May I Have a Reading Please

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May I Have a Reading Please

Post by sorceress426 » Tue Mar 06, 2007 7:42 pm

I Think you're great for offering this. If at all possible, I'd like it sent to my email:
RoseMary Touma
11:25 (am)
Brooklyn, NY, USA

Thank you

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Post by AARCANUM » Wed Mar 07, 2007 5:01 pm

sorceress426, here is the reading u requested for, hope this helps you.

Rose Mary Touma
26 April 1959
Brooklyn, N.Y.C., NY

Calculated for:
Daylight Savings Time,   Time Zone 5 hours West
Latitude: 40 N 38        Longitude: 73 W 56  

Positions of Planets at Birth:
Sun     12 Ari 22                Pluto     8 Leo 27
Moon     0 Sag 34              N. Node  19 Vir 37
Mercury 15 Pis 18              S. Node  19 Pis 37
Venus   20 Tau 33              Asc.      4 Can 37
Mars    15 Gem 56             MC       18 Pis 53
Jupiter  6 Sco 30                2nd cusp 24 Can 37
Saturn  13 Sag 42              3rd cusp 18 Leo 33
Uranus  18 Can 57             5th cusp 25 Lib 35
Neptune 12 Lib 18              6th cusp  2 Sag 47
Rose Mary Touma Natal Chart.png
Rose Mary Touma Natal Chart.png (33.91 KiB) Viewed 2650 times

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Post by AARCANUM » Wed Mar 07, 2007 5:09 pm

Chapter 1: How You Approach Life and How You Appear To Others

Cancer Rising:

You appear gentle and soft, and you act rather reserved with others until you know them well and feel it is safe to be open with them. You have a strong need for emotional security and a sense of belonging, and are deeply attached to the past: your heritage, roots, family, cherished friends, familiar places, etc. Making radical changes or moves away from what is known and safe can be very painful and difficult for you. You tend to cling and hold on to people, memories, possessions of personal or sentimental significance. Having a home, a safe haven, is very important to you. You approach life emotionally and subjectively and are sensitive to the emotional atmosphere, the subtle undercurrents of feeling in and around you. Instinctive and nonrational, you are often unable to give a clear, simple explanation for your actions. Something FEELS right, or it doesn't.

Your emotions and personal loyalties tend to color your thoughts and opinions. You view life from a very personal perspective and often cannot mentally detach yourself from your own personal bias and prejudices. You are apt to be concerned primarily with how something affects you and those dear and close to you, rather than with the principle or the broader social implications. For instance, you may be very patriotic and feel that whatever "my country" does is right without really knowing much about the other nations' policies or point of view. Put simply: if it is good for me and mine, it is good. If it is not good for me and mine, it is no good.

You are tenaciously loyal, protective, and supportive of those you care about, and have a very strong nurturing, motherly nature (regardless of your gender). You empathize with others and intuitively sense the feelings and needs of other people. Compassionate and sympathetic, you are easily moved by others' pain, and you are often the one others seek out when they need comfort, reassurance, or help. Your moods fluctuate and change frequently and you are sometimes open, sometimes withdrawn emotionally. You communicate nonverbally and appreciate a person who can pick up subtle cues and hints, rather than having to make everything explicit. You never forget either kindness or unkindness shown to you.

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Post by AARCANUM » Wed Mar 07, 2007 5:12 pm

Chapter 2: The Inner You: Your Real Motivation

Sun in Aries:

You are a person who thrives on challenge, and you often feel that you must battle your way through life, depending upon no one and nothing but your own strength, intelligence, and courage. You believe in being totally honest, true to oneself and one's own vision and convictions, even if that means standing alone. Honesty, integrity, personal honor, and authenticity are your gods, and you have no sympathy for weakness of character in others. You crave the freedom to do things in your own way, and you work very well independently. Cooperating with others or carrying out another's will is not your style. You like to be the chief - or to go it alone.

You love action and if others are settling down into a nice, comfortable little rut, then you are always ready to stir things up, do something new, make changes, bring in some fresh blood. Routine and sameness are like death to you. You are not afraid of trying something that's never been done before, and even though you may be seen as a fool sometimes, you also discover, invent, and initiate things that others will later emulate. Taking risks and following your own star are the breath of life for you, and you wilt (or get very frustrated and angry) if you cannot do this.

You are spontaneous, impulsive, direct, enthusiastic, and assertive. You believe in the power of positive thinking and positive action, and you think of yourself as a strong person - even invincible. You hate being ill or in any way in a position of dependency. Accepting your own human limitations and emotional needs is often difficult for you.

You are basically aggressive in your attitudes and have less facility in the receptive arts of relating to others, picking up subtle messages and nuances, listening, nurturing, and harmonizing. Often you are so fired up about your own projects or goals that you inadvertently run over or ignore other people's feelings and interests. Being receptive and appreciative of others' contributions, ideas, and feelings would go a long way in improving your relationships. Your impatience to get on with things causes you to be rather insensitive, and to therefore alienate others unnecessarily. You also frequently try to accomplish your ends by using anger or some version of a temper tantrum. You would gain much by learning to slow down, relax, and just let things be sometimes, but your energetic, restless nature rarely allows you to do this.

Sun in 10th house:

Your career, reputation, and public image are very important to you. You have a strong desire to be influential or make your mark on the world. The merely personal sphere does not satisfy you; your ambitions include making a major contribution and receiving broad recognition for your unique effort and gifts. You may undervalue the personal or inner side of life.

Sun Opposition Neptune:

You are extremely sensitive and imaginative, and you can get lost in your dreams, fantasies, and visions. You are attracted to artistic and creative pursuits, the world of color, beauty, and emotion. You are also drawn to mysticism and have deep spiritual aspirations and yearnings. Gentle and peace-loving, you may lack the will and competitive spirit needed to make your way in the world. You are often impractical and may seek to avoid or escape the hard realities of life.

Sun Trine Saturn:

Realistic and practical, you set goals for yourself that are modest enough for you to actually achieve. You are able to tackle long, difficult projects and see them through, for you possess self-discipline, concentration, and perseverance. You also have a strong sense of responsibility and are very conscientious in fulfilling your obligations. Often you do things because you feel it is expected of you.

Sun Trine Pluto:

You have a deep belief in your own power and your ability to survive any change and to emerge victoriously from any difficulty. You have tremendous inner resources and strength. Intense, strong willed, and zealous, you pursue your desires and goals with complete dedication and singleness of purpose, and you may be somewhat compulsive, even fanatical at times. You like to live intensely and have no respect for people who are weak, who avoid confronting life and their own destiny.

Sun Sextile Mars:

You are positive, vital, energetic, active, a go-getter.  You enjoy competition, and your initiative and self-confidence make you a winner.

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Post by AARCANUM » Wed Mar 07, 2007 5:14 pm

Chapter 3: Mental Interests and Abilities

Mercury in Pisces:

You are more of a poet than a rational scientist, for your mind does not function in a strictly logical, linear fashion. The language of music, art, or poetry is natural to you, and you are also able to think in highly abstract and symbolic terms. Translating your thoughts and impressions into concrete, everyday language may be difficult for you at times and consequently you may appear less intelligent or at least less quick-witted and verbal than others. This was especially true of you as a child, and you probably daydreamed a good deal also. You are intuitive and are able to sense what others' thoughts and feelings are, even before they say anything to you. You often form an opinion about a person or situation without much factual knowledge of them, and your impressions are usually correct. You can be somewhat absent-minded and you become so immersed in your own thoughts that you overlook things in your immediate, tangible environment. You are extremely open-minded and believe that anything is possible. Intangible or spiritual forces seem just as real to you as anything in the concrete world. Your imagination and your sympathetic understanding of other people are two of your greatest gifts.

Mercury in 9th house:

You have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and wisdom and for an ever broadening understanding of life. You are the perpetual student and will be involved in higher education, philosophy, or religion. Law, broadcasting, publishing, or the field of communications are also areas that interest you. World travel and studying other cultures are also strong urges of yours.

Mercury Square Mars:

Argumentative and rather aggressive and critical in discussions, you tend to turn any conversation into a debate, and sometimes a verbal war. You could be a spokesman for a righteous cause, a lawyer vigorously defending a client, a sharp analyst or critic. You are a convincing speaker, but are not especially receptive to the ideas and opinions of others. You have a forceful intellect and an aptitude for mental work.

Mercury Square Saturn:

You have an aptitude for solving difficult mental problems due to your careful, methodical approach, attention to detail, and tenacity in following a matter through to its conclusion. You have good powers of concentration and enjoy studying and thinking in solitude. You can get wrapped up entirely in your own thoughts and completely engrossed in some small detail. You are slow and cautious, but extremely thorough in your work. Conservative and something of a skeptic, you may be narrow-minded or closed to any idea which has no concrete proof or scientific verification. You prefer dealing with facts rather than abstract speculation. You may also be distrustful or fearful of anything you cannot understand with your rational mind. You are well-suited to work in research or any field that requires careful study and thought.

Mercury Trine Uranus:

Independent and free-thinking, you dislike being told what to do and how to do it, and you especially do not like being told how to think, for you insist on discovering your own truth. You do well in a rather unstructured environment that allows you to make your own decisions and to respond to the needs of the moment, rather than following a routine, standardized way of doing things. You are also suited to a fast-paced atmosphere, which you find exciting and stimulating. Your mind functions in an intuitive, nonlinear fashion and sudden insights and flashes of inspiration often come to you "out of the blue". You have an aptitude for science and new technologies especially interest you. You also have a penchant for astrology or other esoteric sciences.

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Post by AARCANUM » Wed Mar 07, 2007 5:16 pm

Chapter 4: Emotions: Moods, Feelings, Romance

Moon in Sagittarius:

Open and generous, you enjoy a wide circle of friends and acquaintances and you thrive on sociability and fellowship. You are adventurous, playful, freedom-loving, and always ready for a good time. You rarely allow obstacles or difficulties to keep you down, for no matter how bleak the past or present, you always expect a better, brighter future. In fact, you are uncomfortable with your own or other people's problems and emotional pain. You often try to "cheer up" or offer philosophical advice to those who are hurting, but unwittingly you avoid or ignore the emotions involved. Friendship means a great deal to you, perhaps even more than love or romance. For you to be happy, your mate must be your best friend and encourage your aspirations and ideals. You also need a great deal of emotional freedom and mobility.

Moon in 5th house:

You are emotionally expressive and often dramatize your feelings, acting them out or blowing them out of proportion. You can not hide your instinctive emotional reactions to people or situations, and you don't make any pretenses about your personal sympathies or antipathies. You have a childlike openness and playfulness which is very appealing to others, but which sometimes gets you into trouble, as you take risks on impulse or whim.

Venus in Taurus:

In love, you are steadfast and loyal, especially if you have a warm, demonstrative partner. You are very sensually oriented and need lots of touching and physical affection. You enjoy being pampered with a good meal, loving massage, or other sensual delights. You are a wonderful lover, very attentive to the comfort and enjoyment of the one you love. You are tremendously responsive to beauty and physical appearances, and the physical attractiveness of your partner is very important to you.

Venus in 11th house:

You are a very sociable, congenial person and you wilt very quickly without the company of good friends and people to share good times with. You thoroughly enjoy working with others on group projects or community activities. You are quite happy when you are a part of a club, support group, or team of some sort.

Venus Sextile Uranus:

You are open and progressive in your attitudes towards love and romance, and spontaneous and free in your love-expression. You are always willing to experiment and try anything new that your partner suggests, and you enjoy being surprised. A relationship in which both you and your partner have a good deal of freedom and independence will hold your interest much more than a safe, predictable one.

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Post by AARCANUM » Wed Mar 07, 2007 5:21 pm

Chapter 5: Drive and Ambition: How You Achieve Your Goals

Mars in Gemini:

You are a "busy bee" - energetic, restless, and forever on the go. Your active mind is always buzzing with ideas and you find it difficult sometimes to relax, slow down, or take time to reflect and replenish yourself. You tend to live on nervous energy. You can accomplish much in short bursts but projects that require long-term commitment, stamina, and steady, persistent effort are not easy for you. You often scatter your energies into so many directions and activities at once that you cannot finish or follow through on some of them. You need variety, change, and mental challenges.

You have a sharp and eager mind, and you enjoy games and competitions that have a mental component. You like to match wits with someone else. You often achieve your desires by your verbal skill, your ability to speak clearly, vigorously, and convincingly for what you want. Your drive and energy is more mental than physical. You use your wit, intelligence, communication skills, social sophistication, and awareness to achieve your goals.

Mars in 12th house:

Asserting yourself and being direct and forceful about what you want is very often difficult for you. Though you may have a great deal of energy and drive, you lack confidence or simply the desire to put yourself and your interests first. Positively you can be very unselfish, working more on behalf of others rather than for yourself. You deny your own desires and needs too much, however, and you are likely to secretly become very angry, which will sabotage your finest efforts.

Mars Opposition Saturn:

You work hard and patiently to achieve your objectives, persevering and continuing on in spite of difficulties and discouragement. Concentrating on a single, clearly defined goal, you are able to accomplish much, but you often feel that the way is long and arduous, and that you must struggle on alone, that it's all on your shoulders.

You are capable of great self-control and self-denial and can be a hard task master, expecting far too much of yourself. You also tend to hold yourself back, to doubt your own power and ability. You feel that you meet with great resistance whenever you try to assert yourself or take initiative. Anger and frustration can be big problems for you, especially when you try to work with other people or depend too much on others for support. You work best in solitude.

Mars Trine Neptune:

You dream up creative solutions to problems and take an imaginative, unusual approach to getting a job done. When difficulties arise you prefer to avoid conflict and confrontation in favor of more peaceful or subtle methods of resolving problems. Working to help others or for a cause that transcends your own narrow, personal interests is satisfying for you. You have an artistic flair and appreciate the colorful, unique, or strange.

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Post by AARCANUM » Wed Mar 07, 2007 5:23 pm

Chapter 6: Other Influences

Jupiter in Scorpio:

Your strength lies in your unwillingness to settle for superficiality or shallowness in any area of your life. You are unafraid of going to extremes and experiencing the depths. The mysterious and the unknown are very attractive to you. Your intuitive understanding of others' inner drives and motivations is highly developed also.

Jupiter in 5th house:

You are fun-loving and playful, and you throw yourself into your play with joyous abandon! Whatever your love or enthusiasm of the moment is, you go all out for it. You enjoy sports, recreation, or gambling, and you can be somewhat hedonistic or addicted to having a good time. Your children or your creative pursuits give you much happiness and fulfillment.

Jupiter Square Pluto:

You aim high, have great vision, and are never satisfied with yourself unless you can achieve your goals in a big way. You are very opportunistic and are always ready to capitalize on a good idea. You utilize contacts with prominent and successful people to advantage, and are likely to win yourself an important and lucrative position in life.

Saturn in Sagittarius:

You have a critical, cynical attitude towards many religions and philosophies. Without realizing it, you prevent yourself from appreciating new viewpoints and attitudes. You are more rigid and dogmatic than you realize. Your approach may also be too intellectual or moralistic. You take your own political beliefs and spiritual philosophy very seriously, worrying and fretting if you are not 100% clear about some ideology or theory.

Saturn in 6th house:

You take both your work and your health very seriously, but you may demand so much of yourself at work that you compromise your health. You can become a workaholic, not so much because you have lofty ambitions, but because you never feel like you've done enough. You are overly responsible or overly conscientious at work, so much so that you may not enjoy it at all. You can also get overly involved in self-improvement or your health, and you tend to be a bit of a hypochondriac.

Saturn Sextile Neptune:

You are able to do your work and take responsibility for overcoming your own problems and challenges in life, while at the same time being open to spiritual comfort, aid and guidance. A good balance between being well-grounded and being receptive to spirit or the inner world is working in your favor. Enjoying simplicity and cultivating peace enable you to evolve and to work through your challenges.

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Post by AARCANUM » Wed Mar 07, 2007 5:27 pm

Uranus in Cancer:

You are part of a 7 year group of people who have a strong need to feel unrestrained by family ties and personal heritage. Your age group tends to find personal relationships very restrictive, and also tends to feel alienated and distant from family ties and concerns. Forming long-term personal relationships is difficult for your age group, and divorce rates are high in your group. However, you are an emotional and sensitive group also, and this instability is painful at times. Finding personal freedom and closeness with others at the same time is a big challenge for you.

Uranus in 1st house:

You are an unconventional and innovative person, and you are seen as a rebel, reformer, or highly unusual in your manners, appearance, or attitudes. You enjoy being unpredictable, and you do not conform to the standards that other people have set. Above all, you are an individual, and you do what you please regardless of customs and norms. Your environment and life circumstances may change frequently and abruptly.

Neptune in Libra:

You are part of a 14 year group of people who have a very idealistic sense of brotherhood and universal cooperation, which, among other things, fostered the peace and freedom movement. Your age group is also interested in the spiritual philosophy and ideals of other cultures, and is not at all dogmatic in its approach to religion. You incorporate the approaches of other religions. Your age group tends to have an eclectic approach to religion, utilizing elements from many religious perspectives (e.g. Eastern and Western), and finds it difficult to follow traditionally defined religious practices. A gullibility and an unwillingness to be decisive and judgmental inclines your age group to be easily deceived, and consequently many of the well-intended ideals and goals are frustrated by a lack of clear purpose and direction.

Neptune in 4th house:

Your childhood and early home life were colored by a great deal of confusion or by people with unusually active imaginations, aspirations, or fantasies. It is difficult for you to see your childhood and your relationship with your parents in a clear, realistic light. You may search for the ideal, loving home you wish you had, or believe you had, when you were a child. Finding inner peace and a sense of emotional security within yourself is important to you.

Neptune Sextile Pluto:

The entire generation to which you belong has tremendous opportunities for spiritual rebirth and awakening. This will not be forced upon you or precipitated by unavoidable events, rather it comes from an inner yearning and a natural propensity to seek the depths.

Pluto in Leo:

You are part of a 20 year period that is often referred to as the "ME" generation, a generation that has a very proud and self-reliant attitude. You are a generation that is very concerned with self-development and personal integrity. Women's rights and minority rights are issues that your generation has fostered and they reflect your concern with individual respect, integrity, and honor. Your age group has a deeply felt sense that each person has an equal right and opportunity to fully develop his or her inner potential.

However, your group also finds it difficult to be part of a team and a strong egotism makes group efforts difficult; you tend to see the individual as more important than the group. You also defy authority and often feel that no one has the right to tell you what to do. The strong movement to refuse drafting into the military is one example of your age group's strong sense of individual rights and freedom. Your age group has popularized the idea of self-development, and has contributed a great deal to the development of individual potential as well as human rights. However, there is also a tendency to be rather self-centered; others may wonder how you can spend so much time developing yourselves and have so little time to contribute to your families!

The interest in personal development also sometimes manifests as a fascination with particular individuals and a great deal of hero worship. Every generation, of course, has lots of idols, but your generation is particularly prone to needing a specific individual to represent and embody an idea or feeling, and to serve as a focal point of interest. Perhaps the most extreme example of this is the concept of the guru that was popularized by your age group.

Pluto in 2nd house:

You are likely to have a fixation on money, wealth, and material resources. You may totally renounce material desires and ownership, or become obsessed with having, owning, and accumulating. Your attitudes towards owning, keeping, and sharing will undergo major changes in your lifetime, and your fortunes are likely to run very hot or very cold.

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