Reading Request for Cedars

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Reading Request for Cedars

Post by adrianna » Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:24 am

Hello Cedars,  :smt006

I hope you are very well. You have given me great insight in the past and it has been a long time since I asked for a reading from you and I have chanced upon turbulent times and I need some dire insight.  About 8 months ago I met a wonderful guy - we have a amazing connection and rapport that I have never experienced with any one else. The problem is he lives in Melbourne and I in Malaysia. I travelled to see him this last week and I was deeply saddened that we only spent one day together. I am left feeling a little confused by his actions of not wanting to see me although it was clear he cared about me. I know he is the one.

I guess I need some answers because I am toying with the idea of moving and I cannot do that unless i know for sure his level of commitment to me. My question is

What do the cards say about my future with S - will there be some sort of commitment down the line and will we bridge the distance and come together?

Life has been bad for me these past 5 months - I lost my cat, my job, my aunt and life in general has been downhill. I feel depressed and sad and I long for that women I used to be who was strong and confident. :smt009

Looking forward to your reading whenever you can find the time.  :)

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Post by cedars » Fri Oct 19, 2012 7:43 am

Hello Cedars,    

I hope you are very well. You have given me great insight in the past and it has been a long time since I asked for a reading from you and I have chanced upon turbulent times and I need some dire insight.  About 8 months ago I met a wonderful guy - we have a amazing connection and rapport that I have never experienced with any one else. The problem is he lives in Melbourne and I in Malaysia. I travelled to see him this last week and I was deeply saddened that we only spent one day together. I am left feeling a little confused by his actions of not wanting to see me although it was clear he cared about me. I know he is the one.

I guess I need some answers because I am toying with the idea of moving and I cannot do that unless i know for sure his level of commitment to me. My question is

What do the cards say about my future with S  
Life has been bad for me these past 5 months - I lost my cat, my job, my aunt and life in general has been downhill. I feel depressed and sad and I long for that women I used to be who was strong and confident.  

Looking forward to your reading whenever you can find the time.  

Dear Adrianna,

I am fine and thank you for asking about my wellbeing. I am sorry to hear about your losses and the recent turbulence around your life.
I will go straight to the point with regard to your request, my friend, and I know some of what I am about to say will not be to your liking…
First of all, I don’t think you need a reading, a Yes or No reading for that matter. It is besides the point that I do not do Yes or No readings and the tarot is not the best tool to answer such questions. In fact, no one can answer such questions, to be honest.

From what I gather, you have been having a cyber-communication, ‘relationship’ with this guy in Australia and you have made the trip to go and meet him and you only spent one day with him.
Have you paused and asked yourself and, more to the point, asked him as to why? Why did he meet you only for one day?
Why after such a connection, you went through the trouble of visiting him in Australia and he gave you only one day?

Did you ask him in person or email or call him with this question? Why?  Why after that so-called wonderful connection that you felt you had with him, he gave you only one day?
Did he know you were coming or did you just show up?

What has been happening since you got back to Malaysia? Has there been contact? Is there or has there been any communication?  And, why after that incident in Melbourne would you consider moving to Australia? Can you answer yourself that question?

How can you be sure of his level of commitment to you? Has he given you any signs, words, promises, actual and factual commitment to reassure you of your huge step of moving to his country? Does he know you are toying with the idea of moving to Australia?

There are so many unanswered questions here, so many why’s and If’s,  that a reading to give you an answer to your question whether  - will there be some sort of commitment down the line and will we bridge the distance and come together? is simply unrealistic.

Deep in your heart, don’t you already know the answer my friend?
The only ‘reading’ I can give you is the benefit of my life experience – for what it’s worth – and that is try and answer all the questions, all the Why’s above, and see what answers you get within yourself.

Cyber relationships are good until you meet the person face to face. Cyber relationships are based on pictures, phone calls, but actual face-to-face meetings are a different thing altogether.
I cannot give you a reading as to the feasibility of this ‘relationship’ or if it has any future.

However, I did pick one card for you as a form of advice or message in this situation and I got the Nine of Pentacles.
In this card we see a woman, who is self-content and is taking time for herself to enjoy her own company, take stock of her life and decide her own destiny. She is a brave woman, she has discipline and she is giving herself the time that she needs not to be reliant on other people for her happiness. She has worked hard in her life and she is not going to let anyone destroy what she has achieved and what she deserves most- her own happiness! This is telling me that she is contented with her own self, what she has around her and not relying on anyone else for her happiness.  This is not saying that her entire life is going to be spent this way, but for the time being and for the foreseeable future, this is the state that suits her most.
If you resonate with this card and if it makes sense to you, I hope you will get the message from it.

All I would say to you is just step back and guard your own space.

Best wishes and blessings to you.

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