Hi can someone give me quick three month without waiting a few months

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Hi can someone give me quick three month without waiting a few months

Post by nvncbl » Sat Jul 27, 2013 12:15 am

Hi I would like a three month reading whatever you pick up is fine just go with it


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three month reading

Post by chipmunk » Thu Aug 22, 2013 2:17 pm

Here is a snap shot reading for you in the next three months.

career: ten of pentacles. The chariot. Page of knives.  good harmony and stabilty in your work leading to a sudden change or relocation insitigated by you but bewarned of someone who is imature in nature stirring up trouble just to see the affect wit will have on you.

Home ; Reveresed seven of swords, nine of swords, seven of cups.  lots of tension and anxiety over the tests and trails plaguing you in these months, someone at home maybe bullying you or manipulating you, it would best to try and find out who is really on your side and who will help you.

Finaces: king of wands, queen of cups, two of pentacles.  There is the potential for money but this hasn't manifested yet, the people who will effect your finaces un the next three months are  a man over 35  who is very loyal, fair and traditonal- someone with strong entrepreneuiral skills maybe a manager- some one with strong leader ship abilities. The other person is a woman who is very emotional and sensitive, very caring  and generous who will encourage and support you.

Relationships: Ten of Wands, Five of swords, the empress.  There is a of conflict at the momment that is putting a lot of strain and burden on your relationship . you are no longer living in the clouds but have come back to earth , possibly with a loud bump.

Future;  king of cups, two of swords, five of swords :  Diplomacy may be required as you may have to act as mediator between two opposing sides and need to gain a balance between and over your emotions as a conflict between to people is on the horizon and good end in loss.

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