could i have a reading pleaase

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could i have a reading pleaase

Post by scootbabe66 » Mon May 14, 2007 2:08 am

i was born on 21 nov 1966 at 2pm in the afternoon..i am female..i dont know if there is any other info you need...


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Post by Erinrose » Mon May 14, 2007 5:41 am


I am not a psychic but I am very intuitive.
And if you were to provide some more information around a particular subject,
I would be happy to give you my take on it.

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Post by scootbabe66 » Tue May 15, 2007 2:51 am

i feel a bit lost within myself..not sure who i am at the moment....i read tarot and am a psychic..this is my main job.....but i just dont know if its for me or not...the peopl i work for and read for think i am good...but i just feel as if my life is stagnant..not sure if  i would be best to try healing work...or if there is some other calling for me...or do i continue as i am....i suppose i am having an identity crisis

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Post by Erinrose » Tue May 15, 2007 1:11 pm


I am an expert in nothing but my own life.

However, I said I would give you my take on things and I will.

The simplest answer would be to have some quiet reflection time. Simply allow your thoughts to flow, noting down the more predominant ones. This may point out a particular direction. Or you might like to try some 'Brainstorming'. Sit with a pad and a pen and 'just write'. Scribble down everything and anything that comes to your mind. Continue with this for as long as you want. Then read it back to yourself and see what answers jump out at you.

Beginners stuff, I know. But sometimes when we have worked so hard to get to where we want to be, we can become overwhelmed with all the information that we have gathered as well as with all the options that present themselves. Sometimes it pays to go back to the basics and take stock.

Personally, I feel that you are ready for some changes. Perhaps simply taking a break away from your usual routine will help clear your mind and let you see more clearly where your next step should be.

None of us (Seekers ??) can stay on a particular rung of the metaphysical ladder - it's our job to move onwards and upwards. We can't afford the luxury of comfort zones. We are here for a reason.

So you want to try Healing work? Go for it. Others can help and guide you but the final decision must be yours because your journey is your journey - not ours.

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Post by scootbabe66 » Tue May 15, 2007 11:58 pm

thankyou so much for your help...i will try the brainstorming thing...that makes sense...
you are all so kind on these forums....and i am being drawn towards developing..towards i'll keep you posted let you know how i get on..

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