To mlady raka

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Post by Sorrow » Mon Apr 30, 2007 4:44 pm

Exactly it means that hole you dig in before you put the chest in.

The thing is when i first came to this forum, i thought that i can find Pros here, that know way lot more than i do, but it turned out that i was informed better than most here, guess those master numbers aren't for nothing, just look at my age!!!! you all are 30+ years older than me!! lol

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Mlady Raka
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Post by Mlady Raka » Tue May 01, 2007 4:24 am

Dearest Sorrow, that means open empty grave....  
Perhaps my soul has risen from the confinements of darkness after all....and perhaps I shall bury my flesh...and evolve into a Light Being one day.....

As to your dissapointment with the 'wisdom' you have found here......I can just say this as I have said many times before....

No one is better than another, only different....and therefore equally valuable as a scholar and a teacher....

Some of us come here to learn about esoteric secrets.....and some of us come here to learn what it means to be humble and rid ourselves of ego.....(smiles)

Having all the Master Numbers (goals you have to reach in this life time), your lessons here seem to me, to be also lessons in how to share your wonderful knowledge, without coming across as being superior to others.

To learn what love is, because all these locked vaults of spiritual and esoteric knowledge, and all the bolted up treasure chests filled with gifts are inaccessable to our comprehension....if we don't have the key of love with which to open and explain it .....  

Perhaps your lessons have more to do with handling your great knowledge wisely, than with attempting to add to your knowledge of esoteric secrets.

Because lets face it dearest Sorrow, in the Greater Scope of things,....even the most clever and learned and wise among us are idiots when it comes to Knowledge of the Creator and His Great Mystery of Creation.

And the lessons we feel we should be learning, are not necessarily the lessons Creator has lined up for us....

The fact that you have so many Master Numbers, (where most people have one every few life times), tells me that you have skipped lessons before and they have now all piled up on you together.  Since you are an old soul, you have very few re-incarnations left in order to learn these lessons before you stand in front of Creator and the Great Judge.

You have an added burden of learning the lesson of love, tolerance and wisdom in this life, plus the lessons the Master Numbers bring which you didn't learn in previous incarnations...  So I suggest you don't sit on your hands...  People don't re-incarnate 'ad infinitum' only get so many chances....  

As for age...., in your highly evolved knowledge you should know that chronological human age has nothing to do with esoteric wisdom which spans over hundreds and sometimes thousands of years of a specific incarnated soul....but I am sure you just slipped up on that one....(another reason all the Master numbers came to visit you in this lifetime...)

Just having good software is not going to cut it Sorrow...

I will bring you here to your own words in the following posts... ... 5&start=15 ... c&start=10

And then of course it's not the first time that I have told you this....  I refer to my post in the link below..... ... c&start=10

love and rainbows


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Post by Sorrow » Tue May 01, 2007 6:11 am

Well since i can't find some guru that is on 7th state of consciousness, sees everything, and that will enlighten me for free, I find software to be most resourceful solution.
The thing that is causing problems to me is that i can naturally see how things work on a large scale, then try to enlighten others, but it seems to me that most souls aren't ment to be enlightened.
Tact and diplomacy with people is my current lesson I'm sure about that.

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Mlady Raka
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Post by Mlady Raka » Tue May 01, 2007 7:34 am

Dearest Sorrow,

Tact and diplomacy will come naturally, when you say everything you say with, because of,... and in Love....and that is the Greatest Lesson to be learned by all....

And just please be mindful of this truth....there are lessons, no software can teach you....

love and rainbows


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Post by Sorrow » Tue May 01, 2007 8:09 am

I couldn't agree more.

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