pls do a reading for me!!

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pls do a reading for me!!

Post by dolly » Mon Dec 13, 2010 10:22 am

i have major health problem .Ihave lost considerable hearing of my right ear doctor says nothing wrong wait and watch .It is already 3 months.pls do a reading to help me regain strength to carry on :smt002  no medical problem

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Cascade of Light
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Post by Cascade of Light » Tue Dec 14, 2010 12:49 pm

Dear Dolly, I am sorry to hear of your condition, I hope things improve swiftly and that your doctor takes good care of you. Personally I would go back and ask for a second opinion about your hearing as that sounds like something that should be looked at more closely, and this isn't anything psychic just common sense.

Lets have a look at what the Tarot has for you today :)

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Post by Cascade of Light » Tue Dec 14, 2010 2:16 pm

Dear Dolly,

I have chosen to use my Ancient Egyptian Tarot deck for your reading, I hope you enjpy it :)

The first card I drew was Strength!  How about that? This card shows a lady stroking a lion, she is calmly and tenderly stroking the lion, the lion is submissive and even though he could easily bite and hurt the lady he is enamoured with her touch. Strength through kindness and gentleness rather than force or hostility. This card shows me that you are a strong person deep inside, that you dislike confrontation and would rather take the easy way out instead of stand up for yourself. There are good and not so good points to using this kind of Strength. People may tend to overlook you and take advantage and they also may not take much notice of what you need.

Beneath this card we have some deep conflicts shown by the 5 of Wands and the 9 of Swords. Perhaps you feel inner turmoil, that you are frustrated and do not know why or what you should do, but the Sword card shows that this may actually be depressing you and causing you to feel weak and tired maybe even losing sleep over things too.
Once we realise these cards are just a passing phase we can then move onto the postive forward moving cards.

Just above you sits The Emperor, another card of the Major Arcana shows a strong, maybe even overpowering male dominance to your reading. The Emperor rules with a hard style that punishes disobedience. This force may be someone you know or it can sometimes be the structure of the society, rules, red tape and so on. Once this influence is realised then you can begin to undo it's work and move forward towards your aims and a new direction.

The 3 of Cups is the next step along the way to feeling happier and stronger. Three dancing girls weaving their hands together, laughing and having fun. The spirit of companionship, finding common ground and interests are the main ideas her. Looking to outside help is sometimes needed and we can often draw strength from watching others having fun, we can live through their joy and raise our hearts and smile, not at them, but with them, even if we are somewhere else.

The past for you has meant a lot of hard work, this is shown by a young person carrying a stray lamb over their shoulders, crossing a deep river where they have rescued the lamb from the rushing currents. You are a warm hearted and kind person and you will help whomever you can evenif it means that you are put at risk yourself. This may lead to why you are feeling like you do, you are the one that needs carrying now but  in a spiritual way so that you can regain your composure and refresh your reserves of energy and then move forwards once again.

Your final card is the 6 of Wands, a lady walks amongst the rushes holding the symbol of life, the all powerful Egyptian Ankh. She is smiling and happy and fearless of the snakes around her, she knows they will not harm her and that she has the confidence to stride through this difficult pasture.

Life is never easy and your reading reflects the difficulties you have been having, but remember that life is a circle, phases come and go as the wheel of fortune turns ever more. Sometimes when we need uplifting we just need to look around and draw strength from others and that is enough to start the change and carry us through the low turn of the wheel and move us into the next phase of the lifting wheel. On the whole this readings is very positive and shows your strengths and how to use them.

I hope that this reading makes sense to you, any questions just please ask me :)

Changed Pentacles to Cups, oops!
Last edited by Cascade of Light on Tue Dec 14, 2010 5:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by cedars » Tue Dec 14, 2010 4:27 pm

The 3 of Pentacles is the next step along the way to feeling happier and stronger.
Hi Cassie, I dont know much about the deck you have used, but would this be 3 of Cups instead of Pentacles?  :smt002  :smt002

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Post by Cascade of Light » Tue Dec 14, 2010 5:53 pm

cedars wrote:
The 3 of Pentacles is the next step along the way to feeling happier and stronger.
Hi Cassie, I dont know much about the deck you have used, but would this be 3 of Cups instead of Pentacles?  :smt002  :smt002
Yep it would be, how strange I used Cups too as the deck uses Chalices so totally wierd, thanks :)

Dear Dolly, Thanks for pming me the feedback too, but I am afraid that a reading is not a substitute for medical advice so please if you have further questions about your health or are worried about that area speak to your doctor.

I will add you to my reiki list though as promised :)


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