Request for a Reading please!!!

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Request for a Reading please!!!

Post by cb042 » Thu Jul 08, 2010 5:16 pm


Would appreciate a reading on my details below:

My date of birth is: October 20 1972
Time of birth: 06:32 AM
Place of Birth: Mumbai


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Post by npb » Fri Jul 09, 2010 10:44 am


numerology needs your full name. Please write your

First Name :
Middle Name :
Last/Family Name :

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Post by enumero123 » Fri Jul 09, 2010 3:21 pm

You are practical, down to earth with strong ideas about right and wrong. You are orderly and organized, systematic and controlled. You are decisive and methodical employing a step by step rational approach to problems solving. Once committed you do not give up easily!

You are not one for "get rich quick" schemes. Rather you use hard work and long hours to build a business or career - you seek to establish a solid foundation. Precise, tenacious and persevering, you have great potential for success, but only after putting out effort and overcoming the limitations you so often encounter. Justice and honesty are sacred to you. You are reliable and dependable, a cornerstone in the community.

Though not an idealist, you are willing to work for a better world in a realistic way. However, you can be rigid in your ideas and sometimes too quick in judging your fellow man. You are loyal to those you love and work well with others. It is important that while being part of a team you have your own responsibility and well-defined task. You perform better when your responsibilities are not overlapping with those of others. You have to be careful not to be bossy and rude. You possess rare discipline and perseverance and not everyone can keep up with you.

You can handle money carefully and like the security of a nest egg.

Your love of work often leads you into a career early in life. Because of your methodical nature you can easily become rigid and stuck in convention. You can also be overly cautious when changes are necessary. This can cause you to miss opportunities that present themselves. You must cultivate flexibility in your character. You are well suited for marriage and often become a responsible loving parent. However, anything that violates your profound sense of order, such as separation or divorce can be a shattering experience for you. You easily become obsessed and even vengeful, seeking your own definition of justice.

You are courageous and a true survivor. You are a builder and the foundation of any enterprise. Your hard work and practical, traditional values pay off to provide you with the rewards you seek and deserve.

seek security. Home is their haven. They are usually very cerebral and need to find ways to relax their minds. Like NIKE, "Just Do It." Otherwise, great ideas live and die in their heads.The 4s like to be organized and to put things back in their " proper place". If their home environment appears sloppy and unkempt , that is a sign that the 4 Life Path person is not doing well.

You are highly sensitive and very impressionable. You possess great awareness and can sense the feelings of others, even when they try to hide their inner thoughts. Consequently, you are easily influenced by your environment. You are highly emotional as well, which makes you all the more subject to the changing winds within your surroundings.

All of this creates a great need to develop and maintain your own center. Once you have accomplished this task, life will become more manageable and less threatening.

You are especially moved by beauty, harmony, and love.

You give affection and need much in return. You especially need physical affection, that is, plenty of hugs and warmth. You like to spend time with family and friends. You are a cooperative partner and hate to be alone.

Your talent lies in your keen insight and your willingness act as an advisor to those who are able to wield power. You operate best as "the power behind the throne.”

You are less an initiator than one who sees a project through to completion. You are good with details, not much escapes your attention. You are modest, diplomatic and polite. You have the ability to persuade others to your point of view by using gentle means. You are brilliant at making others think they are brilliant.

Your high sensitivity makes you aware of other peoples feelings. You also act considerately. You must develop the ability to truly see how necessary you are to the success of any enterprise you enter. You are the glue that binds projects together. Speak up for yourself when necessary, but learn to quietly go about your business, confident in the fact that you are fundamental to any success

tends to be the joker. They have a sense of humor and are charismatic. The Peter Pan Syndrome, they don't necessarily grow up. But when they're in a good mood, It's a big smile, bright eyes, and great conversation. If they're in a bad mood, you don't get to be happy around them. They have that effect on people.

This is a year of progress and financial advancement. Major career opportunities present themselves. It is a challenging year in which personal growth is joined with new responsibilities and challenges.

This is a year of domestic responsibility and attention to the needs of family and friends. It is a time of heart felt emotions and some sacrifice. It is a time for comforting and caring.

You realize the importance of your place within your community. You will be called upon to help others bear their burdens. You are the proverbial friend in need.

You must work to create an atmosphere of harmony and balance. It is often a time when marital issues surface and need attention. However, you possess the understanding to deal with such issues effectively if you apply yourself with love and flexibility.

These deep feelings bring renewal to relationships and often a birth in the family.

May is an emotional month filled with the promise and the stress of imminent changes. June is a breakthrough and a relief. September brings advancement, October self- reflection and readjustments, and December brings a sense of completion and fulfillment.

This is a period of slow and patient development. You are acutely sensitive to your surroundings and highly intuitive. You possess a gift as a peacemaker and have tremendous power through gentle persuasion. Cultivate the talents of tact and diplomacy. Cooperate with others. Musical and other artistic talents come to fruition. Partnerships are important, requiring understanding and compromise. You need patience and flexibility, but you are under a gentle and benevolent influence in which others are happy to support you. Seek out beauty and harmonious environments, spend time in nature, and enjoy the peace of close companionship. This is a period of slow but steady progress.

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Joined: Wed Mar 18, 2009 11:13 pm

Post by enumero123 » Fri Jul 09, 2010 6:36 pm



1...Draw strength from yourself but be more willing to share your troubles with friends and family. You can be a loner in the face of problems. This can isolate you during troubled times. Be open to the advice of others. This will widen your perspective on the problem and give you new information on which to base your approach.

Strength, creativity, and courage are the arms with which you will win the war.
Numerology's Balance number

2....Use tact and diplomacy. Be less emotional. Be courageous in your approach to the solution you seek, rather than backing away from problem because you fear confrontation. Work hard to diffuse tension; your innate talent is to find a mutually satisfying solution to all. You are willing to compromise.

Be more optimistic and lighthearted. Try not to blow problems out of proportion. You are overly sensitive and have to work to be more balanced.

Balance and harmony are there for you the minute you apply yourself to any problem. You can be the peacemaker.
Numerology's Balance number

3...Be more lighthearted and optimistic in your approach to problems. Try to work with others toward a mutually satisfying solution. Use your considerable charm to influence the situation.

You can be extremely emotional when faced with a problem. Try to control this tendency; you need a degree of objectivity. You may become too personally attached to the solution you seek, thus failing to see that the outcome can be beneficial to all concerned.
Numerology's Balance number

4...Try to have perspective and a more lighthearted attitude toward emotionally-charged issues. Control your anger. Discipline is your strength.

Also, look at the larger picture and the need for compromise. Your sense of justice must be elevated to another level where such virtues as forgiveness, compassion, and deep understanding are the guiding lights. A practical approach to these ideals is to try to put yourself in the shoes of the person with whom you are in conflict. There are always more angles to a problem than you tend to acknowledge.
Numerology's Balance number
5....Try to focus on your problem, rather than avoiding it. You may try to avoid the issue by indulging your senses to keep from feeling the pain of a conflict. Be careful not to escape into food, alcohol, and drugs.

You are capable of finding a highly-creative solution to any situation the minute you put your mind to it. The answer lies well within your grasp.
Numerology's Balance number

6....Your strength lies with understanding people and the underlying conditions of a conflict. But you can rely too heavily on friends and family to provide you solace instead of handling the situation directly and responsibly. You may be too likely to retreat to the good feelings provided by people not involved in your situation.

Responsibility is the issue here. You helped create the situation in the first place, and are an essential part of the solution. Accept your role.
Numerology's Balance number

7.....You retreat into some safe haven within yourself and hope you will not have to deal with the issue at hand. Yet, the clarity and analytical abilities of your mind are sufficient to provide you with insight into the problem, and a clear path to its solution.

You have to work at confronting yourself and the issues you face unemotionally and calmly. You can be engulfed in the emotional aspects of the issue, which clouds your mind and prevents you from using your clarity to find an answer. Get past the emotion and you will find an answer.
Numerology's Balance number

8.....Use your considerable power in a balanced way. You may use power in a manipulative way, rather than confront people on principle.

Use your power in a higher way, namely, by accepting personal responsibility for the issue and its solution. You have enormous creativity and the leadership to find an answer to almost any problem.

Try not to force your own solution upon groups, but include their concerns and ideas in the larger solution that you can bring about. Learn to use power for the good of all.
Numerology's Balance number

9......You will find your solutions by empathizing with the concerns of others. You have a gift for understanding a wide variety of people and seeing the broader picture. But too often you retreat to aloofness, a kind of Ivory Tower, in which you regard yourself as an aristocrat, above the masses. You will find your solutions by coming down to the practical reality where people live. It is in giving that you will receive.

Posts: 58
Joined: Mon Jul 19, 2010 3:50 pm

49 life lesson

Post by learnthenumbers » Mon Jul 19, 2010 5:49 pm

October 20th, 1972

10 + 20 +1+9+7+2 = 49 = your life lesson = what you are here to learn = Happiness.  Fulfillment.  Satisfaction.  Contentment.  Satiety.  Yes.  Smiling.  Sweetness.  Sweetheart.  Sweetie.  Wish fulfillment.  Delight.  Gratification.  Be satisfied.  Life is sweet.  Living the life of Riley.  It's a piece of cake.  Nothing satisfies like satisfaction.  Getting what you want.  Here's what I want.  Grant your wish.  Waving a magic wand.  Having your cake and eating it too.  If I could, I would wave a magic wand and grant your wish.  Be careful what you wish for - you just might get it.

"Nine of Cups - wish come true.
What you want will come to you!"

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