Is this name harmonious?

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Is this name harmonious?

Post by morning.mirage » Wed Mar 02, 2011 11:28 am

Does the name "Evellyn Seth" harmonize with a person born on 12th October, 1991, interested in a career in the arts (namely acting, writing and film)?

Notice that there's an extra "l" in the 1st name. Is it fine?

Can someone guide me using both the Pythagorean and the Chaldean methods?

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Post by enumero123 » Wed Mar 02, 2011 2:59 pm

i will look as my time allows  a new name is a extension of that which we came into the world with  these birth energies stay with us at some level though out our life span regardless how we use them .. full name at birth is a important key in fulfilling your request    but i will leave that up to you ....

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Post by morning.mirage » Wed Mar 02, 2011 5:11 pm

I sent you a message.

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Post by enumero123 » Thu Mar 03, 2011 2:17 pm

Does the name "Evellyn Seth" harmonize with a person born on 12th October, 1991, interested in a career in the arts (namely acting, writing and film)?

keep in mind that our main goal is to align ourselves with our life path   yours is a 6   ,the name you have chosen is 4812/3 same as your birthday number ,many times we connect more strongly to this birthday number but again the main goal is the lesson that the life path has to offer   your birthday number is also seen as your second period cycle  ages 28-50+  we have three cycles with in the life path  

the name  evellyn seth  has a expression of 48/12/3    worldly success comes to you quite easily ,however as each possession is gained ,you set it a side  and go on searching for the satisfaction it should have brought  .you yearn for something more ,and when you realize that the material alone cannot offer you the necessary fulfillment, you may turn toward the should not however, turn your back completely on the mundane , for that could obstruct the practical mechanics of living  learn to use the material without depending on it .

i will continue when i have more time

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Post by enumero123 » Thu Mar 03, 2011 3:11 pm

the name  evellyn seth  has a expression of 48/12/3

you are romantic sincere and affectionate .you have high ideals your appreciate beauty and the arts and have your share of creative ability .your psychic and prophetic abilities  are well developed .your impressionable nature would fine the arts a good channel for success .

you are quiet .persistent and dependable ,but may be too psychic ans sensitive for your own comfort .you have a good sense of values  and prefer  to live conservatively .a sense of fair play is one of your assets .you have the ability to see both sides of a problem and judge fairly.

learning to laugh in the face of difficulties will relieve your intolerance of the purely materialistic side of life . you must remember that your keen sense of responsibility toward others ,your sympathy for their suffering and your desire to do your part in the community and the world can be expressed through material means in many cases .your love of animals  and need to protect them is expressed here also .you must detach yourself  from materialism .though you may be required to use materialistic means to accomplish your mission ...

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Post by enumero123 » Fri Mar 04, 2011 12:01 am

before ending i like to point out something that caught my intention   within your date of birth as well as your full name at birth i noticed that both contained 4 ones     ,reference  people with four 1s in their chart find it extremely difficult to express themselves verbally they are sensitive ,caring people who are frequently mis understood. they also find it very hard to relax and unwind . i also want to point out the the one  shows itself as a leading factor when we look at the challenges coming from the date of birth  

1 Challenge
You must learn to be independent. You will be forced to stand up for yourself and your rights. You will be faced with situations in which you will have to choose between standing up for what you think is right versus giving in to another person's demands. You will have to struggle to strengthen and know your own will power.

You will have to learn to be firm and trust your judgment. Don't run with the crowd, be an individual. This whole lesson represents the frontiers of your consciousness. Therefore, you will have to experience much trial and error, sometimes exploding with bursts of aggression, other times being intimidated and letting frustration and anger build within you until you are ready to act on your deepest instincts.

You will learn your own set of values; you will develop into an individual with original and innovative ideas.

your first period cycle /triune cycle is also a 1  This a period of much intensity. It requires fortitude, courage, and flexibility. You will be forced to use every one of your talents in order to achieve your own personal individuality and independence. This is a period of integration and a focusing on your life's dream. Your grip on your direction will be tested, but somehow the resources are available to overcome any obstacle and emerge from this time all the stronger. It is a time requiring independence, resilience, and strength, but these characteristics become integral part of your personality.

This cycle marks a time of progress.up to the age of 30  these cycles tend to reflect how a person feels within about life and how one faces life .the first cycle is more restrictive and inhibitive bringing out the negative tendencies of the number .if lessons have been learned well during the first Saturn cycle 1 t0 29
the second cycle tends to be one of expansion and unfoldment enhancing the positive qualities of the number .   i hope i have been of some help

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