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Please take a look!!

Post by Astroman101 » Mon Oct 01, 2007 9:20 pm

Can you please tell me about my signs?

Sun Taurus 11.42               Ascendant Virgo 11.14
Moon Leo 18.06                  II Libra 7.34
Mercury Taurus 14.16 R      III Scorpio 7.37
Venus Pisces 28.00             IV Sagittarius 9.49
Mars Pisces 8.34                 V Capricorn 12.04
Jupiter Cancer 7.11             VI Aquarius 12.49
Saturn Capricorn 25.20       VII Pisces 11.14
Uranus Capricorn 9.26 R     VIII Aries 7.34
Neptune Capricorn 14.31 R  IX Taurus 7.37
Pluto Scorpio 16.33 R          Midheaven Gemini 9.49
Lilith Scorpio 19.58             XI Cancer 12.04
Asc node Aquarius 12.08     XII Leo 12.49

Sun in IX
Moon in XII
Mercury in IX
Venus in VII
Mars in VI
Jupiter in Midheaven
Saturn in V
Uranus in IV
Neptune in V
Pluto in III
Lilith in III
Asc node in V

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Post by Sei no Senshi » Mon Oct 01, 2007 9:24 pm


What do you want to know?

By the way, I do this to 'Lillith'.   :smt021  List a body that actually means something.  :smt002

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Post by Astroman101 » Mon Oct 01, 2007 9:26 pm

I would like to know how well my main signs work together  such as  Sun Moon Rising  or  any significant you see?

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Post by Sei no Senshi » Mon Oct 01, 2007 9:38 pm

Ah, okay.  Hold on, I'll get to you in a little bit...I didn't want you to think I'm ignoring you.  I decided today was a good day to put up an ad to go pro.  The second I get this done I'll be right with you.

I promise.

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Post by Astroman101 » Mon Oct 01, 2007 9:39 pm

Sure. Take your time.

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Post by Sei no Senshi » Mon Oct 01, 2007 9:43 pm

Okay, so right now isn't a good time, I don't want Aquarius to be rising on this event chart, gotta wait for it to go into Pisces.  I want to look good and capable in my ad, and Jupiter looks good and capable.

I was wondering if you wouldn't mind giving me your natal data.  If you don't want to post it on the boards, could you PM it to me?  It's easier for me to see the chart as a picture instead of as words.

Thank you.

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Post by Astroman101 » Mon Oct 01, 2007 9:49 pm

ok  ill  PM it.

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Post by Sei no Senshi » Mon Oct 01, 2007 10:57 pm

Okay, I'm still not really sure what you're looking for, but now that I have successfully posted my ad and had a good time crusing the personals (what I won't do with Venus on my Mars :D), I'm back and I've got your chart in hand.

Since you specifically asked about your Ascendant, Solar Sign, and Lunar Sign, I guess I'll just do those.

Your Ascendant is in Virgo, more specifically, the Capricorn decan of Virgo.  Which would probably make you look more think and boney than normal.  You're probably shorter than average and appear delicate.  Oddly enough, your arms may be disproportionately longer than the trunk of your body.  The texture of your hair is rather course and dark in color.  Another 'strangely enough' moment, the body may have an abundance of hair.  The eyebrows are fine, thin, and shaped well while the skin is of a very good texture and is quite light, you probably sunburn easily.

You've probably read all there is to read about Taurians, so I'll skip that.

Luna is in Leo.  Ha, welcome to the club. :)  This makes your emotions quite fiery, though well contained.  When you feel a certain way, everyone knows it.  Your pride is a tender spot for you, but you're usually happy and optimistic.  When things get built up, you have to let them out, and you do so in a display of 'emotional fireworks' and then you probably storm out of the room to be alone, regain your composure and go back out there like nothing ever happened.  Ever the actor.  Also, you view your mother as a drama queen, and she had/has high hopes for you, maybe even to high.

Anything else?  I'm not good at general requests.

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Post by Astroman101 » Tue Oct 02, 2007 2:00 am

can you please tell me about my other planets?
like mars  venus  mercury jupitar saturn and so on.
Im not sure why   but i have alot of mood swings constantly and hard
for me to focus on one thing. Do you know how i can avoid that and why does it happen?

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Post by Sei no Senshi » Tue Oct 02, 2007 2:26 am

Ah, perfect timing, I JUST woke up from a nap. :)

Your mood swings are a combination of Jupiter and Ceres being disposited by a Leonine Luna.  Jupiter lets you feel, in Cancer he opens up your emotional sea.  You're very in touch with your emotions.  Ceres is going to make you concerned with environmental factors, such as the wellfare of others and even what others think of you, which is going to injure that Luna of yours when people think negatively of you, which then effects your mood and eventually your health as Luna Squares Mercury.

I'd like to cite two sources as for your inability to focus.  The intellect is signified by Mercury, in Taurus it would seem pretty good, but it receives (as I've already touched on) a Square from Luna which will make matters of the heart more important than matters of the mind and a Trine from Neptune which will cloud everything up.  Let me guess, you'll be sitting there working on something, and then the next thing you know you'll snap yourself out of a daydream?  Yeah, Neptune Power.

In all actuality, your Mercury is in pretty bad shape.  Combust of Sol, Squaring Luna, Opposing Pluto, and retrograde.  Sounds lovely.  You probably don't talk much, and you're more likely to critisize yourself than you are others, even when it is actually their fault.  Also, retrograde Mercury might make you a truth bender.  Also, being in Taurus, once you've made up your mind about something, it's going to take a bulldozer, no, a TEAM of bulldozers to get you to change your mind or move your position on an issue.  You stick to your guns, I give you that, but you're probably narrow-minded simply because you won't open up to new ideas.

On the other hand, Venus is in great shape and is most likely your Lord of Genture.  Though, she may cause you some problems.  Remember that daydreaming I was talking about?  I bet it takes the form of romantic fantasy most of the time.  I bet a lot of people abuse you in one way or another too, since you probably just shrug your shoulders and take it, but then after awhile you get mad and we go back to the Leonine Luna BOOM.  Hehe.  On the positive side, you know how to love, and you know what you're looking for, just make sure it's realistic, and becareful who you give your heart to.  Venus in the Seventh promises a happy marriage, though you may go through several partners before you find the 'one' your Venus expects.

Mars in Pisces, well, I bet that's a fun placement.  Going along with the already emotional chart you have, Mars shows that your motivation depends on your emotional wellbeing.  Something's not going right?  You shut down and give into the lazy side of your Taurus Sol.  However - mimicking Venus - when you fall in love, you dive in deep.  My sweetheart calls Mars in Pisces 'the shark', and since this is in your sixth house, watch your feet and make sure you keep yourself physically active, lest you get colds and pnemonia easily.  Though, I bet you're a geneous when it comes to mechanics.

Jupiter in Cancer is an excellent placement - mine is there too - Jupiter is that thing that pulls at your heartstrings whenever you see charity people on Christmas with the bells and makes you donate more than you expected you would.  He's also the one that drags you along to all of those Walks for the Cure...yeah...all the ladies who put those together know me by name. :)  You're understanding and forgiving, oftentimes to an extent that other people just look at you like you're crazy.  This is most likely directed towards someone you're in love with, thanks to all the Pisces-ness that'll make you overlook a lot of stuff.  "So what if he's spending five years in prison for murder?  I still love him."  Yeah...  However, if you were ever told to 'thank your lucky star' this is the guy to thank, especially since Jupiter is in an angular house, you're probably ridiculously lucky (ha, join the club).  Also, you do things at very convinent times without meaning to.  Like post a reply to your reading thread when the astrologer doing the reading had just woken up from a nap.  Scary how that works, right?  Jupiter in the Tenth is a great position, things just fall into place.  You just give it a little push, and the power of fate seems to take it the rest of the way.

Inners out.

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Post by Astroman101 » Tue Oct 02, 2007 2:49 am

This emotional instability is not good for a career. I havnt chosen one to follow yet   but my mind keeps changing everyday. I cant hold on to one thought. Any ideas career wise  or anything to point me in a directoin?

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Post by Sei no Senshi » Tue Oct 02, 2007 2:51 am

Yeah, the second you tell me how I'm doing so far. ;)

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Post by Astroman101 » Tue Oct 02, 2007 2:55 am

Your saying is very accurate. Ofcourse im not sure as to why lol  im not sure of what planets exactly mean   in different positions and stuff. But you are right about  the emotional stuff  and the fact that i do burst out sometimes. I am usually quiet  only because  if nothing worth talking bout,  im content to daydream.  But sometimes  i get annoyed cus one today id be doing something and enjoying it much and next day,  why did i ever want to do that?  u kno..   so  i have  hard time focusing career wise..

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Post by Sei no Senshi » Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:01 am

 Awesome, thank you.  I'm trying to point at what I'm looking at before I go into it to kind of show you what I'm looking at and why I'm thinking of it that way.  I guess I'm not doing such a good job.

Okay, about career.  How does writing suit you?  Your Tenth house cusp is in Gemini and its ruler Mercury is on the Ninth house cusp.  Gemini is a sign of communication and writing, while the Ninth house deals with publishing and all things foreign.  So, I was thinking an author or a journalist.

You may find journalism more interesting since Jupiter - the star of travel - is in your Tenth house, and journalism would probably get you traveling more.  However, you're a very creative person with all the water in your chart (hope you don't drown, lol) so writing a good book might be much more up your alley, especially since you can basically work at home that way.

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Post by Astroman101 » Tue Oct 02, 2007 3:10 am

Your doing a good job, no doubt. I dont think i have gotten info this detail. But as far as writing goes, i admit  i do have a flare. My teachers have told me   i write  like a journalist or a reporter. But i honestly dont like writing at all. I do like travel because i like to keep things changing constantly. I get so annoyed when i get dragged in something longer then i want to.
I still have alot of searching to do. I want to know how i can use these emotoins instead of them being a setbak....

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