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Post by RishiRahul » Sat May 17, 2008 7:13 pm wrote:Dear Rishi ji,
As per prashar jupiter in scorpio Has kind of karak prabhaav  & is good,But the logic of jivonihanta is based on the fact That inspite of jupiter being owner of trikon it is also an owner of second ( marak ) bhav and thus being considered as markesh. However let the Person who asked the questions in first phase  come out with more details and facts to have some clarity on the effects of jupiter as a saviour or Kind of  potential destroyer.


RishiRahul wrote: wrote:Dear Avam ji

A detailed and apprioprate analysis , but i differ on jupiter being the saving grace, As per jivonihanta Guru in scorpio ascendent is  destroyer, it being a trikon owner and owner of second house it does not bestow good results, apart from its retrograde and placed in own sign thus making it more a malefic then a benific. Here saturn placed in seventh is a more a badhak but it being combust is almost devoid of power.The placement of venus with mars leads to loss of wife or sepration. All respect to you an excellent interpation under any cicumstances. I differ in opinion about jupiter only.


Hey Sandhuji and Avamji,

I have not analysed Avamji's analysis, but I really do appreciate his efforts and knowledge. Do keep it up Avamji. I beg pardon in not going to the details you have done; but would like to add to the good efforts of Sandhuji in helping too. The reply to Sandhuji is small so I have points.

Jupiter as 5th. lord(Trikona)  and 2nd. lord is supposed to be good according to Parashara.

What struck me is that Sandhuji's mentioning that Jupiter being Trikona lord and 2nd. lord will not good results. I wonder why?! Since it has been has been written by a good author it should have some good logic.

Mind you Avamji, if this affects your prediction, it could affect it a bit only, i am not sure yet.

Could Sanduji explain the logic why? Not to try to put Sandhuji in some spot, but only to try to gain better logic. Reason being that a natural malefic being a trikona lord can attract problems, but Jupiter is a natural benefic!

I wish Rohini Ranjanji was still around. Unfortunately he wanted to opt out of this board, which I came to hear later. Could Vivekji, Govardhantji, Milindji, or some esteemed soul like Nandiniji and Votiveji come to rescue our knowledge.... please.......?



Hi Sandhuji,

I am generally poor reader of books in detail. I mean not generally a voracoius booker but a researcher more and a thinker.

You could quote Parashars words.. but even if so, do let me say that Jupiter gets directional strength in Lagna. Even if Parashara did say it, logic says that it is because of the house of children probably, which may or may not have a relation to marriage.

Do enlighten.

imply Jupiter as the lord of house 5 is good.


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Post by projenator » Sat May 17, 2008 7:22 pm

                It's my privilege to be able to learn from your postings on this forum. As usual, any discussion you choose to involve yourself in, pleasure is mine. Please feel free to correct anytime you see something amiss in my posts, I try my best at leisure after my hectic schedule at work but I am in it for good, however slow or fast might vary at times.
                I look forward to further fruitful discussions with you.

Thanks and kind regards as always.

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Post by RishiRahul » Sat May 17, 2008 7:37 pm wrote:Dear Rishi ji,
As per prashar jupiter in scorpio Has kind of karak prabhaav  & is good,But the logic of jivonihanta is based on the fact That inspite of jupiter being owner of trikon it is also an owner of second ( marak ) bhav and thus being considered as markesh. However let the Person who asked the questions in first phase  come out with more details and facts to have some clarity on the effects of jupiter as a saviour or Kind of  potential destroyer.




Marakesh affects life in age or health terms. At best if it was a natural malefic it would have affected life because the native would/could tried to earn too much affecting health.

I am not trying to talk of Avamji's predictions, as I did not read the chart yet..... believe me please.. as he does not try to go away from logic.

But Jupiter being marakesh does not, I feel, does not make its benefic affects weak.


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Post by sandeep1729 » Sat May 17, 2008 7:43 pm

Hi RishiRahul ji,

Can you also give your detailed view on the charts. I would request you and other members to let meknow if I can in any way get this relationship back on track.


RishiRahul wrote: wrote:Dear Avam ji

A detailed and apprioprate analysis , but i differ on jupiter being the saving grace, As per jivonihanta Guru in scorpio ascendent is  destroyer, it being a trikon owner and owner of second house it does not bestow good results, apart from its retrograde and placed in own sign thus making it more a malefic then a benific. Here saturn placed in seventh is a more a badhak but it being combust is almost devoid of power.The placement of venus with mars leads to loss of wife or sepration. All respect to you an excellent interpation under any cicumstances. I differ in opinion about jupiter only.


Hey Sandhuji and Avamji,

I have not analysed Avamji's analysis, but I really do appreciate his efforts and knowledge. Do keep it up Avamji. I beg pardon in not going to the details you have done; but would like to add to the good efforts of Sandhuji in helping too. The reply to Sandhuji is small so I have points.

Jupiter as 5th. lord(Trikona)  and 2nd. lord is supposed to be good according to Parashara.

What struck me is that Sandhuji's mentioning that Jupiter being Trikona lord and 2nd. lord will not good results. I wonder why?! Since it has been has been written by a good author it should have some good logic.

Mind you Avamji, if this affects your prediction, it could affect it a bit only, i am not sure yet.

Could Sanduji explain the logic why? Not to try to put Sandhuji in some spot, but only to try to gain better logic. Reason being that a natural malefic being a trikona lord can attract problems, but Jupiter is a natural benefic!

I wish Rohini Ranjanji was still around. Unfortunately he wanted to opt out of this board, which I came to hear later. Could Vivekji, Govardhantji, Milindji, or some esteemed soul like Nandiniji and Votiveji come to rescue our knowledge.... please.......?



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Post by RishiRahul » Sat May 17, 2008 7:58 pm

RishiRahul wrote:
projenator wrote:Rishirahulda,
                It's my privilege to be able to learn from your postings on this forum. As usual, any discussion you choose to involve yourself in, pleasure is mine. Please feel free to correct anytime you see something amiss in my posts, I try my best at leisure after my hectic schedule at work but I am in it for good, however slow or fast might vary at times.
                I look forward to further fruitful discussions with you.

Thanks and kind regards as always.

Be slow Projenator,

If you want to really learn, encompassingly ( bad english), but true to the sense, just dont change your style of Learning.But do keep in touch as our learning collectively and individually never stops. While properly learning the Ego should be humbled, and yours is humble.

Humble, should have patience also. You are not on the wrong track too. Wish RRji was around to provoke my thoughts; But too much of anything is not good.


Take care,


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Good discussions at Forum

Post by avam46 » Sun May 18, 2008 2:22 am

Dear Sandhuji,
Thank you for your compliments. I have one question if you dont mind more as information..
You did mention that the Compability between the two Horoscope is generally good.
Can you please elaborate on same .
Thanks once again

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Re: Good discussions at Forum

Post by » Sun May 18, 2008 3:08 am

Dear Avam ji,

When i said general compatibility was ok .
I was talking about guna matching only.

As per ashtkoot method---28/36
As per BV raman method--23/36
As per Kal prashika metho--28.5/44



avam46 wrote:Dear Sandhuji,
Thank you for your compliments. I have one question if you dont mind more as information..
You did mention that the Compability between the two Horoscope is generally good.
Can you please elaborate on same .
Thanks once again

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Post by RishiRahul » Sun May 18, 2008 6:23 pm


This evening I wanted to sit with Sandeeps chart properly. But hey presto, there came in many guests at home. Even then I saw some salient features.

Avamji's analysis is quite accurate! as usual. Perticularly the Jupiter being the saving grace factor.

There are 2 graha yuddhas in the chart= Jupite defeats moon. Saturn defeats Sun.

(1)Jupiter wins by defeating moon(2) it is extremely strong and favorable for him in 2008 (3) Avamji;s logic shows that Jupiter is very much empowered to save the marriage.. and Absolutely so.

Sun and moon losing in yuddha signifies in such a chart shows a difficult/absent relation bettwen the self and father/ father figure affecting the tenets of marriage. This is confirmed by the arudha of the 9th house and 4th. house also afflicted, besides oter factors.

Transit Saturn afflicting and aspecting natal Saturn, Sun and mercury  in the 7th. house adds to constraints, health problems, 7th. house affairs and new openings.

Transit Jupiter arriving to its natal position shows a required exuberance... not an unhappy circumstance( remember Saturns aspect is always more indicative and stronger. Again transit Jupiter on natal moon shows a temporarily claustrobic feeling, but again Jupiter on moon the 9th. lord is the enhancement of 'bhagya', having relief after Nov 2008.

Probably the very present developments started after 12 Feb 2008.


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Post by jaya_gt » Sun May 18, 2008 7:06 pm

sandeep1729 wrote: Just to let you know that  I m wearing a Pukhraj for Guru. Please let me know if any other remedy would do me good.
Hi Sandeep,

1. From when are you wearing the Pukhraj?

2. When did you get separated from your wife?

Dates, if possible, please.


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Post by RishiRahul » Sun May 18, 2008 8:11 pm

2006 May could have been an important time for realisation of the main separation.


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Excellant Analysis again

Post by avam46 » Mon May 19, 2008 1:51 am

Dear Rishi Rahulji,
You always come up with Super Aces! Do you also play Tennis by any chance.
Great analysis,

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Re: Excellant Analysis again

Post by RishiRahul » Mon May 19, 2008 6:27 am

avam46 wrote:Dear Rishi Rahulji,
You always come up with Super Aces! Do you also play Tennis by any chance.
Great analysis,

I receive your appreciation very gratefully; but let us see if the mental picture of the situation in the chart formed in my mind is correct? This will be confirmed by understanding that May 2006 is correct or not.

I always try to form A mental picture through application of Parashari and Jaimini technicals which require much concentration. The mental picture formed by me thru charts is being perfected, and believe me, I am improving with time... but needs it to be more correct, as sometimes and often I am personally dissapointed, though the others are satisfied.

THIS and the continous appreciations from souls like you keep me delving deeper, but i have to make large efforts to keep my ego humbled, which is not  very easy when much appreciations come up.

Two great souls who have spurred me higher  and even better through their little guidances that I still receive are from my Dada (RohiniRanjanji) and the lesser known VivekShettyji since I have joined this Board in 2007 Feb.

Dada had wanted to be opt out of the board by deactivation and requested tat to the administrators who complied with his request, naturally, and I came to hear this later. That was unfortunate.

Thank you again, and let us collectively go ahead with this thread, as life goes on.


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Post by RishiRahul » Mon May 19, 2008 8:55 am

projenator wrote:very detailed analysis once again, avamji and this is not your first. Only point I would add is I would refrain from calling it a divorce so soon especially when sixth lord is in eighth house and ashtampada is in sixth house but angst and stress for sure.

Dear Projenator,

The 6th. lord in the 8th. house and ashtampada in the 6th. house is a good observation. Could you explain the'angst and stress bit'?

The U.L. lord saturn is afflicting the 7th in grahayuddha including the arudha of the 4th and 9th. house.
The arudha of the 7th. house is afflicted by Ketu. 7th. house from Arudha is afflicted by Ketu or the nodal axis.

Atmakaraka Rahu is in Arudha afflicting and its opposite afflicts the 7th. from Arudha and the arudha of the 7th. house.

......... all points that the native may get cheated in personal life due to improper handling by the father relation. Again Rahu and Ketu has started afflicting the marriage points post April 28th. 2008.

Jupiter is prominent in this chart. It is the natural putrakaraka here aspecting the arudha of the 5th. house.
Chara putrakaraka is moon, defeated in grahayuddha, but is essentially a natural benefic for his lagna, and reasonably strong in shadbala... points toward the putra factor indicating rescue thru Jupiter.

However, in this year I see the marriage pointers indicating separation too, with aggression in thinking or putra affairs. Saviour Jupiter is very strong but retrograde(troublesome), making the saving process complicated, rather; confused. Some unsavory developments could be thrown upon him the first 12 days of June 2008.

transit saturn passing thru Leo indicate that his life would slowly change and the process would take from mid 2007 to end 2009, with benefics effects pouring in after Nov 2008.

Separation could or could not be divorce. Certainly one of the two is guaranteed.

Therefore to be certain may I request Sandeep 1729 to post his left and right palm prints, marked as left and right in the palm reading forum addressing me, so that I could check for further details.
I have not seen his spouses chart yet, as I would not want to get easy answers for myself.

I would be able to attend to this thread again on 21st. afternoon.

Again could you explain the 'angst and stress bit'


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Re: Excellant Analysis again

Post by » Mon May 19, 2008 2:39 pm

Dear rishi jee,
The Year of Marital discord as picked by you as 2006 is a bulls eye but as regards the month it was in july 2006.This was confirmed by the person himself through a private message. The situation as it stands now is that the couple is heading For either of the two sepration or divorce and if the couple goes through marriage vows once again, do you think that will help and what does the  vedic scriptures say about it. This remedy is often suggested by Lal kitab practioners.



RishiRahul wrote:
avam46 wrote:Dear Rishi Rahulji,
You always come up with Super Aces! Do you also play Tennis by any chance.
Great analysis,

I receive your appreciation very gratefully; but let us see if the mental picture of the situation in the chart formed in my mind is correct? This will be confirmed by understanding that May 2006 is correct or not.

I always try to form A mental picture through application of Parashari and Jaimini technicals which require much concentration. The mental picture formed by me thru charts is being perfected, and believe me, I am improving with time... but needs it to be more correct, as sometimes and often I am personally dissapointed, though the others are satisfied.

THIS and the continous appreciations from souls like you keep me delving deeper, but i have to make large efforts to keep my ego humbled, which is not  very easy when much appreciations come up.

Two great souls who have spurred me higher  and even better through their little guidances that I still receive are from my Dada (RohiniRanjanji) and the lesser known VivekShettyji since I have joined this Board in 2007 Feb.

Dada had wanted to be opt out of the board by deactivation and requested tat to the administrators who complied with his request, naturally, and I came to hear this later. That was unfortunate.

Thank you again, and let us collectively go ahead with this thread, as life goes on.


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Post by sandeep1729 » Mon May 19, 2008 7:27 pm

RishiRahul wrote:2006 May could have been an important time for realisation of the main separation.


hi RishiRahulji,

The relationship started going sour around in May 2006 but I we have not been living as a couple since July 2006. We might have been staying under the same roof but not as a couple in a calming and blissful manner.Intermitanly we did try to patch up but without any good results.

I have strong reasons to beleive that my sister in law has a role to play in our relationship going sour.I tried to stop this with subtle warning and mild reprimands but without any effect.

I have tried even shifting my base to US for this.I was in US for 5 months Between Nov 2006 to April 2006. I wanted to bring my wife and kids to US but my company had to send me back here. Ever after my return from US things have moved from bad to worse. It have gone to such a state that we are not even on talking terms since Dec 2007. Our actual seperation has been since last month.

Frankly , I still beleive that my wife is not the real culprit. Its just that she is not being able to differentiate between right and wrong. She gets influenced by my sister in law. I still love my wife but just cant bear the interference.

I have tried initiating talk again yesterday and hopeful that we might get some repite.  

I m grateful to you , Avam ji , Sandhu ji, projenator jaya ji and all the other board members for giving my chart a kind reading.



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