Can I get a reading pls!

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Can I get a reading pls!

Post by Jaini » Sun Mar 26, 2006 1:52 pm

Hi! Can anyone do a reading for me pls??

I'd like to know what the future has in store for me on the emotional front and whether i'll get a better job soon.

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Post by Paulette » Tue Mar 28, 2006 2:35 am


For now I only had the time to do a 4 card reading.

Position 1: Romance ~ The Star XVII

Position 2: Finances ~ Wheel of Fortune X

Position 3: Health & Happiness ~ 9 of Cups

Position 4: Career ~ King of Cups

For Romance we have the Star. This is a beautiful card which symbolizes a deep desire for romantic love in your life. Or another very deeply precious wish of yours to come true. You have a lot of enthusiasm & joy. You are very attractive & fun to be around. Although I feel all I just said about you is true - you don't like frivolous relationships. You won't someone who will love, respect, adore & cherish you. And you are more than willing to offer them the same. Remain true to yourself - don't settle for 2nd best. You deserve all that you desire & more.

The Star shows up in readings where one may be feeling a little weary or even hopeless about a situation. The Star's energy is one of Faith & Hope. It symbolizes all that is beautiful in the Universe. remain focused on your dreams & desires. Do so with strength & inner conviction regardless of any nay sayers. If you remain true to yourself & focused on your heart's desires you will succeed. However, the energy of the Star is gentle & doesn't happen over-night. Remain cheerful, enthusiastic & hold onto your dreams. Conditions are changing with indicate over-all improvements.

The card which came up for finances is The Wheel of Fortune. This is a very good card! You will be getting another job very soon - very soon. I think within a matter of weeks. Perhaps even days. Any negative conditions related to finances are coming to an end. One note of advice: If when you start your new job your gut feeling is to remain open to other positions - continue doing so. Your new employer doesn't need to know about it. Well unless you are signing a contract with them. But if you do not have a contract - you may wish to keep your eyes & ears open even after beginning this new job.

The 9 of Cups is one of the most wonderful cards to get in a reading! It is called "The Wish Card". So I really think amazing opportunities & loving people & just fantastic things are gong to be entering your life at this time. Enjoy! This card is in the position for "Health & Wellness" & what a great card to receive for this category! You will be receiving a lot of attention. Perhaps even gifts or money. You will be enjoying the good life. This is a card of sensuality & luxury - and lots of fun of course! You are going to be surrounded by love, affection & support.

The one drawback with this card is a sense of entitlement, hubris & over-indulgence. So keep this in mind if you think you could get a big head or a big tummy. ;~) Whichever the case may be.

The final card is for career. For this placement you received the King of Cups. If this card solely refers to career it is very good. You will receive a chance to do something career-wise that you have hoped for a long time. It will be something where you can really shine. I get the distinct feeling that this will be a completely new direction for you.  

If it is another person it would be an older man or woman who has something to do with the medical field, religion, restaurants/catering, clothing/fashion, nutritionist, hotels, export business, weddings, interior design, teaching/children or antiques.....maybe law enforcement or security. Anything having to do with the home, protection, food, nuturing, children, women's interests, nutrition, traditional values etc...

They would have a Cancerian (June 21st - July 22nd) temperment. They are very much interested (usually) in family values & upholding traditions. They can be psychic, touchy, moody, changeable, compassionate, have a wicked sense of humor, be very hospitable and at times be over-bearing. They are very home-based oriented. They are secure, stable & have a quieting influence over those around them. They make good couselors because they have deep insights into human nature.

Because there is a very strong "home" element to this card. It could very well denote that you are going to be working from home. If this is part of your wish it seems that this aspect of your career is going to be granted. Beware that if this is not solely YOUR own home-based business that you have a legitimate contract with whomever you are working. Keep everything on the up & up even though you are working from home. Maintain a professional attitude & get everything in writing. It does feel very good though. I would give the above advice to anyone.

If this is not a homebased business then it could very well be indicating that you will be working in a career in one of the categories I listed: medical field, religion, restaurants/catering, clothing/fashion, nutritionist, hotels, export business, weddings, interior design, teaching/children or antiques.....maybe law enforcement or security. Anything having to do with the home, protection, food, nuturing, children, women's interests, nutrition, traditional values etc...

You received 2 Trump cards out of 4: The Star & The Wheel of Fortune. This means that you are in a current time of wonderful fortuitous changes.  It also signifies that Romance & Finances are being high-lighted for the next several months for you. Those will be important aspects of your life at this time & for the next few months.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask.


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Thank u so much!

Post by Jaini » Thu Mar 30, 2006 5:13 pm

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