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May I have a reading from whomever is most drawn :)

Post by stephybabes92 » Fri Apr 22, 2016 10:27 pm

Hello kind and patient readers,

I would love to have a general tarot reading if any of you feel upto it :)

I don't have a particular question at this moment in time, I am content with what comes out of the cards for me.

Thanks in advance

Steph xx

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Post by cedars » Sun Apr 24, 2016 12:43 pm

Hi Steph

I will try and post your reading later this afternoon UK time :)

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Post by cedars » Sun Apr 24, 2016 1:22 pm

Hi Steph,,

As you did not have a specific question, I asked the cards to draw your attention to what is most pertinent to your current situation which you may or may not be aware of.
I am using the Rider Waite deck.

Ace of Pentacles: Element Earth.
Aces are all indicative of new beginnings. As such these beginnings are like gifts from the divine as every Ace card is depicted with a hand coming out of the clouds and offering a new beginning pertinent to that suit. Pentacles (coins) deal with our material and physical world: finances, money, health, physical well being, jobs, material and physical needs and so on. So, with that in mind, a new beginning in the areas of finance, possible job opportunities, material gains and/or financial windfalls are in the books for you. As this is a new beginning, it may not have happened or is about to happen soon.

Knight of Swords: Element Air.
Hmmm we jump from the financial and material abundance to a person in the figure of this Knight who is on a horse and galloping fast through the clouds and with a sword in one hand. This knight is an Air sign – Gemini, Libra or Aquarius. Knights are usually people around us, present or about to make an entrance into our life. The Knight of Swords is not what I would describe Mr Sentimentality or a great demonstrator of emotions. He is all talk, talk and even if there was any action substantiating his words, they may be short-lived or even unaccomplished promises or deeds. He is always on the go, making an appointment and either not showing up or showing up late;  he promises things and may not deliver them and comes up with some lame excuses. If there was any charm about his persona, it is usually short-lived and possibly to look after his own agenda. If there is someone like this around you, just be aware of what kind of a person he/she can turn out to be. I am not writing him off completely, but just be careful and use your own judgement and follow your instincts.

Seven of Swords: Element Air.

We have another Air element here which at first glance brought the word treachery to my mind. We see here a man leaving the scene of a fayre or a festival carrying (possibly stealing) five swords and leaving the others behind whilst thinking, damn, I could have carried those too but he is unable to. If this represents a situation that you find yourself in, I would say you are just minimising your losses and moving on with whatever you can salvage from that situation.  But as this card showed up next to the Knight of Swords, I am inclined to say and stick to the first word that came to my mind – treachery. Be aware!

Three of Cups: Element of Water.

It is not all doom and gloom, Steph. Here we see three maidens raising their cups celebrating something and having a party. It is time to let your hair down and gather around with friends and give thanks for the blessings that you have been bestowed upon.
After certain trials and tribulations, which I can only attribute to the two sword cards above, I feel you will have reasons to celebrate.

I trust this reading resonated with your current situation.
All the best.
Last edited by cedars on Sun Apr 24, 2016 11:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by stephybabes92 » Sun Apr 24, 2016 10:21 pm

Wow. It is amazing how much that reading resonated with me! Thank you so much for that.
This reading has me even more aware of something which I felt unsure about but had swept to the side in hope of it turning out well. It seems my gut instinct (and yours, from what you have taken from the cards) is going to be proven right. I hope not but it probably will now. At least I can be mentally prepared; it's not as if it's never happened before.
Even the three of cups resonated haha amazing.
Thankyou! xxx

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Post by cedars » Mon Apr 25, 2016 6:58 am

Thank you for your feedback, Steph.
Am glad to see that the reading has resonated with you.
All the best to you and look after yourself.

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Post by stephybabes92 » Sun May 08, 2016 1:18 pm

cedars wrote:Thank you for your feedback, Steph.
Am glad to see that the reading has resonated with you.
All the best to you and look after yourself.
Cedars your reading came true. This is very strange.
Even the picture of the three women dancing with the cups came true and was connected to the second card. It happened, last night, all of it. The three of us with wine cups, him letting me down.

I don't know what to do, what is the best course of action to take, do u think the first ace card is the advice?

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Post by cedars » Sun May 08, 2016 3:02 pm

I don't know what to do, what is the best course of action to take
I cannot really answer that question Steph and no one should answer it for you. I am very sorry to hear that you have been let down, but don't you think you need to step back and 'lick your wounds' and have some Steph time? My 'advice' outside of the realms of a reading, is to stick to your circle of friends and spend time with them and enjoy their company rather than venturing yet into another involvement with a guy. What say you? I think this is the advice that will be given to you by anyone who has your best interest at heart.

As for the Ace of Pentacles, I cannot go back and 'think' about what it is or was. Aces are gifts from heaven and this may have been revealed to you and you might have been too engrossed with the other issue, or it has not been revealed to you as yet.

Once again I am sorry about the let down, but life does not stop there!

March on!

Hugs and blessings

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Post by stephybabes92 » Sun May 08, 2016 10:03 pm

Thankyou Cedars, you really are very helpful and so intuitive :-) clearly you have a genuine gift as that reading was spot on x

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Post by cedars » Tue May 10, 2016 10:18 am

Thank you for your kind words Steph.
Being 'spot on' or not is not necessarily a 'good reading'...

The cards were given to me and I did the communication with or through them.
I hate to be perceived as someone who can foretell things, because I don't and can 't :)

My main concern is for the querents to have some peace of mind and see the brighter side of life.

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