Compatiblity reading, if you have time please?

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Compatiblity reading, if you have time please?

Post by pinkspikes » Tue Mar 25, 2008 4:07 am

Hey I have been dating this man since January and all seems well he seems to be really sweet and kind to me as I am to him. I know it is kind of a weird idea but I really want to give him a compatiblity reading for his birthday perhaps. So I am requesting one in hopes that it shows good compatiblity so I can give it to him as a gift. Feel free to be as honest and as detailed as you want.

march 29, 1986

November 2, 1986

If you need the last names, feel free to post, and I'll give them to you. Although I am still fuzzy about the rules.

Anyways, thanks in advance, I look forward to your response. =D

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:25 am

Chris and Megan, I hope you will enjoy your Compatibility Report and, more
importantly, I hope you will find this reading to be beneficial to your relationship.

   If ever there was a moment of total transformation, it was the moment of your
birth. In that instant, you stepped through a door in time into a new reality -- the
reality of human life. The most important number in your numerology chart is
based on the date of your birth, the moment when the curtain goes up in your life.  
   Even at that moment, you were a person with your own unique character, as
unique as your DNA. Everything that is you existed in potential, much like a play
that is about to begin. Your entire life exists as a potential that has been prepared
for. Chris, you have ultimate freedom to do with your life as you like: To fulfill its
potential completely, or to make some smaller version of yourself. It all depends
upon your effort and commitment. You make the decisions to fulfill, to whatever
extent, the potential life that exists within you. That is your choice. In this sense,
the possible you is implicit during the moment of your birth.  
   The Life Path number gives us a broad outline of the opportunities, challenges,
and lessons we will encounter in this lifetime. Your Life path is the road you are
traveling. It reveals the opportunities and challenges you will face in life. Your Life
Path number is the single most important information available in your Personality

Chris, your Life Path is 20/2  
   The key word in your nature is peacemaker. Chris, you have the soul of an
artist. You are extremely sensitive, perceptive, and a bit shy. These qualities are
both your strengths and weaknesses, for while you possess enormous sensitivity
to your feelings and those of others, that same sensitivity can cause you to hold
back and repress your considerable talents. Sensitivity and perceptiveness are
among your many fine qualities
   Because you intuitively know what people want, or feel, you can be extremely
diplomatic and tactful. You are also patient and cooperative. You work well with
groups and somehow find a way of creating harmony among diverse opinions.
   You enjoy music and poetry and require a harmonious environment.
   You have an eye for beauty and a fine sense of balance and rhythm. You have
healing capabilities, especially in such fields as massage, acupuncture, physical
therapy, and counseling.
   However, your sensitivity can also be your downfall. Chris, your extremely
delicate ego bruises easily and can make too much of someone else's
thoughtless remarks or criticisms. Because you get hurt easily, you may tend to
withhold your own thoughts and contributions to the matter at hand. This can
cause you considerable resentment and anger.
   Too often, you run from confrontation to avoid a battle.
   When you employ your considerable inner strength, you will discover your
enormous power and abilities to direct difficult situations toward your own goals. It
is the awareness of your inner strength that will give you the courage to use your
own personal power when it is needed. You are a sensitive and passionate lover;
your perceptiveness makes you aware of your partner's needs and desires,
which you are able to fulfill with almost magical delicacy.
   However, when you feel you have been mistreated or jilted, you can react with
devastating power, sometimes using personal criticisms vindictively. Your
awareness, diplomatic skills, and organizational talents give you the ability to
bring off difficult tasks. You willingly step out of the limelight to facilitate the
success of your endeavor. In truth, you are often the power behind the throne.
However, you do not always receive the credit you deserve for the fine work
you've done, or your role is underestimated and your accomplishments
overlooked. Rather than brood over your losses, you need to confront those who
would make less of your contributions and stand up for your accomplishments.
You need security and comfort, quiet settings, and the company of loved ones.
You are a perfectionist when it comes to your home and work environment. Chris,
you have excellent taste which is obvious in your private surroundings. You are a
fine companion and possess a good sense of humor. Friends seek you out for
your calming and peaceful company. You are a safe haven to other sensitive
people, who recognize your compassion and understanding. When you have
found your niche in life, you have all the talents and intelligence for great success.
Seek out work that allows your sensitive nature to flourish -- be the glue that binds
others together.

Megan, your Life Path is 19/1  
   Megan, you are a born leader. You insist on your right to make up your own
mind; you demand freedom of thought and action. You have drive and
determination. You don't let anything or anyone stand in your way once you are
committed to your goal.
   You assume the responsibility to be the protector and provider for those you
love. You demand respect and attention and become irritated and even
domineering when important things do not go your way.
  You need to feel in command of important undertakings, and resist supportive
roles. You seek the forefront and the limelight.
   Megan, you are exceptionally creative and original and possess a touch of the
unusual. Your approach to problems is unique and you have the courage to
wander from the beaten path. You can be impatient with your shortcomings and
those of others.
   You are very concerned with your status and foster the appearance of success
and self-satisfaction. The need to appear well off propels you to strive for growth,
success and the finer things of life.
   You should watch out for selfishness, conceit and the over-concern with
appearance. You must guard against overzealous behavior, anger and
aggressiveness. If these qualities are not brought under control you could
become excessively domineering, vindictive and even violent. You perform best
when you are left to your own devices. Ideally you should own your own business
and be your own boss. Hold fast to your life's dream and work with the
determination you possess to realize it. You can become overly stressed by your
driven nature. Be careful about the food you eat and maintain an exercise
program you enjoy. Competition sports are often a healthy outlet for a person with
your drive, particularly sports involving running and swimming. Don't let pride and
overconfidence be your masters. Remember, your talents and abilities are a gift
from a higher source, which should promote gratitude and humility, rather than
pride and conceit.
   More often than not a person with a 1 Life Path will achieve much in life as long
as the drive, creativity, originality and pioneering spirit are fully employed!

   Megan, your Life Path number 19, while identical in many ways to the Life Path
numbers 1 and 10, also reveals the presence of a Karmic Debt. The person with
the 19 Karmic Debt will learn independence and the proper use of power. You will
be forced to stand up for yourself, and often be left to stand alone. Difficulties will
be faced and overcome through personal struggle.

   One of the central lessons for people with the 19 Karmic Debt is that you
stubbornly resist help. Much of your independence is self-imposed; you simply
don't want to listen to others, or accept the help or advice of others. Your 19
Karmic Debt can become a self imposed prison if you do not open up to the
reality of interdependence, and the mutual need for love.

   The most important lesson for the 19 Karmic Debt is: While you seek to stand
on your own feet, you are still a human being, deeply connected with others and
in need of the support, assistance, and human understanding that all people
need. Those with the 19 Karmic Debt will learn the hard way that "no man is an
island," and that we are, indeed, "all bits of the main!"

Your Life Path's compatibility is 2 and 1  
Chris and Megan, your Life Path numbers are the most important numbers in
your charts, and, as such, their compatibility is very important to the well-being of
your relationship.

Yours is a very promising combination, because, strange as it may seem, you
have very little in common - at least in this aspect of the chart.  This particular
core number shows Megan to be strong and driven, competitive, motivated and,
perhaps, a bit bullish and overbearing.  Chris, on the other hand, is by nature
more the "power behind the throne", the person who understands what goes on
on a deeper level.  Sensitive, intuitive, insightful and supportive, Chris will always
allow Megan room to throw some weight around, without loosing sight of what
has to be done and how to do it.  The fact that you don't play a power game has a
very important role in this relationship.  Both of you know what you want, know
how to make the other understand, and, thanks to these abilities, you succeed in
complementing each other very well.
Chris is the peacemaker, Megan, the driving, ambitious force.
However, always remember to look at the other compatible aspects in your
number combination so as to keep this in perspective.
Megan does have to be careful with Chris.  Megan's strength is like a strong stick
- it won't break easily and isn't concerned about getting damaged.  Chris's
strength is more flexible, but also more vulnerable.  Chris will bend and surrender
to other forces more easily, being therefore also more vulnerable to verbal abuse
and negative criticism, things Megan is perfectly capable of shrugging off without
much damage to the ego.  Interestingly, it is precisely because Chris is able to
bend with the forces, that Chris is the real survivor when a serious storm hits,
where as, if the wind is strong enough, Megan's strength may snap.

At least in this aspect of the chart, the key in this relationship is "mutual respect"
and "sincerity".  Megan has to understand that Chris's willingness to compromise
or surrender does not represent weakness or an indecisive nature.  Megan also
has to be aware that Chris is not easily fooled.  Chris may accept a certain
explanation or a chain of events without confrontation, but this is more a result of
a deeper insight and better perspective than cowardice.  Chris recognizes
insincerity, lying and role-playing much quicker then Megan.  Therefore, Megan
would be well advised not to underestimate Chris.  As for Chris, keep in mind that
Megan's showing of strength and bravura does not mean that Megan's feelings
are not susceptible to being hurt.  In fact, behind that facade of strength and
courage is a human being who experiences matters of the heart very powerfully.

   Your Expression number reveals your physical and mental constitution, the
orientation or goal of your life.  Some numerologists refer to this number as the
Destiny, because it represents a lifelong target at which you are aiming.  You
work at fulfilling this potential every day of your life.  Thus, the Expression number
reveals your inner goal, the person you aim to be.  
   The Expression number reveals the talents, abilities, and shortcomings that
were with you when you entered your human body.  Your name, and the numbers
derived from it, reveals your development, as well as the talents and issues you
will be working with during this life.
   For those for whom reincarnation is an accepted philosophy, the vibration of
your full name can be seen as the totality of your personal evolution, the
experiences, talents, and wisdom accumulated over many life times.  Every
experience, no matter how great or small, along this evolutionary path has
influenced your development, and brought you to your current state of being.
   The Expression is your being; the Life Path is the major lesson you are
attempting to learn this time around.  Time allows the gradual emergence of your
personality.  By reading the Expression number below, you will come to
understand your basic nature and the abilities and issues inherent in your being.

Chris, your Expression is 3  
   Chris, you are optimistic, inspiring, outgoing, and expressive.  People see you
as cheerful, positive and charming; your personality has a certain bounce and
verve that so powerfully affects others that you can inspire people without effort.
   All of this upward energy is a symptom of your tremendous creativity.  Your
verbal skills may well lead you into the fields of writing, comedy, theater, and
   Yours is the number of self-expression -- rich in imagination and spirit.  But you
have to be careful not to scatter your talents.  Your bane is that you often lack
discipline and order in your life.  Avoid becoming a "happy- go-lucky" spendthrift,
escaping responsibility and commitment.  You must learn to concentrate and
   These are the keys to your success.  You have great potential in the arts and
areas that requires creative solutions to problems.  You are able to perform leaps
of imagination, providing unconventional ideas as if they suddenly descended
from above.  Hard work and focus, however, are the foundation for a successful
   Though you possess great verbal skills, your mind tends to see life as pictures
rather than in words.  Yet, you have the ability to think abstractly.
   Creativity is a sensitive faculty that is often suppressed in childhood.  If you lack

the confidence to pursue your ideas, you may divert your abilities into a scattering
of trivial pursuits.
   To overcome this problem, you must make a choice.  Chris, you have to limit
your field of vision and the number of activities you engage in, and bundle your
energies into a single thrust.  Focus your life; choose the area that you love the
most, and commit.  There, you will find success.  And a great deal of happiness.
   Love, romance, and money are within your reach.  You are aided by your
friends and admirers.  Often people appear out of nowhere to help you in key
situations.  Chris, you have to learn to accept the involvement of others in your
life.  You are not a loner, nor are you particularly independent.  You are social --
you need an audience and the support of others to fully realize your abilities.
   On the down-side, you can be superficial, moody, and intolerant.  You are
emotional and sensitive, sometimes presuming criticism where none was
intended.  You can also be jealous and gossipy.  Beware of becoming cynical and
sarcastic.  These traits can suppress your natural creativity.
   Be goal-oriented.  This is a practical, step-by-step approach to your larger
ambitions.  You possess the natural abilities to attain a high degree of excellence.

Megan, your Expression is 22/4  
   Megan, you are the master builder.  You possess a unique gift for perceiving
something in the archetypal world -- infinite and divine -- and making some
semblance of it manifest on earth.
   You dream big.  Every goal you have is enormous in scope.  You dream of
creating something that will last centuries.  Your desire is to change history.  You
want to make your mark on human civilization.  There is no limit to what you are
capable of, nor any on what you dream of doing.  Of all the numbers, yours
possesses the greatest potential for accomplishment.  At the same time, you
possess the greatest liability.  What it will require of you to fulfill your potential is
nothing less than your entire life.
   Even as a child, you have had a vague sense of what you must do and have
always been deeply intimidated by the awesomeness of your task.  You have felt
the intimations of your power.  But these feelings have caused you to feel
paralyzed by doubt.
   Megan, you must advance well into adulthood before you can begin to make
use of your power and truly commit to your destiny.
   The promise and reward of your Expression is equaled only by the degree of
difficulty and struggle necessary to realize its potential.
   The number 22 offers those who fully realize it a chance to jump into another
dimension in which your day is expanded, your capacity to create and inspire
multiplied, your ability to perform lasting service to mankind extended beyond the
normal limits of one's life.

   You may turn away from the challenge you face for the safety of limitations and
practical considerations of the 4 (22 reduces to a 4 expression).  You may not
want to take the great risks that the 22 presents.  Instead, you may try to content
yourself with limited achievements, telling yourself that your big dreams are
unrealistic fantasies.  This can cause some frustration, because on some level
you feel called to greater things.  Nevertheless, your chances to be successful,
even when you limit your efforts, are still good.
   You have great leadership abilities.  You are persistent.  You also refuse to
back down in the face of a challenge.  You like to work in large enterprises and on
an international scale.  Borders or racial identities mean little to you.  You see
yourself as a world citizen, playing on the planet, and refuse to be limited by petty
   Megan, you should marry someone who does not depend on you for
entertainment, rather choose a spouse who can participate with you but provide
an independent contribution to your goals.
   You are blessed with a farsighted vision.  Your efforts are directed toward great
accomplishments and long-standing progress.  You deeply want to create a great
edifice that will make a lasting contribution, and you have all the tools necessary
to do just that.

Your Expression's compatibility is 3 and 4  
More than any other number in your chart, your Expression number reflects who
you are as a person.  Earlier, you read about the Life Path number and how
important that number is in your chart.  However, the Life Path number reflects
“the path you walk on,” and should be seen more as a powerful influence than as
a part of your personality makeup.  Your Expression number on the other hand,
reflects a deeper part of you.  It is more difficult to overcome possible negative
traits you may have recognized in yourself when they are found in this part of the
chart, than when they are found under the Life Path description.

It can’t be emphasized too much how important it is to realize that numbers in
different areas of the chart affect you differently, even when it is the same
number.  Sometimes, you may read something that seems to directly contradict
earlier statements.  Yet, if you take the time to think about them carefully, you will
probably recognize that you, as a human being, are extremely complex and full of
the same contradictions.  This is simply the way we are.  You may be organized
in one area of your life, while chaos rules in another area.  You may be tactful and
sensitive in one setting, and direct and confrontational in another situation.

This is both a very promising as well as a very difficult combination.  Chris
reveals a fun-loving, optimistic side, a creative, playful, perhaps even childlike

nature.  Chris demonstrates to have faith in life and is confident that things will
work out, no matter what.  In addition, Chris has a natural, intuitive talent to go
with the flow and escape pitfalls almost effortlessly.  Megan, on the other hand, is
much more grounded, practical, and has a hands-on approach to life.  Megan
feels that discipline and focus, responsibility, dependability and duty are the
requirements to create a life of comfort and contentment.  From one perspective,
this makes for a nicely balanced relationship.  Chris’s approach works for Chris.  
Megan has seen the fruits of effort and discipline and knows there is safety in
having at least some control.  As long as life doesn’t throw a monkey wrench in
your situation, this can be a harmonious, very satisfying relationship.
But when life becomes a challenge, when problems - especially practical,
material, worldly problems - come up, Chris and Megan, this combination of three
and four is one of the least prepared to deal with it.  Chris, you may well start
resenting Megan for taking such a hard, grab-the-bull-by-the-horns approach,
since Megan is not the type of person who backs away and watches things fall
apart.  In addition, it is important that you bear in mind that we are talking about
problems that did not arise between you, from your relationship, but from outside,
issues like a shortage of money, the loss of a job, an expensive illness, or some
other unfortunate shift.
Megan will be tempted to look at Chris and question the amount of effort and
sacrifice Chris is investing during this difficult time.  Blame will feed resentment
and anger, and soon, instead of forming a combined front to overcome the
obstacle, you will turn against each other.
When that happens, Chris and Megan, you will need to step back and realize that,
although you may not understand what motivates your partner to respond so
differently from what you believe is the correct and required approach, you should
not judge.  Chris, you may not believe that Megan makes any sense.  You may
well feel that all that effort is misdirected, perhaps even detrimental to a positive
outcome, but Megan needs that effort.  Megan needs to feel that there is some
On the other hand, Megan may blame Chris for not doing enough, which may be
true.  On the surface, Chris may seem to be backing away from the problem.  
Chris does not focus on the issue itself as much as on whatever is needed to
make it go away, or, at least, to make it bearable.  Chris will bring in the optimism
and the motivation to go on.  Chris will point to the light at the end of the tunnel, no
matter how tiny or seemingly far away, and when everyone else is ready to give
up, Chris will bring in the much needed energy and get you back on your feet.  
Chris is invaluable during such a time.  And that, too, takes effort.  
So, just remember that, although difficult, yours is also a very promising
combination, and the key to making the most of it lies on not trying to judge each
other, but on combining your many individual qualities.

   Your Heart's Desire is the inner you.  It shows your underlying urge, your true
motivation.  It reveals the general intention behind many of your actions.  
Consequently, it dramatically influences the choices you make in life.  The Heart's
desire is seen as part of the larger picture, called the core numbers, which
includes the Life Path, Expression, Day you were born, and Personality.  But
each points to a different aspect of you.
   The Expression number reveals your talents and abilities, and your general
direction in life.  The Life Path is the central lesson you came into the world to
learn.  The Day you were born is very closely connected to your Life Path.  It
reveals specific talents you possess, which will be helpful to you in dealing with
your Life Path.  The Personality reveals how people tend to see you.  It also
demonstrates what characteristics you are projecting to the world.  The Heart's
Desire demonstrates the identity of the soul that joined the earth -- you, the
spiritual being.

Chris, your Heart's Desire is 9  
   Chris, you want to be of service to the world.  Your deepest satisfaction comes
from knowing that you have advanced the cause of humanity.
   Your ideals are of the highest order.  You are a perfectionist.  You strive to
make the world a utopia; to make each person's lot in life better; to become
perfect yourself.  One of your challenges in life is to strive toward your lofty goals
and at the same time recognize the good you are doing.
   You like and are fascinated by people from all walks of life.  Human nature is a
lifelong study for you.  You are highly intuitive, but not an especially good judge of
character.  You are a bit naive, as well, thinking perhaps that all people have the
same values as you.
   You dream of having the resources to immediately relieve the suffering of
others, whether it is economic, physical, or psychological.
   You are gifted with a good mind and a great deal of wisdom, which makes you
a natural teacher, counselor, or healer.
   As much as you desire to be of service to others, you also crave fame and the
approval of the masses.  Much of the energy you expend in life is directed toward
putting yourself before an audience, most often as a salesperson whose product
provides some social good; as a philanthropist; or an artist.
   Chris, you are attracted to the arts as a vocation, especially as an actor,
photographer, or writer.  But whatever your profession, any involvement in the
arts, even as a hobby, will provide you with a deep and lasting satisfaction.
   Secretly, you dream of having a big impact on the world.  Others may see this
as egotism, especially when you are still young.  But your concern for others is

genuine.  You must apply yourself in this direction in order to become
psychologically whole and personally satisfied.
   Your vision is on the crowds of people, which can cause you to overlook the
needs of those closest to you.  You need personal love as well, but have a
tendency to put your needs in the background.  Still, you are a loving person, and
only need to be reminded to direct and demonstrate that love to those nearby.  If,
however, you are focused exclusively on the masses, people will perceive you as
distant and a bit aloof.
   You are emotional, and sensitive.  You can also be moody and critical.  You
have high expectations for yourself and others.  This can cause you much anger
when your expectations are unfulfilled.  One of your most important life lessons is
to forgive.
   Because you are striving hard to attain high ideals, you may think of yourself as
superior to others.  Arrogance is a trap many 9s fall into.  The danger is that
arrogance cuts you off from the thing you love the most: people.
   Chris, your happiness and contentment are therefore highly dependent on the
ease with which you are able to serve and influence mankind.
   It is the paradox of your Heart's Desire that you receive by giving.  Both your
material success and spiritual satisfaction are made possible through service
and sacrifice to others.

Megan, your Heart's Desire is 6  
   Megan, your attention is directed to helping and caring for those you love.  You
are exceedingly domestic.  You love your home and family and work hard to make
both comfortable and secure.  Your love for family and friends is a major source
of your happiness and sometimes unhappiness.
   Your desire to help others is so strong that you often find yourself sacrificing
your own personal needs for someone else's.  You can overdo it, becoming too
deeply involved in other people's lives.  You risk interfering in personal matters
and or smothering those you love in too much affection.  This can be especially
weakening to children, who never experience their own personal strength if an
adult is too protective.
   You are extremely loyal and rarely let anyone down.  You need to feel
appreciation for your giving and caring.  You want to know that you are needed.
   Megan, you are generous and very forgiving.  You are somehow able to
overlook the worst mistakes in another and find enough good in that person to
continue the relationship.
   You are patient, warm, and sympathetic, sometimes to the point of
   You have a natural ability as a counselor and healer.  You are an excellent
listener, compassionate and understanding.  You are able to both sympathize and

empathize with a person's dilemma.  Your challenge as a counselor is to be
adequately educated so that you can do more than provide a sympathetic ear or
   You possess a great deal of artistic talent, though you may not have a lot of
confidence in your ability.  Art gives you a great deal of pleasure and satisfaction.  
You are especially sensitive to your environment and have a knack for creating an
artistic, healing, and harmonious atmosphere in your home or work space.
   Megan, your deepest intention is to love those around you, and be loved in
return.  Six is the most loving of all numbers, especially in one-to-one
relationships.  Your instincts are toward your family and friends.  You envision a
beautiful and harmonious life with love as the basis for all social interaction.  Your
love is returned manifold; people appreciate you and the love you give, and are
willing to go to great lengths to keep you close at hand.

Your Heart's Desire's compatibility is 9 and 6  
Compatibility of the Heart’s Desire numbers is very important in a relationship -
few relationships last beyond the initial stage if the Heart’s Desire numbers are
not compatible.

Megan and Chris, all numbers dividable by three have several things in common.  
First and foremost, all these numbers respond to the physical, emotional and
spiritual needs of others.  In the case of a six, this is expressed mainly towards
those in the immediate circle: family and friends.  In the case of the nine, it is
directed more towards people at large - pretty much all of mankind.
When a six and a nine are found between romantic partners in this part of the
chart, compatibility is very good.  Both of you, Megan and Chris, are
self-sacrificing, giving and caring people.  Megan is more practical, Chris more
idealistic, but your motivations are similar.
Another aspect you have in common is your creativity and your eye for beauty,
which, contrary to what might be expected, is pretty often a source of trouble for
the six-and-nine combination.  Megan and Chris, sometimes you will see eye to
eye when it comes to decorating, but often you won’t.  And since you are both
opinionated in this matter, in order to prevent unnecessary arguments, what you
should do is give and take a little, something you are both quite capable of doing.
Another talent or trait you share is a sense of justice.  The six and the nine are
both strongly affected by a sense of right and wrong that can be very powerful -
sometimes to the extent that they get involved in politics or become activists.  
Unless you happen to be on opposite ends of the political spectrum, this trait can
further strengthen your bond.

The six and the nine, Megan and Chris, are highly compatible.  However, there

are some areas where you may find yourself clashing if certain negative traits are
allowed to grow.  Although this is not common, a warning might be in place.
The nine, Chris, with its idealistic and self-sacrificing nature, can also be arrogant
and self-righteous.  Recognizing the relative value of one’s concepts and ideas is
not a strong point with the nine.  Chris, with your innate sense of justice, you may
have recognized a tendency in yourself to put down those who don’t see things
the same way as you do.  Especially when combined with strong religious
dogmas, the nine can become a negative influence on others, sometimes ruining
a relationship - even with the most devoted partner.  If you have found yourself in
that corner, Chris, you would do well to realize that what we believe and what we
think, is just that, a thought, a concept, the truth as we see it.  Always keep in
mind that our perspective, no matter how enlightened, is still limited.  Knowing
that, we will be able to be compassionate and tolerant towards others.  The nine,
as you have read in the previous chapters, is the least prejudiced of all numbers,
but as with all human traits, its dark side tends to be the direct opposite of the
light side.
Although the most loving of all numbers, Megan’s six has a dark side as well, and
a dark side that can be nasty indeed.  The six can become intolerant and angry,
often without a clear cause.  The irritation and anger seem just to sit there, inside,
waiting for an opportunity to break out, without rhyme or reason.

Megan and Chris, the negative sides of either the six or the nine are rarely
displayed, but you will need to watch out for them in order to prevent them from
spoiling what is most certainly one of the best number combinations around.

   Your Personality number is derived from the consonants of your full name at
birth.  Your Personality is like a narrow entrance hall to the great room that is your
true nature.  It is those aspects that you feel comfortable sharing with people at
the outset of a relationship.  With time and trust, you invite others into the deeper
aspects of your nature; you reveal more of who you really are, in effect, your
Heart's Desire, Expression, and so on.
   Your Personality number often serves as a censoring device, both in terms of
what you send out, as well as what you allow to approach.  It discriminates in the
kinds of people and information you let enter your heart and mind.  For this
reason, your Personality is usually much more narrow and protective in its
definition than the real you.  It can screen out some of what you do not want to
deal with -- people or situations -- but it also welcomes those things that
immediately relate to your inner nature.
   Your Personality number also indicates how others perceive you.  No one can
be objective about himself or herself.  Even our closest friends and relatives have

trouble describing how they see us.

Chris, your Personality is 3  
   Chris, you are highly attractive.  Many men with a 3 Personality are very
handsome; women are often strikingly beautiful.
   Your vibration is full of life.  You are uplifting, inspiring, and charming.  You are a
fun person to be around.  Your wit and sparkling personality make you the life of a
   You are extroverted and optimistic.  You appreciate fine clothing and jewelry,
and enjoy dressing up a bit.  You like glamour, and are sought after by the
opposite sex.
   You are a romantic.  Chris, you fall in and out of love rather quickly.  You are
affectionate and giving.
   Do not let your charm be an incentive to play too much.  Work at developing
deep and lasting relationships.  You have to avoid scattering your attention for
   You can be flippant about commitments and may dramatize or exaggerate.
   Your wit can cause you to rely too much on superficial, humorous
   You have a distinct "lucky streak" that attracts many opportunities throughout
your life.  You also have a knack of promoting yourself as well as inspiring others.  
When backed up by hard work and self-disciple, these qualities almost ensure
your success.

Megan, your Personality is 7  
   Megan, you seem mysterious and different.  People see you as serious and
studious.  You are highly independent and self- sufficient.  Your exceptional
intelligence and wisdom are quickly noticed, people respect you.  You are not one
to attract people on the basis of your warmth or compassion -- though you may
be loaded with both -- but because of your obvious insight into life's mysteries.
   You are hard to get to know.  You are often withdrawn.  It is common for people
to see your focus turn inside of yourself in the middle of a conversation.
   You have the makings of an intellectual and an aristocrat but you have to guard
against arrogance and an attitude of, "I've got it all figured out".
   There have been periods in your life when you had little concern for your
clothing or fashion, while at other times you are very aware of your clothing and
use it to make a specific impression.
   You appear dignified no matter how you dress., but a well groomed seven with
a touch of dash definitely has an advantage.  Your confidence increases when
you know you are well dressed.

   Megan, you are recognized as spiritual and religious, with your very own ideas
regarding the purpose of life and the Creator.
   You are an inspired speaker, but only when discussing subjects that really
interest you.  Otherwise, you are not one for chatter.
   Your love of knowledge and wisdom shows.

Your Personality's compatibility is 3 and 7  
Quickly recognized when two people first meet, not many relationships even get
started unless the Personality numbers are compatible.

This combination of numbers in this part of the chart is particularly interesting.  
Chris and Megan, the different natures of the three and seven make for a
relationship that either lasts for about two weeks before going up in flames, or
remains exciting and powerful for a lifetime.  If your relationship has existed for
quite some time and can be considered stable, you may well be soul mates for
life.  If the relationship started recently and has already experienced considerable
ups and downs, you should be prepared to let go.  It is also quite common for this
combination to turn from romance into deep friendship immediately after a
romantic fall-out.

Chris has a restless, energetic, unconventional mind that happily explores the
boundaries of creativity and originality.  Like a kaleidoscope, the mind of the three
changes colors and shapes and enchants those around it.  Megan has a much
more serious, but no less unconventional way of looking at life.  Megan is an
untiring seeker of truth and understanding.  Megan gets great satisfaction out of
quiet moments of contemplation and soul searching.  In fact, Megan thrives on
the clarity and realizations that come from such moments and from moments of
spiritual enlightenment, which are common to those found with the seven in this
part of the chart.

As you can see, you have very different approaches in the way you think.  But, on
the other hand, you have in common the fact that you both are unconventional
and not afraid to wander off the beaten path.  Although you have different needs
and you find your happiness in very different ways, such ways are not
incompatible.  Chris and Megan, it is precisely your uniquely different intellects
that make this relationship lively and interesting.  You complement each other.  
You give each other something you would not be able to give yourself.  Chris
brings sunshine and an intuitive faith to Megan, while Megan offers Chris a taste
of the beauty found in exploring the depths of life itself.  Like the sun and the
moon, you supply light and comfort.  Although on opposite ends of the spectrum
in some ways, you bring light and comfort to each other’s life and, as long as you
don’t compete for each other’s space, you can live in great harmony.

    Your Personal Year number is a strong indication of the trends and
circumstances you will experience during the year ahead.  Your Personal Year
cycles are based on the Universal Year cycles and therefore run concurrent with
the calendar year.  Transit and Essence cycles are based on the letters of your
name and run from birth date to birth date.      
    There are nine personal year numbers, which makes up a complete Epicycle.  
Each Epicycle reveals the progression or evolution of a specific part of your
growth.  Chris, your progress along this Epicycle can be seen very logically, from
the infancy or beginning of a growth period in your life, to the conclusion or
culmination of that process.  The 1 personal year indicates your first steps in a
new direction.  The years that follow indicate your progress along this path,
concluding with your 9 Personal Year, which completes the cycle.  Below is a
description of your current Personal Year.  It indicates where you are on the 9
year Epicycle.
    The Personal Years form the building steps that mark your progress through

Chris, your Personal Year for 2008 is 6  
   This is a year of progress and financial advancement, Chris.  Major career
opportunities present themselves.  It is a challenging year in which personal
growth is joined with new responsibilities and challenges.
   This is a year of domestic responsibility and attention to the needs of family
and friends.  It is a time of heart felt emotions and some sacrifice.  It is a time for
comforting and caring.
   You realize the importance of your place within your community.  You will be
called upon to help others bear their burdens.  You are the proverbial friend in
   Chris, you must work to create an atmosphere of harmony and balance.  It is
often a time when marital issues surface and need attention.  However, you
possess the understanding to deal with such issues effectively if you apply
yourself with love and flexibility.
   These deep feelings bring renewal to relationships and often a birth in the
   May is an emotional month filled with the promise and the stress of imminent
changes.  June is a breakthrough and a relief.  September brings advancement,
October self- reflection and readjustments, and December brings a sense of
completion and fulfillment.

Megan, your Personal Year for 2008 is 5  
   This is a year of dynamic change, Megan.  Many surprises will come your way.  
Be open and ready to embrace new opportunities.
   Do not be overly careful this year.  This is a year in which a major step forward
can take place if you are willing to take some calculated risks and do a little
gambling.  Wisdom and prudence is the key, but you will definitely be faced with
choices that require fast action and a willingness to act before all the facts are in.
   This is an exciting year in which you will be required to promote yourself in
order to take full advantage of the opportunities that await you.
   There will be increased opportunity to travel and possibly a change of
   You may be tempted by the desires of the flesh: too much food, alcohol, sex,
and drugs.  Be careful and discriminate.  You could make mistakes in these
   You will have some unexpected adventures and lucky breaks this year.
   This can be an unsettling year if you try to cling to outmoded methods or
characteristics.  This a year to throw off the old and adopt the new.  It is a rebirth
and a release after last year's struggle.
   This is a year in which change takes place consistently, and particularly so in
April and May.  July is a breakthrough, a time to enjoy life.  September can be
intense, while October requires tact and balance in relationships.

Your Personal Year's compatibility for 2008 is 6 and 5  
Compatibility is as important with the cycles as it is with character traits.  It is
possible for a relationship between two people with otherwise very compatible
charts to break down as a result of encountering one or more incompatible
cycles.  However, it is much easier to overcome or avoid possible pitfalls
resulting from incompatible cycles than from incompatible personality traits.

Megan is in a cycle of change and highly charged energy.  Chris is in a cycle of
stability and responsibility.  Megan’s energy is restless and dynamic, Chris’s
energy is focused and grounded.  Megan is looking around for opportunity and
adventure.  Chris is looking at the home and the family.  Chris’s attention is
focused near by, on the people and things that matter most.  Megan’s attention is
focused away; on work, career, travel and so forth.
These cycles are as opposite as two cycles can be, yet they are not
incompatible.  Within a relationship, these influences complement and balance
each other.  However, if they get too inner-twined, they will turn on each other and
anger and blame are the most likely result.  It is important, now more than at

almost any other time, Megan and Chris, that you don’t try to influence each other
too much.  Live and let live is the slogan for this month.  You probably have
realized by now that, more often than not, you are experiencing very different
cycles.  This is an important aspect of your relationship not limited to this
particular cycle.  It will always be that way.  You should accept the fact that you
tend to be influenced by very different energies most of your lives.  Therefore, you
may just want to make the concept of live and let live a family slogan -- for life.
But, as you probably have also realized by now, although the influence of your
personal cycles always tend to place you at opposite ends of the spectrum, it
also means that you complement each other very well and make a great team
when you put your minds to it.  In particular when it comes to showing a single
front to the outside world.

Posts: 35
Joined: Tue Feb 05, 2008 5:59 am
Location: Ohio

Post by pinkspikes » Thu Mar 27, 2008 10:44 pm

Thanks so much. I think he enjoyed it. I printed it out on fancy paper and everything. =D

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