Name advice please

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Name advice please

Post by braincracks » Sun Sep 11, 2005 2:21 am


I am a graphologist in the graphology section of this
Date of Birth : 07/05/1982

I am in for opening a business of website designing and want the name to match my vibrations. please advice me on this.

The name i propose to use is NK and i dont know what to add.

Please advice me. Thanx in advance.



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Post by Deborah » Sun Sep 11, 2005 4:13 am

what does NK stand for ? I think ur wanting something from a numerologist ...

what about the ... "the skeptics writing"

"Sympathetic magic" "cold reading"

"Write on Me "

ok maybe im having to much fun with this hmmm let me think on it a little longer ..
i just read this online ... . Real handwriting experts are known as forensic document examiners, not as graphologists well we know who is real and who dont need 80 years of college to tell ya what one knows :)

hope I atleast made ya smile if nothing else

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Name advice

Post by Gillian » Sun Sep 11, 2005 6:44 am

Hi Braincracks,

With 5 being your birth number and web design your business, the pentagram could be depicted with slightly droopy dew spangled threads like a spider web at dawn.... with your skill as web mistress, you could manipulate all the NooKs and crannies of cyber space for the benefit of your clients.


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Post by braincracks » Sun Sep 11, 2005 12:08 pm

Hi Deborah,

Hmm that statement is write biut i am a graphologist as ia dont have so much experience so as to call myself a forensic document examiner. aiming to be one as yet.

NK is the short form for my Family Goddess Nelli Kolluthy. So i thought of making some thing out of those initials.

and my graphology will come into use to make a perfect logo for my company.

Thanx again.

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Post by braincracks » Sun Sep 11, 2005 12:11 pm

Hi Gillian,

Thanx for that reading. Does my name and Date of birth really go hand in hand(i suppose "NO")???

and will the name NK designers or NK associates work for me???

If u can suggest any other term after NK will do. Please do it. I will be greatful for that.

Thanx in advance agian.


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Post by auraca » Mon Sep 12, 2005 3:34 pm

Yes your name and birthdate go hand in hand...


Birth Name Expression Number is: 3
This denotes natural talent, skills and abilities, regardless of education or training.
Positive: proud, active, optimistic, joyful, creative, ambitious, conscientious, popular, expressive, sociable, youthful.

Negative: boastful, wasteful, superficial, gossipy, dictatorial, careful, extravagant, scheming.

Motivation Number: 3
This denotes likes and dislikes as well as deep inner needs, desires, and wants.
Positive: proud, active, optimistic, joyful, creative, ambitious, conscientious, popular, expressive, sociable, youthful.

Negative: boastful, wasteful, superficial, gossipy, dictatorial, careful, extravagant, scheming.

Personality Number: 9
This denotes the first impression made on people.
Positive: organizer, energetic, dynamic, inspirational, good opinion of self, leadership oriented, daring, universal in outlook, humane.

Negative: quick tempered, impulsive, day dreamer, narrow minded, combative, emotional, lack of direction.

First Name (Key Number): NAREN : 7
This indicates the key to the personality apart from the rest of the family.
Private, analytical, intuitive, reflective, absorbing.

Cornerstone Number is: 5
This denotes point of view, the foundations of the first name.
Changeable, carefree, strong desire for freedom and expression, quick thinking, ever alert.

Instinctive Desire Number: 1
This indicates how this individual acts instinctively, under pressure.
Individualistic, daring, straightforward, a need and desire to be 'first', a take charge attitude.

Family Name: SUBRAMANIAN : 5
These family members are usually varied in temperament as well as occupations. A changeable nature runs through the family. As 5 is the number of attractiveness, this family may be quite good looking.

Plane of Expression
The plane, or level of thought, where this individual functions best.
This person functions best on the Physical Plane

Common Name Expression Number is: 0

Your Destiny Number is: 5
You must learn to be: enthusiastic, clever, adaptable, an adventurer, expressive in writing and speech, curious, scientific, crisis oriented.
Learn NOT to be: careless, indifferent, over-indulgent in sensual pleasures, a wanderer, irritable, wasteful, callous.

Dominant Number: 5
You make friends easily and may have more friends than most. You love change, travel, variety, and above all --your personal freedom. Your philosophy is to be free and unattached. You have an intellectual nature, usually disliking manual labor, preferring to make your living through brain power.

Personal Year Number for 2006: 2
Theme for this year: Patience, companionship, harmony, teamwork
General: Whatever seeds were planted last year are in the germination stage.Changes are likely to be gradual, but with purpose.

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Post by braincracks » Mon Sep 12, 2005 5:05 pm

hi auraca,

Thanks for the reading.
One question yet to be answered

will the name NK designers or NK associates work for me???
If u can suggest any other term 2 follow NK will do. Please do it. I will be greatful for that


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Post by auraca » Tue Sep 13, 2005 3:28 am

My sugestion would be N. K. Design, or what about Goddess Design - with a graphic of the family goddess with the NK worked into the design?

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Post by braincracks » Tue Sep 13, 2005 2:01 pm

are u suggesting GOddess designs instead of NK designs (or is it DESIGN without the s)????

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Post by auraca » Tue Sep 13, 2005 3:38 pm

Design without the s...

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Post by missnumerology » Sat Dec 02, 2006 2:42 pm


Just to confirm from a Professional Numerologist point of view, that you have the best Numerological Profile I have seen where Core Aspects apply. You can just about do anything you desire, especially in the creative areana of life.

I wouldn't worry too much about the name of your company - the right one will always draw itself to you because after all it still has to feel right if it's to be used. You do have the knack of falling into a bed of roses whatever your situation, I have provided you with your very own Energy Flow (Between Core Aspects) Numerology Report to show you what I mean:

Date of Birth : 07/05/1982

Life Path - 5
Birthday - 7
Expression - 3
Soul Urge - 3
Outer Personality - 9

What the ODD numbers represent: - ( 1 – 3 – 5 – 7 – 9 )

You belong in the creative, artistic, inspirational; selling or promotional ARENA of life. You test all things emotionally; your vision is broad and idealistic; you love art, beauty and spirituality. You hold together, recreate, regenerate, conceal, dissolve, and keep all these qualities of consciousness subjective. You are the ultimate DREAMER, striving for enlightenment. A completely free spirit makes you the ultimate separatists at heart, combining loosely to everything; your environment, the situations you find yourself in and the people you meet, often appearing isolated and detached and maybe even inconsistent. This often labels you as ‘faithless’ in the eyes of the even numbers who are compounded to be forever loyal and devoted. You will always be in the world – not of it.  Being a free radical means action without effort – too earnest to be eager. You have the ability to wait until you are called and forced out into the world, as you do not care to hurry. You like quite, repose and silence. You love high mountains, quite streams and still forests because noise bores and irritates you. You work best when alone as loneliness is good for your creative consciousness - revelation is not often born fully fledged in a crowd. Thus you seek occupations where the “single eye and naked vision” is of true value. You are considered a solo performer and should work independently, so far as possible and be the means of introducing, selling or perfecting new ideas for the EVEN numbers to manufacture.

Odd Vs Odd Combinations

1, 3, 5, 7 & 9: These numbers are compatible with each other. They are of introvert nature and concerned more with themselves and their own development and interest than that of others.

Life Path Vs Expression Number

This energy flow represents what you are here to do (Life Path) versus what you can do and how (Expression). This combination therefore, holds the key to understanding just how capable your skills and abilities are within the type of opportunities available for you to effectively fulfil your destiny, your life purpose and to what degree of success.

Love your name and love your birth-date, for they contain your unique life script, your personal blueprint for success. If you use all the tools available to you, you will discover more success in achieving your goals. You will discover your place and your purpose as a unique part of God’s plan of creation. By fulfilling your commitment to be all that your name allows you to be, you will find the inner strength to survive disappointment, pain or loss of any kind. If you can get up each day and find beauty and goodness in life, for the sake of loving and being part of life, no matter what situation causes you distress, then you will have passed life’s greatest test, and that is mastery over diversity.

Life Path Number 5 vs Expression Number 3

Although your Life Path is compatible with your Expression, you will find that you will be asked to expand your skills and abilities slightly, in order to meet the opportunities available, but through no real hardships.  A good combination.

Life Path Vs Soul Urge Number

This energy flow represents the degree of happiness (Soul Urge) found within the opportunities (Life Path) that are available to you, on a purely personal level. It describes how you feel towards the work you are here to accomplish and to the depth of contentment developed, through and because of, the relationships that are formed.  It is said that our experiences are what makes us become who we are—and so for this very reason, this energy flow sets the tone to how much of ourselves we can actually satisfy whilst we pursue our journey towards our life purpose.

Life Path Number 5 vs Soul Urge Number 3

This is the best energy flow combination to have because you will always find your experiences satisfying from the opportunities available to you by the people you meet. You are motivated enough to recognise and take advantage of all the things that your heart desires—by simply making the most of all that comes your way, in fact your environment probably reinforces it. With this combination your personal inner happiness and contentment with loved ones and close associates, radiates a balance that has been truly blessed by the heavens!

Expression Vs Soul Urge Number

This energy flow is where you will find how aware you are of your innate skills and abilities (Expression) and how much incentive and motivational drive (Soul Urge) is found behind developing and using them to their fullest potential and to what degree of success.

Expression Number 3 vs Soul Urge Number 3

You have been blessed with the ability and incentive to express all that is within you, and consequently you will reach your goals and accomplish all what you aim to do. However, there is a danger of over-balance or negativity; if you can do exactly what you want to do, you will either overdo it or become so fed-up and bored with it that the two positives produce a negative which is when you are prone to suffer melancholia amidst your success. The warning given is to simply never take this precious energy flow for granted, as it will always allow you fulfilment in doing the things that not only you can do in life, but love to do in life!

Soul Urge Vs Outer Personality Number

This energy flow represents the two areas of the mind; the Soul Urge and the Outer Personality, which combined together, reflect the polarity of your nature. The Soul Urge—ego or conscious part of the mind that is self-aware, is the part where you think and reflect. The Outer Personality—id or unconscious part of the mind that is hidden, is where your feelings, emotions and dreams are essentially locked away. It is within this combination where there is a constant two-way interaction between the ego and id. During the day the active ego sends all its sense impressions and thoughts to the id, where they are stored as memory. At night, when the ego is relatively dormant, the id communicates with it symbolically through dreams. This combination therefore, holds the key to the balance between your conscious and unconsciousness state of mind; detrimental to the overall well-being of your psychological structure which determines how well adjusted you are as a person within yourself.

Soul Urge Number 3 vs Outer Personality Number 9

This combination is the doorway between harmony and in harmony.

There is a good chance that when your Soul Urge—ego is smaller than your Outer Personality—id, the unconscious part of your mind consumes the conscious part of your mind. This means your dreams override reality. Due to this people see you as larger than life; someone who always has lots to say,  is full of feeling, emotions and visions but for whom over time, lacks true depth of character because you insist on living in the fantasy world you have subconsciously created for yourself. To balance your inner and outer psyche in order to neutralise your ineffectiveness, you need to tone down your dreams by developing a more realistic consciousness towards them. This combination is more likely to bring harmony with age and maturity.

Life Path Vs Outer Personality Number

This combination portrays how you are perceived by people on first impressions, and how you would ideally like to be perceived by them. Therefore, it can either assist or hinder the type of opportunities people are prepared to offer you, depending on their initial reaction of you. The Outer Personality Number for this very reason is one of the most trickiest vibrations to handle, due to its connection to the unconscious part of the mind regarding self-image—and to what degree it has been uplifted or distorted by your surrounding environment. It is very difficult for others to accurately judge a person by appearance alone or evaluate their character based on the superficial behaviour that can be unknowingly bestowed upon them, by this vibration until a deeper relationship is formed when other Core Aspects have been awakened.

Life Path 5 vs Outer Personality Number 9

When the Life Path and Outer Personality numbers match it seems that you are immediately well received by the people you meet, upon their first impressions of you. When this energy flow is compatible people feel they can offer you the opportunities you seek within all areas of your life; whether it is towards home / work or pleasure because they feel comfortable with you and sense a trust within you that is unbreakable. Your psychological structure also holds up well to the adversities of your life and your reactions to less than savoury attacks, for you almost always handle yourself extremely well—in the realm of your superficial public persona and façade to the world. The Life Path represents what you are here to physically achieve and master and your image certainly makes you appear to look the part for it!

You are currently on a 10/1 Essence until your birthday 2009 all for starting up new things and next year (2007) you are in a 3 Personal Year which will allow you the opportunities to do what your heart so desires. Just don't scatter yourslef or your money too thinly.

Hope this is of imterest to you.

All information provided by AstroStar Numerology (free of charge on website)

Kind Regards
Karen Foster

Posts: 4
Joined: Thu Nov 30, 2006 6:49 pm

Post by missnumerology » Sat Dec 02, 2006 2:43 pm

Last edited by missnumerology on Sat Dec 02, 2006 2:48 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by missnumerology » Sat Dec 02, 2006 2:45 pm


Just to confirm from a Professional Numerologist point of view, that you have the best Numerological Profile I have seen where Core Aspects apply. You can just about do anything you desire, especially in the creative areana of life.

I wouldn't worry too much about the name of your company - the right one will always draw itself to you because after all it still has to feel right if it's to be used. You do have the knack of falling into a bed of roses whatever your situation, I have provided you with your very own Energy Flow (Between Core Aspects) Numerology Report to show you what I mean:

Date of Birth : 07/05/1982

Life Path - 5
Birthday - 7
Expression - 3
Soul Urge - 3
Outer Personality - 9

What the ODD numbers represent: - ( 1 – 3 – 5 – 7 – 9 )

You belong in the creative, artistic, inspirational; selling or promotional ARENA of life. You test all things emotionally; your vision is broad and idealistic; you love art, beauty and spirituality. You hold together, recreate, regenerate, conceal, dissolve, and keep all these qualities of consciousness subjective. You are the ultimate DREAMER, striving for enlightenment. A completely free spirit makes you the ultimate separatists at heart, combining loosely to everything; your environment, the situations you find yourself in and the people you meet, often appearing isolated and detached and maybe even inconsistent. This often labels you as ‘faithless’ in the eyes of the even numbers who are compounded to be forever loyal and devoted. You will always be in the world – not of it.  Being a free radical means action without effort – too earnest to be eager. You have the ability to wait until you are called and forced out into the world, as you do not care to hurry. You like quite, repose and silence. You love high mountains, quite streams and still forests because noise bores and irritates you. You work best when alone as loneliness is good for your creative consciousness - revelation is not often born fully fledged in a crowd. Thus you seek occupations where the “single eye and naked vision” is of true value. You are considered a solo performer and should work independently, so far as possible and be the means of introducing, selling or perfecting new ideas for the EVEN numbers to manufacture.

Odd Vs Odd Combinations

1, 3, 5, 7 & 9: These numbers are compatible with each other. They are of introvert nature and concerned more with themselves and their own development and interest than that of others.

Life Path Vs Expression Number

This energy flow represents what you are here to do (Life Path) versus what you can do and how (Expression). This combination therefore, holds the key to understanding just how capable your skills and abilities are within the type of opportunities available for you to effectively fulfil your destiny, your life purpose and to what degree of success.

Love your name and love your birth-date, for they contain your unique life script, your personal blueprint for success. If you use all the tools available to you, you will discover more success in achieving your goals. You will discover your place and your purpose as a unique part of God’s plan of creation. By fulfilling your commitment to be all that your name allows you to be, you will find the inner strength to survive disappointment, pain or loss of any kind. If you can get up each day and find beauty and goodness in life, for the sake of loving and being part of life, no matter what situation causes you distress, then you will have passed life’s greatest test, and that is mastery over diversity.

Life Path Number 5 vs Expression Number 3

Although your Life Path is compatible with your Expression, you will find that you will be asked to expand your skills and abilities slightly, in order to meet the opportunities available, but through no real hardships.  A good combination.

Life Path Vs Soul Urge Number

This energy flow represents the degree of happiness (Soul Urge) found within the opportunities (Life Path) that are available to you, on a purely personal level. It describes how you feel towards the work you are here to accomplish and to the depth of contentment developed, through and because of, the relationships that are formed.  It is said that our experiences are what makes us become who we are—and so for this very reason, this energy flow sets the tone to how much of ourselves we can actually satisfy whilst we pursue our journey towards our life purpose.

Life Path Number 5 vs Soul Urge Number 3

This is the best energy flow combination to have because you will always find your experiences satisfying from the opportunities available to you by the people you meet. You are motivated enough to recognise and take advantage of all the things that your heart desires—by simply making the most of all that comes your way, in fact your environment probably reinforces it. With this combination your personal inner happiness and contentment with loved ones and close associates, radiates a balance that has been truly blessed by the heavens!

Expression Vs Soul Urge Number

This energy flow is where you will find how aware you are of your innate skills and abilities (Expression) and how much incentive and motivational drive (Soul Urge) is found behind developing and using them to their fullest potential and to what degree of success.

Expression Number 3 vs Soul Urge Number 3

You have been blessed with the ability and incentive to express all that is within you, and consequently you will reach your goals and accomplish all what you aim to do. However, there is a danger of over-balance or negativity; if you can do exactly what you want to do, you will either overdo it or become so fed-up and bored with it that the two positives produce a negative which is when you are prone to suffer melancholia amidst your success. The warning given is to simply never take this precious energy flow for granted, as it will always allow you fulfilment in doing the things that not only you can do in life, but love to do in life!

Soul Urge Vs Outer Personality Number

This energy flow represents the two areas of the mind; the Soul Urge and the Outer Personality, which combined together, reflect the polarity of your nature. The Soul Urge—ego or conscious part of the mind that is self-aware, is the part where you think and reflect. The Outer Personality—id or unconscious part of the mind that is hidden, is where your feelings, emotions and dreams are essentially locked away. It is within this combination where there is a constant two-way interaction between the ego and id. During the day the active ego sends all its sense impressions and thoughts to the id, where they are stored as memory. At night, when the ego is relatively dormant, the id communicates with it symbolically through dreams. This combination therefore, holds the key to the balance between your conscious and unconsciousness state of mind; detrimental to the overall well-being of your psychological structure which determines how well adjusted you are as a person within yourself.

Soul Urge Number 3 vs Outer Personality Number 9

This combination is the doorway between harmony and in harmony.

There is a good chance that when your Soul Urge—ego is smaller than your Outer Personality—id, the unconscious part of your mind consumes the conscious part of your mind. This means your dreams override reality. Due to this people see you as larger than life; someone who always has lots to say,  is full of feeling, emotions and visions but for whom over time, lacks true depth of character because you insist on living in the fantasy world you have subconsciously created for yourself. To balance your inner and outer psyche in order to neutralise your ineffectiveness, you need to tone down your dreams by developing a more realistic consciousness towards them. This combination is more likely to bring harmony with age and maturity.

Life Path Vs Outer Personality Number

This combination portrays how you are perceived by people on first impressions, and how you would ideally like to be perceived by them. Therefore, it can either assist or hinder the type of opportunities people are prepared to offer you, depending on their initial reaction of you. The Outer Personality Number for this very reason is one of the most trickiest vibrations to handle, due to its connection to the unconscious part of the mind regarding self-image—and to what degree it has been uplifted or distorted by your surrounding environment. It is very difficult for others to accurately judge a person by appearance alone or evaluate their character based on the superficial behaviour that can be unknowingly bestowed upon them, by this vibration until a deeper relationship is formed when other Core Aspects have been awakened.

Life Path 5 vs Outer Personality Number 9

When the Life Path and Outer Personality numbers match it seems that you are immediately well received by the people you meet, upon their first impressions of you. When this energy flow is compatible people feel they can offer you the opportunities you seek within all areas of your life; whether it is towards home / work or pleasure because they feel comfortable with you and sense a trust within you that is unbreakable. Your psychological structure also holds up well to the adversities of your life and your reactions to less than savoury attacks, for you almost always handle yourself extremely well—in the realm of your superficial public persona and façade to the world. The Life Path represents what you are here to physically achieve and master and your image certainly makes you appear to look the part for it!

You are currently on a 10/1 Essence until your birthday 2009 all for starting up new things and next year (2007) you are in a 3 Personal Year which will allow you the opportunities to do what your heart so desires. Just don't scatter yourslef or your money too thinly.

Hope this is of imterest to you.

All information provided by AstroStar Numerology (free of charge on website)

Kind Regards
Karen Foster

Posts: 43
Joined: Sat Apr 07, 2007 12:29 pm

naren subramanian

Post by s.v.kuppuswamy » Fri May 04, 2007 2:35 am

dear naren
first of all you must match your nasme to that of your ruling planets .Inthis connection your ruling planets are
ketu=7 and Mercury-5
so your should please these two planets if not antogonise them
suggested name
should have  5 or venus -6 but your name is 7 ketu a number of expenses and depression(Chaldean Metod)
presently you are passing a period of 5 a business number upto the age of 27 and make hay while the period is Good,
Remember for business you should have a number of 5 in your business name.
On your response further details can be worked out.
I am a professional Numero palmist

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