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Reading Request.

Post by psychoticblades » Mon May 02, 2011 11:56 pm

Although I am indeed asking for a reading request, I'd enjoy it more if I made a friend in the process.

1. Date of Birth: May 5th, 1992.
2. Time of Birth: 9:34 PM/21:34.
3. Place of Birth: Carrollton, Georgia, United States.
4. Daylight Savings Time is in place.
5. Gender: Female.

Some information will be common knowledge by now since I have attempted to do some research on my own. For example, you should expect Uranus and Neptune to both be in Retrograde.

What you should also expect: My moon to be in Gemini and my rising sign to be Sagittarius.

But, as readers, you know these things much better than I do, so please take as long as you need to.

Anyone can do this. Uh, my post count is a bit low. I'm not about to go around spamming the place, but there is plenty here to do, so I shouldn't have a problem adding some contribution.

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Post by Cascade of Light » Sat May 28, 2011 1:26 pm

Yep Ascendent in Sagittarius. Hope you don't mind if I put something down here, I need the practice at giving Astro readings. :)

General Influences. Ascendent in Sagittarius

You are powerfully motivated to understand your place in the world and the meaning of your existence. Your curiosity and need to explore your boundaries will lead you to travel considerably during the course of your life. If or when you prefer the settled life, then you will read, study and discuss to gain further insight into the world. You are philosophically orientated, seeking depth and answers. In partnership matters you may often feel that your opinions are trivialised; conversely other people feel you take yourself to seriously. When you are defiant and opinionated, other people compensate by being flippant or, in your eyes, superficial. An acceptance of the relativity and diversity of truth, there are many truths, not only yours - and taking yourself a little less seriously with a certain self-deprecating humour, can make you easier to get on with.

General - Taurus

The sign Taurus is ruled by Venus. Physically it is related to the throat. It is said to have a feminine nature, and is therefore more passive and receptive in its energy expression. Taurus is an Earth sign and as such is connected with fruitfulness and stability. A planet placed in this sign will be a stabilising influence and manifest its energy in a steadfast and determined manner. Taurus is also a Fixed sign, and this means that once a course is embarked on, it is rarely deviated from. Maintenance and care of existing conditions over long periods of time, and a reluctance to initiate change, are qualities of this sign.
A comfort lover, you dislike being rushed or pushed against your will. You do everything to your own agenda. The determined and stubborn bull will surface sometimes as well as the strong willed attitude that others admire.

Sun in Taurus

Basically you seek stability and security. However some of the greatest testing times of your life come when your values change and periods of instability arise. These periods will often be accompanied by the need to lose or give up something to which you are extremely attached. Your fate is to understand the very nature of attachment and yet develop greater flexibility in the face of gain or loss. Partnerships can be affected by your inertia as regards the need for renewal and change.  When your self-worth is reflected by inner values which can never be lost, you become a tower of strength for yourself and others. Other things being equal you can build a wall of security around your loved ones. However you may have rather fixed ideas and principles, and you rarely allow yourself to be influenced. When those around you desire change, this can create a good deal of frustration.

Moon In Gemini

Childhood friendships and sibling relationships have had a tremendous formative effect on your life, as do the first experiences in school. Painful recollections connected with communication problems, and a feeling of being misunderstood will have left their mark on you. Part of the maturing process for you is connected with being more selective about what you let yourself get distracted by. However, curiosity and interest are the food of life to you, and you can find meaning in small things other people might think of as insignificant. You are more an ideas person, than an emotional being, and you are most comfortable in partnerships which are not too emotionally demanding, and which allow you time to pursue your mental and social interests.

Mercury In Aries

Your mind works fast, but you have a tendency to express yourself in a hurried manner. This can stress other people a little so remember to give them time to follow your train of thought. You can miss important messages because you tend to jump to conclusions or finish other people's sentences for them. Nevertheless you can be very witty and fun to be with. Perhaps you were rather cheeky as a child - and you probably still express yourself impulsively. You are often quite sharp, and prefer to serve the truth in an unvarnished fashion. You may however feel that you have a monopoly on the truth, and you often show considerable irritation when criticised or corrected. When you learn to give other people a hearing, and to prepare your ideas better, you can become a leader in your field.

Venus In Taurus

A woman with this position will be physical and sensual. There is a strong need for a stable relationship with physical and material expressions of love. Gifts work wonders here, and body contact is important. Men with this position will seek a reliable and very feminine partner, and a good sex life will be an important ingredient in the relationship. Other things being equal there is a tendency to enjoy long and stable relationships. Material needs can be a point of contention, and economic upheavals strongly test the relationship. Both sexes will tend to have a gentle and loving nature with a great capacity for enjoying the good things in life. You have a true appreciation of nature and of the beauty inherent in things, and you feel a deep satisfaction connected with the things you acquire during the course of your life.

Uranus In Capricorn Retrograde

At birth this planet appeared to be moving backwards relative to the Earth. You will learn special lessons in connection with attachments to people and things from the distant past, and a turning point will arise, at some point in your life, in the matters described.

About Uranus - general.

Uranus takes 84 years to orbit the Sun and is in this sign for 7 years, representing a collective influence on a whole generation. It shows how you are most influenced by revolutionary attitudes in society. When the Ascendant is in Aquarius this influence will be expressed in a more personal way.

Uranus was in Capricorn from 1904 to 1912 and again from 1988 up to 1996. These transits inaugurate vast political shake-ups because of a collective need for restructuring the organisation of society. A greater need for transparency and openness in government is felt, and people in general feel a need for new perspectives in their personal ambitions, no longer being limited by repressive professional heirarchies. It is a time of new experimental enterprises and the small businessman.

Should you manifest this collective influence in a personal way, you will want to realise a very personal ambition in your life, defining yourself in a very special way through what you do. You will find considerable difficulty in accepting traditional professional restrictions, and you can be an example to the rest of your generation as regards envisioning new professional perspectives. On a political level you are a reformer, breaking down traditional structures and introducing new ones.

N. Node In Capricorn

You are strongly attached to the bonds of the past, and your family can play an extremely important role in maintaining feelings of dependence in you. At some point in your life these bonds have to be cut, so that you have the opportunity to take responsibility for you own life. When young you are tempted to manipulate partners by appealing to their protective nature, and this results in your being held in a childish role. In reality there is a grown-up in you bursting to get out, and the sooner you manifest your maturity in this respect, the more satisfaction you will feel.

Children and family represent something of a dilemma for you, perhaps because you instinctively sense the great responsibilities that parenthood will bring. Raising a family is easier when you make the transition from dependence to self-sufficiency. You are an emotional person, yet as you get older you learn that there is greater dignity in self-control.

Taurus is also connected with the resources of Nature, and the whole issue of value and worth. Therefore it is associated with finance, worldly goods and security. People with a strong emphasis in this sign tend to be materialistic, and often get stuck in a rut. By periodically cutting their strong attachments they can gain greater perspective. There is a talent for relaxation and enjoyment of sensory pleasures.

Look forward to your comments please :)
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Post by psychoticblades » Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:31 am

Ascendant in Sagittarius
I don't think I've found the proper self-depreciating humor yet. People don't seem to enjoy the one I already have. Otherwise, this seems to be quite accurate.

General - Taurus
Personally, being rushed seems to be something that most people are not capable of getting me to successfully do. Even when I try to budge and move faster, that just doesn't happen. It seems that if I don't move at my own pace there's a risk for me to become injured. As for travel, I have ironically done plenty of that, and by rushing myself I have actually gotten myself put on crutches.

Sun in Taurus
I have a pretty good idea of the greatest testing times in my life and how they changed me. But my need for material possessions is usually accompanied by a need for knowledge; in other words, I buy lots of books. Attachment problems are still going on.

Moon in Gemini
The first experiences in school have a tremendous impact on me? That doesn't sound good. Although, in regards to the "misunderstood" factor, I have Asperger's Syndrome, which can explain the aforementioned communication problems.

Mercury in Aries
For the most part, this is correct.  "When you learn to prepare your ideas better..." This amused me a tad bit, because I definitely scatter my ideas around. The problem is it makes perfect sense to me when I've organized it.

Venus in Taurus
I have a gentle nature? Since when? :smt104 It's a nice compliment, but I don't really have a gentleness to me. The rest sounds right, though I think a "true" appreciation of nature is exaggerating.

Uranus in Capricorn Retrograde
A turning point will arise? What kind of turning point? As far as attachments go, I only have a few people I can rely on, and very few people in my life were here two years ago. I just recently lost my best friend on account of an argument, so I'm dealing with that too. Everyone eventually leaves my life and I have developed strong trust issues.

About Uranus - General
Accurate. Dead-on Accurate.

Destiny - N. Node in Capricorn
This was a very irritating read, because here's where things seem to get confusing. I have never, to my knowledge, manipulated any of my partners through the appeal to their protective nature. Maturity is another problem. More than likely a person of superiority would tell you that I'm mature for my age, and I definitely do not go out drinking at wild parties like most college students seem to do (stereotyping is wrong, but everyone does it, so there's no way to avoid it).

You've done a good job, so I think the practice will help you in the long run to become a great astrologer, if that's what you wish to do. If it isn't, it'll still help you as a hobby.

I've done some reading myself, and I've even attempted to do my own interpretation using the various sources I can gather information from. I have little to compare my first attempt to, so I don't know how I'm doing with it. But, so far I think I'm at least using my time constructively.

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Post by Rhutobello » Fri Jun 03, 2011 10:38 am

Huuummm.......maybe you haven't given this the right is what I think....

A Reading of any kind can't give you anything....can't fix anything.....can't transform you.....only you are able to do that :)

If you are very pleased with your life up to now...then you are on the right track...then follow your path...and you will have a nice life..

If you on the other hand aren't pleased with your own life, then you are on wrong path....then you need a change in way you do thing....and then maybe some of the points is more right for you then the way you do them today.

The only thing you are able to change here in life is must take control of your own must put up goals, and works toward them.

If you manage to keep a positive attitude, then many possibilities arise from those you interact with...then it is easier to get job...friends...partner, and one more look for solutions, instead of hindrances.

It is clear that any form for Reading only can give suggestions....we create our life as we is not laid out for us...we make bad habits...we make good habits....but WE, and not any reading, are able to focus to change any such thing for the best, and create our own fortune.

Good luck :)

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Cascade of Light
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Post by Cascade of Light » Fri Jun 03, 2011 11:58 am

Wo, thank-you :) That is brilliant feedback, you have really confirmed a few of my fears here too. I have only been studying astrology for about 4 years now so I am very new to it. I find it fascinating that whole cultures believe in fate being predestined by the stars so I had to investigate further.

Usually I give readings using tarot or crystal balls or via a psychic link, and I get good responses. But the readings are very different in content and form.

First let me say that playing devil's advocate, reading for a 19 year old is always rather hard. I don't give readings to anyone under 18 because of the legal problems, but also because up until 18 or 19 or even 21 or 25 life is being formed and constructed. For an Astrology reading given to someone older has more chance of hitting rather than missing as the length of experiences and knowledge is that much greater.

I really wish I had thought to offer a psychic reading first then compare the two, but suppose that others might see that as a test or giving too many readings.

Let me ask one other question, if you had paid for the reading woul'd your thoughts have changed? Would you have respected it more, or just thought ha, rubbish!

psychoticblades wrote:Ascendant in Sagittarius
I don't think I've found the proper self-depreciating humor yet. People don't seem to enjoy the one I already have. Otherwise, this seems to be quite accurate.
There are many ways to lighten the mood and self-deprecating is just one that can release tension. It possibly reflects the Aspergers here too. Basically this just says 'lighten up' life can be fun and serious at the same time :)
General - Taurus
Personally, being rushed seems to be something that most people are not capable of getting me to successfully do. Even when I try to budge and move faster, that just doesn't happen. It seems that if I don't move at my own pace there's a risk for me to become injured. As for travel, I have ironically done plenty of that, and by rushing myself I have actually gotten myself put on crutches.
Travel can be good for Taurus, they just have to respect their limitations. Instead of thinking of the stout and solid bull stubbornly staying still think of the oxen that willinging tow large weights long distances, their speed may be slow but it is steady and gets the job done, and without accidents.
Sun in Taurus
I have a pretty good idea of the greatest testing times in my life and how they changed me. But my need for material possessions is usually accompanied by a need for knowledge; in other words, I buy lots of books. Attachment problems are still going on.

Moon in Gemini
The first experiences in school have a tremendous impact on me? That doesn't sound good. Although, in regards to the "misunderstood" factor, I have Asperger's Syndrome, which can explain the aforementioned communication problems.

Mercury in Aries
For the most part, this is correct.  "When you learn to prepare your ideas better..." This amused me a tad bit, because I definitely scatter my ideas around. The problem is it makes perfect sense to me when I've organized it.

Venus in Taurus
I have a gentle nature? Since when? :smt104 It's a nice compliment, but I don't really have a gentleness to me. The rest sounds right, though I think a "true" appreciation of nature is exaggerating.
Hmm yep, I bow to the higher forces on this one, I can't really see that Venus would affect your character that much, enough to overcome the forthrightness either. Maybe you have a hidden gentle side? Hard outer, soft gooey centre?

And 'nature' doesn't just mean the trees and the flowers, but the birds and the bees too ;)
Uranus in Capricorn Retrograde
A turning point will arise? What kind of turning point? As far as attachments go, I only have a few people I can rely on, and very few people in my life were here two years ago. I just recently lost my best friend on account of an argument, so I'm dealing with that too. Everyone eventually leaves my life and I have developed strong trust issues.
The turning point is shown, perhaps as a crossroads ahead that means you suddenly change track. It is quite strong so I am sure you will know when it happens.

About Uranus - General
Accurate. Dead-on Accurate.

Destiny - N. Node in Capricorn
This was a very irritating read, because here's where things seem to get confusing. I have never, to my knowledge, manipulated any of my partners through the appeal to their protective nature. Maturity is another problem. More than likely a person of superiority would tell you that I'm mature for my age, and I definitely do not go out drinking at wild parties like most college students seem to do (stereotyping is wrong, but everyone does it, so there's no way to avoid it).

You've done a good job, so I think the practice will help you in the long run to become a great astrologer, if that's what you wish to do. If it isn't, it'll still help you as a hobby.

I've done some reading myself, and I've even attempted to do my own interpretation using the various sources I can gather information from. I have little to compare my first attempt to, so I don't know how I'm doing with it. But, so far I think I'm at least using my time constructively.
Sorry for the irritating bit. I think that definitely should have been redefined because of your age. You have immediately assumed that night clubbing is  the only way to show immaturity.  Maturity is subjective too depending on the situation.

Stereotyping is really what astrology is based on? for me the book is still open and I am still turning the pages but not sure if I will reach the end.

Now, trying some forecasting might be interesting :)

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Post by psychoticblades » Sat Jun 04, 2011 12:36 pm

Really? Hm. If astrology usually makes sense in the context of older people, then that would be why it hasn't completely sunk in yet. I know I'm still developing, of course. I guess I'll wait a bit and see if any of this makes sense when I'm older. Even if it's difficult, I still hope you got some good practice.

Although, from what I've researched astrology still hits the spot quite often. For example, I'm curious if anything in my past is indicated. Someone older does have a chance of getting more out of a reading than I do, but when I'm older I may not have the time to even ask for a reading.

When it comes to an astrology reading, I just bear in mind it's all for fun and entertainment, not to be taken seriously (even if I act or seem to think otherwise).

I'm actually interested in all sorts of readings, but if you had done a psychic reading for me I doubt you would have been allowed to do this one. Maybe in a month or two, you could try one on me. I've always wanted a psychic reading also.

Rather than thinking "Ha, rubbish!" I'd probably just take into account how much I paid for it first. If I just paid ten dollars, it might be a rip-off but not that bad of one.

Ascendant in Sagittarius
It's possible I take life too seriously. My idea of 'fun' isn't what most people my age consider fun. When I'm older and more experienced, this will still be true.

General - Taurus
That does help to put things into perspective.

Sun in Taurus, Moon in Gemini, Mercury in Aries, Venus in Taurus
Oh, man. It did when I was a lot younger. I wanted everything from an obnoxious amount of clothes to loads of games, books, technology, and junk food. Luckily, my parents aren't the type to spoil too much. And now I've actually become adapted to not wanting so much.

I was thinking of what happened with a bee once actually. I saw a bee, backed up to get out of its way, and fell on my wrist. It didn't break, but it was pained and swollen for a week or two. Because of my fear of bees, I have trouble thinking of having a true appreciation for nature, but maybe when I'm older.

Uranus in Capricorn Retrograde this a positive turning point?

Destiny - N. Node in Capricorn
I think in the context of how I replied I just didn't notice it sounded the way it did. Had I been aware, I wouldn't have written it. I re-read all my replies before I post them--quite a few times in fact--so I'm fairly sure it was just a mistake on my part, and I didn't really mean to sound the way I did. It was mostly meant to be humorous, but I quickly forget that not everyone shares my sense of humor.

And no, it isn't. I was mostly talking about my statement about college students being stereotypical, and therefore not to be applied to everyone in college. Astrology is based on something else. I can't really define it since I'm newer to astrology than you are.

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