Requesting a love reading

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Requesting a love reading

Post by tofu20 » Mon Dec 31, 2012 2:09 pm


I would like to request a love reading for myself.

I was born on Aug 17 1985 (Leo). And my current girlfriend was born on Feb 28 1980.

It has been a rocky ride so far , we have been together since Sept 5 2012. And there has been many times she has wanted to push me away because she feels it wont work out. She is insecure and at times has trust issues. However, everytime i have persisted and believed that I can give her happiness.

The question I want to ask is Will my efforts and hard work pay off and will we have a loving , lasting relationship.


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Post by cedars » Sat Jan 12, 2013 9:06 am

Hello tofu
The question I want to ask is Will my efforts and hard work pay off and will we have a loving, lasting relationship.

No one can answer that question and least of all the Tarot cards.

After all the efforts you have been putting into this relationship, if some reader told you that it won’t work or it is not going to work, what are you going to do?  Close the door and turn your back to it? If it is not working, then you don’t need a reader to tell you to do that. For your own sanity and peace of mind, then perhaps you should make a decision that is best for you.
You have only been together about six months and the ride has been rocky, to use your own words. Do you yourself see things changing? Do you feel that there is future in this relationship? Why don’t you ask your own instincts what this may hold for you and perhaps you will be surprised the answer(s) you get from within.

I picked a card for you as a focal point or reference as to what messages could there be for you.

Ace of Pentacles.
Aces are all about new beginnings and the Pentacle suit stands for material, physical and financial needs and that side of life. These new beginnings are a form of gift sent from the universe which you may take it or leave it. But any gift would be too difficult to turn down.
The Ace of Pentacles could be related to your financial status, job situation or even may show you new possibilities in solving your issues in this relationship. Perhaps there will be other priorities for you to make you realise that a change of direction and something new to look forward to is exactly what you need right now.
But whatever the case may be my good friend, be your own reader and ask yourself if this relationship has passed its “use by” date.

All the best to you in the New Year and in your affairs.

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