Reading please

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Reading please

Post by manu_pillai » Thu Sep 28, 2006 4:49 am

My name in MANU PILLAI. Date of birth is 28th Feb 1990 and at 11.50 in the night. Can you give me come general numeroligical info with this data? thanks

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Numerology Analysis

Post by cyberalassassin » Wed Oct 11, 2006 3:59 am

Birth data:


February 28, 1990

Your Life Path is 4

You are a trustworthy, practical and down to earth individual who places ethics above materialism and greed. You are a humanist at heart, and your life path focus is usually related to manifesting the greater philosophical ideals into practical reality. For this reason your expectations of yourself and others are unusually high.

You are a doer, more than a talker and nothing annoys you more than an individual that does not follow through on what he or she says he is going to do. You don't suffer fools gladly and have no problem swiftly eliminating people who you consider being a liability from your life. You especially have no tolerance for silly, neurotic or shallow people.

One of the problems of being a four is that you expect others to be of demanding of themselves as you are of yourself. It is painful for you to realize that others simply don't have the same perseverance, dedication and devotion to improving the world that you do. Many 4's are also extremists, tending to be very right wing or very left wing in their thinking.

Your incredible stamina, perseverance and will power allow you to accomplish ten times the amount of work that anyone else can in one day. Others often realize this about 4 and take advantage of your almost superhuman qualities. Your organization and planning skills are exemplary and for that reason you are a fantastic strategist, administrator, project manager. You are a perfect example of how "slow and steady wins the race."

However, it is part of your life path to learn how to delegate responsibility and let others take care of themselves every now and then! Many 4's are unhappy campers by the end of their lives simply because they chose the path of the hard-working martyrs while others reaped the benefits of all of their pioneering work. To avoid this you should always spare yourself the trouble of always making things right and let others be accountable for their own mistakes.

Often your tenacity and strong will is perceived as stubbornness. Fours often don't make good leaders as others see them as too autocratic and demanding. Of all of the numbers, you are most prone to such disorders as obsessive compulsive disorder and being addicted to perfection. The plus side of this is that many of you own dream homes that are spic and span from top to bottom. You are also an excellent landscaper and interior decorator.

You choose your friends and business partners wisely and function best in a team of two. You may have few close friends during your lifetime but the ones that you do have are loyal for life. You are dependable and trustworthy and more willing than most people to sacrifice what you have for greater good of all. Those who witness this are often touched by your kindness.

You are enraged by any type of social injustice and can be quite outspoken about politics, religion or ethics. Although your intentions are good, it is also one of your life challenges to learn to be tolerant of other's beliefs and opinions.

As the number 4 is associated with the earth element and the four elements you a re the most grounded of all of the numbers. This makes you an excellent parent and provider. You usually marry early in life and because of your conscientiousness about money are quite wealthy by the end of your days. You also love animals and will probably enjoy the company of many pets during your lifetime.

Your Birthday is 28

   You possess a gift for leadership, but it is employed best through cooperative effort.  
Your means are generally gentle persuasion, rather than overt displays of power.
   You are unconventional, idealistic, and independent.  MANU PILLAI, you are extremely
ambitious.  You possess much self confidence, but need much encouragement.
   You have an exceptionally analytical and rational mind.  You are an excellent planner,
with a talent for directing and managing groups of people.  You easily become frustrated
with routine activities.  You're willing to take risks.
   There is a pioneer spirit in you.  You like to be on the frontier of whatever you are doing.  
Once a project is started, however, you prefer to turn it over to others to run and
maintain.  You are a great starter, but are not much interested in keeping the show going.
   MANU PILLAI, you can be very stubborn and rigid once you have committed to an idea
-- something you do more than you realize.  You tend to identify with your ideas and you
do not like to change them; you have a powerful ego-bond with most of what you do,
which makes compromise difficult for you.
   You are highly emotional and enjoy demonstrating your love.  On the other hand, you
can become irritated and angry easily, and are given to tantrums.
   You are highly creative and have a great mind for marshaling facts in order to sell
ideas.  You make a wonderful debater and salesperson.
   With your determination and inventive mind, you have potential for achievement and
much financial success.

Positive Traits: a leader, will power, self-confidence,
               originality, and stamina
Negative Traits: cold, unfeeling, workaholic, domineering,

Your expression is 9

The ultimate height of your personal expression in life is the chance to offer to others. You are spiritual in a very practical way and others are often drawn to your empathy and compassion. You work well with people of all ages but you particularly delight in inspiring creativity in children and young adults. For this reason you make a fantastic teacher, counselor or psychologist.

Others trust you implicitly because you are so kind, considerate and consistent. You are often the one that is still there when everyone else has abandoned someone for being a "lost cause." You are an extremely loyal and dependable friend.

You are a very intuitive individual who is deeply connected to others in a spiritual way. Many nines are prophets, healers and psychics. If you are not psychic then at the very least you are deeply drawn to studying matters of the occult or religion in some way. As you are so driven by your intuition, you are not often found in a day job but rather in an occupation that allows you to go where your heart leads you.

As others don't understand your idealism you might suffer a great deal of skepticism or criticism in your life. While very young you may have learned to cloak your personality in eccentricity so that others don't take you seriously. You may have also gained a great deal of weight or developed a disability that gives you the excuse not to have march in step with the mass population. Often these illnesses and personal problems exist in order to eventually to jumpstart a leap on the spiritual path to enlightenment. Your trials and troubles often eventually qualify you as a "wounded healer" by the end of your life.

You are very concerned with the issue of how to express unconditional love. This is a very troubling concept for you as it is difficult for you to accept that one could love another so much and get no cosmic reward in return. It is often part of a number nine's life expression path to be stuck with a difficult soul mate or experience a lot of rejection. This is the universe's way of forcing you to connect with others on a spiritual way rather in a way that is lustful or possessive.

Love is the most important thing in the world to you but you often have problems finding a soul mate. Many nines do not make good parents because they are too driven by impulse to be a consistent presence in a child's life. Your partner or lover may also find you frustrating because you live so much in the present and rarely think of the future.

You are very warm and friendly and almost all that meet you are immediately impressed by your gentle and kind personality. As the last thing anyone could ever call you is shallow, you sometimes don't pay that much attention to your personal appearance. Also putting other's priorities ahead of your own often leads to a great deal of self-sacrifice. One of your challenges is to make sure that you take time out to take care of yourself and your surroundings.

Creativity and art mean a great deal to you and many of you are great poets, musicians and artists. Art is an ideal way for you to express your love of harmony and the divine order of the universe.

Your Heart's Desire is 5

You love change. You live to experience as much as possible in the shortest amount of time possible. You appreciate the fact that life is short and are bound and determined to make the most of every minute you have on this earth. You have an inquisitive mind and a thirst for adventure that is only slaked by the collecting of unusual experiences and plenty of travel.

Your adaptable nature puts you at home anywhere. You are also a bit of chameleon that is able to transform its appearance and nature to suit the environment. You are a big believer in the phrase "When in Rome.. Do as the Romans do." Your closet is usually full of many costumes, as part of your soul's satisfaction is to do a bit of \"play acting\" in real life.

You also possess the rare gift of detachment. Emotionally this grants you the ability to have a serial number of relationships throughout your life yet not suffer any kind of trauma or nasty consequences when one ends. However your casual attitude towards relationships often devastates others who interpret your adventurous spirit as an unwillingness to settle down and put down roots. This gives you the reputation of being "shallow" or a "heartbreaker" when nothing could be further from the truth. You simply don't connect to others in the same way they do to you and you are frustrated by those who can't seem to get on with their life the same way you are able to.

In fact you can't think of a bigger disservice to one's soul than to give up one's right to pursue their heart's desire. You feel smothered by individuals who define love as giving up your heart and soul for another. Your definition of love is more spiritually sophisticated. You believe that an expression of true love for another soul is the courage to let them go to pursue their own path.

Another one of your blessings is that it simply does not occur to you to be overemotional about things or create dramas. You are a very difficult person to pick a fight with as you have a pacifist nature. You simply see ugly emotional scenes as beneath you and you are often long gone before a battle of wills is likely to take place.

You are also very accepting of different cultures and in particular, religious and political points of view. Unfortunately others see this omniscience as procrastination or as two faced as you have a way of "agreeing with everyone." Your refusal to take a stand sometimes costs you dearly professionally. This is often a mystery to you as from your point of view all you were doing is being fair.

You intrinsically understand that without change there is no evolution. This is why somehow, many of you end up as being the catalyst for change in many situations. Sometimes the change that your very presence provokes is constructive and good and sometimes you are the culprit that causes complete chaos. However often your motivation for revealing secrets or destroying relationships is to clear out the old and create way for the new.

You are also graced with an astounding amount of courage. Like water you have the ability to wear down obstacles like water in a stream wears down a rock over a long period of time. Although you may appear unpredictable or unreliable to others you are actually a very complex individual who often harbors a clear vision of who they want to be and how they want to live in the future.

Your Personality is 22/4

MANU PILLAI, you radiate reliability and consistency.  People trust you and feel secure
with your judgment.  You are seen as a cornerstone of a business and are relied upon to
do your work efficiently and expertly.
   You have strength and respectability.  You tend to dress in a utilitarian manner,
concerned mostly with convention, practicality, durability, and price.  You present yourself
as someone who values correctness, control, and precision.
   All of this stems from the fact that your most prized characteristic is your work.  You
want to be judged on the basis of your performance, rather than your appearance.
   You are frugal and have learned to respect a dollar.  You are concerned about the
security of your future and those you love.  However, this may appear to others as a bit
too austere.
   You tend to wear earth colors and conventional attire.  You could benefit by putting a
little flair in your dress.  Wear more uplifting colors.  Loosen your dress with less severe
lines.  If you wear a brown suit, include a bright tie or some jewelry.
   You are a family person.  You love the intimacy, consistency, and the security a family
provides.  You are a good provider and protector.  But family members may take your
efforts for granted.
   MANU PILLAI, you are a true patriot.  You love your country and are an integral part of
your community.  Your consistency and adherence to your well-laid plans usually pays
off in a comfortable and secure future.

Your Karmic Number is 22

You succeed the best if you learn to control the thoughts that rule you subconscious mind. As you are the ultimate manifesters of dreams into reality, you reap the greatest rewards by choosing you thoughts carefully.  Positive thoughts will bring you positive things. Negative thoughts often manifest as roadblocks to success or
prosperity. Your biggest fear is that you will let others down. Others first impression of you is often very positive. They see you as a leader or mentor and they are right.

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Numerology Analysis Part 2

Post by cyberalassassin » Wed Oct 11, 2006 3:59 am

Your Maturity Number is 13/4

MANU PILLAI, your maturity will find you increasingly practical, organized, and far more down to earth.  You will be capable of putting your ideas into concrete form.  Your latter
days promise to be a time of accomplishment and activity.
   You become more focused and goal-oriented and less willing to discard details and
cut corners.  There is little interest in a quiet retirement.  You are too involved in seeing
your plans and efforts come to life.
   Your family and friends will profit from your four maturity number because of your
increasingly helpful and reliable nature.
   However, you must guard against becoming rigid, narrow minded, and opinionated,
especially if already several fours are found in your chart.  If you are lacking 4s, or have
only one or two of them, you will benefit by your increased understanding of systems,
organization, and the rewards of a methodical approach to life.
   It will do you good to take your time to relax and enjoy the flowers every day.

Your Life Path / Expression Bridge number is 5  
   MANU PILLAI, you need to be more flexible and adaptable.  Be willing to go out on a
limb; be adventurous and unconventional.  Be tolerant and flexible.  Accept changes.  
Rigid ideas and dogmas may keep you from reaching out and following your dreams.  
Make freedom a high priority in your life.
   Your strength lies in using your creative talents in a business-oriented manner.  Your
weakness is your tendency to suppress your creativity in favor of career and business.  
This can make you overly cautious and slow to make decisions.

Your Heart's Desire / Personality Bridge number is 1  
   MANU PILLAI, you should rely more on your own strengths and abilities.  Be more
decisive; don't beat around the bush and be straightforward when expressing your
thoughts and feelings.  You need to take charge more often.  Get off the beaten path and
find original ways of doing things.  Do not try to be conventional, or try so hard to behave
according to the expectations of others.

You have a Karmic Lesson 2  
   MANU PILLAI, you must learn to be more diplomatic and tactful, to stay in the
background when necessary and sometimes to accomplish something without the need
to be praised and rewarded.  Learn to be part of a team.
   You must learn to be more sensitive to other peoples' needs and feelings.  You will
regularly find yourself in a situation where the only road to success is through patience
and attention, requiring you to work closely cooperatively with others.
   The effects of this Karmic Lesson are diminished if you have at least one 2 among
your core numbers (Life Path, Birthday, Hearts Desire, Expression, or Personality

You have a Karmic Lesson 6  
   MANU PILLAI, you have a major issue with commitment and responsibility to others.
   You have a hard time committing to marriage and other important personal
relationships.  You have to learn to show true emotion.
   You may feel isolated and alone, but do not understand why.  The reason is that very
often you form relationships yet remain heavily guarded, putting up a show of emotion
without truly communicating affection or care.  This can make the bond between you and
others superficial.  You must learn to establish sincere relationships.
   MANU PILLAI, you will learn the importance of close friends and lasting relationships.  
You will learn to give and, when necessary, sacrifice.  This is the one true way to true
friendship and lasting love.

   The effects of this Karmic Lesson are diminished if you have at least one 6 among
your core numbers (Life Path, Birthday, Hearts Desire, Expression, or Personality

You have a Karmic Lesson 8  
   MANU PILLAI, you can attract a considerable amount of money and even be a good
business person, but you experience major ups and downs in your financial affairs, due
largely to your lack of caution in handling your resources.
   You are highly independent and do not want to be told how to do things.  You have
great problems with authority figures.  This stems from a kind of know-it-all attitude and
stubborn behavior that prevents you from knowing your limits.
   You will have to work at knowing how to handle money.  In all likelihood, you will attract
enough of it, but it has a tendency to slip through your fingers.  This Karmic Lesson
forces you to learn your limitations, and the limitations of your resources.
   Learn to be efficient.

   The effects of this Karmic Lesson are diminished if you have at least one 8 among
your core numbers (Life Path, Birthday, Hearts Desire, Expression, or Personality

Your Hidden Passion is 3  
   MANU PILLAI, you are highly social and have a gift for self- expression.  You love to
entertain and attend parties.  You are exceedingly popular, and a good friend.
   You are highly talented in one or more of the arts -- writing, acting, music, or painting.
   You need excitement.  When things are dull, you tend to fantasize and sometimes
   You are very inspiring and motivating to others.  You are blessed with a considerable
amount of charm and charisma.  You are highly optimistic, which can make you a bit of a
rolling stone.  You think that the grass is always going to be greener on the other side of
the hill.
   MANU PILLAI, you need discipline and focus to make the most of your talents.  You
can fall victim to scattering your energies.  You have to guard against being selfish and
indulging in too much sensory gratification.

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Numerology Analysis Part 3

Post by cyberalassassin » Wed Oct 11, 2006 4:06 am

Your Plane of Expression Physical is 4  
   MANU PILLAI, you have a great deal of energy an determination.  You are eminently
practical and organized.  You are good with details and able to stick to routine
   You have excellent concentration and are quite serious.  You can be tenacious when
confronted with an obstacle or an adversary.
   You are loyal and honest, warm and generous.  You dislike changes and can be rigid
and inflexible.  You are a good debater.  You must control your desire to dominate people
and situations.
   You appreciate traditions and well established routines.

Your Plane of Expression Mental is 20/2  
   MANU PILLAI, you are able to retain much information and knowledge, thanks to your
good memory.  You are highly sensitive to the thoughts of others and your own feelings,
which in turn influence your capacity for clear thinking.
   Your sensitivity makes you avoid direct confrontations.  You work hard at assessing
what others want and try to conform.  You can establish harmony and balance in
relationships.  You possess a remarkable flexibility, which can be a great gift, but you are
something of a chameleon, changing political or social stripes with the prevailing winds.

Your Plane of Expression Emotional is 9  
   MANU PILLAI, you love the many and want to dedicate yourself to the service of those
less fortunate than yourself.  You are willing to make great sacrifices for a worthy cause,
and in fact draw enormous satisfaction from knowing that your life has made a positive
difference to others.
   Conversely, you have difficulty in one-to-one relationships, especially relationships with
the opposite sex.  You are viewed as impersonal and sometimes a bit aloof.  You can
also be hard to get to know.
   You are a person possessed by your dream and have trouble with relationships that
are not an integral part of that dream.
   You appear to others as self-sufficient, which can make close relationships a little
more difficult since people want to be needed.
   You have enormous artistic talent, especially in a variety of arts, such as interior
design, photography, acting, and writing.
   MANU PILLAI, you have great compassion and idealism.  In fact, you are so idealistic
that you can be a bit impractical and lose touch with the ground.  You need a practical,
down-to-earth cause to be most effective.

Your Plane of Expression Intuitive is 3  
   MANU PILLAI, you are very original, imaginative and sometimes have fantastic ideas
about spiritual matters.  You are very artistic and inspiring.  You have a talent with words,
and may be drawn to the pulpit.
   Your intuition is above average but you tend to color and exaggerate your insights.

Your Balance is 4  
   MANU PILLAI, try to have perspective and a more lighthearted attitude toward
emotionally-charged issues.  Control your anger.  Discipline is your strength.
   Also, look at the larger picture and the need for compromise.  MANU PILLAI, your
sense of justice must be elevated to another level where such virtues as forgiveness,
compassion, and deep understanding are the guiding lights.  A practical approach to
these ideals, MANU PILLAI, is to try to put yourself in the shoes of the person with whom
you are in conflict.  There are always more angles to a problem than you tend to

Your Rational Thought is 73/1  
   MANU PILLAI, you are an independent thinker, original, and not easily influenced by
others.  You tend to pursue a line of thought stubbornly, and you can be dominating in
intellectual discussions.
   You tend to solve problems and plan projects with a straight-forward approach.  You
rarely allow yourself to be distracted.  Quite often, you realize at some later stage, that
you did not pay enough attention to the available alternatives, and a project may find itself
stuck with no chance of further advancement.  When you find yourself facing such a
situation your frustration tends to be considerable but of short duration.  You simply start
all over.  You do not give up easily.

Your Cornerstone is M  
   MANU PILLAI, you are energetic and hardworking with a touch of the workaholic.  You
are efficient and do not tire easily.  You likely have a strong physical constitution.  You are
domestic and want financial security.  MANU PILLAI, you are tolerant and can endure
hardships.  You have to be more patient with others.

Your Subconscious Self is 6  
   You like to help others, sometimes to the extent that you do not pay enough attention to
your own needs.  MANU PILLAI, you are primarily concerned with your home and your
family.  Everything else comes second.  You radiate love and genuine concern for others.  
During times of distress you turn to your family and friends.  You are responsible and
willing to sacrifice for others.

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Numerology Analysis Part 4

Post by cyberalassassin » Wed Oct 11, 2006 4:19 am


   The duration of the First Challenge usually lasts from birth until approximately the age
of 30 to 35.

Your First Challenge is 1  
   You must learn to be independent.  MANU PILLAI, you will be forced to stand up for
yourself and your rights.  You will be faced with situations in which you will have to
choose between standing up for what you think is right versus giving in to another
person's demands.  You will have to struggle to strengthen and know your own will
   You will have to learn to be firm and trust your judgment.  Don't run with the crowd, be
an individual.  This whole lesson represents the frontiers of your consciousness.  
Therefore, you will have to experience much trial and error, sometimes exploding with
bursts of aggression, other times being intimidated and letting frustration and anger build
within you until you are ready to act on your deepest instincts.
   MANU PILLAI, you will learn your own set of values; you will develop into an individual
with original and innovative ideas.
   If you have 1s in your core numbers or in your Hidden Passion this challenge will not
be as difficult to learn, or as strongly felt.

   The Second Challenge usually lasts until the age of about 35 to 40.

Your Second Challenge is 0  
   This is a less demanding challenge.  Growth is allowed to take place without one
particularly serious obstacle.  This does not mean that there will not be challenges on
your path, but there is no single and consistent challenge during this period.
   MANU PILLAI, you are being challenged to stay faithful and focused on your highest
   There is an opportunity to go deeper within yourself, and discover the inner being that
is you.


   This Challenge carries much weight and will be felt throughout your life.  For that
reason, it is also called the Main Challenge.
   As you master this challenge, your life will come more and more under your own
control.  You will incorporate the positive aspects of the challenge into your character.  
This is its purpose in the first place.  Therefore, there is implicit in the challenge a chance
for great reward.
   In short, this may be the secret to your success.

Your Third Challenge is 1  
(This Challenge is the same as the First, as described above.)  

   The Fourth Challenge is most strongly felt during the latter part of our lives, beginning
at the age of approximately 45.

Your Fourth Challenge is 1  
(This Challenge is the same as the First, as described above.)  

Your First Pinnacle (from birth until age 32) is 3  
   This is a highly creative period.  MANU PILLAI, your self-expression is greatly
enhanced.  Your creative and artistic talents will peak.  You should do everything possible
to refine these abilities and make the most of them.  Many under the 3 Pinnacle are
drawn to writing, the theater, singing, and dance.  Your chances of success are also
heightened.  Hard work in any artistic field that one has a talent for can result in much
   This is also a highly social and emotional time.  You attract friends and admirers with
your charm and gregarious nature.
   You have the ability to inspire and motivate people.  Your upbeat energy causes people
to want to work with and for you.
   This is a lucky period, as well.  You can overcome problems with considerably less
effort than in the past.
   All of this can lead to self-indulgence and lack of productivity.  Life is a little easier,
which can make you less vigilant.  You need focus and discipline.  Under the influence of
this Pinnacle, hard work is the key and the challenge to making the most of your
   Be careful of impulsive behavior or doing things on a lark.  You must know your limits
during this period.  Be careful of your money; balance your accounts.  Guard against
disorderly thinking and behavior.  Otherwise, you may do things you regret or simply
squander away so many opportunities.
   Children born under this Pinnacle must be disciplined and kept from being spoiled.  An
early education in the arts will inspire the child to make the most of his or her artistic

Your Second Pinnacle (from age 33 until age 41) is 2  
   MANU PILLAI, this Pinnacle causes you to be extremely sensitive, intuitive, and full of
insight.  It is a period that requires patience and the development of inner awareness.  
You are being asked to use gentle power and persuasion to obtain your desired goals.  
Direct approaches, forceful displays, and confrontations will likely work against you.  You
will find the most satisfactory roles to be supportive.  You are now a gifted advisor, a
diplomat and a peacemaker.  Your insight into other people's feelings and motivations is
so acute that you seem to be able to see right to the core of things.  But rather than use
these gifts to create differences between people, you must use them to create peace, to
mend rifts, to harmonize.
   MANU PILLAI, your challenge during this period is to bring balance to duality in every
form, and at every level.  You will recognize the value of both sides of an argument and
be able to see the middle ground where peace can be made.  You can create the
atmosphere in which both sides can compromise and work harmoniously.  You are the
glue that keeps people and important projects together.
   The weaknesses you must face and overcome are too much sensitivity.  You may be
tempted to indulge your feelings, to be too easily hurt.  You may lack self-confidence,
especially at the beginning of the Pinnacle when your heightened sensitivity and
awareness make you conscious of your own shortcomings.  You may succumb to fear
and hesitation.  All of this can lead to emotional turmoil.

   MANU PILLAI, you need courage and the willingness to reach out for support.
   Your sensitivity will make you acutely appreciative of beauty and harmonious
environments.  At the same time, you need beauty and harmony around you.
   You have an increased appetite for music and the arts in general.  You may find that
your musical talents coming to the surface.  If you do not already play an instrument, give
in to any inclination to take one up.
   A person in a 2 Pinnacle who uses his or her sensitivity, understanding, and insight is
very appreciated by others.  You may not fully realize just how much others appreciate
and respect you.  This may cause you to feel undervalued, or that you are not getting the
recognition you deserve.
   You appear shy and humble, particularly if this is your first Pinnacle, but inside there is
much pride that must be kept in check.
   You may want to hide from the tumult of life, or from difficult situations.  This may
tempt you to color the facts in order to protect harmony.  Be careful of this tendency,
because it often backfires.
   You have an eye for precision and detail.  Your taste in all aspects of life is enhanced
and you possess a certain class that others admire.  If you make the most of these
qualities, your appearance is considerably improved, making you both attractive and
   The world depends on those who maintain harmony and balance.

Your Third Pinnacle (from age 42 until age 50) is 5  
   This is a period that will teach the realities of freedom and expansion.  MANU PILLAI,
you will travel great distances, meet many new and interesting people, experience many
adventures, and essentially come to know the world.  You are in a period of accelerated
experimentation and learning.  Experience is your teacher.
   Your ability with words is greatly increased.  You can write and speak with ease.  You
are also able to successfully promote yourself.  In fact, this is the source of much
adventure; new opportunities for work, travel, and exotic experiences present themselves
with regularity.
   Your challenge is to prevent yourself from becoming a rolling stone.  You need to
ground yourself in a particular discipline, career, or relationship.  This will not limit your
freedoms so much as give you a base for operation.  Otherwise, you may find yourself
skipping from one meaningless job to the next, one superficial relationship after another.  
You can also fall victim to the abuse of food, alcohol, sex, or drugs.
   MANU PILLAI, you may fear being anchored or tied down, which can cause you to
skim the surface of a pursuit you enjoy, or important relationships.
   You must come to know the true meaning of freedom, which is unconditional love.  
You give your love and energy without the condition of holding on to a place, a person, or
an occupation; and you expect the same in return -- to be loved for what you are, rather
than someone who belongs to another.  There is a highly spiritual path offering itself that
requires detachment without loss of love.
   Many turn away from this and instead choose to maintain a superficial relationship with
the world, or with other people.
   You must cultivate your talents, especially your verbal and writing abilities.  You are
likely a gifted salesperson, or promoter.
   You must accept limitations as a necessary base for your freedom.  Freedom cannot
exist without limitations, otherwise you would be without identity, and without existence.

Your Fourth Pinnacle (from age 51) is 3  
(This Pinnacle is the same as the First, as described above.)  

Your First Cycle (from birth until age 32) is 2  
   This is a period of slow and patient development.  MANU PILLAI, you are acutely
sensitive to your surroundings and highly intuitive.  You possess a gift as a peacemaker
and have tremendous power through gentle persuasion.  Cultivate the talents of tact and
diplomacy.  Cooperate with others.  Musical and other artistic talents come to fruition.  
Partnerships are important, requiring understanding and compromise.  You need
patience and flexibility, but you are under a gentle and benevolent influence in which
others are happy to support you.  Seek out beauty and harmonious environments, spend
time in nature, and enjoy the peace of close companionship.  This is a period of slow but
steady progress.

Your Second Cycle (from age 33 until age 59) is 1  
   This is a period of much intensity.  It requires fortitude, courage, and flexibility.  MANU
PILLAI, you will be forced to use every one of your talents in order to achieve your own
personal individuality and independence.  This is a period of integration and a focusing on
your life's dream.  Your grip on your direction will be tested, but somehow the resources
are available to overcome any obstacle and emerge from this time all the stronger.  It is a
time requiring independence, resilience, and strength, but these characteristics become
integral part of your personality.  This cycle marks a time of progress.

Your Third and last Cycle (from age 60) is 1  
(This Cycle is the same as the Second, as described above.)  

Your Physical Transit for age 16 is P  
   Many unexpected events take place during this period.  It is a time in which you feel
less in control.  Do not take any unnecessary risks.  MANU PILLAI, your reflexes are not
as fast as usual.  You may experience confusion and disappointment in relationships.  
You have difficulty expressing yourself during this period.  This is a time to focus on
spiritual development.  There will be recognition for your skills and talents, possibly
resulting in a promotion or business success.  But this is more a time for spiritual
growth, than financial.

Your Physical Transit for age 17 is P  
(The Physical Transit for age 17 is the same as that for age 16, as described above.)  
Your Physical Transit for age 18 is P  
(The Physical Transit for age 18 is the same as that for age 16, as described above.)  

Your Essence at the age of 16 is 7  
   This is a period of much self-reflection, analysis, and inner growth.  The journey now is
inward.  You will feel a need to spend more time alone to contemplate your life and those
close to you.  The questions that pursue you are the fundamental ones of life: Who am I?
What I am doing? Why am I doing it?
   MANU PILLAI, your environment or milieu will seem more aggressive than during
previous years.  This is more a function of your heightened sensitivity and intuition.  This
will naturally drive you deeper within yourself, causing you to ferret out the important
issues that have directed your life to this point.
   In order to deal effectively with those around you -- especially family members and
co-workers -- you will have to refine your expression in all respects.  Don't push people
too hard, lest you damage close friendships unnecessarily.  This is not a time for being
extroverted or aggressive.  This is a time of introversion and deeper self- understanding.  
Be gentle with yourself and those around you.  Think carefully before making important
decisions.  Be cautious when making major changes.
   It is a wonderful time to study and to specialize in one particular field.  Your ability to
think deeply and clearly is at an all-time high.  Indeed, your mind is your best tool.  You
are attracted to the great books, new realms of study, and higher learning.  You have the
ability to focus and concentrate.  You can penetrate below the surface of subjects, to see
the inner workings of yourself, others, and life around you.
   Avoid becoming cynical and skeptical.  Don't be too intellectual, lest you leave your
heart behind.  This is a time of deep spiritual and psychological integration.  The head
and the heart should be working together, not opposing each other.
   MANU PILLAI, you will likely discover what you most enjoy doing now.  Follow these
urges; study areas that you have long neglected but wanted to pursue.  The inner-self
guides you during this time.  Listen carefully to its advice.

A Number 7 Essence Transit Number can turn even the
liveliest of extroverts into a misanthrope. It may be very
difficult for you to connect to your emotions at this time.
When you are going through this transit your libido is more
likely to attach itself to hobbies, fantasies or serious
educational pursuits rather than to a person. (not so fortunate for relationships)

The Essence Transit Number 7 can indicate a period of
genius. Great books are written and great inventions are
devised by people experiencing number 7 transits. This
transit symbolizes isolation, disconnection but also great
powers of focus, concentration and intelligence. Sometimes
this transit can also symbolize higher education or
retraining. (this Essence Transit period is good for building wealth or
career advancement )

This transit number is not a number that necessarily
represents an excellent constitution and a prolonged
instance of it can signify a period of illness or a healing
crisis. Most people suffer a bit of depression even when
going through a brief Number 7 transit.  It is the number
of the invalid or isolated individual. Usually a person
with a prolonged 7 transit finds him or herself isolated in
some way from society due to a psychological or physical
disorder. The number 7 represents the Crown Chakra and the
realization of consciousness.  A prolonged Number 7 transit
can result in problems with the immune system. As the Crown
Chakra also symbolizes the higher self the person may
suffer from health issues that makes them question their
faith in the universe.

Your Essence at the age of 17 is 7  
(The Essence for age 17 is the same as that for age 16, as described above.)  
Your Essence at the age of 18 is 7  
(The Essence for age 18 is the same as that for age 16, as described above.)

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Joined: Sat Jun 10, 2006 6:14 am
Location: Singapore

Numerology Analysis Part 5

Post by cyberalassassin » Wed Oct 11, 2006 4:20 am

Your Personal Year for 2006 is 2  
   MANU PILLAI, this is a year to carefully protect and nurture your plans.  You will be like
a mother watching over her children, conscious of every threat, real or imagined.
   You need tact and cooperation to keep yourself moving forward.  There will likely be
confrontations with others, requiring a subtle and gentle approach.  You will have to stay
focused on your goals, yet use intelligent persuasion.  Being forceful may work against
you; compromises will work in your favor.
   You will be unusually sensitive and may wonder at times what happened to the drive
and momentum you felt last year.  This year requires something else from you now -- a
delicate sense of balance and a willingness to go around obstacles, without losing sight
of your goal.
   You may experience some emotional depressions and frustrations.  The year is
marked by struggle, but there are many opportunities to advance your plans.
   This is a year of slow growth, requiring patience.
   Be discriminating in your associations and secretive about your plans.  Don't talk too
much about your ideas; be a bit secretive; guard yourself and your ideas.  You are
somewhat vulnerable this year.
   This is a good year to improve yourself through reading and research.  MANU PILLAI,
your growing awareness of the less visible and less obvious aspects of life will make you
much stronger and better prepared for the future.
   You must be wise in all your relationships and associations this year.  You are far
more capable of establishing close, even life long relationships this year.  Because
sensitivity and openness are heightened, many people find their "soul mate" in a two
   May is the pivotal month in the year.  You are extremely intuitive and sensitive.  You are
also self-reflecting and better able to influence your peers and situation through spiritual
awareness.  July brings a culmination of plans and a distinct step forward.  August sees
things become more concrete and brings a new beginning.  September is emotional,
requiring adjustments, tact, and inner resolve.  The 2 year is a year of growth and
advancement, but through gentle means, and the indirect use of your personal power.

Your Personal Year for 2007 is 3  
   This is a year of expansion and personal growth, MANU PILLAI.  It is a time of
heightened personal expression.  Creativity and artistic talent come to the forefront.  You
are lighthearted and drawn to all kinds of social events.
   More than most other years, you will entertain and be entertained.  You meet new and
exciting people.  It is a time to appreciate all that you have.
   You are highly dynamic and charismatic.  Your challenge is to avoid scattering your
energies.  You have a rare opportunity to bring forth new and creative ideas.  But that
requires discipline and focus.
   It is easy to be optimistic and enthusiastic this year and this may result in speeding up
your projects.  Yet there will be delays and disappointments unless your enthusiasm is
based upon the reality of work and concentration.
   This is a pleasant time in which friendship is enjoyed and love shared easily.
   This is often a good financial year, particularly if your creativity is well directed.  
Surround yourself with upbeat and positive people.
   MANU PILLAI, you may travel more than usual, which in all likelihood will be filled with
exciting people and pleasure.
   Control this years tendencies towards glamour and extravagance, yet allow your self
more room to enjoy and celebrate.
   You communicate well this year and are more capable of getting your ideas across.
   Love is in the air.
   February brings changes; June sees the completion of a project and July signals a
new beginning.  August can be emotional, as can November.

Your Personal Year for 2008 is 4  
   This is a year to be organized and practical.  Take care of details.  Commit yourself
entirely to your goals.
   MANU PILLAI, your concentration and ability to focus will be much improved over last
year.  You will have an attitude of realism and determination.
   There can be a sense of limitation and some frustration this year.  However, it is a year
of important opportunities that must be seized.  There can be considerable work-related
   You must be flexible this year to make full use of the opportunities that present
themselves.  It will require a combination of perseverance, hard work, and versatility.
   You will receive recognition for your efforts and support from your friends and family.
   It is a good year to buy real estate or remodel your home.  It is also a good time to take
care of projects which have been postponed for to long.
   Fulfill your obligations and do not be afraid to spend some of that hard earned money.  
Selling and trading during this year usually is quite successful.
   This is the year to work on your foundation and prepare yourself for the many changes
that will undoubtedly come next year.
   As a result of your hard work, there will be much satisfaction and a feeling of
   January and February will bring some important change, a new opportunity perhaps.  
March requires self-reflection and reshaping of your plans.  It is a good time to meditate
on what lies ahead.  June brings a new and important step -- a breakthrough, perhaps --
in your work.  October brings changes and a sense of chaos.  MANU PILLAI, you may
feel threatened by the changes that are on the horizon.  But November brings assistance
in the form of a promotion or additional financial support.

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