Reading Request about work.

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Reading Request about work.

Post by joeyjojo » Mon Jul 22, 2013 9:08 pm

I am wondering if there is going to be a positive outlook on this job interview that I am going to next week in that I get it so I can start my apprenticeship.

Also when will my current money problems go away?

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job interview/morning reading

Post by chipmunk » Mon Sep 16, 2013 6:57 pm

I have done a quick three area reading reguarding your job interview and money issues.
The first three cards are the page of swords which shows you are a smart person with great mental clarity who often pushes peoples buttons just to see what will happen which is a side of you you must try and hiold back on in the interview, the page of wands which shows  your action driven, creative side ( which paired with the the sun card ) will be a winning trait in your interview so let it shine, the nine of pentacles shows the interview will be a success and indicates good fortune in money, career and practical matters.

The second three cards are Strength - showing your will power and determination will see you through this period in your life, the queen of swords partnered with the four of wands shows a intelligent but emotionally cool and logical woman will help you gain fiancial stability and two males - one very much a romeo figure and the other  a very hard worker favouring the slow and steay approach will help you get moving in the right direction.

The third three cards representing the out come of your interview are the death card showing this hard and uncertain phase of your life is over and you are beginning a new phase, the seven of cups shows you will be facing new tests and challenges ahead but the King of swords shows you will face it wih mental clairty, strength of will, power and intelligence.

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