Time Estimate for Relationship: Should i Move on for my own sanity OR does he really need time?

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Time Estimate for Relationship: Should i Move on for my own sanity OR does he really need time?

Post by ALMAS2010 » Fri Mar 19, 2010 3:37 pm

My bf and I recently broke up. I truly believe that he is my soulmate, i think he knows it as well. Communication issues and jealousy affected our relationship.
I have been giving him time. it's been 3 weeks now, but it is making me extremely weak and is affecting my health. He is asking for more time because the last encounter was not a good one: we argued and were mean to each other.
I wanted to get a time estimate as to how things would progress. I am willing to wait for him for a specific amount of time, but if it is too long..i need to move on for my own sanity. Any help would be appreciated. each day seems like a month. =(

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Post by Rhutobello » Fri Mar 19, 2010 7:12 pm

Start your new life today....you are responsible to make the best out of your life...he is equal for his...if those two don't connect...then time is wasted..and suffering prolonged.

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Post by KHEM » Sat Mar 20, 2010 12:16 pm

That kind of tell all you said it thyself  

"Communication issues and jealousy affected our relationship. " and

"I am willing to wait for him for a specific amount of time, but if it is too long..i need to move on for my own sanity. Any help would be appreciated. each day seems like a month."

I don't know what your definition of "soulmate" is but 1 thing I can confirm to you is that one does not talk about that way of one's soulmate.

If you've got time, feel free to read "Soul Mates: A Practical and Spiritual Guide to by Rita Rogers and Natasha Garnett" That's an excellent one about what soulmates relationships are all about .
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Post by wyldorkid3 » Sun Jun 27, 2010 6:10 am

It is a special kind of thing when one is in a relationship with their "soulmate". The feelings are usually intense and the type of love you can share is so powerful. You can actually love your soulmate so much that it hurts, and you feel that nothing can ever compare to the magnitude of what you have with your person.

But many people fail to understand the true definition of a soulmate. Soulmates are people  who you have shared lifetimes with. Sometimes a soulmate will continue to incarnate with you, changing roles and relationship identities in an effort to grow and help you grow along your path of evolution. A soulmate can take the form of your mother,  your best friend and even your enemy. Some soulmate relationships are karmic and painful and are intended to teach you things about yourself and help you transcend your destructive behavioral patterns.

It is very likely that your boyfriend is your soulmate. But it doesn't mean that the two of you were a happy couple, and from the sound of your story, it is unlikely that it means that you were meant to be together for all time.

My last four relationships have been with soulmates, but at the time, I was only able to recognize one of them as my soul mate. In my heart I knew that this particular relationship was the beginning and the end.  I believed that he and I were destined to be together because of my spiritual recognition, visions, dreams and memories of our past life together. He was my everything because I had never experienced that kind of love before. It was as if we were of the same breath. Looking into his eyes stopped time for me and I could stay in his gaze for hours.

But that is the trick of soul memory, a lingering nostalgia of familiarity. In this life, I soon discovered, we are just man and woman, dealing with modern day issues of who is cheating on who and betraying the other.

In my situation, as I said, I had four soulmates. Two of them were abusive, one of them was emotionally damaged and paranoid, and the one I recognized as my everything...he was a cheater who eventually abandoned me without a second thought. Does it make them evil people? No. It only means that they signed up to share my life with me at a given point to teach me very painful but important lessons.  

And as I look at these relationships which I know to be soulmate relationships, I can realize that there is a very important language hidden within the turmoil. It is the language of evolution, and it is about my own self discovery. What are these soulmate relationships trying to tell me about my own behavioral patterns? What energies need to be released from these cycles? How do I need to grow to experience a healthier kind of love in my life?

The truth is that when you are in one of these earth shattering "soulmate" relationships, you feel as if you can't live without the other person. And you don't want to be with anybody else...even if that "anybody else" will make you much happier. But if you allow yourself the freedom to attract what your soul REALLY needs, it is quite likely that you will find yourself in the arms of another one of your "soulmates" who makes your heart sing in a way that you never dreamed possible. Just allow yourself the freedom to grow and discover what it is you truly deserve. Then maybe your next soul mate will be made of all the things that you are missing in your current relationship.  

In light and love

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Post by kiliemah » Tue Jun 29, 2010 9:45 pm

WOW that was an amazing response.. That makes me definitely understand. and I truly believe people come into your life for specific reasons and everything happens for a reason... Good luck..

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