Help Needed Going Through a very Rough Patch..Perhaps someone can look into this?????

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Help Needed Going Through a very Rough Patch..Perhaps someone can look into this?????

Post by ak12345 » Fri Sep 19, 2008 10:31 pm

Dear Readers,

I am giving this a long shot and hope that perhaps you can tell me how best to move forward as i am going through extremely rough patch in life...

To start with; I have been having financial problems along with work issue...seems like everything is not going forward the way I have planned

I am extremely worried about my near future to such a extend that this is affecting my health and i just don’t know what to do...

I am wondering if any one is kind enough to do a reading for me please:

D.O.B = 10/06/1980
Time: 07/30am
Place: New Delhi

PLS: let me know if i could give more information..
Kind Regards

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Post by ak12345 » Sat Sep 20, 2008 8:51 am


Can please any one be kind enough to do a reading?


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Post by Rhutobello » Sat Sep 20, 2008 10:27 am

Be aware that it takes time to make a reading...none is is not just to put ones hand in a drawer and your solution is given.

If our Reader find that he has something to say...he/she will do call again and again will only decrease your chance for a Reading.

Be also aware that NONE Reading in itself can fix any problems for you...they might give you insight....but only you...true your own actions can turn around your future.

You have run into problems...this will say that your course must change...if not..your problem might just increase....try to calm yourself down, and start evaluating.

Put all your problem down on paper....then concentrate on one and one to solve it....try to get rid of the easy one first....many times problems are connected, and if one start to wind them up, many times the bigger problems become lesser, and everything fall into place.

If one  concentrate on all problems and try to fix them all at once, you are bound to make failures, and the situation seems hopeless.

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Post by ak12345 » Sat Sep 20, 2008 10:31 am


Many Thanks for your reply. I completely understand that someone will look into this. Thank you for your kind response...

I think you can see how i feel...

I will wait to hear..I am new to this so dont really know the approach..

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Post by Youdah » Sat Sep 20, 2008 3:10 pm

Just a comment or two from a reader...  :)

I usually only do readings once during any day, because that is how my schedule is for life!  When you are awake, I may be asleep when in another part of the it is at least 24 hours before a reading can be given if you post after I get off-line.

Also, I don't do readings everyday.  If I have other concerns or busyness in my own life, I may not choose to spend much time on my computer!

Yet other times, there are more requests for readings than I have time to answer in one day.  I take care of myself, always first, so that I don't get burned-out doing readings, or begin to feel that they are running my life.  

This is some of the reasons that all must wait and be patient.  If I believe there is a critical, time sensitive issue happening, I will read very quickly.  Otherwise, readings are given in the order posted.


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Re: Help Needed Going Through a very Rough Patch..Perhaps someone can look into this?????

Post by Youdah » Sat Sep 20, 2008 3:17 pm

ak12345 wrote: D.O.B = 10/06/1980
Time: 07/30am
Place: New Delhi

Is your birth date October 6, 1980 or June 10, 1980?

From this, it is unclear for your date of birth.

Please clarify.

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Post by ak12345 » Sun Sep 21, 2008 1:53 am


My Date of birth is : 10 June 1980

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Post by Youdah » Sun Sep 21, 2008 6:20 am

One of the things you need to realize is that money, prestige, success, etc., are very important to you.  When things go wrong, or you have temporary setbacks, you see it as a sign of your self worth, and it hits you emotionally as well as in your pocketbook.  (Chiron 10th H. Taurus).  You should learn to detach the idea of your self-worth being connected in anyway to your career, prestige, success in life, money and belongings.  This is essential for you, otherwise you will never see yourself as worthy, because no matter how successful you are, it will never be enough for you.  Shortages of cash = worthless in your mind.  Yet, shortages aren't the problem, the problem is how you see yourself.  Get a more realistic idea of your strengths and weaknesses, and give yourself credit for the things that are going well.

It is also important for you to learn to relax and find enjoyment, to lessen the stress of each day,every day.  (Saturn conj. Mars 3rd house).  Sometimes you are like a pressure cooker, so you need to find ways to release the tension the builds up in you.  This does affect your health in such a strong way that you are headed to early heart attacks/strokes if you don't learn to find creative outlets for yourself.  I'd recommend learning to meditate, yoga, calm music, etc.  This is something that you are going to have to pursue with self-discipline, though, since your energy level can be so high that you have trouble sitting still, let alone meditating!  Yet it it essential to someone like you to calm your mind -- which is overactive most of the time -- calm your body -- which is usually tense, etc.  Also this will help those times when your temper gets the best of you...find time to relax and meditate to keep things in perspective.  (sun square saturn, mercury square pluto, saturn square neptune, pluto square ascendent).

You're right.  You've got some heavy stuff going on, and it is definitely playing havoc everywhere.  Let's see if I can help you through some of it.

Currently, you're feeling like you need to explode, but circumstances prevent you from doing it.  You'd love to tell someone off, but can't for some reason.  (saturn conj. mars, mars conj pluto.).  Don't try to bottle up your emotions, but I'd recommend jogging, or some other strenuous sports so you can get this energy out of you in productive ways.  It won't help to confront someone when you're in this mood.  Get the energy out, then wait for a calmer mood before you have the talk to clear the air.  Trust me on this, it is not a good time to hold it in, and it is definitely a bad time to give someone a "piece of your mind."  Nothing will get resolved this way, and it will only go worse for you.  (uranus square sun, uranus oppose saturn)  If forced into a conversation, simply say that you are not prepared to discuss it at that time, because your emotions are running too high, and you'd like to wait awhile to discuss it.  This is the best approach for you, currently, and also when other things come along during your life.

Alot of this is going to be resolved by December 2008.  But, newer transits start to gain force, so enjoy the holidays, to give yourself a breather.   This kind of upheaval is going to continue off and on until Spring 2009.  I wish I could tell you that it would be resolved before then, but it isn't.  The best you're going to be able to do is change your attitude about the things that happen, learn to stay calm so you can make decisions and handle things better (and that's the purpose of these cause you to change yourself).  

One thing I see you doing is that you react to everything as if your very life were being threatened.  Well, it isn't (most of the time).  There are very few times when your life is actually in danger, but everything that happens, you react as if it's life threatening.  You need to distinguish between true emergencies, simple frustration, and just disruptions in your plans that happen to everyone that only require you to make modifications in your plans.  Yet, standing in line waiting your turn at the supermarket can get you in such a state of arousal and anger that you'd think someone was mugging you with a gun!  Learn to relax and go with the flow...your heart will last longer, and you'll find life more enjoyable, too.  As an added bonus, it will go a long ways to getting that success that you crave, too!  yet, this is something that you are going to have to work on all your life...staying calm and waiting for calm times to discuss problems, finding outlets for your tremendous energy level, and stop thinking your worth is connected to your success.  Ghandi had nothing, but he changed the world.  So, you see, success isn't your worth, it's only a standard of living.

Now take a deep breath, and turn all that good organization ability that you have, your strong critical thinking, upon yourself and develop a plan to help yourself deal with problems better, protect your health, and use up that energy in constructive ways!  And then, I promise, things will start to go better.


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Post by ak12345 » Sun Sep 21, 2008 12:03 pm

Dear Youdah,

Firstly please accept my sincere thank you for taking the pain to reply...I am really thankful to you...

I have read your reply and have been thinking a lot since reading it...

I do have few questions to ask and i was wondering if i can get back to you on that...

I feel really concerned and have that feeling in me which is eating me up...sort of like that anxiety feeling where u think ur heart will pop out of ur mouth...

I will await for your reply and then mention what is going on in my mind...although i have to agree u have hit the nail on the head on few points...

perhaps its my sub consious mind or gemini sign which makes me do soemthing and i think something else...i dont a experienced person u probably know more what i am talking about here....

I hope i could be able to explain to you directly...

look forward to hear from you...


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Post by Youdah » Sun Sep 21, 2008 4:08 pm

The anxiety is caused by the threat that you feel when things don't go according to your plans...and your mind and body, on some level, equate it with a life-threatening circumstance, when it isn't.  Your sense of "self" is so tied up in these outer things that it feels like your life is in danger.  This causes anxiety.  If you lose money, it is the same as losing yourself, you feel on some level.  This is why it's important to get in touch with your true values of happiness, being calm, finding joy in other things besides success/money/possessions.

In astrology, there is an asteroid called "Chiron."  Chiron tells us where most of our energy goes, the things that we struggle with, and the place where we had serious wounds caused at an early age.  If you spend some time remembering your early childhood, you will find the harsh messages that you believed that have caused you to see life this way.  Your childhood gave you the idea that you weren't worth anything if you didn't succeed.  For you, it is that your self-esteem that is tied up with prestige, money, success, possessions.  You can go to one extreme to the other with Chiron in the 10th House.  You can live a life of poverty and renounce all worldly possessions, or else you can be in an endless battle with life to acquire money, possessions, and prestige/success.  The root of both of these extremes is the same...a belief that you aren't good enough, so you are in a constant state of self-punishment if you don't achieve, or else not giving yourself success and possession and living a life of poverty.  It can swing both ways, and sometimes both in the same lifetime.

The problem is that  you will never be successful enough or have enough prestige even if you were President of the World!  This is because it is an inner message, and nothing will ever be good enough, because you basically don't feel worthy!

This is coming out with you in a near panic with the financial crisis you are having.  And that is the source of the anxiety.

The remedy is the same.  To give yourself permission to succeed, to not place unrealistic expectations on yourself, to learn to bounce back and go with the flow, and to realize that you are not your possessions or success.  The person that is YOU has nothing at all to do with success or failure, finances or not.  YOU is the person with the incredible organizational abilities, the critical thinking skills that I mentioned that is very strong in your chart also.  YOU is the person who can understand other people's viewpoints (high number of mutables in the chart).  YOU have a great ability to concentrate, and get things done!  (mercury placements)  YOU have many qualities that have nothing to do with success, although they can help you succeed.  You see?

Sometimes a very successful career with this placement is a financial advisor to others.  This placement would give you much success with a career in that field.  But, unfortunately, you can give advice, but have trouble following the advice you'd give to others!  :)  If you can imagine what you'd say to others, then you already have the solution within you, if you'd just listen to yourself!!!

All the things I've already said will help with the anxiety.

When I looked at your chart, I looked at your natal chart briefly to find the original sources of your current problems, then I looked at current transits to see how it was hitting you now, and what was going on.  I was interested in relieving your distress, but didn't go further into your chart than to do that.  If you need additional information, I'd be glad to look.  However, you must realize that even with more details, my advice and the remedy to help, won't change much.


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Post by ak12345 » Sun Sep 21, 2008 5:18 pm

Dear Youdah,

Many Thanks for your reply...I am somehow unsure if i agree with to this extent...Please dont think this is from a negative point of view but my strong beliefs...

I agree with most of things you have said....i think i am pushing my self too much to get what i it a pressure from various different things or within my self i dont know...Definately i am trying my best to be calm and content....I am evaluating my life for last 10 years ...i left india in 1999 and came here to study....

i have seen so many ups and down lately and i am a strong believer in God ....i do agree that what ever happens...happens for a reason and God Almighty has his own ways to test u...

The current reason to panic is mainly i have worked so hard and opened a business after working my way...put all my soul and heart into my business and lately this is not going as i planned....

Perhaps you can look my current chart in much more detail and please put my mind at rest...although i will keep working the way i am doing and see the results how they come up....

Perhaps you can tell me how this business will go, what will be the situation like in next 6 months, i am looking to get married ( have made up my mind) as i was leaving that to when it happens it happens....also does all this make me a not a nicer person or some how my own worst critic?????

I am sure everyone goes through set backs and everyone has a different way of handling the situation....

I dont know you and still agree that some of the things you have mentioned are 100% accurate....

Perhaps if u can look into my current situation again and see what you make of it....

You wouldnt believe that since posting on the forum and checking the update every few it because i want to get back to you when you post a reply or is it that i always make sure that i am on top of things...i dont know the answer...this is the simple honest truth....

I also compare my self with people around but in a postive way and never get that feeling that i should have what they have ...if u know what i mean...
i just feel if i work hard and look after my family and always be there for my friends...but sometime feel when i need someone no one can understand what i am going through..or may be they do but i dont know....

all i want is to move my life forward in a postive way taking on board all the comments you have made...

Look forward to you reply on current situation....

I thank you from my heart....

Kind Regards

PS: do you need any other info regarding me??

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Post by Youdah » Sun Sep 21, 2008 5:24 pm

Many people use astrology to begin any new thing during an auspicious time.  It would affect your business also.  If you can remember the date and time that you first opened your business, it would help me to give a good projection of when it will pull out of its slump, and also by comparing with your birth chart.

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Post by ak12345 » Sun Sep 21, 2008 5:37 pm


This would be very difficult to give you....Ok now to give you background!

After finsihing uni i was working and in 2006 got my first shipment (i import furniture) and sell it in UK.

It was part time until 6 to 8 months ago and was going where by i was able to last 2 months have been difficult....

So i dont know which would be the start date...the first shipment arrived in sep guess that would be start date...

also i need to ask u that now i have put everything in this...what do you think is the growth and what u see my future like in next 6 months????

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Post by Youdah » Mon Sep 22, 2008 3:28 am

Without an accurate start date/time for the business, I can't do any reading on the business itself.

In the original reading, I took it up to Spring 2009.  It was general trends.  I really can't do daily readings here, since it is very time consuming to look at events for each day.

Mid-November looks better for expansion and growth, with things a little better.

One of the big problems over the next while is Uranus is making a lot of aspects to your natal chart.  This is going to have the effect of your finances going up and down, and no real stability for awhile.  Just out of curiosity, I took it to December 2009 and the same continues with this up and down situation.  About the only thing that can really use this energy is to deal in unusual objects, from other countries, and for you to visit other countries.  You may do this already.  But, if you start, it can use Uranus energy in other ways than up and downs to your finances...although there will still be some of that.

Overall though, this isn't going to be a stable time for you for several years.


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Post by ak12345 » Mon Sep 22, 2008 2:26 pm

Dear Youdah,

I have got the exact date of company set up which you can use as a base:


Although my work was started in patched moving from nuthing to part time to full time....Although i had a really good day and i am taking everything onboard what you have mentioned...

I am looking to take every good thing from today and take everyday as it comes...

I hope that things will improve and take everything in a positive way as you mentioned...

Do you see me getting married in the near future??? Do you see the future in a positive way???


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