Seriously Need this interpretation....

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Seriously Need this interpretation....

Post by quixilver » Sun Mar 06, 2011 7:28 pm


Normally I am not a big follower of astrology, but events in the last few years have been incredibly challenging.

The problem is not that there are no chances or opportunities, but it seems that no opportunity seems to be helping me. Rather, all my attempts seem to just collapse, many in which success was absolutely certain.

I even tried changing paths, thinking maybe a new approach or something would help matters, but again, dead ends.

Could someone please tell me why my stars have turned against me? I'm usually filled with hope.

DOB: 29th March, 1986.

at 09:30 PM (night) at Lahore.


Would be very very thankful for a response regarding where my life is going or what mistakes I am making, or even where more focus is needed. Focus on career and education will be appreciated, marriage not an issue or concern.

Thank you in advance.
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Post by parasara31 » Mon Mar 07, 2011 1:15 pm

Built a horoscope for you this time and saw the birth of a child. God is not there Sadilov seed of life. Need to look for the germ of life in a different place. We need a serious rectification of birth time. but for this you do not have the courage to give information about yourself. So the case is already hopeless.

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Post by quixilver » Mon Mar 07, 2011 6:17 pm

I'm sorry if I was not very helpful or asked something incorrectly, but I dont know what information you are referring to when you say that I dont have courage to give information about myself. Could you please be a bit more clearer?

Anyone else care to elaborate?

I just want to get a better understanding of the process that I am going through now, as there have been problems which have caused me to doubt myself. Mostly the problems have been based around career and some regarding personal life. But the career problems are such that if resolved, I can automatically work on the personal relationship issues.

I would really appreciate responses. Thank you in advance.

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Post by quixilver » Mon Mar 07, 2011 6:33 pm

Maybe you mean that I did not give enough background of myself or my problem.

Back in the start of 2009, I almost got a HUGE breakthrough in my career abroad, but due to the economic recession and perhaps the people I was going to work for, the deal fell through, and I came back from abroad, disappointed and bitter.

That person said that in the future, he will try again to get me involved. The thing is I was going to be working on a film project in the US. Film has been my passion and desire, however, things are not so good here. Then again he himself contacted me in January 2010, to offer me another opportunity, but again some problem happened on HIS side. He is a Libra.

I am really curious if you think (astrologically speaking), if I have a chance with this certain person again, if he can help me in the future.

I have other options to pursue, but this one would have made a major difference in my life. My main instability in career is causing personal problems with women in my life as well as I cannot pursue a committed relationship till i have career stability.

I also applied for a couple of scholarships abroad and both seem to have ended in rejection, although still have to hear from one officially.

All I wished was to have insights from the members on this board. It would perhaps be helpful to me. The reason I was not going into so much detail earlier as the forum rules said that the birth chart and date of birth etc must be mentioned. I thought I would be making the post too long and emotional by adding so much detail.

But since you asked, I've just put up my situation there. Please do let me know what you have to say. (the forum in general as well).

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Post by thedarkpixie » Tue Mar 08, 2011 7:21 pm

In early 2009 you had Pluto conjunct Mars, the ruler of your 6th house - this can lead to power/control related to your work, either an increase in your own power/control or struggling with others extering power/control over you. This aspect is over now though; since then you've had Neptune square your Moon, ruler of the 9th house (which rules legal contracts, and Neptune "dissolves" things, so this could have been what was causing things to fall through). Uranus squared your Uranus in 2009 bringing unexpected challenges. Saturn is now in your 11th house, changing your hopes, dreams, and wishes for your future by challenging the ones you've had. Most will have to alter their dreams to some dgree with Saturn in the 11th house. Saturn will leave your 11th house and enter your 12th house starting early December of this year, which could bring about more endings in your life (12th house is the house of endings). It may force you to explore your subconscious and deal with deep-seated issues. It's a time to clear the baggage. Pluto is currently square your Sun, felt now through May and again starting December this year through all of 2012 - I just finished this aspect myself, and the Sun rules my 10th house and yours too, so this aspect can bring about changes regarding your career path, problems with authority figures, stress may manifest physcially, and you'll likely have to make some health changes. Uranus is currently square your Mars, felt through April, which can either create unexpected challenges in your work or have nothing going on at all, making your work life feel stagnant and you feel restless. The word of the day: challenges!

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Post by quixilver » Tue Mar 08, 2011 9:34 pm

Thank you for that dark pixie. This puts things into better perspective. I would say that although the last couple of years have been absolutely punishing, there have been at least some high marks hit. And to be honest, the tough times I faced and continue to face are highlighting what I believe are quite substantial shortcomings on my part.

And I also thing that I will need time to fix them, but the effort is on. The root cause thats clear to me now, is that my mind was so obsessed and distracted by these opportunities on the horizon and them vaporizing that I stagnated. However, being an Aries sun with a Scorpio moon and Scorpio ascendant  makes problems look like opportunities to improve, adapt and grow. Although such a long streak can be bothersome.

I also have a rather interesting observation, and I would love to hear your opinion on it. Very important figures in my life have been Libras. Especially in career.

My father is a Libra (dont get along well).

A couple of bosses were Libra (I had huge problems with them, BUT they also benefited me in certain ways),

The guy with which the main deal fell through was also a Libra.

A girl with whom I have great chemistry with and would like to develop things further with is also a Libra.

Why are there so many Libras in crucial aspects of my life? Especially when i dont get along well with them? Or they sometimes turn out to be 'toxic' for me?

Would love to hear what you have to say in this regard, seeing as you're a Libra too.  :smt017

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Post by parasara31 » Wed Mar 09, 2011 8:00 am

I know what a person's birth and therefore do not believe the time it saw everything, and I'm looking for the time that only God knows. To get it, must have faith in God, courage and common sense, not fanaticism. If you have all that and not look like their cousins, which is developed at the level of the church, then I can help you and you understand me? If you are ready, then you have to give me my requested information about yourself and I'm on it you'll find your exact time of God and not from the material mind .. It's me and you hinted. But you already caught in the swamp astrological illusion. and you have to defeat the demon in ourselves, to know the truth ..
Are you ready for this?

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Post by thedarkpixie » Thu Mar 10, 2011 9:40 pm

Hmm, my first guess would be that it's linked to your Sun and Venus, both in Aries and positioned at degrees 8 and 25 - this would make all Libra Suns oppose either or both of those planets depending on what degree their Sun is at (for example my birthday is September 27th, putting my Sun at 4 degrees Libra, opposite your Sun). The ones who are late Libras would also conjunct your 12th house cusp, which can be uncomfotable at times since it's an emotionally saturated house (especially ruling karmic baggage, it could be that they were linked to you in a past life, bringing that old stuff into this one, or that they somehow force you to face the hidden baggage you have in this life). If their Suns conjunct the 12th house cusp that also means they oppose the 6th house cusp, the opposite house, which rules your work environment (maybe the bosses were late Libras?).

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Post by quixilver » Tue Mar 15, 2011 6:06 pm

Thanks a lot for that. That probably is the reason. Only wish I could run into people more compatible with me but that hasn't happened in a while. Lets see where things go from here. But I wont deny that I would be very very pleased if things worked out with the Libra from afar. :p

And what's all this about Jupiter in Aries 'luck' i keep reading about. Why have I not seen any of that? whyyy??? lolz

@Parasara: I am not sure what exactly you mean, but I would like to see what  you mean by what you say.

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Post by thedarkpixie » Fri Mar 18, 2011 8:20 pm

The Jupiter "luck" would only come when Jupiter conjuncts your Sun (already happened) and conjuncts your Venus (still to come soon). It only lasts about 2 weeks (about a week before and a week after). And if you have other bigger aspects going on at the same time that are difficult, you may only feel it as things being a *little* better, but still not good, or you'll play up Jupiter's downside, being lazy or indulgent, and missing out on the good side.

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Post by quixilver » Sat Apr 09, 2011 7:04 pm

Thanks again dark pixie. I actually had a very peaceful, thankfully uneventful march (which is a blessing considering how much strain I had been in), however things seem to be speeding up again. I'm sorry if I keep pestering you again and again for little things, but you have a very pragmatic and understandable analysis of such complex issues, it is refreshing. I can't figure out what wavelength some people of this forum are on... ;)

I'd be really grateful if I could bother you again one more time, could you PLEASE consider what I can expect in the career outlook/analysis aspect for a while in the near future (year or two) or more specifically when can there be major changes expected? Lets just say that at this point, I am not in a position to instigate major changes. The waiting is getting on my Arian nerves and the stagnation does not help with a Scorpio moon and ascendant!

Again, really appreciate all you've already done!

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Post by thedarkpixie » Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:49 pm

Well, you may have a good time coming quite soon - Jupiter will enter your 6th house (of work) in mid May, as well as Mercury and Venus, joining the Sun and Mars already in that house (the Sun enters in about a week, and Mars enters the beginning of May). Mid May should be a time that would be good for looking for a new job. There's a good chance you'll get one since Jupiter will positively hit the ruler of your 6th house at the beginning of June, showing a positive work environment. In July, Jupiter will positively hit your 10th house ruler (house of career) and 2nd house ruler (house of money), and Neptune is positively hitting your 6th house ruler now through July. You've got some good energy going May through July. Hope things get better for you!

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Post by quixilver » Thu Apr 21, 2011 11:02 pm

Once again, much thanks.

I have actually taken steps to at least begin a slightly altered course of direction in career although it is somewhat in the vicinity of what I was previously doing, but entirely different perspective and approach. Although the field remains the same. On another note, I am also in the process of getting out of a one-sided romantic situation (bordering on stalking) that I had no idea that I would walk into and got caught unawares. Its not exactly easy or pleasant, but much much less stressful than career issues. Unfortunately I can never read other peoples signals or what kinds that i send off.

You've been very helpful dark pixie, and i'll definitely update you as things unfold. I'm assuming here that as an astrologer you would be interested in outcomes and whatnot.

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Re: Seriously Need this interpretation....

Post by quixilver » Mon Aug 29, 2011 8:34 pm

quixilver wrote:Hi,

DOB: 29th March, 1986.

at 09:30 PM (night) at Lahore.


Thank you in advance.

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Post by thedarkpixie » Sun Sep 18, 2011 9:39 pm

I wonder if you've gotten the results already? Hmm, well, my guess would be you do pass but you're secretly not very happy about it. Uranus squares your 6th house ruler (house of work) at the direct December 9th, and the Mars retrograde January - April occurs entirely in your 10th house (of career). Even if it's not instant, it may build from a small nagging doubt to something bigger. Also a note, the Jupiter direct December 25th will be right on your North Node (see Nodes/Jupiter - ... /Ascendant).

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