Can somebody please read my chart for me?

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Can somebody please read my chart for me?

Post by Naomiel » Mon Jan 05, 2009 6:40 pm

I've had a really bad year last year...... my husband and I have been fighting non-stop..... I would like to know if my marriage will  last and if/ when I will have another child? Will i have a chance at a career? Will my health be ok?
My birth date :2nd March 1972
Time ;02:25 am
sydney australia
Thank you

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Post by helena274 » Sat Jan 24, 2009 3:08 pm


For now I can help you only, to post your Natal Chart: hope somebody will give you reading.

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Post by astrologer50 » Sun Jan 25, 2009 10:50 am

Am not prepared to answer a 'shopping list' of questions regarding your chart. Your life and destiny is in your own hands.

I will say that having Saturn in your 5th house of children,(if your time and this chart is accurate) will having children and quite possibly be a long time in labour.

Moon conjunct Pluto suggest overly emotional obsessive controlling nature, moon in conj 9th house cusp which may suggest you live abroad from your birth country at some point.

Transiting Saturn is currently in Virgo and about toi conjunct your natal moon and cafeastrology website can give you a more detailed explanation there. Saturn conjunct moon suggest you may have to endure some financial hardships at that time and wil prob want to withdraw from people emotionally.

March 2009 Transiting Uranus will conjunct natal mercury, suggesting lots more arguements, disruptions, upheavals etc. at same time triggers your mercury opp moon (emotional stress from childhood, via mom) which suggests a break with a woman or mom.

Mars in 4th house of home roots suggests that's where you put your physical energy and where you will fight and want to control matters.....

You do have the classic divorce aspect, Venus opp Uranus which in few years will be triggered by T Uranus

Life is all about change, progression and above all Learning, cos that's what we are ALL here to do spiritually. So welcome change, go with flow, try not to fight.... :smt004

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