Reading Please

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Reading Please

Post by rleeq » Mon Oct 11, 2010 10:53 pm

Howdy all Readers:

I wonder if anyone could give me an Astro Reading.

I have attached my natal chart as a .jpg if it helps.

My Particulars Are:
DOB, 03/10/1952
Time 10:39 pm
Latitude 34.059979
Longitude -118.213663
R'Lee JPG.jpg
R'Lee JPG.jpg (85.17 KiB) Viewed 3887 times
Last edited by rleeq on Tue Oct 19, 2010 10:21 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Post by Dux » Tue Oct 12, 2010 7:33 am

Hello rleeq. I can help you to read your birth chart. But before I do rectification time of birth. I know that life begins from the moment the consciousness of the child, since that time and begins to work horoscope.
God is hidden from the profane time and through the prophets gave to understand it. The time a baby is alive and fighting for his life, have time out of the fruit. It is an illusion, for the delusion of the mind of the material. The very real birth occurs in 1-4 days before the actual birth in the womb.
For an accurate reading of the code with respect to the fate of signification’s pointing to the environment of your real life, we need the exact position of the house where your mother was taken to hospital to give birth. Coordinate can be found using "Google Earth". Can you give any measurements of longitude and latitude, but that would have been very high accuracy coordinates. You still need to know your parents the time of appearance of the fetus and the time when your mother was taken to the hospital. If it's for 5-6 days before delivery was on the preservation of the hospital, then I need to coordinate the wing of the building where is the Chamber? I need the following data about you:
1. Your time and date of birth on the label?
2. Your gender (male, female)
3. Blood group (accurate)
4. Your name on the father, if you are female and married, then the names of all the men one by one (married no matter what a marriage) Do I need to know what your surname means
This is most important. Here for example I had a Russian woman, whose name is on the father --- Muromova. (Mur) - a wall, fence, border, branch, disassociation. Here she has a law degree and is working with the police. Her Mars B12 house and he also pointed to its number of blood group. 12a house is a house secret affairs and border. She was a customs officer and is assessing the customs duty on goods.
5. Date of your wedding?
6. Date and time of the birth of your children?
7. date of birth of your brothers and sisters?
8. Your education and the profile (for anybody learning)
9. Specialty your parents?
10. The date and time of travel abroad and modes of transport, which moved?
11. Disease?
12. Significant dates in your life?

P.S. Name and other intimate details you can send to my PM

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What you see is what you get

Post by rleeq » Tue Oct 19, 2010 10:24 pm

The info I have provided is what is available.

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Post by Dux » Sat Oct 23, 2010 3:36 pm

Rleeq.  The info I have provided is what is available.

Then the case is hopeless, as in this world already, no astrologer can know the true time of birth. The world is caught up in the matter, knowledge is not only dedicated can determine the time of birth .. On this occasion, God told the prophets that he had concealed the birth of not dedicated to eye safe. Where dedicated to God in the world dedicated to nothing but material from teachers. Previously, it was possible to know the exact astrology only to name and define the Ascendant sign. After that, a single world language began to disintegrate, and there are new languages. Chinese, Russian and most ancient of them, because they are heavy material intellect to understand, but English is the youngest, because it all over the world to say. It's like the monkey-language. But the semantic load is everywhere and stayed. After all, God is giving each level of development of language in this bisector world where we are representatives from each demigod number 72. the same number of shower and comes every day in this world. A statistic is an illusion, extras who create images for the world became more complete. Vedas, the mind has the nature of the material to expand, here for his development and came up with this show.
So that no data, no accurate horoscope, and will never have in this world. I am personally in any forum of the world have not met one astrologer has precise knowledge of rectification, which would have been enlightened by the Spirit Alive .. In fact, after the Flood intelligence departed from this world, and was replaced by the material mind. Because the Star of David and has two triangles, one of whom intelligence material, which expands. And second, the true mind that is calm in concentration. . It was after two creatures in this world. From Adam to Noah, it's people, and from his sons until June 2006. Demons are different material worlds. . Already last demigod right in the world, his name Saklas, and since 2006 even Asura not born in this world. Some cannibals Rakasha born from Brahma's foot and out of these two worlds, which by law matter can come to him only in the past. Because Adam lived 930 years? It's an allegory. He opened his first as a demi-god of this world, and Noah closed the peace of mind of true, but his children had already given birth to the demons of the material mind. The apostles only 50 days were people, or twice born, when the Holy Spirit planted in them the seed of Freedom and the mind of the True. Before that they were taken out of this world crazy. After all, teachers of light coming into the world of higher worlds.
Must first define who we are and whether your level of demigods, you know the true astrology?
If the soul wants to know his true date of birth, when activated consciousness, albeit in PM gives its data.
For the Administrator: That's why I talk to your forums just there, because not everyone in the open can give information about yourself, let alone understand when it comes to life. Your people are too fanatical, religion, and the Belief without knowledge is blind In Russia, people without complexes. It is plainly spoken and not afraid that their personal life will become all the sights. They are easy.
Complexes, it is fear, and fear does not release the soul and the only delays this process, which is not visible on the horizon .. I do not take money, because the material astrologer knowledge God does not give. This nepropisnaya truth, and your astrology is why it is called a professional and give it to doctors and academics who only receive from God is with deception. After all, this enlightened astrologer has no desire for money, God gives him through other channels to make a living.

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