Stuck at a crossroad - time to end my relationship?

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Stuck at a crossroad - time to end my relationship?

Post by oslofish » Wed Jan 28, 2009 3:20 pm

Hi all -

I'm standing at one of those major crossroads that life offers up, and could really use a little astro advice.  

I'm inching closer to ending the relationship with my girlfriend of 10 years. It feels like our journey together is coming to an end; we've grown apart (or rather I've grown apart from her) and I'm now feeling slightly trapped, but something is telling me that I need a change if I'm to be happy again.

I moved half way across the world to be with her (from Norway to the U.S), and will have to move back to Norway, so obviously this is a huge, difficult and daunting decision to deal with. My concern is with the timing of it all. I'm really, really scared about jumping onto this new path I've chosen, and would like to know when the best time to let her know.

If it helps, I can upload her chart as well.

All help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
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Post by astrologer50 » Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:54 pm

looking at your age 29, this is SO typical of a 'saturn return' wanted deeper meaning to life, wanting to make changes, put down roots, have kids etc.

I notice you have calculated your chart using placidus house system. I use Equal house system, for far north locations say above 55' equal house is prob better, cos placidus gives huge houses and just simply moves certain planets from certain houses. each cusp would therefore be 3'40" SO, your moon is in 7th conj 8th cusp, Marsin 8th, sun/mercury in 9th. Jupiter in late 1st conj 2nd house cusp, saturn in 3rd, pluto in 4th, uranus in 6th and neptune sitll in 6th. Really you need to study, analyse, synthesise which house sytem works for you, cos you will 'see yourself' in equal house, it should all make sense.......

You need to look at transits. Currently t saturn is 120'nice trine to your natal venus in 7th house. Things should come easy

T uranus has been going over your natal mercury, causing lots arguments, flashes of insights, mental tension, sudden upsets, disruptions etc.

astro website has free 6month forecast
. T Jupiter has just gone into Aquarius for 12month stay and conj your moon in 7th, but very soon will be going through 8th house of joint finances, rescourses, sex, conception (so be careful....)

I notice saturn square neptune natally suggests a fear of unknown with you. mars square uranus could also be bit bad tempered.
Venus square pluto always is looking for something intense, romantic, sexual, controlling, demanding, jealous.
Your mercury (in pisces/mutuable can be duplicitious) square neptune can also be a little deceptive, confusing, capable of telling few porkies, self delusion. many a slip between cup and lip. Something things just don't come out how you intend, do they?

Sun and mercury in Pisces/mutable in house of Saggi, suggests double helping of restlessness. Pisces is notorious for procrastinating, indecisive, just like gemini and libra.

Cancer Asc suggests family orientated, shrewd in business/money, but MOODY, poss bit sulky with sun, mercury in pisces as well. Do you communicate well to your partner? or are you just looking for easy option to let her down?
Last edited by astrologer50 on Fri Jan 30, 2009 8:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Thanks astrologer

Post by oslofish » Wed Jan 28, 2009 6:24 pm

Thanks for taking a look, astrologer.

I don't really not much about reading charts, and not familiar with the various house systems (just fascinated by it all!). I'll remember to use the Equal House system from now, though, so thanks for the insight on that.
T uranus has been going over your natal mercury, causing lots arguments, flashes of insights, mental tension, sudden upsets, disruptions etc.
I usually do whatever I can to avoid arguments. I used to just turn on the "silent mode", but learned to it was necessary both for the relationship and my own health to "let it out". My partner says I'm confrontational, and always looking for an argument. I don't feel as if these recent months have been worse in that area though, - there's always been a lot of tension in the relationship. I refer to it as "getting that pit in my stomach".
I notice saturn square neptune natally suggests a fear of unknown with you.
This is very true. But more the mystical kind of unknown. It's an odd combination of fear and fascination. If I apply it to the present situation, it holds true in that I fear what will happen to my partner when I leave...

Sun and mercury in Pisces/mutable in house of Saggi, suggests double helping of restlessness. Pisces is notorious for procrastinating, indecisive
Oh how right on this is. I'm a terrible procrastinator, and consider my lack of focus / ease of being distracted / putting things on hold / doing everything last minute, one of my biggest flaws!

Do you communicate well to your partner? or are you just looking for easy option to let her down?
I've always been good at keeping things inside, but when I do communicate how I feel / needs etc. to her, I do it well. Leaving her seems to me not to be an easy option at all, but it is necessary.

Based on the analysis above, I wasn't really able to tell if it's a good time to leave or not...any advise on this?

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Post by astrologer50 » Fri Jan 30, 2009 8:23 pm

There is no 'right time' to do what you suggest, but please re read my first reply.....

Do what you feel is right and correct for you. Life is not a rehearsal, its the real deal..

good luck

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