Astrology Reading

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Astrology Reading

Post by Reiki30 » Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:08 am


I would like to have a free astrology reading. I very much appreciate it.

My name is Larissa Janel Cochran
Birth day 06/28/1971 at 1:30 am eastern time in Muskegon, Michigan.

I'm sorry but I don't know the longitude or latitude.

Looking forward to the reading!

Larissa :smt007

My email is

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Post by AARCANUM » Wed Mar 07, 2007 5:31 pm

Reiki30, here is the reading u requested for, hope this helps you.

Larissa Janel Cochran
28 July 1971
Muskegon, Michigan

Calculated for:
Standard time,   Time Zone 5 hours West
Latitude: 43 N 14 03     Longitude: 86 W 14 54

Positions of Planets at Birth:
Sun     11 Can 05              Pluto     4 Vir 11
Moon    17 Vir 04               N. Node  21 Cap 06
Mercury  8 Leo 12              S. Node  21 Can 06
Venus    2 Can 43              Asc.     17 Tau 02
Mars    26 Cap 42              MC       20 Cap 36
Jupiter  3 Sco 09                2nd cusp  8 Gem 53
Saturn  10 Tau 41              3rd cusp 28 Gem 36
Uranus  16 Vir 41               5th cusp 19 Leo 39
Neptune  6 Sco 54              6th cusp  0 Lib 51
Larissa Janel Cochran Natal Chart.png
Larissa Janel Cochran Natal Chart.png (32.63 KiB) Viewed 2929 times

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Post by AARCANUM » Wed Mar 07, 2007 5:35 pm

Chapter 1: How You Approach Life and How You Appear To Others

Taurus Rising:

You have a sensible and realistic outlook on life and your two feet are always planted firmly on the ground (though you may, on occasion, have your head in the clouds). Others often see you as a rock of strength, solid, reliable, dependable, and constant. You are, in fact, amazingly consistent for you possess great powers of endurance and do not like to make changes or adjustments in your regular routine. You do things deliberately and methodically and do not easily accommodate the unexpected. Though you have a gentle, even soft, appearance, you are enormously strong-willed and stubborn. You go at your own pace and refuse to be rushed or pushed into anything before you feel sure about it. You can be coaxed and persuaded by charm, beauty, love, or affection - but never forced. You won't fight either, but simply stubbornly resist any attempt to coerce you to do something you do not want to do.

When you have a purpose, you are extremely fixed, immovable, and bull-headed about it. Your obstinacy is often infuriating to others, especially since it takes much provocation to make you flare up or respond to their anger. You appear calm, unruffled, and nonemotional most of the time, but behind your easygoing and peaceable appearance there lies great strength. When it comes to a contest of wills, you often win simply due to your relentless persistence, your ability to outlast just about anyone. Another reason for your slowness to make changes is your very strong need for security. You are most comfortable in stable, relatively unchanging conditions and you also have a strong desire for tangible security - a home of your own, money in the bank, job-security, etc. The other side of your steadiness is that you easily get caught in a rut and will stay in a familiar situation (be it job, marriage, or whatever) long after it has lost its vitality and interest.

You have a keen appreciation of the natural world and get much happiness from simple creature comforts and the physical world, with all of its myriad delights. You are quite sensual in a very natural, wholesome way and you know how to enjoy yourself. You are appealing to the opposite sex in an earthy way. You are also a great lover of beauty and your tastes are basically conventional or classic - not modern.

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Post by AARCANUM » Wed Mar 07, 2007 5:37 pm

Chapter 2: The Inner You: Your Real Motivation

Sun in Cancer:

You have powerful emotional attachments to the past, your family, your childhood, those places you associate with safety and security and your beginnings. Maintaining a connection with your roots and heritage and keeping family bonds strong are very important to you. Loyal, devoted, and sentimental, you tend to cling to whatever is dear to you, be it person, familiar place, or cherished possession.

You are sympathetic, nurturing, supportive, and very sensitive to the emotional needs of other people. You like to be needed, to care for others, and you often worry about the people you love. You have a very strong need for a sense of belonging and acceptance, and you center much of your life around your home. You are more concerned about people and their feelings than with power, achievement, or position in society. Kindness, consideration, and tenderness impress you more than any sort of honor the world can bestow.

You are primarily emotional and your views are often dominated by your feelings and by your own personal, subjective experiences, rather than reason, logic, or abstract principles. It is difficult for you to judge situations in a fair, objective manner for your personal sympathies and loyalties usually enter in. You take things very personally, and sometimes build a wall around yourself to protect yourself from pain and rejection. You feel rather shy and vulnerable at heart. You also tend to be moody, experiencing frequent emotional ups and downs. You need to have a place and time in your life to withdraw, introspect, dream, and replenish yourself; otherwise you become cranky and unhappy with those around you.

You function in an instinctive, nonrational manner and like to immerse yourself in creative activities where you can express your feelings, imagination, and instincts. You often love to cook, since it can be both creative and a way to nurture and nourish others. You also have a great affinity for music, because it evokes and communicates feelings that may be difficult or impossible to put into words. Your compassion, sensitivity, and imagination are your strong points. Your faults include an inability to release the past and go forward, clannishness and prejudice, and a tendency to be self-pitying when you meet hardships in life.

Sun in 3rd house:

The urge to learn and to communicate is essential to you, and you express yourself very well through writing, teaching or sharing ideas and information. You are persuasive and fluent with language. Restless and inquisitive, you enjoy being mobile and taking short trips and excursions in order to see for yourself what is going on in the world around you.

Sun Trine Neptune:

You are imaginative and sensitive to anything colorful, beautiful, or magical. You are attracted to artistic and creative pursuits, music, and mysticism. Your spiritual values color your whole perspective and approach to life. You are idealistic and perhaps impractical.

Sun Sextile Saturn:

Realistic and practical, you set goals for yourself that are modest enough for you to actually achieve. You are able to tackle long, difficult projects and see them through, for you possess self-discipline, concentration, and perseverance. You also have a strong sense of responsibility and are very conscientious in fulfilling your obligations. Often you do things because you feel it is expected of you.

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Post by AARCANUM » Wed Mar 07, 2007 5:56 pm

Chapter 3: Mental Interests and Abilities

Mercury in Leo:

You are a person of strong opinions and you express your views energetically and often dramatically. You are an entertaining speaker and will embellish or exaggerate in order to get your point across. You have an aptitude for story-telling and performing. Even if your arena is only the classroom or dining room table, you put on a good show. You have an abundance of creative ideas and do not enjoy a job in which you have no creative input or voice in decision-making. You could be a good politician, spokesperson, group leader, director, or coach.

Mercury in 4th house:

You have an introspective turn of mind and may enjoy keeping a journal or a record of your dreams and personal experiences, or learning about psychology, history, and the inner workings and emotional foundations of your own life. You are studious and something of a bookworm.

Mercury Square Saturn:

You have an aptitude for solving difficult mental problems due to your careful, methodical approach, attention to detail, and tenacity in following a matter through to its conclusion. You have good powers of concentration and enjoy studying and thinking in solitude. You can get wrapped up entirely in your own thoughts and completely engrossed in some small detail. You are slow and cautious, but extremely thorough in your work. Conservative and something of a skeptic, you may be narrow-minded or closed to any idea which has no concrete proof or scientific verification. You prefer dealing with facts rather than abstract speculation. You may also be distrustful or fearful of anything you cannot understand with your rational mind. You are well-suited to work in research or any field that requires careful study and thought.

Mercury Square Neptune:

Your mind is highly imaginative and creative and you possess dramatic, artistic, or musical abilities. As a child, you enjoyed daydreaming, fantasizing, pretending, and probably lived in "your own little world" a good deal. You perceive things which are not obvious to other people and you have an uncanny ability to "read" people and situations without being told anything about them. However, you must learn to discriminate between a true psychic perception and your imagination. Learning to discipline and focus your mind is necessary if you wish to use all of your creative potential. Otherwise, you could be simply a dreamer. Communication with others is difficult for you because you often find words frustrating and inadequate to express your experiences and perceptions. Also, you may purposefully mystify or deceive others.

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Post by AARCANUM » Wed Mar 07, 2007 5:59 pm

Chapter 4: Emotions: Moods, Feelings, Romance

Moon in Virgo:

You are very sensitive, cautious, and shy about showing others your feelings. Though you may love and care for someone a great deal, you rarely express those feelings openly and freely. Very often your love for someone will be expressed by trying to help them, doing something tangible to benefit them, or serving them in some way. It is also difficult for you to receive warmth, affection, or appreciation, for you often feel that you don't really deserve it or that "they don't really mean it". You can therefore seem rather cool and aloof, much more so than you feel. A deeply ingrained critical attitude often makes you difficult to live with. You need to learn to be gentler and less of a perfectionist with others and with yourself.

Moon in 5th house:

You are emotionally expressive and often dramatize your feelings, acting them out or blowing them out of proportion. You can not hide your instinctive emotional reactions to people or situations, and you don't make any pretenses about your personal sympathies or antipathies. You have a childlike openness and playfulness which is very appealing to others, but
which sometimes gets you into trouble, as you take risks on impulse or whim.

Moon Conjunct Uranus:

You have an unusual sense of humor and enjoy acting a little bit crazy or outlandish sometimes. You crave excitement and emotional freedom and like to break the rules and take risks. Anything new or untried appeals to you and you have little patience with restrictive customs. You are attracted to unusual, creative, or offbeat people and nontraditional lifestyles.

Venus in Cancer:

Sensitive and sentimental, you are deeply attached to your family, old friends, familiar places, and the past. You are romantic and tender in love, and the remembrance of birthdays, anniversaries, family rituals, and other days of personal significance is very important to you. You seek caring, emotional support, and security in love. You like to be needed, to cherish and protect your loved ones, and you are somewhat possessive of them.

Venus in 3rd house:

Beautiful, elegant, and harmonious surroundings are very important to you, and you have an innate sense of style, design, and form. Socially, also, good form and politeness are important to you and you instinctively avoid crudeness and dissonance. You enjoy talking about love, relationships, art and the beautiful side of life. You appreciate artistic people.

Venus Trine Jupiter:

You appreciate beautiful surroundings and congenial company, and though you enjoy helping people, you will rarely put yourself out too much in order to do so. You are good-humored and generous at heart but inclined to be lazy.

Venus Trine Neptune:

Sensitive and compassionate, you tend to be the "giver" in any relationship. You have high ideals and a refined attitude towards love, seeking to relate in ways that are beyond ego needs and selfishness. You are attracted to people with artistic or mystical inclinations.

Venus Sextile Pluto:

You love deeply, passionately, and wholeheartedly, and others may find your intensity either extremely attractive or threatening. You are charismatic and can have a powerful emotional influence on others, especially those of the opposite sex. You may use your attractiveness to manipulate others, sometimes without even realizing it.

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Post by AARCANUM » Wed Mar 07, 2007 6:00 pm

Chapter 5: Drive and Ambition: How You Achieve Your Goals

Mars in Capricorn:

You are serious about your ambitions, and disciplined, dedicated, and tenacious in pursuing your objectives. Your drive and energy are directed toward practical material accomplishment and achieving concrete results. You also strive to be in a position of authority and social influence; you enjoy being the person who is in command. You are hard-working and capable of forgoing immediate comfort in order to achieve your long-range goals. You can easily become a workaholic and are very responsible and conscientious about doing a thorough job. Realistic and pragmatic, you are an excellent strategist. You attain success by formulating a conservative and workable plan and following through with it. You are not a gambler when it comes to attaining your goals; you depend on your own efforts and perseverance rather good fortune. You have a natural shrewdness and instinct for business or organizational management.

Mars in 10th house:

You are likely to be known for your drive, energy, ambition, and competitive spirit. A successful career based on your ability to take initiative, be a leader, or excel in physical strength and prowess is likely. You most definitely want to be a winner and will work hard to achieve that.

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Post by AARCANUM » Wed Mar 07, 2007 6:05 pm

Chapter 6: Other Influences

Jupiter in Scorpio:

Your strength lies in your unwillingness to settle for superficiality or shallowness in any area of your life. You are unafraid of going to extremes and experiencing the depths. The mysterious and the unknown are very attractive to you. Your intuitive understanding of others' inner drives and motivations is highly developed also.

Jupiter in 6th house:

You have a positive and constructive attitude toward work and what other people might consider drudgery. You enjoy helping people improve their lives, and the more service you render, the more benefits and rewards you find coming back to you. Promoting health in some manner is a very good avenue for you.

Jupiter Conjunct Neptune:

You have an unusually expansive, far-reaching outlook on life. At times the everyday routine is far too dull and boring to you, and you are inclined to travel, daydream, fantasize, or philosophize on a grand scale.

Jupiter Sextile Pluto:

Your willingness, even eagerness, to embrace change and to undergo deep, transformative experiences for growth and self-improvement is one of your finest attributes. You are also likely to be an instrument for positive reform in the world. You coordinate well with other people when you share a mission or higher purpose.

Saturn in Taurus:

You either overvalue or undervalue your possessions and assets. You can also go to extremes in dealing with bodily needs and desires, being either hedonistic or ascetic. You may deny yourself sensual pleasure and enjoyment of the fruits of your labors. You may also be stingy and unable to give freely. Many times you feel that you do not have "enough" to make you feel secure, regardless of how much (money, insurance, etc.) you have!

Saturn in 12th house:

You may have nebulous but ever-present guilt and fears that are difficult to pinpoint or eradicate. It's as if you don't trust Life itself, and are always seeking ways to defend yourself from its dangers and its unknowns. You must learn to overcome your ingrained habit of discouragement and anxiety, and to see the world more as a friendly place than as a treacherous one.

Saturn Opposition Neptune:

A conflict between your spiritual needs and ideals versus material desires or limitations of the "real world" will be one of your challenges. It may be hard for you to sort out your true values, especially when you are enmeshed in the demands of mundane life. Times of retreat, isolation, meditation and prayer, and voluntary simplicity can be helpful to you in this regard. Finding inner strength through spirituality and attunement to a higher source is ultimately the answer for you.

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Post by AARCANUM » Wed Mar 07, 2007 6:12 pm

Uranus in Virgo:

You are part of a 7 year group of people who employ their skills and creativity to bring about a great deal of practical reform in education, medical care, and other social services. Your innovations are not radical or unusual, but they are usually effective. Your generation also has a curious mixture of both conservative, ethical people, and rebellious, disruptive people. There seems to be little middle ground for your age group, and you swing to one extreme or the other. The conservative people strive to reinstate strict moral standards, want to swiftly punish criminal behavior, and strive to highlight the importance of old-fashioned values in our lives, laws, and overall life style. On the other hand, the rebellious people of your generation are angry at the established way of doing things and act in a defiant, crude, and coarse manner.

Uranus in 5th house:

You are uninhibited and have an outrageous, crazy sense of humor. You love to get loose and you're often impulsive or "wild". Even if you appear conventional, you are attracted to highly eccentric, creative, or unusual companions. In romance, you are happiest when there is an element of surprise, unpredictability, and adventure. You may choose unstable love partners.

Neptune in Scorpio:

You are part of a 14 year group of people that have very intense psychic sensitivity and imagination. Your age group is very attracted to the strange, weird, and unusual. The sense of the macabre and bizarre is strong, and this is reflected in much of the music, art, and fashions of your age group. Novels and movies with mystery and chilling suspense are also popular with your age group. Emotional depression, drug use, and suicide are likely to be relatively high in your age group. There is also a deep mystical sense, and Eastern religions and meditation are very attractive to your age group.

Neptune in 6th house:

You have a sensitive physique and may have allergic responses and sensitivities to foods, medicines, or anything you take in from the environment. Emotional stress and confusion seem to affect you physically, even more quickly than they affect other people.

Neptune Sextile Pluto:

The entire generation to which you belong has tremendous opportunities for spiritual rebirth and awakening. This will not be forced upon you or precipitated by unavoidable events, rather it comes from an inner yearning and a natural propensity to seek the depths.

Pluto in Virgo:

You are part of a 15 year group of people that are driven by the need to find an ethical standard and a clear sense of what is right and what is wrong. There is a subconscious drive to straighten out all the world's evils and create a world of perfect order. There is a feeling of repulsion to anything ugly, dirty, or grotesque. Oddly enough, there is also often a fascination with these very things that are so distasteful, and often a feeling of hopelessness and despair about the world's condition.

These inner, emotional and conflicting qualities are reflected in the attitudes and life styles of your generation. Most people of your age group are conservative and ethical, and a small minority goes to the opposite extreme and relishes being strange or unusual in appearance, and sloppy or even grotesque in manners and appearance. There seems to be no middle ground for your generation. Usually, the rebellious type of behavior comes out during adolescence, and tends to subside thereafter, and your age group tends to be very conservative in later life.

Your age group is not very good at compromising and tends to have strong ideas about what is right and what is wrong. There is a strong feeling that you must extinguish evil in the world. Certainly, fostering good works is very commendable, but a categorical and simple-minded response to complex issues is not helpful. Your age group will undergo great transformations in attitudes regarding Good and Evil and will swing to great extremes. Your generation will also make great contributions in the areas of medicine and nutrition, ecology, and education.

Pluto in 5th house:

You have very strong creative forces and whatever you do, you want to do to the fullest. In love and romance, you get totally, passionately, even obsessively involved. In other forms of creative release and self-expression, also, you are very driven and you have a deep need to prove yourself. Your desire for personal recognition is compelling, and if you do not achieve creative success, you may try to force your children to fulfill your dreams for you.

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