when asking the question. Then see what comes up in your dream. Write down what your dream is. Pay special attention to your emotions in the dream & how you felt in the dream. I promise you that an answer will be gloriously revealed in dream-time.

The desire I feel with this card is directly related to career & the physical body too - your desire for perfect health & prosperity. Well guess what? I see you already perfect as you are! Love yourself! Good health, success & prosperity are yours. Simply look at this time as one of the best times in your life. Our challenges become our greatest strengths. You have learned a lot in these past few years because of the struggles & obstacles you have faced. Have faith & know that this too will pass! You want success in health & in business. We all do! And the thing is that the world is such an abundant place alive & over-flowing with compassionate honest people who can & will assit you in achieving your goals.

Also tap into all those great ideas & all the money that's literally EVERYWHERE on our wonderful blue planet. Ingenuity & money are not exclusive to a few but available to us all. This is something that most of us don't believe is true & we really need to stop downing ourselves & saying, "Oh I'll never have this or that!" Oprah Winfrey came a from a poor family & she is a black woman who grew up in a time of great racial struggle here in America - yet she is now one of the wealthiest & most influential people in the world. Andrew Carnegie amassed a fortune here in America & he wasn't American! And he was from an even more imporverished background then Winfrey. He was an Irish or Scottish immigrant who came to America & became a billionaire & a great philanthropist. Charlie Chaplin (a British immigrant) came from poverty, an alcholic abusive father & a mother who was mentally disturbed & yet he too became THE MOST INFLUENTIAL person of his time & a very very wealthy man. So these are only a few examples of the millions of people who made it against all odds. Their biographical information sounds as if they'd have been mediocre at best & most of us would have believed that they'd have had terrible lives full of poverty, pain & suffering - but this isn't the case at all. And it's not true for any one of us not matter what our childhood, adoloscence or our current situation. Just like Oprah, Charlie & Carnegie - No one can take away our faith, hope & dreams - only we can do that to ourselves. So why torture ourselves unless we really don't want financial freedom, happiness, joy etc..????

So I recommend to try & NOT focus on the apparent lack in your life. I know this is hard (maybe even absurd at times) but if you focus on the positives in your life - even flipping the seeming negatives around - you will attract more positives goodies into your life. It's a universal law - "like attracts like." So be child-like, positive & joyful. Keep an open heart & you will find that the right opportunities & the right people magically appear in your life when you are ready to move forward.

I love the Page cards because they indicate that things are moving in a most delightful way. Pages represent all that is virtuous. They personify or symbolize idealism & youth. Especially the Page of Swords - which in this case corresponds to the element of Earth (sensuality) & in this case astrologically Taurus, ruled, like Libra by Venus. But rather than being in a fickle Air signs - as the Libran King of Swords is - now Venus is in a stabilizing Earth sign. I find that this combination to be a much more solid foundation & harmonious energy for Venusian qualities & virtues to be positively expressed through. The Page of Swords denotes that troubled times are ending & things are on an upswing. A fresh start is very strongly indicated.

I then asked, "When can Jaybee expect financial freedom?"

Answer: Page of Pentacles

The time frame for this card is December 22nd- January 19th. So that's appropriately enough 9 months! You have 9 months to give birth to something fantastic which will bless you with abundance as you have never dreamed! Congratulations! And the suit is Pentacles or Coins (it doesn't get any clearer than that!) - even more appropirate for the question being asked! This is marvelous!

The focus is definitely on financial status & employment. This is a very active dynamic energy. But Pentacles being of the element of Earth - take time to manifest. The thing is you begin now - forget the past - start anew as the previous card suggests - calm your mind, oepn your heart & start with a clean slate. This card often means unexpected financial rewards. At first it may seem slow coming in - but then a deluge. This card also means that you need to get out more. Accept all social invitations - mingle, flirt, initiate friendships. It could very well be that this is the way to finding a new business idea, creative insight or wonderful opportunity will commence.

Last I asked, 'What can Jaybee do to get her health back on track?"

Answer: Queen of Swords

First let me address that you received 3 court cards which are from the suit of Swords. So lets discuss this suit. Swords correspond to the element of Air. Esoterically, or in Christian metaphysics to be exact, Swords are considered to be representative of the 3rd aspect of the Holy Trinity - they are The Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is a symbol for the soul or spirit. We are Spirit made flesh. And Swords complete the Holy Trinity in the language of Tarot.

Swords represent intense thought & deliberate action. They are courage, bravery, skill, aggression, aggravation, acceleration, keeness, perspicacity, discernment, knowledge, tension, physical movement & struggle. Simply because it IS difficult to move & manifest here on the Earth plane. But they do indicate physical action & none of the other suits do! Swords indicate the final stages before the goal is achieved or made manifest.

Okay so now the Queen of Swords. In theTarot of the Old Path she is a  blonde beautiful with stunning sagacious amber eyes. She wears a helmut with her hair spun at her sides as the Nordic women used to wear in buns on either side of her face. She is dressed in gold & green. She is Ceres or Demeter - the fertile healing Goddess of the Romans & Greeks respectively.  This is a card of healing. Virgo IS the healer. She is Mother Earth: benevolent, wise, compassionate, nuturing & all loving. She is holding a magnificent sword with a red handle in her right hand & several long sheaths of wheat in the same hand.

So receiving this court card for this answer about fostering health & wellness in your life suggest to me that you need take action. Don't think all past efforts have failed, or only brought so so results so why bother. Be diligent, confident, persevering & positive in finding the right health modality for you. Virgo to me points to New Age/alernative healing/ Traditional Chinese Medicine or Ayurvedic approach to wellness. I could be completely wrong & I have nothing against conventional medicine. But Virgo is all natural in my opinion. Virgo is also ruled by Mercury. The element is Earth harmonized with the energies of Mercury. Think a certain way about yourself & you become that which you think you are. So if this can work in the negative is certainly works in the positive.

I feel it's time to no longer take no for an answer. It's time to say yes to health & vitality. I feel that your struggles with finances & your health are not only connected on the surface level eg., "I can't work because I feel so terrible & so I don't can't make any money because I am not working." But psychologically you feel trapped & you wish to break through as it were to something new. You desire to be whole; to be made brand new. It IS very difficult for us to know our true self-worth when most of us have been taught to believe that our value as a person corresponds to what are bank statement or employment check reads. This is (please excuse me) bullshit! Know right now that you ARE a wonderful, dynamic, loving, amazing person who is worth all the beautiful gorgeous fantastic things this life has to offer. So if you've been feeling down about NOT having money then nip that in the bud right now. And it begins with how you think about yourself. How you think about yourself affects how you feel about yourself affects how you see yourself which in turn manifests in dis-ease & quite possibly attracting ignoble persons & stressful situations to yourself.

Mercury is of the mind so I am going with simple old fashioned kick ass power of positive thinking for you. Along with some earthy approaches to health & wellness like Bach flower remedies or massage/polarity therapy. How to you feel about he power of prayer? Are you a tactile person? Do you like deep tissue or Shiatsu massage or wuld you prefer Reiki? Do you consider yourself someone with an extraordinary attraction to scent with a keen sense of smell? Do you believe that plants, herbs & flowers communicate with us & desire for us to ask them for assistance? I know money is an issue right now but so what. I would find a Plant-Spirit-Medicine or Bach Remedy practioner & just be honest with them. Tell them that you've had arough go these past few years & you cannot pay them with money right now but will later when you get back on your feet. Or barter with them or maybe they will simply treat you for free. In my opinion, any medical person who refuses someone because they do not have the money is a jerk & I wouldn't go to them if I learned they turned someone away - even if it wasn't me.

Again, if you feel overwhelmed by which type of approach to health & wellness to take incubate a dream. Ask the question in your journal. Get into a positive mindset. Envision yourself glwoing, vibrant, sexy & healthy. Meditate on health & wellness & then wait for the answer to arrive in your dreams.

Well that's it for now. I will post part II later this evening. I hope this reading has helped you a little. PLease feel free to ask for clarification. It's really early in the morning here & I am certain my grammar & typing skills collapsed a few hours ago. So I do apologize for any confusing phrases or misspellings etc....

Please, PLease, PLEASE Remember this is merely my interpretation of the cards. I am only human. I'm just like you. I too have had challenges with money & with my energy. Sometimes I have a lot of money & then nothing. I am working on creating a nice, loving ever-lasting abundant flow of money & material wealth in my life.

Last year I had vertigo, was passing out - I literally couldn't walk the vertigo got so bad. I went to one of the best hospitals in the country - Georgetown Medical Center - and they couldn't find anything wrong with me yet I thought I was dying. My cardiogram was textbook perfect. All my other tests were excellent & normal. I have no idea why this happened but you know what? I am so freak'n happy to be alive. This is a great experience we have on this lovely blue planet. And I am going to have fun (physically as well as spiritually) & learn & grow & remain cheerful, healthy, compassionate, loving & broad minded with equal doses of joyful open-heartedness if it kills me. ;~)

So I am not perfect. I can only tell you what I see in the cards. Another reader will could very well have a completely different take on the cards. So please keep this all in mind. If you think the answers were way off I will try again with a different deck if you like. The weird thing is I got so weirded out by pulling all those Swords (not because they are negative I simply was like, "Again?!") And I swear I would reshuffle & damn it - pull the same Sword card again!

Now for me to incubate a dream of my own.

Love & Happiness,


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Post by jaybee » Sat Mar 25, 2006 9:45 pm

Thanks so much for that Paulette, the home based business is Amway, and they do have health related products as well as the jewellery, they are a BIG company all over the world I believe. I am in New Zealand. I have been using alternative health products for a long time but nothing seems to help as yet, my busband has gone beserk at me for spending so much money trying to find something to help me, I haven't worked for 2 yars because of feeling so lousy all the time. I love meeting people I have a bubbly personality and want to get on with my life and feel good, and work too. I do have marriage issues right now too, I am 50 this year feel I am going nowhere fast. Thanks so much you have helpeda lot.

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Sorry I forgot here's a bit more thanks

Post by jaybee » Sat Mar 25, 2006 9:54 pm

Just another note, my husband is a Librian and I am cancer, we clash so much. I had hoped th jewellery thing would work for me, but there is a woman that is very annoying and pushy and I feel would not help me in the least but still is at me to join the Amway business, she seems cold and calculating and not helpful at all, so I see where you are coming from at the beginning of your reading. I must admit the jewellery is lovely, maybe I should still give it a try but deal with some one else.  I also had hoped to find a shop out of the home in a fashion clothing shop, I have always wanted to do that, I will still keep on trying, maybe that's in my cards I do hope so.

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Post by Paulette » Sun Mar 26, 2006 4:41 am

That's interesting Jaybee that your husband is a Libra. So many of the cards were Libran. Well Amway might be good but perhaps you could do something so that you don't have the work with that uncooperative woman? The cards indicated that you would be very good at sales & working with items of beauty, comfort, decor jewelry definitely falls into this category. Perhaps you could sell the items on E-bay? I know someone who sold Amway here in the states & she said she never made a lot of money (this was pre Ebay days) & she was a hairdresser so she was in contact with a lot of people. But I think if you really believe in a product then your love & enthusiasm will bring you clients.

As far as spending lots of money on alternative therapies, I know it's expensive. This is why I suggested asking a practioner for healing without having to pay. Or bartering something in lieu of money. And my other suggestion, which will cost you no money at all, was to ask what you need to do in order to promote whole health & healing. Write your question in a journal. Meditate on your question before going to sleep. Make sure you are ina a positive frame of mind when meditating. Then when you are dreaming you will receive the correct answer.

Your mind & body already contain all the answers you need to know. Have faith in your own abilities to tap into your subconsciousness in order to access this precious information. I only recently started dream incubating & it's really powerful & amazing. I cannot recommend it enought.

I will post an overall 6 card reading for you by tomorrow.


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I will give it a try thanks

Post by jaybee » Sun Mar 26, 2006 5:53 am

Thanks so much for that I will give it a try tonight, maybe if I dealth with someone else in the company that might be better for me, yes I have a real passion for jewllery and skin care sort of things, and fashion clothes too, I could do sales as I love meeting people so much, I am very out going so different to my husband I feel he holds me back.  He can be so negative and we argue all the time over money.  I do feel that I wouldn't make a lot of money selling the jewellery but you need to buy a kit to get started and you can't force people to have parties or buy the jewellery as lovely as it is.

I look forward to your next reading that's so much again for your help.

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Post by Paulette » Sun Mar 26, 2006 11:46 pm


I just lost 1/2 of your reading do some computer glitch. I should have written it up in Word & then transferred it to post here. Ugh! I feel so frustrated. I am afraid that I need to take a break & will type it up tomorrow. Apologies.

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When you are ready is fine

Post by jaybee » Sun Mar 26, 2006 11:57 pm

That's fine I look forward to getting it when you are ready.  I tried the dream thing didn't work last night will try again. I need to sort out my life.

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Post by Paulette » Mon Mar 27, 2006 12:06 am

Hi Jaybee,

Dream incubation works but it could take more than one attempt. Just be patient & loving with yourself. Think of it like you are asking a good friend for advice. It is best to be in a calm pleasant mood. When I have asked questions, sometimes the answer has come after just one night of incubating the thought. Others have taken a couple of weeks. The other thing is to tell yourself that you are going to remember your dreams & that God, or your Guardian Angel, or Higher Self are coming to you to offer you the information you need in order to achieve whatever goal or desire you are working on.

Love & Happiness,


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Post by jaybee » Mon Mar 27, 2006 1:04 am

Don't worry I will keep on trying I usually have very vivid dreams and remember them even if they are upsetting.  thanks so much for your help

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More news

Post by jaybee » Mon Mar 27, 2006 10:13 pm

Hi Paulette,
I have had some bad comments made to me aboutthat woman I told you about and you were so right, I am not going to have anything to do with the jewellery and Amway, I believe the jewellery isn't as good as it's made out to be, poor quality etc, I have spoken to several people, so I am grateful for your input as well. I am still looking for something, even a home based style company that I can join and sell skin care, health products or something similar, it's a good way to meet people, as long as the people you get involved with are really nice and not ruthless etc.

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Post by Paulette » Tue Mar 28, 2006 12:49 am

Last edited by Paulette on Tue Mar 28, 2006 1:33 am, edited 9 times in total.

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Post by Paulette » Tue Mar 28, 2006 12:58 am

Hi Jaybee,

Wow! I am sorry that it wasn't what at first glance it appeared to be. But I am so happy to hear that you discovered the truth out for yourself before investing too much time or energy into it. Especially before investing any money! That would have been a real downer.

Funny....I've been typing up your reading so I only now, at a little before 8 pm my time here in the States read your email. It seemns to very strongly fall in line with this recent turn of events. Damn I wish I wouldn't have messed up yesterday when your reading disappeared. Anyway, the truth is this reading was done on Saturday the 25th of March around 10pm. I tried typing it up yesterday on the 26th but a computer glitch made it go "bye-bye". So here it finally is.

Whether or not what was brought to light in this reading has to do with what just happened.......Hmmmmmm....I don't know. Seems to fit perfectly. You will see once you read it.

The good news is now that you have discovered a very important truth about a decision you were trying to make you can move on to other possibilties.

Please let me know if you have any questions about the reading or if you would like further clarification on anything in the reading.

I know that you will find a business opportunity very soon. Something very well matched to your personality. Just be patient. And try & learn how to trust your intuition. I know it's hard sometimes making decisions! But if we eased up on ourselves & didn't fear failure or criticism (our own towards ourselves is the worst!) then we'd be much more relaxed & making a choice wouldn't be so torturous. That's how I feel about it anyway.

Well I hope this helps in some way.

Love & Happiness,


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Post by jaybee » Tue Mar 28, 2006 1:09 am

Wow thanks so much this is brilliant, what a reading, I will have to read it several times, I guess what I have wanted for so long is that financial freedom would give me choices, instead of on going lectures about money from my husband, to have money of my own would give me freedom, that's what I have desired for a long time.  So I will continue to work on it, I do have a journal I write in it nearly every day, and yes I am grateful for what I have, maybe not satisfied at times, but grateful just the same.  And I do get angry over my health issues, they won't go away, I'm stuck with them, and I get fed up, but I have to learn to live with it .  Thanks so much again, I do so appreciate all this.

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