relationship compatibility

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relationship compatibility

Post by sample8788 » Fri Aug 06, 2010 12:00 pm

Firstly regards to all of my seniors; warm greeting to friends

I love a girl for last one and half years,unfortunately having a problem in our relationship for last one month or so. I heard I got a problem in horoscope regarding marriage and there no love marriage sign in her horoscope too.But I love her honestly and truly can't bear this life without her.Please help me to get our relationship back on track.I don't want to kill this relationship under any situation.Please help me and tell me ways to lead this relationship into a happy married life with remedies if necessary.

My birth details:

Date of Birth: 24th February,1988
Time of Birth: 03:20 p.m.
Place of Birth: Serampore, West Bengal,India (22.75°N 88.34°E)

Partner's birth details:

Date of Birth: 7th June,1987
Time of Birth: 09:25 a.m.
Place of Birth : Calcutta, West Bengal, India (22.57° N / 88.36° E)

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Post by enumero123 » Fri Aug 06, 2010 4:55 pm

The Astrological Charts
bipratim basak
Feb 24, 1988
03:20:00 PM INT -05:30
Serampore, INDIA
088E21'00", 22N45'00"

Planet Sign Position House House Cusps

Sun Pisces 05°Pi00' 08th 01 05°Le17'
Moon Gemini 03°Ge49' 10th 02 00°Vi29'
Mercury Aquarius 12°Aq42' 07th 03 29°Vi20'
Venus Aries 17°Ar26' 09th 04 01°Sc31'
Mars Capricorn 01°Cp20' 05th 05 04°Sg25'
Jupiter Aries 27°Ar21' 09th 06 05°Cp47'
Saturn Capricorn 00°Cp49' 05th 07 05°Aq17'
Uranus Capricorn 00°Cp21' 05th 08 00°Pi29'
Neptune Capricorn 09°Cp36' 06th 09 29°Pi20'
Pluto Scorpio 12°Sc33' R 04th 10 01°Ta31'
Midheaven Taurus 01°Ta31' 11 04°Ge25'
Ascendant Leo 05°Le17' 12 05°Ca47'

pompiya mondal
Jun 07, 1987
09:25:00 AM INT -05:30
Calcutta, INDIA
088E22'00", 22N32'00"

Planet Sign Position House House Cusps

Sun Gemini 15°Ge54' 10th 01 16°Le28'
Moon Libra 13°Li42' 03rd 02 12°Vi40'
Mercury Cancer 09°Ca40' 11th 03 12°Li27'
Venus Taurus 25°Ta04' 10th 04 14°Sc36'
Mars Cancer 11°Ca03' 11th 05 16°Sg38'
Jupiter Aries 21°Ar59' 09th 06 17°Cp14'
Saturn Sagittarius 18°Sg01' R 05th 07 16°Aq28'
Uranus Sagittarius 25°Sg07' R 05th 08 12°Pi40'
Neptune Capricorn 07°Cp12' R 05th 09 12°Ar27'
Pluto Scorpio 07°Sc36' R 03rd 10 14°Ta36'
Midheaven Taurus 14°Ta36' 11 16°Ge38'
Ascendant Leo 16°Le28' 12 17°Ca14'

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How You Approach Relationships

Post by enumero123 » Fri Aug 06, 2010 5:04 pm

You are warmly generous and always gracious with others. You have an innate sense of
playfulness and self-discovery that endears you to all who come to know you. You will always
have a bit of the child about you, and you tend to require considerable attention from a mate.
Anyone who gets to know you knows that you take yourself ever so seriously. You prefer a
mate with great ambitions and plans, who dares to dream the impossible dream! You benefit
from being drawn out of yourself by someone with less self-consciousness. Above all, you
really value a close friend -- especially in a lover. You are attracted to visionaries with broad
humanitarian goals.
Aquarius on 7th Cusp

Everything seems to move through you once you get around other people. You have real
communication skills that make you a perfect interface for others -- the negotiator. You value
intelligence and articulation, especially in a partner. You are never happier than when you find
yourself in meaningful conversation, surrounded by sparkling wit, clever thoughts, and all that
is mercurial. You may come to know writers, reporters, announcers, and investigators.
Mercury in 7th House

You love the oddball and the unfettered. You may be drawn to social visionaries and to
unconventional types in general -- a taste for the bohemian. You may have many unusual
relationships of short duration. There is an on-again, off-again, quality to your affairs. You
depend on relationships for insights into yourself and your life.
Uranus Ruler of 7th

You are very skilled and exhibit great artistry in whatever you do. Your work is always well
organized and efficiently produced. You are driven to accept more and more responsibility,
which is not a burden to you. This is a sign of excellent managerial ability. You're in it for the
long haul and are a good example of what real discipline looks like.
Mars Conjunction Saturn (orb: 00 31')

You have a real drive to discover or invent things. You are always pushing the envelope,
going the limit. You know it is at the leading edge where all the real breaks occur. You are
fascinated by what is happening in technology and communications. Others find you original
and nonconventional, especially in your love life. You have your own very original idea of
love, emotions, and marriage. You march to a different drummer when it comes to relationships.
Mars Conjunction Uranus (orb: 00 59')

You have great emotional control, and this allows you to pace yourself in ways average
people cannot. You can keep control when others lose it. This suggests the capacity for
sustained effort on your part which may manifest in a natural athletic ability. Your
relationships, which tend to be long lasting, are easy going. There is an accent on leadership
and masculinity.
Sun Sextile Mars (orb: 03 40')

You really know how to pace yourself and seldom waste a moment or a move. It would be
difficult for you not to be a success at anything you choose to do. Career problems seldom last
long or prove very difficult. Others remark on your creative energy, great drive, and the fact
that you never seem to let up. It all runs so smoothly. You may be moved to work with the law,
publishing, education -- any field where you have an opportunity to guide and educate others.
Mars Trine Jupiter (orb: 03 59')

A real love of science and natural laws. You are a hard and tireless worker with absolute
determination and the ability to carry great projects through to completion. Always the
protector to all those you come to know, you tend to have long and secure relationships. Since
you are a natural conservative, those older than yourself (authority figures) tend to benefit you.
Sun Sextile Saturn (orb: 04 12')

You have a sense of the extraordinary and wonderful about you. People sense that you have
an insight into the larger picture, and you can communicate this idea of unity to a group. You
are great at working with images, whether psychological, artistic, or cinematic. You probably
love movies and music, anything with a grand theme or gesture. You are not just another
dreamer. You can put your imagination to work. Your partner may have to work overtime to
live up to your ideal of him/her, and to keep you down to earth and away from woolgathering.
You need someone who loves to explore the dreamy psychological underside of life. You see beneath the surface of things.
Sun Sextile Neptune (orb: 04 35')

You love whatever is new or different, and breakthrough flashes of original insight are
typical. You could invent something, and you have a natural love for communication and
new-age technology. You appreciate independence and originality in others, especially in a
partner, and may tend to have unusual friends who are very likely male. You like to keep things
Sun Sextile Uranus (orb: 04 39')

You love to talk and write, and you probably do so beautifully. Your sense of color,
harmony, manners, and all that is artistic, is beyond reproach. You know quality, and people
love to let you pick out art or arrange color schemes for them.
Mercury Sextile Venus (orb: 04 44')

You manage to cram many lifetimes into one, for it seems like you're always being reborn
and starting life over again. Others may have a hard time keeping up with your changes. You do
well in face-to-face and gut-level situations that would exhaust most people. You really come
into your own when the going gets tough or when it's time to "get down" and face facts. Good
leadership potential for emergency situations
Sun Trine Pluto (orb: 07 33')

You communicate very well, and it is easy for you to give others a feeling for whatever
you're thinking. You tend to believe that there is almost no problem that cannot be handled with
words, by talking it out. You could be a fine speaker. Your natural sensitivity for the feelings
and thoughts of those around you makes you a valued community member. Needless to say,
you want a partner who is at home with feelings and -- above all -- likes to talk.
Moon Trine Mercury (orb: 08 53')

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Challenges in your relationships

Post by enumero123 » Fri Aug 06, 2010 5:06 pm

You may have a tendency to poke your nose into others' business. You can't resist, and yet
you're often afraid of what you'll find. Skeletons in the closet and sensitive areas of people's
lives both fascinate and terrify you. You have trouble just coming right out and dealing with a
touchy subject. It puts you through too many changes. You would rather snoop around.
Mercury Square Pluto (orb: 00 09')

You are torn between the impulse to stand on your own feet, and a need to be cared for and
nurtured. Your independent streak may be ashamed of the need on your part for love and
affection. It's a no win situation. This could also be re-enforced by a mother and father who
may have worked at cross purposes. The resulting tension will have to be dealt with gradually
and methodically.
Moon Square Sun (orb: 01 11')

Everyone who comes to know you will remark on your high ideals. You are indeed a
beautiful soul, and you probably suffer many disappointments. Friends may see you as
unrealistic and otherworldly, afraid to put your dreams to the bitter test of life and actuality.
Those close to you may feel that your continual disappointments are a deception on your part, a
refusal to face life.
Venus Square Neptune (orb: 07 51')

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Your Relationship with pompiya mondal

Post by enumero123 » Fri Aug 06, 2010 5:11 pm

Ideas just bubble up when the two of you get talking. You may never find better support for
all your mental gymnastics than you do in pompiya. Here's communication where there is
feeling behind all of the words. You will find that you can search deep within yourself when
you are together. You have in pompiya an appreciative audience for almost anything that you
may think or write about. You might travel together.
Her Moon in Your Third House

The two of you probably met as part of a group that shared some common interest. pompiya
struck you as a peer, an equal who shared perhaps the same new-age way of seeing things that
you do. You have both had the same vision, a common dream, and probably share a mutual
resolve to see that those dreams happen. There is a sense of a brave new world about this
friendship. The two of you standing on the edge of the future. She represents the way you feel
relationships should be. There is a feeling of doing the right thing, what ought to be done, even
at the expense of a little warmth.
Her Sun in Your Eleventh House

You probably have some very unusual communication with pompiya. She is not afraid to
speak about spiritual ideas and does not draw the line at just talking. You may find yourself
examining your actions and motives when you are with her. You come away with a feeling that
you need to give more of yourself, be more long-suffering, put up with more. She tends to bring
out a self-sacrificing quality in you. You find yourself letting go of the unessential and
frivolous, choosing the moral and the good. It's not the worst thing that could happen.
Her Mercury in Your Twelfth House

You always end up being the authority when the two of you get together. She has a true
appreciation for your skills and abilities. In pompiya's eyes, you have the wisdom and practical
good sense that she yearns for. There is a tendency for her to assume the role of a student or
apprentice. She can't help but promote your stature and career, and loves to be seen in public
with you. You are an important figure in her life.
Her Venus in Your Tenth House

pompiya has the effect of moving you to give up old habits and unwanted traits. She
motivates you to greater will power and self-control than you might achieve on your own. If
you're not up to it, she may tend to badger and shame you a bit. All in all, her influence results
in your throwing aside many a burden and assuming a more willing and receptive attitude.
Her Mars in Your Twelfth House

pompiya may be a real leader or inspired teacher for you. Through her you may discover a
more philosophical and religious side of yourself. You respect her integrity and judgment, and
have no trouble following her lead, because she is always fair and knows the right way to handle things. You may have long walks and long talks. Traveling somewhere together would be ideal. She tends to open up your mind to new horizons, perspectives, and possibilities.
Her Jupiter in Your Ninth House

You easily feel stifled around pompiya, especially regarding your more expressive qualities.
It seems she is always putting a lid on any outpouring of self-expression. You may feel that
your creativity is being repressed. She may not like children and animals either. This could be a
very important relationship if you have a history of no self-control and tend to spend, spend,
Her Saturn in Your Fifth House

She has unusual ways of showing affection and a different sense of self-expression. When
you are with her you find yourself willing to try things, feel out all the new possibilities and this
includes love making. You just never can be sure what to expect when it comes to pompiya,
and she never ceases to surprise you.
Her Uranus in Your Fifth House

If this is anything else but a brief philosophic or artistic tryst, you may have to take some
preventative measure. pompiya tends to get you carried away to the point of neglecting
responsibilities -- the details of life. Somebody has to empty the garbage, and she may not be
the first one to suggest it. She may bring a soothing relief to some of the harsher aspects of life.
There is a real temptation to escape from all the little details.
Her Neptune in Your Sixth House

You have an immediate gut reaction from pompiya, especially when she challenges your
more traditional ideas of security -- home and family. She can be a disruptive force in your
day-to-day routine and home life. She knows just how to get at you, and you may become very
emotional when the two of you are together. You may find yourself hiding this relationship,
reserving it for times when you can be alone with her.
Her Pluto in Your Fourth House

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Post by enumero123 » Fri Aug 06, 2010 5:13 pm


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Strengths in your relationship with pompiya mondal

Post by enumero123 » Fri Aug 06, 2010 7:28 pm

You have a natural appreciation for her problems and are probably very understanding with
her. You may love her sense of organization and self-discipline. You may be a trifle
undemonstrative when you are around her, a little too sober perhaps.
Your Venus Trine Her Saturn (orb: 00 35')

pompiya likes talking and communicating with you. You have a knack for bringing out the
best in her, making it easy for her to say what's on her mind. She feels your genuine support and
enjoys what she finds herself saying and thinking in your presence. She knows that she can
speak her mind when she is with you.
Your Mercury Trine Her Moon (orb: 00 60')

You just love pompiya, perhaps from the very start, and she knows it. You value her just as
she is. She dotes on being the object of your affections. This is a very nice combination.
Your Venus Sextile Her Sun (orb: 01 32')

You understand, and are in sympathy with, her dreams and ideals, which is very important
to her. There is a sense of shared vision, and you probably both like the same movies. Her
imagination complements yours. She may tend to idealize you.
Your Sun Sextile Her Neptune (orb: 02 11')

You understand her need for analysis and self-examination, and probably have helped her
thru many deep changes. You are really tuned in and sympathetic with this need for
transformation on her part. She puts you through a lot of changes too, but you love it.
Your Sun Trine Her Pluto (orb: 02 35')

You find it easy to talk to (sometimes at) pompiya, and you think about her a lot. She
encourages you mentally, and may support some communication project you are involved in --
speaking, writing, etc.
Your Mercury Trine Her Sun (orb: 03 12')

Aside from any romance, this could result in a sound business relationship. You value
pompiya's judgment and, more often than not, tend to let her act as your guide in matters of
career and direction. She knows you appreciate her abilities, and this combination should be an
enduring one.
Your Venus Conjunction Her Jupiter (orb: 04 32')

She has a way with words which you find flattering and interesting, since the subject is
often you. She loves to talk to you and may also write you letters. You find her stimulating
mentally, and communication is most often smooth.
Your Sun Trine Her Mercury (orb: 04 40')

The two of you may have a strong interest in the arts, music, and film. This could be a business
relationship. Your emotional rapport may have an almost otherworldly quality about it. You
could be a very moving force as a team when it comes to matters pertaining to the imagination,
psychology, metaphysics, etc.
Your Mars Conjunction Her Neptune (orb: 05 51')

You understand her emotions and like the way pompiya feels about life. She can really
move you to take action and accomplish things. There could be a shared love of sports, even a
competitive feeling. This could be a long and romantic relationship.
Your Sun Trine Her Mars (orb: 06 02')

pompiya mondal always seems to come up with a new feeling for life when you get behind
her. You seem to push her to break through the humdrum and have new experiences. You
understand how to move her to get out of herself and experience new things.
Your Mars Conjunction Her Uranus (orb: 06 14')

You value her independent ways. You love how she is often surprising you, and doing new
things to get your attention. You always respond with warmth and appreciation. You feel that
she values your ideals, knowing they are unique.
Your Venus Trine Her Uranus (orb: 07 41')

You are wholeheartedly supportive of pompiya's values and ideals. You are her best fan.
She is always appreciative of your feelings and moods, with the result that you feel very much
valued. This is a very nice arrangement.
Your Moon Conjunction Her Venus (orb: 08 45')

There is real mutual support here. You tend to have similar emotions and are very
understanding of each other's feelings. If anything there might be too much of a good thing, and
you could get bogged down in the relationship. For the most part though, this is a very nice
state of affairs.
Your Moon Trine Her Moon (orb: 09 53')

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Challenges in your relationship with pompiya

Post by enumero123 » Fri Aug 06, 2010 7:31 pm

There may be some hurt feelings on pompiya's part because she feels unappreciated by you.
You don't always give her the credit that she feels she is due. She may refuse to give you the
kind of support and nurturing that you're looking for. You both tend to be at loggerheads over
Your Venus Opposition Her Moon (orb: 03 44')

There may be some problems due to a lack of communication. There is an unwillingness on
your part to discuss pompiya's changes (what she is going through). You may prefer not to not
comment on sensitive issues, instead of the constant rehash. The resulting confrontations may
be hectic and intense.
Your Mercury Square Her Pluto (orb: 05 07')

The two of you feel a lot of attraction for each other, but often as not you end up at opposite
ends of the couch. You may not appreciate her more aggressive nature or the way she acts. You
may not like the way she makes you feel. She feels unappreciated.
Your Venus Square Her Mars (orb: 06 23')

You don't like the way she thinks and expresses herself. You just don't appreciate many of
the things she says to you. This bugs her, and she may insist on going against your own set of
Your Venus Square Her Mercury (orb: 07 46')

You may feel that pompiya may not always appreciate you enough and that she purposely
doesn't give credit where credit is due. You may act and do things that go against her set of
Your Sun Square Her Venus (orb: 09 56')

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thank you very much

Post by sample8788 » Sat Aug 07, 2010 7:43 am

Hello enumero123,

                           I'm really thankful to you for your kind reply and calculations.Actually as I stated in the request above we are having a problem right now,formally she broke-up but still we have contacts and she knows that I can't live without her.She told me if she gets married then she will only marry me,but right now she lost all her respect in this marriage institution.But I love her truly and can't loose her even if I loose my life.

                            Can you help me in this topic?is there any remedial measures for this in western astrology? Is it happening due to some astrological events? What will you suggest to lead this into a happy married life?right now we both are students,and there is no chance  for getting married in coming 2 years for both of us.


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