Deep reading for my chart please

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Deep reading for my chart please

Post by AnaCaro » Mon Nov 17, 2008 4:00 am

I would like a reading on my chart.


born in Sao Paulo Brazil

at 5:50 am


I would like some deep information on my grand cross. Specifically at chiron in relation to the cross. I guess it is really a T-square but I really feel it like a cross. I have studied my chart for many many years now and I am uncovering childhood trauma that I went through and want to understand it on a deeper level within my chart. There was sexual abuse and I see that reflected in uranus in 5th and pluto in 4th which urnaus now gets triggered and other planets in the cross get irritated. Chrion is the helper. the healer in the 11th who comes in and hurts at first but then pulls through in the end. I know there is more to this story and I want to understand this better. My trauma is now a very significant influence in my life and everything is really revolvling around it. Chiron to me resembles the mediumistic, psychic and healing abilities I have and is there something with discipline? A key to this puzzle that will help me to keep the balance of that urnaus in 5th?

On another note is there any hope for a perminant long term relationship with those venus aspects in that cross or will Chiron be the hero again?



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Post by Youdah » Mon Nov 17, 2008 5:40 am

Before I start looking at this closer -- and I really do want to look at this chart! -- I want to double check this with you.  

You have talked about a Grand Cross.  I am not seeing a Grand Cross in this chart.  What could possibly be a Grand Cross is really too wide of an orb to really be considered a Grand Cross.

BUT, I am seeing a double T-Square.  That is, there are two T-Squares in the chart, using the data you have posted.  However, one of the T-squares uses the Ascendant and MC to form the square, so I'm hesitate to call this a true T-square since this usually involves 3 planets.  

The other T-square is with Uranus, Moon, and Venus.

I show Sun at 1 Cancer 30
Moon 6 Aquarius 42
Ascendant at 4 Gemini 20
Midheaven 10 Pisces 30
Chiron 8 Taurus 26, only 1 degree into the 12th House

I have calculated the chart using -2 GMT Standard Time.

Because this is going to need some careful and accurate interpretation, I want to be sure that I have the right chart, using the right data, and that we are talking about the same thing.  Please confirm.


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Post by AnaCaro » Mon Nov 17, 2008 8:17 pm

Hi Youhah,

I use the solar fire program at home and the program gave me

17 degree gemini rising

26 degree pisces on Mid heaven

sun at 1 degree cancer

moon at 7 degree aquarius

and venus at 8 degrees leo

I have

June 23 1978
5:50 am BZT2 + 3:00
Sao Paulo Brazil
23 degres S32' 046degrees W37'
Placidius true Node

Now I see a grand cross because I have Chrion square venus and the moon and opposite uranus.

Chiron is in the 11th at 8 degree Taurus.

I never knew there was a possible T-square with my ascendent that sounds interesting.

Let me know if you can get this chart up.



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Post by AnaCaro » Tue Nov 18, 2008 2:57 pm

Hi youdahh,

I created an chart online that seems acurate. I attached it It is missing chiron in the 11th though. Which I think is the most important apsect.

Well anyways here you go.
ana chart.gif
ana chart.gif (17.39 KiB) Viewed 4118 times

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Post by AnaCaro » Sat Nov 22, 2008 1:37 am

Hi Youdahh,

Do you have enough information from me for this reading or is the reading complete?



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Post by Youdah » Sat Nov 22, 2008 5:15 am

I haven't been able to do much astrology the last few days.  everyone has had to wait.

I finally figured out the error between my chart and yours.  I was using DST instead of standard.  Now my chart agrees with the one you posted.


I'm not going to consider this a true grand cross, because Chiron is needed to complete the cross.  I say that, then I'm going to immediately say the opposite because Chiron is the key to understanding the opposing planet, Uranus.  (Grand + Chiron/Venus/Uranus/Moon).

If we just look at this as a T-square involving Venus, Uranus, Moon, then the focal planet will be Uranus.  This is the planet that gets all the pressure from conflicts with venus/moon (and childhood patterns with Chiron).

What this means in daily life, for you, is that you are going to have to use the energy of Uranus productively.  Instead of always being blown this way and that by all the things, people, and emotions around you, you are going to have to find your own balance by being your own unique, creative self.  

In the past, I'll guess it's shown up sometimes with rebelliousness and sudden upsets and confusion.  This can happen because of others around you, and by your own reactions to others.  (Because of the moon's nodes placements and Chiron, this will primarily turn up in relationships).

Instead of being tossed to and fro, you are going to have to find your own path.  This can be found by seeking your own inner wisdom through spirituality, even when this takes you away from the conventional "religions" and spirituality of your childhood.  Possible areas are astrology, mysticism, any kind of healing and healers, the study of auras, photography, psychics, psychology, or anything else that is unconventional to YOU and your childhood, etc. (Uranus 5th)

It is especially important to you to find a creative outlet such as electronic music, motion pictures, music, dance, painting, creative writing, or some other form of creativity.  I can't stress this enough!  This is a necessary outlet for your own inner expression and will help you deal with past traumas. This isn't just in a healing sense, but also to handle the energies of the T-Square in a positive way (and pseudo Grand-Cross).(Chiron opp. Uranus 5/11).

I can't tell you exactly where this is going to take you.  But, I can tell you that doing something (I'd bet that you already have an idea of what it is) that you've wanted to do, get involved in something that you've felt pulled toward, developing a talent or interest in, or taking classes in ... it is necessary for you.  More than most people.  I can give readings and tell someone that they can "heal" by doing this or that.  I can tell people that they have an interest in this or that and to go for it.  But, with you, it is absolutely necessary for air.  Because the energy of Uranus is unconventional and original and freethinking, I couldn't guess where it will take you.  But, you need to start following your own path.

I've given some areas that are represented by Uranus and the 5th House.  But, they aren't the only areas where you may need to go.  You need to find it yourself.  If you know astrology, then it's the 5th House/Uranus/Scorpio/Water element that is out of balance and needs expression in your life.

The reason why is because Uranus is taking all the energy from the entire grand's the focal planet.  It's like the lightning rod that's trying to handle all the energy of the entire cross and T-square.  With no outlet for it, then it gets expressed with chaos, sudden upsets, sudden endings to relationships, etc.  And it's opposed Chiron, so everytime Uranus gets activated, every lousy thing in your childhood comes back in full force, too.  

So, Uranus in the 5th House becomes THE path to healing.  You do this by making sure the energy of Uranus 5th House has a productive and creative outlet so it stops turning out with destructive energy.  When it is used in creative and productive ways, it stops being upsetting energy.  So, you have to develop that 5th House Uranus in creative ways.  Because it's Uranus, it will be nothing like your childhood or what your parents expect.  

Yes, people will get mad at you.  So what?  They're mad at you now anyway, so you aren't going to lose anything or anyone that wasn't already mad at you.  Will they look at you strangely?  Yes, some will.  And this is very hurtful to you, because you've got those Moon's nodes in the 4/10th so how others see you is important to you.  But, it is absolutely necessary that you stop giving so much focus to your childhood (4th house node) and start living out your own life (10th).  It is necessary to give expression to that uniqueness and creativity in you, because is also how to deal with the Chiron.  This is how to balance that all out.  

It is just very simple.  Follow your own path!  Stop trying to be what your parents think you should be.  Stop living the life they want you to live.  And start living YOUR life.  They won't like you more or less.  But, you will start living a more genuine life, and it will become filled with people who can appreciate you for what you are, with similar interests....then you will find the true relationships you've been searching for.

As I said.  It's very simple.  Just be you, for a change.  When you start doing that, this pressure will start to release....because Uranus will be used for creativity and originality instead of upsets and sudden turmoils.  

I don't know why these things work the way they do.  But, for some reason, the entire point of this incarnation is for you to be yourself...only yourself...and let yourself be that creative, freethinker, unconventional soul that is just bursting to get out of you.  That's your path.  Follow it.  When you start being yourself, start expressing yourself in creative ways, the Chiron will cease to have any power in your life...and the past will be healed.

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Post by AnaCaro » Sat Nov 22, 2008 6:14 pm


This is an excellent reading and was the perfect timing for me to hear.

I absorbed everything you said and I understand it fully. Yet I am not sure what this outlet will be. I have been praticing my mediumship ability and am trying to integrate it into the social sphere. I also do art and listen to alot of music and experiment with alot of resins for incense. I do get frusturated with art though and I wish I had more time to explore it and more money. Maybe I need to prioritize better. Being a full time student and single parent also takes alot of my time.

I also tried to teach art yet I get triggered easily. Maybe I need to explore different art mediums and use my channeling ability while doing it more. I have done very fulfilling works of art with spirit.

Also uranus in scorpio is interesting because scorpio is transformation and urnaus is the instant intuition linked to the higher energies which open the chakras and can awaken kundalini. In the 5th it would be creative expression that is transforming and awakens the energy centers. This would have to be free flowing art that allows the movement of energy and is not about precision where frusturation could take place.

I believe i need to use the energy to channel so I just have to manefest it in the art form.

Thank you for your reading. I send light and love to you to reach your highest truth.

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Post by Youdah » Sun Nov 23, 2008 2:39 am

I am so glad you understood what I was trying to say.  If Uranus can be used, instead of being a lightning rod, it will settle down those squares.  You might read my astrology class tutorial about square aspects here: ... hp?t=57021  
It is on page two, for squares.  It might help with channeling to understand this energy better.  Overall, this isn't as tough as some could be...venus, moon, and uranus aren't difficult energies together...if uranus gets "tamed" down, you'll get a lot of creativity and satisfaction out of it.  Good luck to you!

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Post by AnaCaro » Sun Nov 23, 2008 2:54 am

Hi Youdah,

What is page two of squares? Is that in this web site?

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Post by Youdah » Sun Nov 23, 2008 4:28 pm

Well, if you follow the link I gave in the post, it will take you to a thread that explains different aspects in astrology.  The thread is more than one page long.  The post about "squares" is on page 2 of that thread.

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Post by AnaCaro » Sun Nov 23, 2008 10:24 pm

Hi Youdah,

I do not see any link in any of your posts. Maybe it's my computer that needs an update to java or something but I cannot see that link. Can you tell me where to find it, I would really like to read what you suggest here.



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Post by Youdah » Mon Nov 24, 2008 3:45 am

From my previous post........

Youdah wrote:I am so glad you understood what I was trying to say.  If Uranus can be used, instead of being a lightning rod, it will settle down those squares.  You might read my astrology class tutorial about square aspects here: ... hp?t=57021  
It is on page two, for squares.  It might help with channeling to understand this energy better.  Overall, this isn't as tough as some could be...venus, moon, and uranus aren't difficult energies together...if uranus gets "tamed" down, you'll get a lot of creativity and satisfaction out of it.  Good luck to you!

Apparently, you don't read very well.   Duh!

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Nov 24, 2008 10:52 am

Ana, sometimes the link given is not an "active link" but it is fully working.....if you run into such link...then mark it...copy it....then put it into your address line on the top and hit enter.

I will give you the link for the page Youdah ref too, and say..."It is by error and trial we learn"  good luck :) ... sc&start=5

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Post by AnaCaro » Mon Nov 24, 2008 1:48 pm

Thank you Rhutobello for responding.

Apperantly there is a miscommunication here.

I have already done a search on squares and found nothing. Thank you for supplying the link.

Can a reader respond to a client in this manner. I find this an offensive way to treat someone especially if they are under crisis and in a time of need in their life.

It certainly does not look well upon a reader.

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Nov 24, 2008 2:26 pm

AnaCaro wrote:Thank you Rhutobello for responding.

Apperantly there is a miscommunication here.

It certainly does not look well upon a reader.
AnaCaro wrote:Youdah,

This is an excellent reading and was the perfect timing for me to hear.

I absorbed everything you said and I understand it fully.

Thank you for your reading. I send light and love to you to reach your highest truth.
Well, I think we must go for missunderstanding.

I am sure Youdah thought he had given you a "live" link.
He had not....BUT the link is valid, and by copy and paste like I told in my last post, you will get the information.

So the information is given from "Youdah", and one can understand frustration when the same information again is called for, one expect that this is known way to do thing.

Now, you again point out that you don't find the "Square".
I used "Youdah's" link to find it, by copy and paste, to address line on top, and it was on page 2 in the middle.

I copy that link and brought it to you as a "live link" will now find Square on the middle of the page that pop up.

If you have programs or settings that prevent you from doing such thing, well then I have copy and pasted from wiki, which also gives a lot of information :

A square (abrv. SQr or Squ) is an angle of 90° (1/4 of the 360° ecliptic, or 1/2 of an opposition [180°]). An orb of somewhere between 5° and 10°[1] is usually allowed. As with the trine and the sextile, in the square, it is usually the outer or superior planet that has an effect on the inner or inferior one. Basically, the square's energy is similar to that of a trine but it is intensified to such an extent that the energy is said to be stressful. For example, Mercury trine Saturn indicates practicality and prudence with thoughts and communication, concentrating on practical matters. It is also indicative of caution in planning and other mental tasks. However, the square between those planets indicates mental restraint, excessive censoring of communication and overemphasis on trivial details. It also indicates pessimism and a stilted and fearful approach to life. The square is said to indicate strain, tension, frustration, inhibitions, disruption and inner conflict. However, it can become a source of energy and activation to a person determined to overcome limitations, presenting challenges to achievement and an opportunity to develop strength of character. See the information on the semisquare and sesquiquadrate below. The square is also sometimes known as the quartile.


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