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Please help me decide

Post by vrushal2 » Fri Apr 04, 2008 11:53 am

My birthdate is 22nd feb 1980, time of birth is 21.50 and place of birth is Mulund, Mumbai. Female. Can you please predict as when will i get married? and how will be my future life with my partner? Any details about partner? Will it be a love marriage or arranged?

I like a boy. He is above me in all aspects except that he is 15 days younger to me. And I dont know if he feels the same way about it. My parents are worried because of dealy.

Thanks in advance

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Post by Rhutobello » Fri Apr 04, 2008 12:12 pm

Most good marriages build on mutual respect, the ability to give and take (for both parts) and love.

As a western man, who look more to life experience then to any "reading" for control of my life, I will give you the following advice.

Follow your heart, If you and your friend are feeling love for each other and both are free, then this marriage will be as full of happiness as you both put into it.

The reason I say it this way, is our free will.

Since we are able to evaluate our each little life situation, and out from that change our life path, our free will is our most important part for us.

If you put your mind into something, "you might move mountains", if you let others will control you, you might end up as their servant.

Any Reading shall only be taken as a goal setter and a carrot to achieve improvement in your life.

No Reading in itself can ever give you anything, and can never take anything away from you!

I wish you good luck, the only way to find out if the boy has the same feelings for you, is to dream or to go around just waste of time, he might be  shy and go around feeling just the same about you !

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Post by drrnwynbchnbrgr » Fri Apr 04, 2008 7:32 pm

good morning my friend the following is a general reading of personal year cycles  .which may give you some insight i also would like to point out that major events happen in nine year cycles  in your case  the following years show up 83/84, 92/93, 01/02, 10/11. 2010/2011 also shows some deep changes within your  period cycles and pinnacle cycle. i would also like to send you some added info on your life path  .your the first that i have personally seen with such a strong number .the 33 life path is extremely uncommon .

Your Life Path is 33/6  
   Vrushal2, you have within you the potential to become a spiritual teacher. The
33, like the 11 and the 22, is considered a Master number. However, as with all
Master numbers, you may or may not find the opportunity and inner resources to
reach your full potential. If you do, you will be remembered for generations. If you
don't, you will still have a strong, spiritually empowering influence on others. Keep
in mind, that spiritual does not always mean religious. Some of our most
enlightened teachers never saw the inside of a temple or a church. In fact, most
were considered heretics and unbelievers. The truth is that spiritual knowledge is
an inner experience. An experience, which nonetheless can be visible to those
around you. If you know this experience, you understand your path.  
   You possess great compassion and seek to be of service to others. You have
concern for the weak and the downtrodden. You are a healer and a helper to
others. You are capable of giving comfort to those in need and will frequently offer
a shoulder for others to cry on.
   Vrushal2, your task in life is to develop the tools necessary to be truly helpful to
others, rather than to simply be a sympathetic ear. You must find the balance
between help and interference. In the same way, you must learn the delicate art
of the counselor who knows when to leave the struggle to others and when to
avoid taking away the necessary experiences and lessons of life.

   You are naturally balanced. Therefore, you are well equipped to support and
ground others in times of trial.
   It is in your nature to take on responsibility -- you often fill the void left by others
-- and do not turn away from personal sacrifice. At times, you may feel
overburdened by the travails of others. However, the love others bestow upon you
is your well deserved reward.
   You try to maintain harmony within the family or group, balancing and fusing
divergent forces. You seek marriage and are often a wonderful parent, offering
warmth, protection, and understanding to children.
   You are generous, kind, and attractive. You are often admired even adored
which baffles you. You are humble and yet you carry a deep pride. You move well
and gracefully, but will have to work to stay in shape. Seek out physical exercise
and limit the sweets and dairy you crave to keep yourself from becoming plump
and round.
   When young, you must be careful not to choose partners for the wrong
reasons. Do not let sentimentality influence your decision, especially those
involving the choice of a spouse. You need to be needed, but must learn to
discriminate between those you can help and others who are made weaker by
your care.
   After all, it is in your nature to be attracted to the weaker brothers and sisters
among us.
   The temptation, and the danger for you, is to think of yourself as the savior of
the world, carrying the burdens of others on your shoulders.
   You are blessed with musical talent, as well as in the visual and performing
arts. However, your creativity may well be suppressed due to your willingness to
sacrifice, or your inability to fully appreciate your talents. This is not to say that
you cannot excel in these areas; on the contrary, you have the talent, and with
effort you can make a success in a number of artistic fields.
   You also have enormous talent in business. You are blessed with a great deal
of charm and charisma, which you use effectively to attract the people and
support you need.

Your Birthday is 22  
   You have great potential as a leader, organizer, or builder of an institution or
business.  You have a vision and the capability to materialize it.  Vrushal2, you
possess the capacity for great strength, but conversely you can be deeply afraid
of the dimensions of your ambitions.  You may secretly feel that nothing will
measure up to your original dream.  Consequently, you can turn away from your
ambitions.  This can result in enormous disappointment to you should you
sacrifice your dream because of fear of failure.
   Your challenge is to be willing to start your enterprise small and take practical
steps toward enlarging it to its full scope.
   You have a gift for seeing both the details of a plan and how it should unfold.  
You are orderly and patient.  You can approach a problem methodically and
   Vrushal2, your solutions tend to be unique.  You keep your own counsel and
have much inner strength.
   Conversely, you can be nervous and suffer grave doubts about yourself, which
you also tend to hide.
   Your have unusual perception.  Your intuition is very good and you should rely
on your first impressions.
   You are both practical and idealistic.  You tend to want to ground your ideals in
realistic methods.  You are not one to indulge too much in grandiose plans for
their own sake.
   You have enormous potential for success.  Many who have left a permanent
stamp on humanity -- inventors, Nobel Prize winners, leading artists, and
statesmen -- have had the 22 prominent in their charts.

Your Personal Year for 2008 is 7  
   Vrushal2, you will experience a strong tendency to spend more time alone, to
delve inside and find some answers and to reach a better understanding of
yourself.  This is not a year for social activities nor is it a year to try and reach
goals on a material level.  You will find that the necessities of daily life seem to be
taken care of by themselves.  There is no need to be overly concerned regarding
your material needs.  Without slacking on your daily duties and responsibilities,
you can afford to give more attention to yourself.  This is a year for inner growth.  
It is your spiritual and mental presence that requires attention.  Improve the quality
of your life, read, contemplate and gain insight in yourself.  You are important
now.  Rest and attend to your health.  It is during this year that you strengthen the
foundation of your life, after all your success in all matters rests upon the strength
of your inner self.  There will be many strange and unusual events inspiring you to
take a closer look at life and an opportunity is there to experience the joy and
beauty of life without any artificial or exterior involvement but purely the growing
awareness of yourself.  To much concern and desire for material rewards,
Vrushal2, will turn this period of your life into a very bad experience indeed, while
a "let go and let god " attitude will make this such a fruitful and pleasant year that
you may find yourself wondering what you did to deserve this.

Your Personal Year for 2009 is 8  

   After last year's constant involvement with yourself and very possible
occasional doubts about the state of your business or career you will find this
year to be a relief, Vrushal2.  Things finally work out.  Long postponed checks and
promotions come through.  You see the light at the end of your financial tunnel
and an inner strength and confidence is breaking through.  This is your year of
harvest and, depending on the effort you put out in the past seven years, your
reward will be equally large.  There is a beauty in these cycles we can recognize
and understand and in doing so we find ourselves "in the flow" and there is no
more need to try and struggle upstream.  So this year you will have an opportunity
to involve yourself fully in work and material growth and bring home the rewards,
at the same time a certain detachment is also necessary, for you and for the
experience you have because it is not the reward that brings you happiness but
your experience of life, which is why before the rewarding eight year you have had
such opportunity for growth during the soul-searching of a seven year.  Give in to
your ambitions, you will find yourself more clear and focused and able to pursue
and reach your goals.  Vrushal2, your power is visible and strong, mental
creativity is high, vision and intuition will guide you, and at the same time you are
more efficient and focused.  There can be loss, serious loss, bankruptcy and
failure, because always the rewards are directly proportionate to your effort and
motivation, however you know the effort you put out and you know your
motivations, so there must be no room for fear and doubt, only for success and
winning and this year will undoubtedly turn out to be a very satisfying year.

Your Personal Year for 2010 is 9  
   This is your year to finish up all unfinished business, Vrushal2, to clean house
and make room for new things.  On a material level this is a good time to get rid
of unnecessary weight, to give away or sell what you do not need anymore and to
pay off old debts.  On a spiritual level you will experience a different mode
altogether.  Your attention should turn to others and their needs, find ways to be of
help and give time and energy to worthwhile causes.  You must lighten your
burden of questions and doubts and the best way to do so is by directing your
attention to another direction, away from yourself and you will find yourself
becoming lighter and more in touch with your self.  This is a time of completion,
problems can be solved and over with, strained relationships relax or disappear,
the sources of stress in work or business can be better understood and dealt
with.  Be social and communicative, enjoy music and other arts.  Vrushal2, your
creativity is higher than usual.  There can be some difficulties this year due to
your desire to face obstacles and overcome them, decisions have to be taken
and courage and strength may be severely tested several times, this is not going
to be an easy year all the time but you will feel relieved and on the brink of a

positive breakthrough by the end of this year.  This is the end of a nine year
epicycle and will you will feel many times the excitement of a new and promising
era when optimism is your friend but you will also experience the fear of letting go,
however the more you let go the more room there is to be filled during the next

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