The number 1274 - HELP ME

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The number 1274 - HELP ME

Post by Mryth » Fri Nov 23, 2007 2:27 pm

Quick introduction about myself: I have synethesia - I have a link between my senses. I listen and at the same time I taste the sound, etc. I also am plauged with numbers.

All my life I have felt, heard, and tasted numbers. I can't see them physically, but I can FEEL numbers in things. For example, I can look at my friend and know she is a 3 and 5 (for some reason I get 2 numbers for people). I have created links between foods, items, and other stuff all based on the number I feel in it. I even eat number 2 foods, like blueberries, when I need to relax and stay away from yellow (number 7) things when I am easily aggitated.

Anyway, I have had the number 1274 in my head since as long as I can remember. I run into it all the time during my life (it's been my ID card number at numerous jobs, number on my ccard, you name it), I see it in my dreams a lot, I can feel it, I think of it sometimes, and I have no idea what it means. It's a riddle, and a puzzle that I cannot figure out.
Can anyone help me or does anyone have this same problem?

Thank you so much.

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Post by Sorrow » Sun Nov 25, 2007 4:47 pm

give your data for reading to see if we can connect something, are you 5 life path?

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Thu Dec 06, 2007 7:05 pm

1274  adding these numbers together we come up with a core meaning

14/5  maybe you should take a closer look at the the root  ........

The 14 Karmic Debt arises from previous lifetimes during which human freedom has been abused. Those with a 14 Karmic Debt are forced to adapt to ever-changing circumstances and unexpected occurrences. There is an acute danger of falling victim to abuse of drugs, alcohol, and overindulgence in sensual pleasures, such as food and sex. You must put the reins on yourself. Modesty in all affairs is crucial to overcoming this Karmic Debt.

Also important is the need to maintain order in life, and to establish one's own emotional stability. you must also be willing to adapt to the unexpected occurrences of life, all the while maintaining your focus on your goals and dreams. Flexibility and adaptability are at the very core of this struggle.
Orderliness in one's immediate environment is crucial to maintaining clarity and focus. Mental and emotional stability must be attained in order to avoid being thrown about by the changing fortunes in the external environment.

But the key to the 14 Karmic Debt is commitment. Life will resemble a roller coaster ride, but it will always travel in the right direction if one's heart is set on what is true and good. Set yourself a high goal, maintain order wherever possible in your life, avoid excessive sensory indulgence, and maintain faith. Above all, do not give up on your dreams and goals.
Those with the 14 Karmic Debt will experience life to the fullest, and as long as they maintain a high dream, they will achieve success and great spiritual development.

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