Request for a reading please

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Request for a reading please

Post by Lockie » Sat Apr 21, 2007 4:20 am

Looking for compatability between

Fiona Margaret MacRae 29 July 1955


Leon Ashleigh Smith 22 May 1957

Thank you for your kindness :smt008

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Post by Sorrow » Sat Apr 28, 2007 6:29 pm

Your Life Path's compatibility is 2 and 4  
Fiona and Leon, your Life Path numbers are the most important numbers in your charts,
and, as such, their compatibility is very important to the well-being of your relationship.
Fiona and Leon, the two and four combination found in this part of the chart is a powerful
asset in your relationship.  The tact, sensitivity, intuition and innate ability to recognize the
more subtle things in life that Fiona brings to the table complement Leon's grounded and
practical perspective.  It is a combination of extremes that brings balance to the
relationship and the partners are not only strengthened but also complemented by each
other, just like mortar and brick, energy and matter, earth and sky.  You are lucky to make
up one of the best possible combinations.
However, since perfection is not easy - if not impossible - to find, your relationship is not
free from danger.  Precisely because the two numbers are so opposite, there can, at
times, be a lack of understanding.  Fiona and Leon, the two and four may very well be in
large part responsible for the initial attraction that brought the two of you together.  Mutual
admiration, a need to draw into your life what you subconsciously knew to be lacking.  
Your coming together is like a poor man winning the lotto, or a rich man discovering
humility.  No doubt, that is a most fortunate, positive fact, but, at the same time, what do
you do with such a beautiful alien force once it enters your life? Do you know how to
make it part of your life without making it lose its shine? In other words, Leon doesn't
always relate to Fiona's strong emotional consciousness.  On the other hand, Fiona can
be annoyed when Leon’s practical view of life overshadows idealism.  This can be a
cause of trouble you must be on the alert for and prepared to deal with.  But, when all is
said and done - and this is the key to any healthy, stable and enjoyable relationship - this
occasional lack of understanding becomes a minor infraction on an otherwise perfect
balance of human qualities.

So, just look at your differences as the force that brings balance to your relationship, and
carefully work on them.  
Although this is only one aspect of your charts, it is so strong that it will take a powerful
storm to blow this relationship off its foundation.

Your Expression's compatibility is 7 and 4  
More than any other number in your chart, your Expression number reflects who you are
as a person.  Earlier, you read about the Life Path number and how important that
number is in your chart.  However, the Life Path number reflects “the path you walk on,”
and should be seen more as a powerful influence than as a part of your personality
makeup.  Your Expression number on the other hand, reflects a deeper part of you.  It is
more difficult to overcome possible negative traits you may have recognized in yourself
when they are found in this part of the chart, than when they are found under the Life
Path description.

It can’t be emphasized too much how important it is to realize that numbers in different
areas of the chart affect you differently, even when it is the same number.  Sometimes,
you may read something that seems to directly contradict earlier statements.  Yet, if you
take the time to think about them carefully, you will probably recognize that you, as a
human being, are extremely complex and full of the same contradictions.  This is simply
the way we are.  You may be organized in one area of your life, while chaos rules in
another area.  You may be tactful and sensitive in one setting, and direct and
confrontational in another situation.

Leon and Fiona, your combination is almost made in heaven.  The “almost” can’t be left
out because there are some sharp angles to be rounded off.   This relationship is
founded more on intellectual and spiritual levels than on the sensual, physical plane.  
Leon is practical and grounded, goal-oriented - Leon is a doer.  Leon can take ideas,
quickly eliminate what won’t work or is unrealistic, and then make the realistic ideas
materialize.  Leon is of the earth.  Fiona, on the other hand, is full of ideas and spiritual
search, philosophical and a bit of a dreamer.  So, earth and heaven make up this
combination, and, just like earth and heaven, you can’t exist without each other.  Although
this is only one aspect of the chart, its influence will help you overcome many of the
obstacles and challenges inherit in every relationship.
This combination is often found among relationships that started at a very early age -
something that can be explained by the fact that both numbers are drawn to each other
because what they have to offer is exactly what they need from each other.  Leon
experiences Fiona’s more abstract and philosophical outlook on life as offering freedom
and space for Leon’s solid, dependable, but somewhat too structured, restricting views.  
At the same time, Leon offers Fiona a stable, secure port in an internal universe that is
often chaotic and highly unstable.  As a number seven, Fiona knows the dangers that lurk
in the dark corners of the subconscious when the mind wonders too far into the realms
of dreams and abstract fears.  While Leon offers a safe haven to Fiona, helping Fiona
find peace and comfort, Fiona, in return, brings freedom to Leon’s spiritual and mental
experiences.  Supported by this mutual complementation, this four and seven
combination can bring about childhood romances that will last for a lifetime.
The sharp angles I mentioned earlier are found on the more mundane, physical plane.  
This is where you both may have to compromise if you want your relationship to develop.  
While Leon requires order and respectability, Fiona is more comfortable with a bit of
chaos, in which Fiona can pose as an observer, an unconventional observer, not per se
seeking the approval of others.
If you are successful in compromising on the material plane, your relationship will be very
satisfying and you will get as close to the proverbial “soul mates” as any two people can

Your Heart's Desire's compatibility is 3 and 8  
Compatibility of the Heart’s Desire numbers is very important in a relationship - few
relationships last beyond the initial stage if the Heart’s Desire numbers are not

Fiona and Leon, the three and the eight affect one in very different ways.  So, when these
two numbers appear together in this part of the chart, the couples are compatible in
some areas, incompatible in others.  Fiona brings in the creative, somewhat scattered,
but yet inspiring and uplifting energy.  Leon is more ambitious, goal-oriented and focused.  
You are both energetic and capable of turning dreams into reality, even though with
different approaches.  Quite often, this combination is seen between business partners,
or long-time friends who start a business together.  In that environment, Fiona would be
the initial creative source, while Leon would be the visionary.  Together, you could do very
You are also both good communicators.  Fiona has the ability to clarify an issue with a
sense of humor and pinpoint precision.  Leon takes a more practical approach by simply
grabbing the bull by the horns.
In many ways, Fiona and Leon, you complement each other and are quite compatible, as
revealed in this part of the chart.  But, just like in any other number combination, there are
areas where problems may arise.
Leon is ambitious, practical and capable of sustained effort for a long period of time in
order to reach a goal.  Fiona also has the energy and drive needed to make things
happen, but Fiona may drop a project when it is no longer interesting or when other
projects become more important.  This can be upsetting to Leon, who feels that a
commitment, such as a set goal, should be honored at any rate - - anything less is
unacceptable to Leon.
Fiona, on the other hand, will sometimes feel that Leon’s priorities are too much directed
to Leon’s own needs and expectations.  Leon can be quite demanding, while Fiona is
more easy-going - - if something doesn’t work out, oh well, let’s try something else.  Leon
doesn’t accept that and feels that the whole purpose of setting a goal is to overcome the
obstacles one is bound to encounter.
In the end, the issue comes down to respect.  The three and the eight have such different
views as to what is important in life that, unless they learn to respect each other’s needs
and expectations, the relationship will not last long.  However, more often than not, the
three and the eight get along quite well.

Your Personality's compatibility is 4 and 5  
Quickly recognized when two people first meet, not many relationships even get started
unless the Personality numbers are compatible.

Fiona and Leon, you make up a challenging combination.  Fiona likes routine and
predictability, while Leon prefers change and the unexpected.  The numbers four and five
stand for each other's polar opposites in many ways.  And, interestingly, this is often
where the initial attraction lies.  Fiona is drawn to Leon’s daring, adventurous, dynamic
and energetic life.  On the other hand, Leon admires the control and discipline Fiona
seems to have.
Quite often, this combination makes for a dynamic relationship comparable to a roller
coaster ride.  So, it is not difficult to conclude that this combination can only survive if
your mutual love is strong enough to give each other room to live the life style of your
respective choices.  There is nothing gained by trying to change your partner.  Your
needs are simply too far apart.
Fiona will have to accept the fact that Leon is not predictable and, therefore, Leon will
never be happy living a too-structured life where everything can be forecast.  Leon should
make peace with Fiona’s need for a more organized and controlled environment.
Very different attitudes can also be noticed in other areas.  Leon is sensual and feels
totally comfortable with other people.  Leon is more social and, probably, has a wild
streak.  Fiona can be social when the occasion calls for it, but Fiona will always keep a
certain amount of distance.   When choosing company, Fiona is more discriminate and
tends to hold on to protocol longer.  Although as a rule more conventional and careful,
Fiona can, when the occasion is just right, reveal an extrovert, even outrageous, side.
When it comes to opinions, Fiona and Leon, you will find yourself on opposite sides more
often than not.  Fiona may be Republican while Leon votes Democrat.  Fiona needs a
somewhat structured spiritual connection.  Leon’s spiritual world is very imaginative and
more changeable.  Fiona may be much more willing to accept rules and regulations that
Leon will try to break with every opportunity.
Of course, these are just examples provided to give you a picture of what this
combination may bring about, and not to be taken too literally.
Interestingly, this kind of relationship can be very powerful and long lasting.  The key to
achieve that is not to take yourself and your concepts too seriously - something Fiona in
particular may have to work on - and maintain your sense of humor.  If you can do that,
you will be able to enjoy each other’s company instead of getting irritated by the
differences you encounter.
So, keep in mind that opinions are just opinions, with relative values.  On the other hand,
a sense of right and wrong, a moral foundation, should not be relative.  Sometimes, we
find ourselves confused, attaching the same importance to our opinions and moral
convictions, and when that happens, it is no longer possible to enjoy or build on the
Fiona and Leon, this is where the danger lies in your four and five combination.  Once the
differences become so important you can no longer appreciate your partner, the end of
the relationship is unavoidable.  Therefore, go ahead and work on developing these two
key qualities - tolerance and open-mindedness - so that you can build a happy and
healthy relationship where Leon’s adventurous spirit and energy and Fiona’s control and
discipline will stand side by side.

All the best. :smt020

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