Reading Room Guidelines - For Readers

All Tarot Reading requests should be posted under this forum.

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Reading Room Guidelines - For Readers

Post by Abhishek » Wed Apr 05, 2006 7:49 am

To all our Readers,

1) Everyone is welcome to give FREE readings here at Mystic Board.

It would be nice though to perhaps say hello and introduce yourself first so that we can all get to know each other and understand where the reading came from and how it was given. We really do appreciate all the hard work, time and effort that goes into giving readings and would like to say a huge thank-you to everyone that offers their time and energy in this way,   {{{{{{{{{{thanks}}}}}}}}}}}

***We are now pleased to be offering readings from our 'Featured Readers' on selected boards. ***
This is so that everyone can see some of the special readings our regular readers are offering and how they read. If you are interested in becoming a 'Featured Reader' then please PM Gem, the Board Moderator and she will be able to tell you more about the scheme.

2) Please do not overload yourself or feel guilty for not being able to cope up with reading requests. You do not have to answer all requests. We do not want any of our readers to burn out and refuse to read in the future.  This is a place for you to come relax, enjoy, have fun, make friends and have a good laugh. So do exactly that.

3) We would also request all readers to see the number of "posts" a person requesting a reading has made before giving him/her one. Try to judge his/her contribution to the forum by looking at what he/she has posted. This can be done by clicking on the posters name in the left hand box and then clicking on the link there to 'Find all posts by..'  If all the posts are reading requests and do not contribute to the community then please think carefully and use your judgement before giving them another reading as this does not help the member or the community.

However giving a reading to a first post request is up to you, the reader. Many of these people are in need of help and guidance and will greatly benefit from a reading at this time and will then go on to be valued members of our community. We ask you to be welcoming, understanding, compassionate, kind and gentle with all our members, but especially the new ones. If you choose not to read then that is up to you.

Bear in mind that most of the people who request, are one timers and will disappear after they get a reading, or worse not even return to read your reading and give thanks or feedback. Unlike youself the readers who give their time and energy for free - many are not seen contributing to the forum or in anyway helping this become a better place.

4) Please note we have several different forums for different types of readings and to try and ensure that the member gets the kind of reading they require and expect, please try and make sure that the correct type of reading is given in the right forum. ie: Tarot readings in the tarot forum or palmistry in the palmistry forum.
Tarot Reading Forum,
Numerology Reading Forum
Western Astrology Reading Forum
Vedic Astrology Reading Forum
Palmistry Reading Forum
Runes Reading Forum
Psychic Reading Forum

Readings posted in the wrong forum may be moved or removed.

5) We recommend to not give a member more than one reading a month, some types of reading need only be given every six months or even once a lifetime.

6 ) Please look to see if a reading has already been given, and then please do not give another which may be confusing to the member or make the original reader feel unwanted and that their reading is ignored, or usurped; instead fill another request rather than doubling up.

7 ) If people keep pestering for a readings via PM ask them to post their request in the appropriate forum. If this still happens then contact a mod or admin who will deal with this.

8 ) Please remember here at Mystic Board we allow ONLY FREE READINGS. Any unauthorised advertising or soliciting will be removed and may lead to a ban.

9 ) If you see a problem with a request, a reading or any other post please do not respond to it yourself but instead use the REPORT INAPPROPRIATE POST link on the left hand side of the post and the first available mod or admin will review the post and deal with your query.

10 ) Please note that we recommend that some of our readings are only available to those 18 and over.

Thanks once again.


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