Requesting cascade of light

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Requesting cascade of light

Post by 1918 » Thu Oct 27, 2011 4:38 pm

hi cassie

could you please read for me for the following ?

"why do i feel as if i am stuck? what do i need to know to move ahead and feel that i am experiencing growth ? and why do all of sudden i have started thinking of a person i am not in touch with for long?" this state i am in and these feelings started off pretty much all at once ... !

thanks so much for your insight .

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Cascade of Light
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Post by Cascade of Light » Sun Oct 30, 2011 3:47 pm

Heyyy, how wierd is that I was just reading your post over on the Psychic Readings Forum, lol. What made you post here then I wonder?

Sounds like a lot is going on with you so let's see as if we can make some sense and since we are in Tarot Land I will choose a deck to see what the cards say for you  :)

First from the Pamela Colman Smith deck, in a simple story spread we have The Emperor, a tough old man that is looking fiercely at where you are right now. He is strict and detemined and very dominating too. I am wondering if there is a strong over riding force that is making you feel stuck? Almost as if others expect more from you? Next we have the King of Pentacles, another strong male but this one is very clever and successful and quite kind and gentle, almost as if he is the twin of the Emperor and showing us the good side of the character. Putting the two together there is a dominance of energy but that energy is standing still, held back by dogma and fear.  

What you need is to find renewed confidence in yourself and put all those little niggling worries behind you. There is no need to feel stuck anymore,  all you need is to find a little chink in the brick wall you feel you are facing and then as you get a glimpse of where you should be going you will find enough energy to move forwards and to enjoy the ride. Be a little wary of anyone that tries to put you in your place, or usher you on before you are ready, that is not necessary so do what you feel is right in that situation.

The person you are thinking on, may be thinking on you too? Sometimes we just link in sub-consciously, othertimes it is just serendipity. Sometimes out of the clouds we get a gift from nowhere and it is up to us to do something or to do nothing. Just like the Ace of Pentacles actually which is your next card. This following on from the King of Pentacles may also be indicating that finances may be a factor here as the suit of Pentacles is all about money and material goods and wealth. Perhaps support from a family member.

Strength is the next card and the second Major Arcana here, being gentle and kind rather than forceful and feared, sometimes we fare better if we do the simple rather than the obvious, instead of approaching with a stick usse a carrot , or instead of a harsh word use a gentle praise and the end result will be that much easier. And, the end result card here is the 4 of Wands, a happy successful card showing a solid foundation for any relationship or business.

So lots of little indications there that you are not stuck but may perceive it that way and that using the right approach you should get what you want :)
A cascade of light shone down on me, then the angels spoke, and set me free,
Cas x

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Post by 1918 » Mon Oct 31, 2011 8:47 pm

hello cassie

first of all thank you so much for doing this reading for me. i already was feeling helpless about my situation .

and strangely for the first time the cards you have drawn do not resonate with any of the situations i am dealing with currently , let alone the one i asked the reading for except for the part "The person you are thinking on, may be thinking on you too?" because he contacted me out of the blue and told that he was thinking of me too ... strange but true !
other than this all the cards are telling something i have no clue about . how can it be possible ? there is no one like emperor or king of pentacles in my life and ace of pentacles pointing again towards money matters is the least priority in my life as of now .... just to make sure if it was the reading meant for me ??

if yes, why can't i relate to any card in the reading ?
i would wait to hear from you again .
thanking again for your time and energy u have spent in taking care of my request

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