Pluto and Saturn in my 5th house

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Joan Cabot
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Pluto and Saturn in my 5th house

Post by Joan Cabot » Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:04 pm

Hello there,

Well my name is Joan, I’m a new user here…
I would really appreciate if someone could help me with an explanation of my natal chart relocated to Singapore as I would actually like to get rid of some doubts that I have about my natal chart, hope someone can help me!

Well, to find the right partner and to have a happy love life is something that really matters to me, but unfortunately my natal chart puts a dump on it. I’m Spanish, but actually living in Singapore for the past 2 years and I’m planning to settle down here.

If I’m not wrong, Saturn and Pluto in my natal 5th house puts a damper on romance and children.  Those two planets are the opposite of Venus and Jupiter.  They are known as malefic and tend to make things difficult in the area where they are placed, right?  My natal 7th house of committed relationships is ruled by Saturn, which is in the 5th house of romance.  This is also not the astrological stuff that many happy love affairs are made out of I guess…  

If I’m not wrong, my Singapore chart moves them into my 1st House instead.  Their seriousness doesn't go away but it is shifted more to me and my personality and personal experiences I’ll have.  My 5th house of romance for Singapore is in Aquarius and ruled by Uranus.  Uranus is in my 3rd house of neighbours, siblings, short journeys, thoughts, and ideas. Could this imply that I may meet my future partner through my neighbours?  My 7th house of committed relationships is ruled by Mars, which is in your 8th House. What does it means? Does anyone really believe in relocated charts? Is there anything that says that I cannot have a happy love life in this part of the world?

I really don’t know much about astrology, but its something that I really like and I would like to get an accurate reading from someone with experience on this. Can someone please tell me the challenges and the positive points that I can expect by having moved to Singapore. I found many information on the internet in regards to relocated charts and it seems that it really works, but somehow I feel that after having moved so far away from my birthplace I’m still feeling the effects of Pluto and Saturn in my 5th house. Why is it? Does it means that for some people the relocation doesn't work? Will I always fail in love? Can someone tell me if I will ever find a long lasting relationship?

Please, find below my personal information:

Name: Joan Cabot Garcia
Gender: Male
Born: Barcelona, Spain 30/April/1983 10:45am
Currently living: Singapore, Singapore

I would really appreciate if someone can give me an answer… and thanks for taking time to read this long post!

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Post by RishiRahul » Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:14 pm

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Post by thedarkpixie » Tue Apr 19, 2011 6:55 pm

Every aspect in astrology has a high vibration (positive) and low vibration (negative). It's your choice how you manifest the aspects in your chart. Natal Saturn and Pluto in the 5th house doesn't have to mean that you're "doomed" in relationships; it could instead mean you need to be involved with someone older/wiser, in a position of authority, highly ambitious/career-driven, very responsible/mature, that is serious in love and relationships (all those can be 5th house Saturn/Capricorn on the 7th house cusp), as well as someone who you find myserious, thought-provoking, full of depth, or a relationship that allows/encourages you to continually transform yourself and grow as a person (those would be Pluto in the 5th). I personally use relocation charts with regards to predictions; as far as your actual personality, you're always your natal chart, however the changes in the relocation chart will start to seep into your personality (so you're kind of both) after some time (usually 1 1/2 - 2 years after living somewhere - when I moved it was about 2 years before I felt any personality changes - with Saturn and Pluto moving into the 1st house though, you may not feel it as a change in your relationships like they get easier, but that actually you have more Saturn and Pluto involvement in every aspect of your life, not just love, since the 1st house is you, which could be why you haven't really felt a difference with love/relationships).

Joan Cabot
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Post by Joan Cabot » Wed Apr 20, 2011 11:26 am

Thank you so much for your reply, Thedarckpixie!

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