I am so confused, please help! (Chart attached)

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I am so confused, please help! (Chart attached)

Post by Avalon6 » Wed Jul 03, 2013 7:08 pm

I have been trying to manifest my soul mate/ twin flame whom I have yet to meet, through the law of attraction & meditation. Although I may sound crazy I have felt that he is very close to finding me lately.

I have been trying to get a better understanding of astrology, the houses, natal chart, etc to divulge information on who he may be, where I will meet him, or when I will meet him, but it is all so confusing still.  

Could someone please look over my natal chart to give me a little more insight?

Bday- January, 22, 1990
Birth time-11:00 pm
Birth place- Santa

Thank you <3
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Post by KSmittty » Thu Apr 17, 2014 9:06 am

Speaking from someone who is married to her twin flame I can give insight to what you are experiencing. You have a few difficult aspects to overcome. I suggest manifesting patience, being compassionate, having an open-mind and loving yourself. There are too many blockages for your twin flame to find you. Concentrate on self-improvement.

I know its not the answer you want to hear, but it is the truth. You are young in your life path and what you seek will come to you with time. Research Venus and Jupiter in retrograde and that will help you understand how the opposition impacts your love life.

Cheers:) good luck.

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Post by astrologer50 » Fri Dec 19, 2014 5:02 pm

When looking for a mate there is little point in looking for astrological sun *signs* in synastry as there are too many combo’s. In a male chart you would look at moon/venus, planets in 7th house, then planet that rules house. In a female chart you would look at sun/mars, planets in 7th house then planet that rules house. You would NOT look for the SIGN that rules your 7th house either, only the *traits of that sign.* Lastly, the aforementioned only works for first partner/marriage for 2nd marriage/partner you look to 9th house, 3rd marriage/partner would be 11th house

[divulge information on who he may be, where I will meet him, or when I will meet him, but it is all so confusing still.   ]
Astrology cannot answer this question. Please remember astrologers are *not* clairvoyants, and even clairvoyants could not answer this question either.

so research your Sun mars and 7th & 5th

Your sun is a singleton ie: only planet in air element
astrologyclub is the place to start &nbsp; articles/singletons/sun/sun

mars is ruler of 7th and placed in 3rd house so research these
cafeastrology natal  rulersofhousesinhouses

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