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Post by simmi2410 » Wed Apr 18, 2007 11:25 am

hi there,

myself simmi ,

I myself is very much interested in numerology and my dob is 2nd of November 1981.

It will interesting to know what I don't know about myself :)

looking forward for your reply,


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Mlady Raka
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Post by Mlady Raka » Wed Apr 18, 2007 12:31 pm

Dear Simmi,

If you would like a reading...please visit our Numerology Reading board and then supply your full names and surname (at birth) as well as your birthdate there.  I am sure someone will get back to you....(it might even be

love and rainbows


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Post by Tassadar » Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:01 am

Your are a 5 this is your number from your birthday.

This is your life path number,Life Path Number 5

Those travelling the number 5 Life Path are adventurous and highly inquisitive individuals who consider hands on experience to be the best teacher in life. Many of them are deeply intelligent, philosophical and spiritually minded. They love to theorize about the nature of existence. Despite their sometimes spacey demeanor, many are sincere seekers of solutions to mankind's problems.

Number 5's abhor routine and daily chores. They are often excellent at initiating many projects, but rarely follow through on any of them. Most number 5's are lousy at self-care and housework, preferring instead to follow their whims and impulses. For this reason, they do not thrive well in office environments.

Number 5's, however, can be great communicators and are excellent when it comes to the abstraction of any subject. For this reason they make great social anthropologists, archaeologists and historians. Some number 5's also make excellent teachers.

Usually at one point in their life, a number 5 experiences some kind of spiritual or emotional catharsis that causes them to trade in a standard career for a self-made profession such as an artist, investigator or journalist. Most number 5's are multi-talented but lack the discipline or desire to follow one path. For this reason, many number 5's end up leading chaotic and even catastrophic lives when it comes to finances.

Number 5's also hate to make plans and prefer to live in the present. Their happy-go-lucky attitudes demonstrate an incredible faith that the universe will take care of them. The opposite sex often finds their devil-may-care attitudes to be exciting and romantic, that is until they end up supporting a number 5 that lacks life-direction.

The number 5's lack of commitment also extends to personal relationships. They tend to be very self-absorbed and unaware of the effect of their actions on other people. There is also a tendency to place what others might interpret as the most important priority in life as last and the least important consideration first. As other people often feel tricked or fooled by number 5's, they tend to experience a series of broken relationships.

A sign that a number 5 has strayed completely off his or her life path would be an over emphasis on decadence or the demoralization of all those who encounter the individual. If you are a number 5 who is constantly encountering criticism, derision, dissonance and a lack of stability in your life, you have probably strayed from your life's purpose which is to create a more generous and utopian future for others.

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quick reading reply back

Post by numbers101 » Fri Feb 27, 2009 5:26 am

Yes you are a five but you were also born on a 2 day and you have a 4 pinnacle.
You have a 0 cipher challenge. This means that at birth you have been given the rare
gift of being whatever you want. THis gives you varied interests, but also sets the
five in motion because it means you may always be searching for the thing that completes
you. The four pinnacle will ground you and test you inner order. the 2 is here to teach you diplomacy and tactfulness
in dealing with others. It also can make you needy and quickly argumentative if you do not
get your way. If you are seeking it this is a great year to have and hold on to a relationship.
The timing is esp good for this in September. Hope this helps. Bruce

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Post by NAAANEE » Sat Mar 14, 2009 4:46 pm

you might be having some inborn artistic qualities.might be good at drawings.there might be a problem with your parents.either one of your parent is away from you or you might be living away from them due to circumstances.There might be loss of a parent chance is also there.You may be having your higher education in far off place from your native place.You are more likely of passionate in temperament.You likes to travel & experiment the new.

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