I know I'm a 24/6 lifepath and have read a bit about 6's but ...

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I know I'm a 24/6 lifepath and have read a bit about 6's but ...

Post by capricorniannz » Sat Oct 06, 2007 10:52 am

... I would like more info please.

Sarah Helen Dallard Scoble (name on birt cert.  I usualy drop the Dallard though, except when dealing with Govt depts etc!)

Is that enough info?

Thanks so much in advance ...
Be Happy

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Thu Dec 06, 2007 7:43 pm

Your Life Path is 24/6  
   Sarah, you possess great compassion and seek to be of service to others. You
have concern for the weak and the downtrodden. You are a healer and a helper to
others. You are capable of giving comfort to those in need and will frequently offer
a shoulder for others to cry on.
   Your task in life is to develop the tools necessary to be truly helpful to others,
rather than to simply be a sympathetic ear. You must find the balance between
help and interference. In the same way, you must learn the delicate art of the
counselor who knows when to leave the struggle to others and when to avoid
taking away the necessary experiences and lessons of life.
   You are naturally balanced. Therefore, you are well equipped to support and
ground others in times of trial.
   It is in your nature to take on responsibility -- you often fill the void left by others
-- and do not turn away from personal sacrifice. At times, you may feel
overburdened by the travails of others. However, the love others bestow upon you
is your well deserved reward.
   Sarah, you try to maintain harmony within the family or group, balancing and
fusing divergent forces. You seek marriage and are often a wonderful parent,
offering warmth, protection, and understanding to children.
   You are generous, kind, and attractive. You are often admired even adored
which baffles you. You are humble and yet you carry a deep pride. You move well
and gracefully, but will have to work to stay in shape. Seek out physical exercise
and limit the sweets and dairy you crave to keep yourself from becoming plump
and round.
   When young, you must be careful not to choose partners for the wrong
reasons. Do not let sentimentality influence your decision, especially those
involving the choice of a spouse. You need to be needed, but must learn to
discriminate between those you can help and others who are made weaker by
your care.
   After all, it is in your nature to be attracted to the weaker brothers and sisters
among us.
   The temptation, and the danger for you, is to think of yourself as the savior of
the world, carrying the burdens of others on your shoulders.
   Sarah, you are blessed with musical talent, as well as in the visual and
performing arts. However, your creativity may well be suppressed due to your
willingness to sacrifice, or your inability to fully appreciate your talents. This is not
to say that you cannot excel in these areas; on the contrary, you have the talent,
and with effort you can make a success in a number of artistic fields.
   You also have enormous talent in business. You are blessed with a great deal of charm and charisma, which you use effectively to attract the people and
support you need.

Your Birthday is 10  
   Sarah, you are highly ambitious and yearn for independence.  You possess
leadership abilities, and a strong drive for success.  Your test in life is to live
according to your dream -- that is, to have the courage and the stamina to
overcome obstacles and win the independence you so deeply want.
   You possess a sharp mind and fine analytical skills.  You have excellent
managerial skills.  You plan well and can organize people to carry out your plan.
   You are often frustrated by routine activities.  You can become dull and even
depressed if you are bound too tightly to the smaller details of life.
   In order to rescue yourself from such a fate, it will be necessary to take prudent
risks.  Sarah, you must learn to assert yourself.  You are a pioneer at heart.  You
must live up to such a charge.
   You can be stubborn and rigid when it comes to ideas that you feel strongly
about.  Yet, you are a loyal and devoted friend and can be demonstrative of your
   Conversely, you are highly competitive and can suffer from jealousy when it
comes to the success of others, especially colleagues or friends.
   By using the determination and creativity you possess, you can achieve much

Your Expression is 10/1  
   You are a natural leader, independent and individualistic.  Sarah, you are
extremely ambitious, original, and courageous.  You employ new and unproven
methods.  You are an explorer and an innovator.  Openness to too many
peripheral influences limits and frustrates you.  You are self-reliant, confident, and
   You possess executive abilities and are most successful at owning or
independently managing a business.  You need the freedom to make your own
decisions, based on your own ideas.  You can be an astute politician.  You also
possess the ability to influence the opinions of your milieu.
   The number 1 symbolizes the front-runner, pioneer, warrior, risk-taker, and
daredevil.  Generals, top politicians, successful businessmen, self-made
millionaires, religious leaders, inventors, activists, and avant-garde artists are
often born with a 1 Expression.
   Strength and perseverance are central to your success.  You must be willing to
travel the frontiers of life, away from the beaten path.  You possess a great
reserve of willpower that must be directed at your goals.  You do not give up, but
relentlessly pursue your aims.
   Sarah, you are quite opinionated.  People tend to be inspired or repelled by your
strong personality.
   You have great powers of concentration and the ability to visualize your goals,
thus making them more attainable.
   You stand up for your convictions and hold your ground.  All of these abilities
enhance your chances of success in life.
   There is a tendency to be self-centered.  You can be domineering and, in the
extreme, a bully.  You can be highly critical of others, complaining that people lack
the industry or determination you possess.  But this lack of understanding can
alienate friends and family members from you.  You must learn to control this tendency to maintain harmony in relationships.
   Once you are convinced of the inherent correctness of your ideas, you
stubbornly -- and sometimes rigidly -- defend and propagate them.
   Avoid obstinacy and antagonism.  You must cultivate balance, compassion,
and perseverance.
   You easily assume the role of protector.  You spring into action when
leadership is needed.
   Pride can be your downfall.  You so powerfully identify with your goals and
ambitions that you sometimes refuse to see a potential flaw or weakness in your
well-laid plans.
   Sarah, you possess strength and determination, which, when applied to any
endeavor you are committed to, will lead you to great success in life.

Your Heart's Desire is 16/7  
   Sarah, you love knowledge, study, and insight.  You value the gifts of your
mind, which you use to great advantage to penetrate the mysteries of life.  You
study things in-depth.  You search beneath the surface of things.  You abhor
shallow judgments or opinions.
   You have a natural gift for analysis and research.  Once you have grasped the
facts of a subject, your creativity and abstract approach lifts your thinking beyond
the rudimentary to the philosophical.  You have a theoretical mind, but rather than
indulge in fantasies or idle thought, you prefer to base your theories upon
scientific facts.
   Sarah, you enjoy mental and physical puzzles -- figuring them out, taking them
apart, and putting them back together.
   Some people may perceive you as cool or aloof.  You are somewhat
introverted; you may feel slightly removed and even a little different.  The fantasy
of the hermit or monk engaged in a life of study and meditation appeals to you.
   In relationships, you tend to keep things business-like and impersonal.  You
prefer to talk about the facts of a given situation, rather than the cloudier issues of
emotions and personal feelings.  You distrust feelings -- both your own and those
of others.  The whole emotional realm strikes you as unreliable, and a bit
   Sarah, your inability to fully understand the emotional aspect of life is your
Achilles heel.  You are so rational that the unpredictability of the heart frightens
and surprises you.
   Your challenge is to trust.  You need to share your heart with someone.  This is
a courageous step for you, but will result in enormous growth and satisfaction.
   The advice here is to make a true connection with another human being.  
Without it, you may marry out of convenience or to fulfill social expectations, but it will not lead you out of loneliness.  The more removed you are from people, the
more you risk isolation, bitterness, and a cynical attitude toward life.
   This choice represents a true crossroads in your development.  By sharing
yourself with others (without compromising your independence and need for
privacy) you can cultivate your enormous charm and share your understanding of
life.  You are a natural teacher and advisor.  And the wealth of knowledge you will
accumulate in life is meant to be shared with others.
   This is not to say that you must compromise on your need for privacy or time
spent alone to contemplate life.  These are natural aspects of your personality,
which are essential to your growth.  These characteristics should not be
threatening to your spouse, but must be understood as fundamental to your
   Sarah, you are blessed with a great reserve of intuition, which can be cultivated
by regular meditation and contemplation.  Your "inner voice" is your greatest guide
and friend.
   You are idealistic and have high expectations for yourself.  Learn to balance
your serious nature with regular doses of fun.
   Your intelligence and cultivation make you charming and distinguished in
appearance.  As you get older and more comfortable with your identity, people are
naturally attracted to you.  They see your wisdom, your deep understanding of life,
and the refinement you radiate.

Your Personality is 21/3  
   Sarah, you are highly attractive.  Many men with a 3 Personality are very
handsome; women are often strikingly beautiful.
   Your vibration is full of life.  You are uplifting, inspiring, and charming.  You are a
fun person to be around.  Your wit and sparkling personality make you the life of a
   You are extroverted and optimistic.  You appreciate fine clothing and jewelry,
and enjoy dressing up a bit.  You like glamour, and are sought after by the
opposite sex.
   You are a romantic.  Sarah, you fall in and out of love rather quickly.  You are
affectionate and giving.
   Do not let your charm be an incentive to play too much.  Work at developing
deep and lasting relationships.  You have to avoid scattering your attention for
   You can be flippant about commitments and may dramatize or exaggerate.
   Your wit can cause you to rely too much on superficial, humorous
   You have a distinct "lucky streak" that attracts many opportunities throughout
your life.  You also have a knack of promoting yourself as well as inspiring others.  
When backed up by hard work and self-disciple, these qualities almost ensure
your success.

Your Maturity is 7  
   As you mature, Sarah, you will become increasingly occupied with the larger
questions of life, reading, contemplating and searching for a deeper
understanding of who you are and what this life is all about.
   You may turn to philosophy or religion, but will likely examine a wide array of
areas, broadening your knowledge in many disciplines.
   Your intuition grows stronger, as does your ability to look beneath the surface
of every subject you study.  You are able to analyze abstract questions and live
according to your higher ideals.
   You may find yourself needing more time alone; your need for privacy will likely
   If you already have several sevens in your chart, you will have to guard against
becoming withdrawn, and alienated.
   If you have no sevens, you will now have the ability to deepen your
understanding of one particular field.  You will have the opportunity to become
grounded in a particular area of study.

Your Rational Thought is 30/3  
   Sarah, you are creative, but your thoughts tend to be scattered.  You jump
around inside your head without much focus.  You come up with solutions that reveal an illogical approach, yet they often work.
   As it applies to you, rational thinking is a contradiction in terminus.  You project,
interpret, and analyze your projects and problems in a manner that often leaves
others flabbergasted.  However, you are unbeatable when it comes to shining
new and original light on issues; often coming up with unique answers.
   You have this Rational Thought number in common with a number of famous
and original thinkers -- and the key-word here is original -- throughout history.

theres much more i can you but this a start

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Post by rosenumerology » Wed Dec 26, 2007 8:56 pm

My name is Wayne Rose I teach Numerology I hope this will help.


The number 6 in Numerology has the symbol of the 6-pointed star,
or interlaced triangle. It is also connected to the Planet Venus
and stands for love, marriage, home and children.
The 6 is the maternal and paternal vibration and is the number where home family and helping and teaching others can be found. However your good nature can be imposed upon and taken for granted. If this happens don’t let it get to you. Emotional problems may arise, through too much sacrifice like becoming irrational, inflexible, and dominating.  You must learn to balance your generosity, and control your feelings, as rewards for your service will make up for any problems you will encounter with others.
The 6 home should have an artistic feel with harmony, flowers, and music. In fact the 6 can have a wonderful home if they are appreciated, or they can become emotional wrecks if they are not.
The number 6 is located in the centre of the mind plane so the 6 can be intelligent, open-minded, have excellent reasoning powers, and able to adapt to most situation.  
For the 6 any business were service to the public is involved brings opportunities. All types of medical, doctors, nurses, teaching, welfare work, creative cooking, singing and acting, artistic designing, and especially any humanitarian orientated business.


The 6 is a mind number. Being positive will help make the connection to the mind. The 6 will help console, is positive and reassuring will offer good advise, is trustworthy, incorruptible, loves the home, enjoys a peaceful environment but if the need arises will fight hard to protect their family friends and standards.
As the 6 is community minded and will step in if needed. Many people admire the 6 for their unselfish caring attitude.


The negative side to the 6 makes them poke their noses into other peoples affairs, giving out unwanted advice, and has trouble keeping secret.
Destructive 6’s will criticise peoples points of view, and will never be persuaded that they are wrong, narrow minded and belligerent.
They can work hard but never get ahead and can be stubborn and unkempt.


He loves the concept of the home and family and forms relationships easily, usually ending in marriage.  
These men are usually sincere and dependable; love the finer things of life and some become entertainers. He makes his way through life being kindly and understanding. He is a worrier of both small and large things and due to this can become anxious, even a change can worry him.
Overall the 6 man loves his home above all other things.


The world of the 6 woman revolves around the home and family.
She usually is the centerpiece and is much loved by all who live in her house.  Sometimes she can be over cautious questioning her own ability, which may hurt her confidence.  If she has to choose between her family and career she will find away to do both, but in her eyes the family comes first.  The positive 6 woman has a wonderful, kind thoughtful personality,  welcoming everybody into her home especially if they need help.

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Post by moonlitestonight » Fri Dec 28, 2007 12:54 am

You have been given a lot of good information.  The thing I find with the 24/6 is that you may not be as dramatic or energetic as a lot of 6's are i.e. 33/6.  Home and relationships are VERY important to you and as Mr. Rose stated you can become too involved or too helpful and that can be hard on the people you are "trying" too help as well as yourself i.e. you will become disillusioned and resentful when your advice or help is not followed or rejected.  Also your full name is a 1 so that is a solo number in opposition to the helpful, family oriented #6.  So you go back and forth between your own needs and desires and helping or advising others.  You may also not be able to let go of things or people when things are dead or gone or just plain over.  I believe your maturity number is the 7 so being able to spend more time alone in your own personal pursuits and not needing to be around others or absorbed by others will also help you.  Good Luck.    MLT  (Maeve)

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