djberg98's Nativity.

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Post by djberg98 » Fri Oct 26, 2007 6:28 pm

Could you do a reading on this one like the other one?  The information that half mine, half my daughters.  Please?  I just realized that I don't think I've said please.  Sorry.  Otherwise, I don't know where to begin or how to start reading it.  Not that it makes sense to me anyway.  The cheat sheet is nice in that I know the names of the symbols, but it don't tell me anything else.  lol

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Post by Sei no Senshi » Fri Oct 26, 2007 8:46 pm

Okay, everything I said about Saturn and Mars in Gemini still stands, that part didn't change.  The only thing that changed is that they both hopped back into the Eleventh house, which isn't bad.


Saturn in the Eleventh house makes you very serious about friendships.  You don't get close to people easily, but those that you do get close to, you keep for life.  So, what I mean is, you may only have like...three friends, but you've known them for a number of years.  The Eleventh house also signifies our goals and aspirations, so yours are pretty realistic.  Not saying they aren't imporant, just that you don't exactly 'dream big', but that's alright, if you really want it, Saturn will make sure to help you get his own time...

Mars in the Eleventh would mean that your friends give you energy.  You enjoy being around them (duh, who doesn't enjoy being around their friends?) but you're more likely to act foolishly and do more daring, downright crazy things around them, while it can be fun, just be careful you don't hurt yourself...or anyone else.  In group settings you rise to the position of the leader, though you may unconsciously create conflicts within the group. :-S

Otherwise, I don't know where to begin or how to start reading it.
If you need ideas about what to ask for, you can go here and just kind of see what we did.  This is the best reading I've ever given, and the best I've ever seen done.  Lucky me.

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Post by djberg98 » Sat Oct 27, 2007 6:27 pm

Sei no Senshi wrote:Saturn in the Eleventh house makes you very serious about friendships.  You don't get close to people easily, but those that you do get close to, you keep for life.

This is soooo totally true.  I have a hard time making friends, especially with women because I am more comfortable around men.  One girl-friend=15 years, another 10 years, another 20 years, and a few acquaintances that I'm not exactly close to.  

Mars in the Eleventh would mean that your friends give you energy.  You enjoy being around them (duh, who doesn't enjoy being around their friends?) but you're more likely to act foolishly and do more daring, downright crazy things around them, while it can be fun, just be careful you don't hurt yourself...or anyone else.

This is also very true.  When I get together with my friends, we tend to get into too much.  It seems almost like we feed off each other and that sometimes leads to us getting out of control and pushing things a little too far.

The whole reading was dead on.  Pretty amazing.  I don't know how you do this, but it's really pretty cool.  Thank you for doing this for me and I'll be sure to check out the reading at the end of the link.  If I have anymore questions, I'll be sure to let you know.   :)

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Post by Sei no Senshi » Sun Oct 28, 2007 1:30 am

Remember though, I've only done two out of fourteen planets.

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Post by djberg98 » Wed Oct 31, 2007 6:26 pm

Sorry, I've been doing a lot of stuff.  Sewing costumes for Halloween, doing homework, helping a friend work on his engine.  Busy, busy, busy.  I have only been online to check my emails and thats it.  

Your really good at this stuff.  So far everything has been pretty accurate.  If you get time (no rush) I would like to see/read the rest of it.  I don't want to rush you though.  Just post some whenever you have time, if you want and don't mind.  Thank you for doing this, too.  It's really interesting.

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Moon Cosmic Power.

Post by Sei no Senshi » Fri Nov 02, 2007 2:29 am

Luna in Libra makes its native gracious, kind, romantic, and diplomatic.  Shunning vulgarity and outburts, you express your feelings in an even-tempered, reasonable way.  As a child, you tried to keep up appearances and do what was expected of you.  Love and relationships are essential to your well-being and you can hardly imagine life without a partner.  You also value serenity and you have an interest in feng shui, if not, get some :P a sense of balance and harmony in the home is important.  Luna's residence in the Second house means your finances change with the phases of the Moon, plenty of ups and downs that will continue throughout your life unless you become increasingly persistent to hold on to your money, which is something that the harmony seeking, Libran side of Luna may struggle with.  You probably don't see yourself as a materialistic person, but money matters to you.

Luna performs two aspects; a conjunction to Pluto and a Trine to Ceres.  Pluto's conjunction generally produces intense romantic feelings.  Seeking relationships with those who you feel are as deep and tenacious as you are.  Often, you find yourself a being a possessive and demanding person, though after you realize this, Libra allows you to feel guilty about it, allowing yourself to see it from the other's point of view.  These traits are powerful enough to expand into friendships, and repeats the significations of Mars and Saturn about having few, but very close friends.  At the worst, you can be tyrannical and alienating, but the Libra side of Luna comes in again as you are reminded of it from the other person's view, and then begin to feel guilty.  Ceres' Trine is perhaps simpler, as they suggest a simple alliance with the emotions and the feelings of nurturing, meaning that you feel the most comforted through emotional gestures such as simple "I love you"s and hugs.


Just a picture of Moon using the Holy Grail to become Super Sailor Moon.  Reminded me of Luna in Libra as, in this form, she becomes the Messiah who ultimately balances and brings about the new world after it goes like...boom. :) Yeah.
Last edited by Sei no Senshi on Fri Nov 02, 2007 2:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Moon Cosmic Power.

Post by djberg98 » Fri Nov 02, 2007 4:25 am

Sei no Senshi wrote:Shunning vulgarity and outburts, you express your feelings in an even-tempered, reasonable way.

I really wish I could be like this.  I tend to be quick tempered.  I'm loud and vulgar when extremely upset.  I act first and think about it later.  Typically I am irrationable and unreasonable.  I hate that side of me.  That's why I have medication and it helps keep me somewhat even-tempered.

[/quote]As a child, you tried to keep up appearances and do what was expected of you.[/quote]  
Till I hit puberty, then I became my mom's worst nightmare.  Literally.

[/quote]Love and relationships are essential to your well-being and you can hardly imagine life without a partner.[/quote]
Again, very true.

[/quote]You also value serenity and you have an interest in feng shui, if not, get some :P a sense of balance and harmony in the home is important.[/quote]
I have thought about this, but with my family it would be impossible to form any kind of order around here.  It would be nice to see my house clean and stay there for more than a few hours.  

[/quote]Luna's residence in the Second house means your finances change with the phases of the Moon, plenty of ups and downs that will continue throughout your life unless you become increasingly persistent to hold on to your money, which is something that the harmony seeking, Libran side of Luna may struggle with.  You probably don't see yourself as a materialistic person, but money matters to you.[/quote]
Money is always an issue with us.  Again, the reason for my medication has a lot to do with that.  I so wish I could be a normal productive human being.  Even with the meds, I find it very difficult to find and keep a job.

[/quote]Luna performs two aspects; a conjunction to Pluto and a Trine to Ceres.  Pluto's conjunction generally produces intense romantic feelings.  Seeking relationships with those who you feel are as deep and tenacious as you are.  Often, you find yourself a being a possessive and demanding person, though after you realize this, Libra allows you to feel guilty about it, allowing yourself to see it from the other's point of view.  These traits are powerful enough to expand into friendships, and repeats the significations of Mars and Saturn about having few, but very close friends.  At the worst, you can be tyrannical and alienating, but the Libra side of Luna comes in again as you are reminded of it from the other person's view, and then begin to feel guilty.  Ceres' Trine is perhaps simpler, as they suggest a simple alliance with the emotions and the feelings of nurturing, meaning that you feel the most comforted through emotional gestures such as simple "I love you"s and hugs.
My relationship is a very complicated matter right now.  I don't even know how to even explain it.  I am not typically a jealous and possesive type person.  I can be very demanding.  My family and friends are very important to me and I can be very protective to extremes.  Tyrannical and alienating is soo me.  I've been told I push people away too much.

[/quote]Crisis, Make UP![/url][/quote]
link doesn't work.  It says I am forbidden.

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Mercury Crystal Power

Post by Sei no Senshi » Mon Nov 05, 2007 3:52 am

Sorry this took so long, I had some issues with the forums.

Mercury is in Pisces in the Eighth house, it performs only a Square to Mars.

First off, I have to say this is a bad, bad position for Mercury.  Mercury, here, is in its Sign of Detriment and Fall, so it's not happy here, to make it worse, it's in the unfortunate Eighth.  :(  Poor, poor Mercury.

I call Mercury's placement in Pisces 'the Intuitive Scholar'.  You respond to people and situations instictively, often knowing what to do to make people the most comfortable without knowing why.  You understand how different people operate, and you can adapt to the changing circumstances around you easily.  Your mind is receptive, subtle, empathetic, and imaginative, but logicial evaluations elude you.  A sort of double-edged sword here is that Mercury's ability here allows you to access your intuition.  Now, that can be good and bad, as there are times when you call up your intuition, and there are times your intuition is forced upon you, when perhaps a more fact-based decision is needed.

No planet is particularly happy in the Eighth (save Saturn...), but Mercury here repeats the intuitive mind that you must possess, also, here Mercury would have it seem as if you're an empath, perhaps seeing this ability more as a curse, as you feel and absorb the negative emotions of people (grief, guilt, sorrow, anguish) around you.  Mercury would also make you a good psychological counselor, as the ability to dig into the realm of the unconscious is accentuated here.  Also, do you have an interest in the afterlife?  Not just the passing fancy of "wonder what's out there" but a profound interest.

Mercury's Square to Mars is indicative of an active mind, thankfully this works well for your Mercury as it's sluggish in Pisces.  However, the bad part is that it can make you highly argumentative, if you consider that a bad thing.  A big thing I'd like to mention is that you should be careful about taking sides or making choices before considering all the facts and figures of it all.  Medically, this Square gives one reoccuring headaches and nervous disorders.

The only picture I could think of that best reflected your Mercury is a picture of Sailor Mercury dying...but I thought that was a little too won't do that.

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Post by djberg98 » Mon Nov 05, 2007 3:15 pm

I usually am fairly well at picking up on other's feelings and needs.  Not always, but it's helped me work with them on issues or at least meet them halfway.  I think a lot of it has to do with my own horribly dysfunctional childhood.  I was at my ex's the other night and talked to his girls for really the first time.  He was amazed at how well I could describe them and hit on key issues after only 5-10 minutes.
I also usually have fairly good intuition, if I choose to listen to it.  Sometimes I choose to ignore it and the end result is not pretty.
I've had more than a passing interest in the afterlife for quite some time.  More so after my brother died when he was 17.
I suffer from migraines and do have an anxiety disorder.

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Post by Sei no Senshi » Mon Nov 05, 2007 6:56 pm

Not always, but it's helped me work with them on issues or at least meet them halfway.  I think a lot of it has to do with my own horribly dysfunctional childhood.
>.<' &nbsp;I wish you hadn't have told me that.

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Post by djberg98 » Tue Nov 06, 2007 4:37 am

Sei no Senshi wrote:
Not always, but it's helped me work with them on issues or at least meet them halfway.  I think a lot of it has to do with my own horribly dysfunctional childhood.
>.<'  I wish you hadn't have told me that.

I'm sorry. &nbsp;I didn't know I was saying something bad. &nbsp;I'm not even sure why it is. &nbsp;Can u pretend I didn't say it? &nbsp;I'll take it back.

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Post by Sei no Senshi » Tue Nov 06, 2007 4:59 am

It's not that it's a bad or inappropriate thing to say. &nbsp;I'd just rather know as little about you as possible until the reading is done. &nbsp;I'm glad you're telling me what I'm getting right and what I'm off on, that's helping me out a lot, so continue to do that, but try not to expand on it too much.

I'd rather impress you by throwing out this stuff I couldn't know about, but having revealed a troubled childhood, I'm going to have it on my mind and be looking for it now, instead of being open to whatever may come. &nbsp;See?

You didn't do anything wrong, you didn't know any better.

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Jupiter Crystal Power

Post by Sei no Senshi » Tue Nov 06, 2007 5:50 am

Moving on, you've Jupiter in Pisces, cojoined the Eighth and Squared to Neptune.

Jupiter in Pisces is an excellent position, as Jupiter is dignified here.  Here, Jupiter grants his native the feelings of others.  You're sympathetic to the plights of those around you, forgiving to those you find fault in, and imaginative in all that you do.  This last part could be very useful and I would suggest a try at art, as Jupiter rules over your Fifth house of creativity, being in Pisces, your art would appear 'other worldly' and very abstract, appearing more as symbolic references rather than original statements.  You're a generous person, and the worries of others wear down on you, to the point where they become your problem to fix rather than the other person's, be careful as other people will run the risk of becoming dependant on you to help them out, while you'll eventually become overwhelmed by their apparant neediness and turn into a hermit, seeking to avoid them (you'd rather appear unavailable than run the risk of saying 'no').  This placement would also make you a very spiritual person, which you've already attested you.

Jupiter is on your Eighth house cusp and is important here as he rules this house.  So, I'm going to say you've changed several times throughout your lifetime.  Not like the obvious phyiscal changes of puberty or anything like that, but deep, personal changes having to do with the way you see and experience the world.  I don't know why, but the number two comes to me, so I wonder if you've had two such instances, with the death of your brother perhaps being one of them (your chart gives no indication of's just something I felt I had to say, maybe it'll make sense to you or I could be a blabbering fool. :)).  Jupiter here could give you great benefits from inheritances and joint financial projects such as mutual funds.  For some reason I get the idea that you're living off of someone else's money.  O.o'  Huh...

Jupiter Squares Neptune here and it makes one exaggerate and confused.  Sounds nice, right?  This confusion is brought upon by others and the misunderstandings derived from that, however, there is real risk of being decieived by others, not only is Jupiter powerful in Pisces, but Jupiter receives Neptune as Neptune is in Sagittarius, so be careful when it comes to that.  Impractical behaviour is exhibited by this aspect, however a plus is that your artwork should be fantastic.  This aspect does have a kind of blade to it, in that you have what you need to get by, but you're often lethargic and lazy and just don't get around to it, causing you to fail.  Also there is a possible dependance on a psychological medication, I think you mentioned this before.

I don't feel so weird about posting an SM picture for this placement as there will be no one being ripped to shreds by Aluminum Siren's "Galactica Tsunami". :)  Instead, a picture of Jupiter's "Flower Hurricane", which I feel represents Jupiter in Pisces quite well.

Last edited by Sei no Senshi on Tue Nov 06, 2007 3:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by djberg98 » Tue Nov 06, 2007 1:25 pm

Yes, I do tend to take on other people's problems. &nbsp;Sometimes too much so. &nbsp;I also have avoided people because I didn't want to hurt their feelings and tell them no. &nbsp;It seems easier to push my feelings aside when it comes to someone else's feelings.

I'm not sure what the number 2 represents right now. &nbsp;It might come to me later. &nbsp;I'm tired at the moment. &nbsp;I don't think I slept well last night.

I'm not working at the moment and my husband supports us. &nbsp;

I never used to have the problem of not getting around to stuff, but a year ago it became difficult for me to stay motivated. &nbsp;Lazy, unfortunately, is a good word to describe me. &nbsp;I hate it though. &nbsp;Maybe it's the medication. &nbsp;Yes I'm dependent on it because I know what happens when I don't have it. &nbsp;It scares me to think of me without it.

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