A reading, please (regarding love and success)

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A reading, please (regarding love and success)

Post by purpletears » Mon Feb 23, 2015 12:36 am

Any insight on chances of relevant aspects you see on my birth chart, regarding my love life or success in work? Thanks
. I am a female, 25 years old. Born november 23, 1989 at 14:55, in Mexico City. Thanks!
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Post by purpletears » Thu Feb 26, 2015 2:48 pm

Click on the chart to elarge it. Thanks in advance

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Post by astrologer50 » Mon May 04, 2015 8:31 am

transiting Jupiter is in your 5th house of romance, and this only happens every 12years, so make the best of it. It offers opportunities for expansion, romance, creativity, self employment, children. You could get pregnant, work with children, or gamble your life savings away. The 5th house is not 'just' the house of romance and has many meanings as does ALL the houses.

If you can accept we are ALL multifaceted human beings then this is what astrology does, it breaks things down, into smaller chunks for you to understand. These chunks (for want of a better word) are called aspects. This is a MAJOR part of astrology, the *MEAT ON THE BONES.* Just remember planets are modified by signs, where they express are houses and how they express are *aspects.* Planets cannot act alone as if on a desolate island, but occasionally you do get an unaspected planet. Astrology for me is like psychology a way to help us understand ourselves (and others), our motivations and ways of thinking/feeling

Astrology cannot and does NOT reliably predict anything and if you think it can or should, you are mistaken and have unrealistic expectations and no doubt you will end up disillusioned and frustrated with astrology.

Now astro does give you a free reading AND a free six month transit report by famous Astrologer Robert Hand.

Transiting Saturn has just been over your Sun sign and is fast approaching your Mercury, which would be a good time to do some studying, research or just more reading as you will probably feel like less communicating with other people.

"Saturn’s" influence seems to be more obvious in the houses than in the signs   can rule the life with an iron rod, although invisible, by undermining the sense of ¬self worth and making it difficult for the individual to permit any close emotional contacts.

Saturn's sign indicates what you find uncomfortable and must learn to manage.
Where and how you feel a lack of confidence -- the house position of Saturn defines where you need to establish your skills, an issue you worry about and wish you could depend on !

Lovely anecdote about Saturn from member mahaira on astrologyweekly forum, “There's an interesting thing I read somewhere, which I would never take as a rule as it oversimplifies matters - we can guess where someone's Saturn is placed, broadly speaking, by asking him/her "What do you want (or did want) but don't have?"

So T Saturn is still in your 8th house of other people's finances, sex, insurance, occult and this is the area where you have no doubt over last 12-18 months felt its influences.

in 2017 T Pluto will get to your natal Venus, so any relationships you start between now and then will be severely tested over a long period of time (18months or more) Cafeastrology has very good info on this transit. I would post it here but the moderators are overly strict about posting helpful data to members.

T Uranus at 18' Aries is/has been forming a 90' square to your Venus and this could well bring sudden unexpected romance but could be exciting, new, unusual but 'unstable' and just as likely to end as quickly and as suddenly as it started. This could also affect your finances as Venus by sign/house/aspects indicates this. Sudden money coming in and going out.

T Neptune is currently forming a 90' square to your mercury/communications and this may well cause others to confuse you. Great time for creative writing if you ever wanted to write a book, verse and anything spiritual. This is about reading too much between the lines, going out and coming in. Worst case scenario it could suggest some deception, especially over your joint finances (8th house) whether with partner, employer or state.

With ruler of 12th transiting 12th may be good time to do some charity work, but it may create more confusions around religion and/or spirituality. On the positive side it could (temporarily) trigger some psychic experiences, clairvoyance and hearing 'voices in your head' the most common experience clairaudience

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