Could I have a general reading plis?

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Posts: 24
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Could I have a general reading plis?

Post by Isabel » Wed Oct 21, 2009 6:34 pm

I have battled with depression since 2006. At the beggining of this year my diagnose was changed, but dealing with the aftermath of a depressive episode is even harder than the episode itself.

I would appreciate general guidance as to who I am, and what I'm here to do. The near future seems so cloudy to me.

Our friends at the psychic forum and the tarot forum have been most helpful and provided very inspiring insight. My anxiety has calmed down and I have also started seeing a doctor for it.

I'm intrigued by numerology, and want to see what I can learn of myself through it :)

Thankyou very much to all thosewho dedicate their time and gifts to make this board possible! Much love!

Posts: 24
Joined: Mon Sep 28, 2009 6:02 pm

Post by Isabel » Wed Oct 21, 2009 6:36 pm

oh, my date of birth is 25-feb-1986
hehehe forgot to post it :P

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Post by enumero123 » Fri Oct 23, 2009 12:44 am

Isabel  full name at birth is of great importance  date of birth can give some insight  but i feel it would be in complete

Posts: 1006
Joined: Wed Mar 18, 2009 11:13 pm

Post by enumero123 » Fri Oct 23, 2009 1:12 am

heres a few key points to get you started i hope it helps

Your Life Path is 15/6  
   ISABEL, you possess great compassion and seek to be of service to others.
You have concern for the weak and the downtrodden. You are a healer and a
helper to others. You are capable of giving comfort to those in need and will
frequently offer a shoulder for others to cry on.
   Your task in life is to develop the tools necessary to be truly helpful to others,
rather than to simply be a sympathetic ear. You must find the balance between
help and interference. In the same way, you must learn the delicate art of the
counselor who knows when to leave the struggle to others and when to avoid
taking away the necessary experiences and lessons of life.
   You are naturally balanced. Therefore, you are well equipped to support and
ground others in times of trial.
   It is in your nature to take on responsibility -- you often fill the void left by others
-- and do not turn away from personal sacrifice. At times, you may feel
overburdened by the travails of others. However, the love others bestow upon you
is your well deserved reward.
   ISABEL, you try to maintain harmony within the family or group, balancing and
fusing divergent forces. You seek marriage and are often a wonderful parent,
offering warmth, protection, and understanding to children.
   You are generous, kind, and attractive. You are often admired even adored
which baffles you. You are humble and yet you carry a deep pride. You move well
and gracefully, but will have to work to stay in shape. Seek out physical exercise
and limit the sweets and dairy you crave to keep yourself from becoming plump
and round.
   When young, you must be careful not to choose partners for the wrong
reasons. Do not let sentimentality influence your decision, especially those
involving the choice of a spouse. You need to be needed, but must learn to
discriminate between those you can help and others who are made weaker by
your care.
   After all, it is in your nature to be attracted to the weaker brothers and sisters
among us.
   The temptation, and the danger for you, is to think of yourself as the savior of
the world, carrying the burdens of others on your shoulders.
   ISABEL, you are blessed with musical talent, as well as in the visual and
performing arts. However, your creativity may well be suppressed due to your
willingness to sacrifice, or your inability to fully appreciate your talents. This is not
to say that you cannot excel in these areas; on the contrary, you have the talent,
and with effort you can make a success in a number of artistic fields.
   You also have enormous talent in business. You are blessed with a great deal
of charm and charisma, which you use effectively to attract the people and
support you need.

Your First Challenge is 5  
   ISABEL, you are in danger of becoming a rolling stone.  Your desire to
experience and enjoy life can overwhelm every other priority you have.  Your need
for freedom dominates you.  You want to try everything and go everywhere.
   You must guard against overindulgence -- and even dependence upon --
alcohol, food, drugs, and sex.
   You must work at establishing and maintaining long- lasting relationships.  Be
tolerant and understanding.  This will enable you to have people in your life who
are more than mere company.
   ISABEL, you need to discipline your urge to change every situation that does
not immediately suit you.  Stick with projects, maintain your friendships, don't
abandon people or situations the minute they become the slightest bit difficult.
   If few fives are in the chart you have a fear of change and can not let go of
people and situations.  This holds you in the past, restricting your growth.  Learn
to take prudent risks and be more adventurous.

Your Third Challenge is 4  and seen as a main challenge felt though out your life
   You tend to be disorderly and disorganized.  ISABEL, you are impractical and
tend to fantasize about projects or possibilities that have little value or future.
   You must learn to discriminate between iron balloons and those that will fly.
   You have difficulty finishing projects because your vision becomes chaotic and
loses tract of the path ahead.
   You have to learn to be aware of the details.  Keep your environment clean and
orderly.  Be efficient.
   You have the ability to be practical and organized but you must learn their
value.  This will cause you to incorporate them into your daily life and give you the
basis for success.
   This is the challenge of building a lasting foundation for your life.  ISABEL, you
will need perseverance and repeated effort.  Get-rich-quick schemes will likely
backfire; persistent effort is the key to your future happiness.

Your Personal Year for 2009 is 2  
   ISABEL, this is a year to carefully protect and nurture your plans.  You will be
like a mother watching over her children, conscious of every threat, real or
   You need tact and cooperation to keep yourself moving forward.  There will
likely be confrontations with others, requiring a subtle and gentle approach.  You
will have to stay focused on your goals, yet use intelligent persuasion.  Being
forceful may work against you; compromises will work in your favor.
   You will be unusually sensitive and may wonder at times what happened to the
drive and momentum you felt last year.  This year requires something else from
you now -- a delicate sense of balance and a willingness to go around obstacles,
without losing sight of your goal.
   You may experience some emotional depressions and frustrations.  The year
is marked by struggle, but there are many opportunities to advance your plans.
   This is a year of slow growth, requiring patience.
   Be discriminating in your associations and secretive about your plans.  Don't
talk too much about your ideas; be a bit secretive; guard yourself and your ideas.  
You are somewhat vulnerable this year.
   This is a good year to improve yourself through reading and research.  ISABEL,
your growing awareness of the less visible and less obvious aspects of life will
make you much stronger and better prepared for the future.
   You must be wise in all your relationships and associations this year.  You are
far more capable of establishing close, even life long relationships this year.  
Because sensitivity and openness are heightened, many people find their "soul
mate" in a two year.

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