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Any information appreciated?

Post by Stephys_cool » Wed Mar 03, 2010 5:32 am

Hey my name is Stephanie Nielson
My birthday is 10/6/92  
Thanks :o

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Post by enumero123 » Thu Mar 04, 2010 2:35 pm

is this your full name at birth ( first middle last)

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Post by Stephys_cool » Fri Mar 05, 2010 12:25 am

Stephanie Kaye Nielson,
Excuse me, my bad.

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Post by enumero123 » Mon Mar 08, 2010 3:51 pm

Your Life Path is 10/1  
   Stephanie, you are a born leader. You insist on your right to make up your own
mind; you demand freedom of thought and action. You have drive and
determination. You don't let anything or anyone stand in your way once you are
committed to your goal.    You assume the responsibility to be the protector and
provider for those you love. You demand respect and attention and become
irritated and even domineering when important things do not go your way.
   You need to feel in command of important undertakings, and resist supportive
roles. You seek the forefront and the limelight.
   You are exceptionally creative and original and possess a touch of the unusual.
Your approach to problems is unique and you have the courage to wander from
the beaten path. You can be impatient with your shortcomings and those of
   You are very concerned with your status and foster the appearance of success
and self-satisfaction. The need to appear well off propels you to strive for growth,
success and the finer things of life.
   Stephanie, you should watch out for selfishness, conceit and the over-concern
with appearance. You must guard against overzealous behavior, anger and
aggressiveness. If these qualities are not brought under control you could
become excessively domineering, vindictive and even violent. You perform best
when you are left to your own devices. Ideally you should own your own business
and be your own boss. Hold fast to your life's dream and work with the
determination you possess to realize it. You can become overly stressed by your
driven nature. Be careful about the food you eat and maintain an exercise
program you enjoy. Competition sports are often a healthy outlet for a person with
your drive, particularly sports involving running and swimming. Don't let pride and
overconfidence be your masters. Remember, your talents and abilities are a gift
from a higher source, which should promote gratitude and humility, rather than
pride and conceit.
   More often than not a person with a 1 Life Path will achieve much in life as long
as the drive, creativity, originality and pioneering spirit are fully employed!

Your Birthday is 6  
   You are family-oriented and have a talent for settling disputes between people
to the satisfaction of both sides.  Stephanie, you somehow know the middle
   Your lesson in life is to work with the whole subject of balance.  You must
come to truly understand the ancient and fundamental principle of opposites that
seek harmony.  Whether the realm is the emotions, caring for others, finances,
work, or play, you must learn where you can be of service, exactly what you can
do, and what are your limits.
   You have a considerable amount of artistic talent.  You have a deep
appreciation of beauty and art.
   You are highly responsible and will do without in order to fulfill a debt.
   Stephanie, your focus is on relationships.  You want to help others, and have a
talent as a healer and could make a profession of the healing arts, either as a
nutritionist, alternative health therapist (acupuncture, massage, for example) or
   You need to know you are appreciated.  You are given to flattery and vulnerable
to praise.  Criticism, on the other hand, leaves a very damaging impression on
you.  You take it deeply to heart.
   You will sacrifice your own comfort to support and help others.  You are
generous, kind, and understanding.
   Stephanie, you can be highly emotional and given to extremes in sympathy and
sentimentality.  You must learn to provide more than merely a shoulder to cry on.  
Study and the development of your healing skills bring you great rewards in life.

month and day adds up to  16/7 Attitude Number:  

The 7 Attitude. You don't get to know what they're thinking or feeling. They keep to themselves and are introspective. They must continue studying the quest of why they are here: The 7 Attitude asks the big questions.
   They will reveal themselves slowly as they go. They can shut down and make you feel they are not remotely interested in what you are saying, but the joke is on you because they are the ultimate observers. They don't miss anything.

16/7 Difficult, especially during the early part of life. Great potential for spiritual growth and self-knowledge. This Karmic Debt numbers reflects "The Fallen Tower" in Tarot. Can be self-destructive.

The 16 Karmic Debt - wherever it shows up on the chart - means destruction of the old and birth of the new. The 16 is about the fall of the ego, and all that it has built for itself. It is a watershed, a cleansing. All that has been constructed, and all that serves to separate the person from the source of life is destroyed. Through the 16, reunion with the great spirit is accomplished.
This can be a painful process, because it usually comes after much ego inflation. This results in a struggle between the ego and the divine will. Life presents challenges to your grand plans, which can be resented and struggled against. It is a lost battle, and you will likely feel humbled in the face of the collapse that follows. This humility is the key to later success, however, because you will learn to follow the intimations of a higher reality. In the destruction of the old, a spiritual rebirth takes place with an entirely new awareness. This rebirth affects every area of your life. It is a life much the better for the fall.

Those with the 16 Karmic Debt must be careful of egotism. Very often, those with the 16 use their highly intuitive and refined intellect to look down upon others, and view the rest of the world as inferior. This causes acute alienation and loneliness. In addition, it invites retribution, for the egotist is humbled more harshly than any other.
When the 16 is in one of the core numbers, this process of destruction and rebirth is a continual cycle that actually serves to bring you into higher consciousness and closer union with the source of life.

The 16 Karmic Debt can be a path of progress and great spiritual growth if it is looked at properly. One develops great faith by placing one's life in the hands of God. Through such faith, gratitude and peace are firmly established.

expression number  full name at birth
   You have a great talent for working with others; you possess tact and
refinement.  Stephanie, you have a highly developed intuition.  This provides you
with insight into personalities and situations.  Therefore, you act with tact and
subtle persuasion.  You possess a kind of radar, avoiding the landmines within
another's personality, yet bringing out their goodwill.  These abilities make you the
perfect diplomat.
   Your abilities are better expressed while working with others than by working
alone.  In the same way, you perform better in a partnership than in a leadership
   You seek balance and peace in all relationships and situations.  The key to your
personality is sensitivity, but there are two sides to the coin: You have the ability to
perceive the thoughts and emotions of others, and can work gently with others for
a mutually shared goal.  This makes you a great asset in any group endeavor.
   However, your sensitivity makes you vulnerable.  Stephanie, you can be thrown
off balance by an unkind word, a conflict, or by hostile conditions at work.  You are
far more upset by these conditions than people without your sensitivity.  While
others appear to be enduring troubled times with a modicum of turmoil, you suffer
the turbulence of life as if your very survival were at stake.
   In difficulties, you tend to persevere and steadily erode the resistance.  You are
like a gentle wind that shapes the rock.
   You are friendly and open-minded.  You are a great support person, pulling the
best out of those around you.  You are the power behind the throne.  You are
indispensable to the leadership of another, providing insight and advice that is
essential.  Yet, despite the invaluable service you provide, you often do not get the
credit and recognition you deserve, which can be frustrating.  Your natural
modesty and the enjoyment you get from being an important asset is usually
satisfaction enough for you.
   Close relationships are essential to your happiness.  When single, you dream
of finding your "soul mate." When married, you are concerned with your spouse's
needs, emotions, and thoughts.  You are an outstanding marriage partner, giving,
thoughtful, and conscious of meeting the needs of your loved one.  Stephanie,
you provide great support for your spouse’s career.  You are a passionate lover.
   Parenthood is not an easy role for you, probably because you lack the will to
enforce discipline and need a tranquil, delicate, and harmonious environment.
   You are blessed with a high degree of musical talent.  You have a good sense
of rhythm and harmony.
   You are a good counselor with an inborn talent for psychology and finely tuned

Your Minor Expression is 14/5  
   Your short name adds considerable flexibility and versatility to your personality.  
Stephanie, you now enjoy more travel and adventure.  You are more curious
about people, new places, and seek out more excitement in life.
   You are more dynamic and alive.  New and original ideas come quicker to you.  
You are a good deal more creative.  Your verbal skills are increased and your
ability as a salesperson or promoter enhanced.
   You suffer more when confined by restricted spaces or rigid rules.  You yearn
for greater freedom of movement and expression.  You are more likely to strike
out on your own, with your own ideas or methods.

again another karmic debt number appears 14/5  this vibration is strong at the present time as it  also shows up in your essence cycle for your current age .

The 14 Karmic Debt arises from previous lifetimes during which human freedom has been abused. Those with a 14 Karmic Debt are forced to adapt to ever-changing circumstances and unexpected occurrences. There is an acute danger of falling victim to abuse of drugs, alcohol, and overindulgence in sensual pleasures, such as food and sex. You must put the reins on yourself. Modesty in all affairs is crucial to overcoming this Karmic Debt.

Also important is the need to maintain order in life, and to establish one's own emotional stability. you must also be willing to adapt to the unexpected occurrences of life, all the while maintaining your focus on your goals and dreams. Flexibility and adaptability are at the very core of this struggle.
Orderliness in one's immediate environment is crucial to maintaining clarity and focus. Mental and emotional stability must be attained in order to avoid being thrown about by the changing fortunes in the external environment.

But the key to the 14 Karmic Debt is commitment. Life will resemble a roller coaster ride, but it will always travel in the right direction if one's heart is set on what is true and good. Set yourself a high goal, maintain order wherever possible in your life, avoid excessive sensory indulgence, and maintain faith. Above all, do not give up on your dreams and goals.
Those with the 14 Karmic Debt will experience life to the fullest, and as long as they maintain a high dream, they will achieve success and great spiritual development.

Your Heart's Desire is 10/1  
   Stephanie, your overpowering need is to be independent and to direct your own
life according to what you believe.  Your dream is to become the leader of
whatever field you enter.  Whether it is in business, community, or in your general
area of expertise, you are driven to be the reigning figure.
   You have the courage and the confidence to lead others.  You believe firmly
that your judgment is preeminent over all others.  This gives you the confidence to
make bold decisions and carry them out, even when other lives are greatly
affected by what you do.  You rarely look back once you have made a decision.
   You possess intelligence and wit.  You are keenly insightful and are good at
evaluating the abilities of others.
   You are supremely individualistic.  In your manner and dress, you like to project
your own unique persona.
   Consequently, you don't mind being controversial, and can even enjoy the
attention and impact you have made on your surroundings.

   Stephanie, you dislike routines, or anything that limits your freedom and
   Whenever you commit to something you truly love, you are absolutely
tenacious in your ability to endure difficulties and overcome obstacles.  You are
highly responsible; you hate passing the buck.  You possess remarkable
willpower and a strong drive to succeed.
   You are always looking for innovative ways of doing things.
   Because you seek to be the boss in any endeavor, you have a tendency to
dominate others.  If you are not careful, especially in dealing with your
subordinates and family, you may become ruthless in your decisions and
behavior.  You can also fall victim to impatience and intolerance, particularly if you
grow conceited or superior.
   Stephanie, you are the pioneer and the ground-breaker.  You love the
foreground, the hot-seat of responsibility.  You have all the talents to succeed.  As
long as you maintain balance in your life, allowing others full expression of their
thoughts and abilities, you will easily rise to the top of your chosen field and
realize your ambitions.

Your Personality is 19/1  
   Stephanie, you radiate with a dynamic and efficient energy.  You appear
controlled and capable.  You value courage and effort in the face of difficulties and
these qualities show.  Others can sense that you will not be pushed around.
   You should dress in a dignified and correct manner, caring for the details of
your appearance.  While you may spend most of your time in staid business
dress or suits, bright and cheerful colors work well for you.  You are fashionable,
but have your own style.
   Your appearance suffers more than most people when you are overweight.  
Overweight directly contradicts the type of personality you are trying to project.  
Straight lines and square corners accent your good physique and enhance your
appearance as a leader.
   Stephanie, you are recognized as a pioneer; you have your own ideas of how
to do things.  You are a risk-taker, original and highly creative.
   You should be wary of appearing too aggressive or unreceptive.  You can
intimidate people if you don't soften your exterior somewhat.  By doing this, you
will attract less confident people who will be more willing to approach you with
their thoughts and suggestions.

karmic number 19/1  The person with the 19 Karmic Debt will learn independence and the proper use of power. You will be forced to stand up for yourself, and often be left to stand alone. Difficulties will be faced and overcome through personal struggle.

One of the central lessons for people with the 19 Karmic Debt is that you stubbornly resist help. Much of your independence is self-imposed; you simply don't want to listen to others, or to accept the help or advice of others.
The 19 Karmic Debt can become a self imposed prison if you do not open up to the reality of interdependence, and the mutual need for love.

The most important lesson for the 19 Karmic Debt is: While you seek to stand on your own feet, you are still a human being, deeply connected with others and in need of the support, assistance, and human understanding that all people need. Those with the 19 Karmic Debt will learn the hard way that "no man is an island," and that we are, indeed, "all bits of the main!"

these is   just a short look at some of the key vibrations making up who you are ....

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Post by enumero123 » Mon Mar 08, 2010 3:59 pm

amongest all the darkness there is light at the end of the tunnel  life can be hard  but knowning the warning signs can ease the suffering and pain  ....

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Post by Stephys_cool » Tue Mar 09, 2010 10:36 am

Wow. lol
That was ~ cool.
Completely 100% like me. And I have actually figured a lot of that out for myself but you also gave me more solutions to my problems.
I will have to look back at this quite a bit.
But oh my goodness, all that from numbers!?!
Man. I always knew we were effected by little things like our names, just never knew how much.
Wow. Thanks. A lot!!!
That's way superly cool (:
Made me kinda smile on some parts and nod.. haha

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37 life lesson

Post by learnthenumbers » Mon Jul 19, 2010 6:26 pm

October 6th, 1992

10 + 6 +1+9+9+2 = 37 = your life lesson = what you are here to learn = Benevolence.  Heartfelt.  Heart-centered.  Father.  Dad.  Fatherly advice.  Grandfather.  Grandpa.  Paternal.  Emotive.  Musician.  Singer.  Guitar.  Piscean.  Hydrophilic.  Wet.  Soak.  Bathe.  Bathtub.  Water.  Swimming.  Diving.  Surfing.  Waves.  Aquatic.  Fish.  Fishing.  Boat.  Boating.  Heart-centered leader.  A real family person.  Just looking out for your best interest.  Wanting the best for you.  What comes from the heart goes to the heart.  Having a good heart.  Pulling at your heart strings.  Guitar strum.  Emotional range.

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Post by Stephys_cool » Thu Jul 22, 2010 4:05 pm

Where'd you get those random words from? Most all of them have a lot to do with my life right now.

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people with a 37 life lesson

Post by learnthenumbers » Thu Jul 22, 2010 10:58 pm

From observing and analyzing countless other people with a 37 life lesson:

Martin Luther King, Tom Hanks, Janis Joplin, Ozzy Osbourne...

real people and real world numerology


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