am i going to be a famous designer?

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am i going to be a famous designer?

Post by RTDESIGN » Tue May 13, 2008 6:19 pm

Hey all! It's a great site :)
I'd like those of you who can read charts, to tell me anything about mine.
what's interesting about my chart?
I'm quite drawn to design, will i be able to succeed as a designer?
I'm not sure i'm talented enough, i've started learning interior design
but the school wasn't suitable enough and i left...does anyone see
studying in the future?
any insights would be appreciated!
Rachel's chart.gif
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Post by RTDESIGN » Wed May 14, 2008 8:29 pm

any opinions?
can anybody tell me about my chart?

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Post by RTDESIGN » Thu May 15, 2008 8:00 pm

can anyone read my chart please?

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Post by Youdah » Mon Jun 30, 2008 3:53 pm

The most fun about doing a chart is seeing the potential of the person, and advising about the pitfalls and the lessons that need to be learned in this life.  But, doing an astrology chart is very time consuming.  There are, of course, many volunteers who willingly do them for practice and to give of themselves.  May I suggest that you ask this question in the forum where requests for readings are made?  In this particular place, it's a discussion about astrology in general.

Although I don't practice it as much as astrology, I do some psychic work.  I want to answer your questions in that way, not by astrology because I just don't have the time today to do a full reading from a chart.

You should stop concerning yourself with "am I talented enough."  You are not trained enough, that is all.  Through education and study, you will acquire the skills you need to give you confidence.  The fact that you already have a strong desire for design says that it is something that you should follow.  We aren't given these "interests" without also being given the "talents" to achieve it.  So stop torturing yourself with questions about your adequacy or talents.  Just do it.  You are a Virgo, so that shows that you have the patience and temperament to set a course and follow it, and do the hard work needed to achieve your dream.  Just do it.

Find the school that meets your needs and dreams.  Enroll.  Just do it.  Find the money.  Work and save.  It is there for you.  All you have to do is...just do it!  Can I be any clearer?  Go for it, dear.  The way is being made for you, including me being guided to this forum to see your question and "the universe" knew exactly what I'd say to you, so here I came.  The way to achieve your dream will come along, too.  Be patient, but don't doubt it.  And above all else, stop telling yourself that you aren't good enough.  You are so very loved, and have been given such huge talents...all that is lacking is for you to believe in yourself and DO IT, and stop putting the brakes on the things you truly want just because you think you aren't good enough or that you aren't worthy.  My dear friend, you most certainly are.  The only thing stopping you is your own negative thoughts about yourself.  Go buy "The Secret" or rent it on DVD.  Then, Just do it.

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Post by Youdah » Mon Jun 30, 2008 4:00 pm

I want to tell you something more.  It isn't often that I get such a strong, very strong FEELING that I need to say something to someone from a "psychic" standpoint.  When doing a reading, I think we all get impressions, but it isn't often that the FEELING is so powerful that I couldn't ignore it if I wanted to.  So, please understand that what I said is what "the universe" wanted you to hear and know.  Make no mistake about it...I was guided to answer this question.  And you won't find me saying that very often, because I think there are others who can give the same information just as well or better.  I don't have an ego big enough to say that I, personally, was guided to someone unless there's some darn strong feelings to tell me that it was so.  So take what I said, and know.  KNOW IT!  Just do it, my dear.  It is what you are meant to do, or else there is someplace that you are meant to be, and this will get you there.

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Post by kybunker » Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:23 pm

Hi Rachal!
Sorry I'm not a chart reader but I have to say that Youdahs post is excellent.
Instead of saying will I be,
Start introducing yourself AS A Designer, Just as you have in your screen name
Start making those calling cards, Introduce your designs in your own copyrighted website,
Advertise Over the web and By going to social gatherings with your product with you to show it off.

I was watching Dirty Jobs wth mike robe.
He said,, 6 years of college and look at me now.

I found this very humorous, Laughed myself to pieces! It Only takes One GREAT IDEA. Not years and years of paid education.

You Are A Designer, How far will you take it? Is there a Limit, I don't think so!

With all the love to you
I hope you will hear something soon on your chart.

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