Numerology Reading Request

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Numerology Reading Request

Post by sbm » Tue Sep 27, 2005 3:00 pm

Hi :)

Im Bala

Does anyone have the time to do a numerology reading for me?

My full Name: Sri Balamurugan
My DOB : 16-May-1984
My TOB : 10:20 AM

I look forward to hearing from some of you.


Last edited by sbm on Mon Oct 03, 2005 4:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Nimisha » Tue Sep 27, 2005 6:27 pm

*edited- see next post for life path. :smt003
Last edited by Nimisha on Tue Oct 04, 2005 4:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Nimisha » Mon Oct 03, 2005 2:32 am

For 5/16/84

Life Path is a 7...
You are the searcher and the seeker of the truth.
You have a clear and compelling sense of yourself as a spiritual being. As a result, your life path is devoted to investigations into the unknown, and finding the answers to the mysteries of life.

You are well-equipped to handle your task. You possess a fine mind; you are an analytical thinker, capable of great concentration and theoretical insight. You enjoy research, and putting the pieces of an intellectual puzzle together. Once you have enough pieces in place, you are capable of highly creative insight and practical solutions to problems.

You enjoy your solitude and prefer to work alone. You need time to contemplate your ideas without the intrusion of other people's thoughts. You are a lone wolf, a person who lives by his own ideas and methods. As a result, close associations are difficult for you to form and keep, especially marriage. You need your space and privacy, which, when violated, can cause you great frustration and irritation.

When your life is balanced, however, you are both charming and attractive. You can be the life of a party, and enjoy performing before an audience. You enjoy displaying your wit and knowledge, which makes you attractive to others, especially the opposite sex.

But you have distinct limits. While you are generous in social situations, sharing your attention and energy freely, you are keenly aware of the need to "come off stage" and return to the solitude of your lair. You associate peace with the unobtrusive privacy of your world. Therefore, intimacy is difficult for you, because you guard your inner world like a mother lion does her cubs.

All this privacy and aloneness can cause isolation and loneliness, however. You can be aware of an emptiness in your life, a part of you that yearns for company and close companionship that may be unsatisfied.

If isolation is brought to the extreme, you can become cynical and suspicious. You can develop hidden, selfish motives, which people may sense and may cause them discomfort around you. You must guard against becoming too withdrawn and independent, thus shutting out the love of others and keeping you from experiencing the true joy of friendship and close companionship.

You must especially watch out for selfishness and egocentricity, thinking of yourself as the center of the universe, the only person who really matters. Social contact gives you perspective on yourself and on life, while too much isolation can make you too narrow and even shut off from the rest of the world.

Secretly, you may feel jealous of the easy relationships formed by others; you may perceive others as less inhibited than you, or more free to express themselves. You may harshly criticize yourself for not being more gregarious, powerful, or capable of greater leadership.

Your challenge in life is to maintain your independence without feeling isolated or ineffectual. You must hold fast to your unique view on the world, while at the same time being open to others and the knowledge they have to offer.

With your abilities to learn, analyze, and seek out answer's to life's important questions, you have the potential for enormous growth and success in life. By the time you reach middle age, you will radiate refinement and wisdom.
Subinfluences from the birthdate on the 16th...
Your over-powering orientation is toward the philosophical and spiritual aspects of life. You are driven to understand the unseen world. On some level, you feel like a foreigner on planet Earth. Your realm is the world of spirit. Your challenge is to find a way to ground that desire and understanding in practical terms so that it can be effectively shared with others.

You have a fine analytical mind that is capable of penetrating beneath the surface of the subject at hand. You also have the capacity for excellent concentration. You must use that mind to your greatest advantage. Investigate the subjects you love and gain the depth of knowledge in these fields. Specialize. Become an expert in a given area. This will give you a means of earning a living and personal power to share your wisdom.

The great pitfall you face is the choice of becoming aloof, mental, and critical. This will result in alienation and even bitterness. You can also easily lift off the ground, becoming impractical and dreamy. If you indulge too much in flight of fancy, you may drift from reality and give up the possibility of earning an adequate living.

You have excellent intuition and may even possess psychic ability. Trust your intuition and use it as a guide in life. But at all times, be practical in your application of your insights. Find concrete means of expressing yourself. Pick a field that suits you -- science, metaphysics, philosophy, psychology, teaching, for example -- and deepen yourself in its understanding. But beware of becoming overly dogmatic and shut off from the truths of others.

You prefer to work alone, rather than in a group. You can easily lose interest in your projects, however, and must work hard to finish what you start. You have to have faith and let opportunities come your way You may miss out if you reach and seek.

You are very sensitive and feel deeply, but you don't share your feelings easily, nor do you communicate them well. The realm of the heart troubles you for its shifting, nebulous qualities. You must work hard to understand this area of life.

You like to spend time alone to contemplate and meditate, but have to be careful not to withdraw too much. Long-term relationships are not easily established nor maintained.

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Post by Nimisha » Wed Oct 05, 2005 12:41 am

Expression- 4
You are the bedrock of society, the foundation of any enterprise. You are an organizer and manager. Your approach to life and to problems is methodical and systematic. You are a builder and a doer. You turn dreams into reality.

You possess a highly developed sense of structure. You enjoy management systems, and can carry out your well laid plans. You are not the type to embark on any trip without a map.

You take your obligations and those of your family quite seriously. As a result, you are reliable and responsible.

You enjoy seeing a project through from start to finish, but can become too narrowly focused. You put your nose to the grindstone and have a tendency to become a workaholic.

You are driven by a contempt for all that is unstable, insecure, and unpredictable. You distrust the unconventional, preferring instead the tried-and-the-true. But this can make your endeavors move slowly and cause you much frustration, especially with the apparent limitations of your resources. At the same time, concern for the limitations of your resources causes you to be careful and cautious, shutting you out from possible shortcuts and creative solutions provided by more daring people around you.

It is important that you recognize restrictions for what they are: guiding forces that are testing and directing you toward your goals.

Your challenge is to be more imaginative and to attract more creative people into your life who can advise and inspire you.

In relationships, you tend to be somewhat moralistic. You are extremely honest and sincere. You have integrity and are trustworthy, but can also be rigid and stubborn. Don't let your strong likes and dislikes overrule your common sense and compassion. Be more understanding of others' shortcomings.

Because you tend to focus on details, you can fall into a rut and become a little dull and overly serious. Often, people born with the 4 Expression need to lighten up and have more fun.

In your conservative and careful way, you are good with money. You are very conscious of the balance between income and expenditures. You can limit your expenditures; saving money is important to you.

You are a surprisingly good parent, and love to be involved with children. Somehow, you relate a little more than others to the innocence of children, perhaps seeing a good deal of yourself in them. You, too, are idealistic and respect the simplicity of children.

Many accountants, bookkeepers, government officials, managers, and lawyers are born under the 4 Expression. You can be attracted to the arts and music, but will likely bring your love of structure and order to any artistic field. Classical music and opera are particularly appealing and inspiring for you.

You have a keen eye for detail. You have great stamina and can work conscientiously and persistently toward your goals. This eventually brings you success and standing in your community.
Personality- 4
You radiate reliability and consistency. People trust you and feel secure with your judgment. You are seen as a cornerstone of a business and are relied upon to do your work efficiently and expertly.

You have strength and respectability. You tend to dress in a utilitarian manner, concerned mostly with convention, practicality, durability, and price. You present yourself as someone who values correctness, control, and precision.

All of this stems from the fact that your most prized characteristic is your work. You want to be judged on the basis of your performance, rather than your appearance.

You are frugal and have learned to respect a dollar. You are concerned about the security of your future and those you love. However, this may appear to others as a bit too austere.

You tend to wear earth colors and conventional attire. You could benefit by putting a little flair in your dress. Wear more uplifting colors. Loosen your dress with less severe lines. If you wear a brown suit, include a bright tie or some jewelry.

You are a family person. You love the intimacy, consistency, and the security a family provides. You are a good provider and protector. But family members may take your efforts for granted.

You are a true patriot. You love your country and are an integral part of your community. Your consistency and adherence to your well-laid plans usually pays off in a comfortable and secure future.
Heart's Desire- 9
You want to be of service to the world. Your deepest satisfaction comes from knowing that you have advanced the cause of humanity.

Your ideals are of the highest order. You are a perfectionist. You strive to make the world a utopia; to make each person's lot in life better; to become perfect yourself. One of your challenges in life is to strive toward your lofty goals and at the same time recognize the good you are doing.

You like and are fascinated by people from all walks of life. Human nature is a lifelong study for you. You are highly intuitive, but not an especially good judge of character. You are a bit naive, as well, thinking perhaps that all people have the same values as you.

You dream of having the resources to immediately relieve the suffering of others, whether it is economic, physical, or psychological.

You are gifted with a good mind and a great deal of wisdom, which makes you a natural teacher, counselor, or healer.

As much as you desire to be of service to others, you also crave fame and the approval of the masses. Much of the energy you expend in life is directed toward putting yourself before an audience, most often as a salesperson whose product provides some social good; as a philanthropist; or an artist.

You are attracted to the arts as a vocation, especially as an actor, photographer, or writer. But whatever your profession, any involvement in the arts, even as a hobby, will provide you with a deep and lasting satisfaction.

Secretly, you dream of having a big impact on the world. Others may see this as egotism, especially when you are still young. But your concern for others is genuine. You must apply yourself in this direction in order to become psychologically whole and personally satisfied.

Your vision is on the crowds of people, which can cause you to overlook the needs of those closest to you. You need personal love as well, but have a tendency to put your needs in the background. Still, you are a loving person, and only need to be reminded to direct and demonstrate that love to those nearby. If, however, you are focused exclusively on the masses, people will perceive you as distant and a bit aloof.

You are emotional, and sensitive. You can also be moody and critical. You have high expectations for yourself and others. This can cause you much anger when your expectations are unfulfilled. One of your most important life lessons is to forgive.

Because you are striving hard to attain high ideals, you may think of yourself as superior to others. Arrogance is a trap many 9s fall into. The danger is that arrogance cuts you off from the thing you love the most: people.

Your happiness and contentment are therefore highly dependant on the ease with which you are able to serve and influence mankind.

It is the paradox of your Heart's Desire that you receive by giving. Both your material success and spiritual satisfaction are made possible through service and sacrifice to others.
Hope that helps. :)

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Post by Nimisha » Wed Oct 05, 2005 1:20 pm

With your 7 LP, and 4 Expression and Personality, numerically speaking, you are well suited for a career as a scientist. Plus, there is a 1 influence from your first name, which adds the ability to be independent and self-starting, another bonus in a scientific field. Good luck with it. :smt003

As for love...if you have a particular person in mind, it would be a good idea to look at their numbers and how they mesh with your own. The big 4...LP, Expression, Personality and Heart's Desire...are enough to look at.

That being said, don't try to force anything as far as relationships go for the rest of the year. Feb-Aug of '06 look like very promising times for you to look for love. :smt007

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