Deep reading for my chart please

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Post by Youdah » Mon Nov 24, 2008 5:21 pm

And, I will point out that this is voluntary.  You are not my "client."  You asked for a reading, and I gave it from my own free time.  I am a visitor to this website, no different from you.

You say you are in a crisis.  I do not take the responsibility for relieving your crisis.  That is your job, to deal with your own life, and solve your own problems.  An astrologer, even a paid one, cannot take the responsibility from you to deal with your own problems.

And, yes, it is frustrating!  I cannot imagine how someone who actually read my post could twice say they didn't see it.  This causes me to think that all my effort and time is wasted.  

Now, let's talk about attitudes, since you brought it up.  In the USA, when someone says "DUH" it is a joke, a laughter.  Yet, you decide to get all defensive and offended.  YOU decide to assign all the negative to me and take no blame upon yourself.  How innocent of you!   And, this is how you treat ME after I give my time and effort to you.  You are acting like I OWE you something, and you owe nothing, not even giving me the benefit of the doubt until you hear back from me.  YOU could have PM'd me to check out your impression or expressed your own feelings without blame.  But, no, you are all tied up in being the victim, I suppose?

I am constantly amazed how some wish to act when they want to get something for free.

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Post by AnaCaro » Mon Nov 24, 2008 6:50 pm

There is clearly an issue with the web site. If you have not noticed some members have posted responses and they come up twice. I have had experienced several gliches in the system. So I did not see your link infact the first half of your post was not reveiled to me when I linked it from my email. Now I do see it.

Regarding your remark on my defensiveness. I already stated that I was thankful for your reading. What I did not appreciate was your response to me. No matter who you are and what you have done for me your response was rude. I simply stated that it was rude in a manner of distaste for a remark. That is standing my ground which I need to do as a survivor and you may not understand or care about that. I certainly would expect differently from someone looking to help people in need. Yet it does not serve anyone any good to point fingers and judge others.

I am in a very sensitive and critical point in my life and voicing myself is very important in my quest to god and truth. I certainly do not want you to take responsibility for my crisis. No one ever took reaponsibility for it but instead of taking further pain and holding back I chose to stand my ground and speak my truth. What you said hurt. When people are rude and hurtful and I do not openly state my feelings I allow the pain to hurt inside. And I do not want to continue that pain.  Yet when I voice I give myself freedom to be that survivor.

People hurt and if you want to call them victims for what they have endured the that is your will but I am a clearly a survivor and standing my own ground and speaking my truth.  

Do you owe me anything absolutely not. The only source I receive from is god so in speaking openly about what I feel I give myself room to reach for that source.

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Post by Youdah » Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:06 pm

You say that standing your ground when you felt something is rude is essential.  I wonder, though, how you can defend being equally rude and judgmental is creating any healing in your life?

Seems to me that it's less about "standing up for yourself" and more about you being ready to jump in the middle of anyone who isn't walking around on egg shells around you.

This is all over an off-hand remark on a website, for goodness sake!  And you don't think that maybe you over-react, and take offense where it wasn't intended???

And, again!  I saw it as a joke, like a smilie face.  You are the one who wanted to view it as being rude.  Your way of seeing the world.

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Nov 24, 2008 8:47 pm

I assume that AnoCaro has got her Reading, as far as we can help her, and I close the thread.


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